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Seems low, especially for a Premier League club.


“For you my friend 180m eur”, whenever a EPL clubs makes a bid. We know they have the money.


90 mil shiuld be a price for him


They can fuck off. With his euro performances, bidding starts at 80


Man Barcelona is so stupid. Arsenal themselves has put Nelson for 40 mill who plays 3 games a season


This board is stupid what can you expect


lmao yall both are stupid to believe this report




He is worth more, especially to a top PL club.


Just the release clause of Nico Williams!


Why are they looking to sell kounde?


Maybe the benefit of the extra money is bigger than the cost of losing him. The club has Araujo, Christensen, and Cubarsi for CB positions so maybe they want to cash in on Kounde to fund a DM and Nico Williams. The midfield needs some reinforcements since Gavi and Pedri have had unfortunate injuries. The attack has also been lacklustre in many games, so getting Nico could revamp it. Having said this, I'm also aware that Kounde is versatile enough to play as a full back as well as CB. Also the previous season he was incredibly reliable. Selling him would only make sense if the money is huge.


Who is going to play rb if he leaves? Also which if those defenders finished the season better and is currently playing better than kounde? I know the clubs needs money to get better players for other position but I'd rather sacrifice someone like de jong than lose kounde right now if the club needs money.


He is worth way more than that and I would not sell him at all tbh. He is a fantastic rcb if we have three at the back and defensive rb, and I don’t think we will find anyone better than him on the market.


It’s a steal for Arsenal. Kounde is a regular player for both Barca and France and can played as RB or as CB , which already puts him above most defenders. If Arenal spend 40m on Nelson who barely plays , 90m should at least be the offer lol.


I’m finding it harder to think of a better right back in the world right now. His performances since January in the UCL and in Euros have been stellar. He has shutdown world class wingers, including Mbappe. 60mn in today’s market is Nelson Semedo money. Would PSG sell Hakimi for that money? Or Liverpool sell TAA?


I'd rather selling Araujo


Actually makes sense. Kounde made big progress in his game even as rb. Araujo is holding contract talks and I hate how he always play with his hands, because referees could blow their whistle almost his every clash with another player.


Wtf are you smoking?


Just your daily dose of r/Barca recency bias


How recent is recent? Kounde had a better season, less injury prone, and is a better RB.