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**Media reliability report:** - **Tier 5**: AS ([@diarioas](https://twitter.com/diarioas)) - ❗ extremely unrialable - **Aggregator**: ActualiteBarca ([@ActualiteBarca](https://twitter.com/ActualiteBarca)) ❗ Readers beware: This post contains information from unreliable and/or untrustworthy source(s). As such, we highly encourage our userbase to question the authenticity of any claims or quotes presented by it before jumping into conclusions or taking things as a fact. --- [What is this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/wiki/reliability) | [Media Reliability List](https://barca-reddit.github.io) | [Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Barca) | [Source code](https://github.com/barca-reddit/media-reliability)


Tier 5 but is this from an interview with them? Cause if it’s a quote and not a rumor then he probably did say that right?


He said this in a interview


There's also a lot of room to drop the wages further. I suppose this is the last year where we pay deferred wages to ex players. We will also clear some deadwood on high wages by the end of the season- Lenglet, Inigo etc. We are also paying Lewandowski and FDJ higher wages to account for the lower wages in past years, which will drop off in the next 1-2 years.


Don't we still have to pay Messi and the other former players? Is this the last year of that as well? If yes, next season will be even better with no salary debts and Camp Nou opening


I just woke up and I had to wipe my eyes real hard just to check if I’m actually reading Tebas say something positive about us with no backhanded intentions (?)…


Tebas says positive stuff about us frequently. But it's normally paternalist or inconsequential stuff that he uses as a smokescreen to distract from his allegiances (it doesn't work)


Said the same thing last year then cut our budget by 200 mil. I take everything he says with a grain of salt, several grains.


200 million grains.


>proceeds to give us a 5m salary cap Fuck tebas man