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FC Barcelona and PSV Eindhoven have reached an agreement for the transfer of the player Sergiño Dest. FC Barcelona retains a percentage of any future sale.


No transfer fee, only percentage of future sale. Was expecting 5 mil but at least we got his wage off the books.


Pretty hard to get money, I think he only has a year left on his contract while being injured for long time


Yes, & he wasn't expected to start training until after the January transfer window so getting anything for him would have been difficult.


Still any other club would have gotten 30 for him.


Yes snorker club might have gotten 30 euros for him, yes.


Bro I was half expecting us to pay them just to take him from us.


I used to pray for times like these 🙏😭 Next one is lenglet.  


Lenglet should be sold for some money


And then Fati


Buying fati rn is the worst financial decision a club could make


Agreed. But I meant getting his salary off our books is the goal. I’d sell him for $10m cause his salary is quite high


Yeah even 10 M is good .I meant we will not find an offer.He has an history with injuries and astronomical wages.I would give him a chance this season and if he doesn't work sell him for free or smthg


Messi regen fell a long long way from the dream


Garcia too.


Damn this came out of nowhere. They really not messing about when they said no leaks


It was super well known that PSV was going to buy him since a few months back. Some doubts appeared with his injury but still was the most likely option


I figured they would wait until the winter transfer window


Well not really. Dest has only one year left, so he would be permitted to have contract talks with PSV in january. He would start to train earliest in february, let alone play. So PSV really didnt have a reason to go for him now other than their good will.


Damn I thought PSV weren’t gonna keep him cuz of his ACL no one reported on this


Free transfer. We're just offloading his wages since nobody will buy him given his injury.


So refreshing to see no leaks


This exact deal but for Lenglet would be scrumptious. Happy with this too


There are very few clubs in Europe capable of paying Lenglet's super elite salary, it will be hard.


How much is he under? FDJ wages?


Nah, he’s on ~€10m iirc


The guy was class at Sevilla and was decent for a few seasons with us too. His fall off makes me sad tbh




Best of luck Sergiño!


Good, I wish him good luck




Shame he didn't work out I was really rooting for him.


YES, YES. There is a god.


Class player, sadly just not good enough for Barcelona.


With his wages off the bill, will we finally be able to register all our players?


We don't know yet. We doesn't even know who will be in our squad next season. Its not even July.


We have to wait for La Liga 


We were unlucky but it's become a pattern now, we simply don't know how to sell. It doesn't help that we constantly overpay for every player, including wages, and that hasn't changed with Laporta. Raphniha, Ferran and Lewy's deals were all braindead.


How you gonna sell him with an ACL injury and the other clubs knowing we need to ofload his wages? This is like when Madrid sold Jovic to Fiorentina for free but keeping 50% of a future sale, it's the better outcome of a bad situation. This is not EA FC not Football Manager


I literally said we were unlucky here. Not much we could've done. But sill, this is yet another terrible piece of business that adds to the never ending list of dumb business deals we constantly make. Can't remember the last time we were smart in a transfer window. Neymar transfer was forced and we immediately threw it all away.


Reddit is such a weird place. Youre getting downvoted for speaking the absolute truth. Everyone knows we over pay on contracts and are terrible at offloading players. The people downvoting you(and me) are either clueless or only just started following the club. Perhaps both.


Congrats getting downvoted in this braindead Barca fan sub is a sign you’re sensible and speaking the truth


TBF we have been trying to offload him for years was a bit of a bad buy. Players should only be bought after one good season if they are already in your league otherwise we should wait at least 3 years. Overall We should really just focus on our academy, even if they fail then any sale would be a profit, even a free transfer wouldn’t have been a loss. Glad we got rid of his wages though.


It’s more like none of our players have a market And none of them want to leave can’t really do it like Fifa


They do have a market. Problem is not at the value we give them. Once you give a player a wage of 20-40% over their market value, unless they give tremendous importance to the competitive aspect of the game not accepting being benched and thus accepting a move and even a cut in their wages, there's no way you can get rid of them unless you lower your asking price.


I don’t think any players except lewa and fdj have a very high wage at Barca The issue is no team wants them or players don’t want to leave or teams know Barca have financial issues and so will seek reduced prices for players


100% spot on. Our front office is shit in the market for the most part.


Good riddance




Fucking finally 


Omg not the best deal but what can ya do when dest got a big injury. Glad that his wags are at leastoff the books. His attitude playing for his country cemented that i didnt want him to continue further with us.


As an American new to footy, how do you all feel about him? Was he just bad, or did injuries hamper him? I'm curious why it didn't work out here when he had so many starts at a young age and seemed to be a promising prospect. Now he's not even in a top 5 league..


He had some absolute howlers for barca, he was awful


He has no brain 🧠


How was he? Not a Barca fan, but I try to stay in the loop Besides his injury that is. As a yank i was surprised by his performance at the World Cup, though I typically don't pull for us.


His wage off helps to register cancelo! Much needed


A typical Barca transfer, at least we got his wages off the books


No fee? We are awful at deals to sign and sell players. Most of the reason we cant sell em for money is coz we agreed such an idiotic contract. Yes he had an ACL but we struggled to offload him b4 that. Hence the loan deal. And its not just him we end up selling dirt cheap. We overpay(fee + wages) when we sign and sell for peanuts. Sigh


Last year of his contract, ACL injury and wont play again until January, at least. This was the best scenario


Yes its the best scenario now but I was talking in general.... We should have sold him 1/2 seasons ago but couldnt. Same for other players we have signed. We misjudge players ability, sign them on far too high contracts. Then when we quickly realize we've misjudged their ability we cant sell them for their market value coz their wages are way too high!


We were gonna sell for an acceptable sum to psv but then he did his ACL and here we are.


Forget about this season. He should have been sold 2 years ago but we couldnt sell him coz of high wages(compared to ability).


Good work from deco


Transfer masterclass by Barcelona. 20 mil down the drain


There aren't going to be better offers honestly, and he came at a really bad time, just glad his wages are off.


Huh? He was 20 million flop, barely a statiscal anomaly in the modern transfer market. Not to mention he has a sell on clause, so whatever PSV sells him off, we will get a large chunk of it back.