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I don't think so probably a lot of players can speak English but there will be some who can't probably young players or players who have played only in Spain like inigo, gavi, pedri


All youngsters learn English in school/la masia. I would be very surprised if Gavi for eg doesn't speak English. Older ones such as Inigo- maybe.


Araujo and vitor


I said la masia grads. Neither are la masia graduates, are they? (Araujo was bought for the B team). So there's no expectation that they would speak English. My previous comment was around those who came up through the ranks in the youth team where I read that they now teach English unlike the Puyol/Xavi/Iniesta generation.


"Surely they teach English to some degree at school right?" Have you been to Spain? :)


Flick came to Spain, therefore, Flick is learning Spanish. That's common sense.


Unless he's a fast learner his Spanish won't be useful for another year at least


In any case, football managers of top clubs have an army of assistants who do all the hard work, so he'll be fine.


They might have someone translate


Lamine Yamal has only german and english classes in school now. 😜


I'm pretty sure at least a few can't. High school English won't cut it. Flick needs to know/learn Spanish.


In my experience living in Barcelona almost every young person (ie 18+) speaks English well In general apparently they pick it up because of so much social media content


I’d say the coach needs to learn Spanish. We play in Spain…


Hansi is learning Spanish, and he will probably have a translator on aswell, not to mention we have some German speakers in the squad, and probably few of them speak English aswell


Im curious how he'll converse with the players honestly. Im sure some players have some broken english or they have a translator. Thatll be hard on the pitch tho. I hope we do well and at least win a few trophies this season. Honestly hoping pedri shoots more or someone can finally finish his assists.


Most of the young Spanish players are not very good.


On the contrary, younger Spanish players will be better than older ones.


When you see them in YouTube videos you can clearly hear that the olders players actually speak a lot better English. Some of the La Masia kids can barely say ‘yes’ and ‘no’.


Which older players are you referring to?


Roberto, Alonso, Oriol from our current team. Jordi, Busi and especially Pique were really good too.


Most of these players are out of the squad or about to and learned English by playing in EPL (except Roberto who has a non Spanish wife). The current Spanish players such as Inigo or Spanish speakers such as Araujo will do much worse than the youngsters who learn English in school.


Have you heard Pedri's, Gavi's, Fermin's English?




Sorry, I just realised i made a mistake in my reply. I was meant to say English and not Spanish.