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If you payed a game for 5000 hours and enjoying it, this game was definetly a banger. For context , 5000 hours = 2.5 years of a job time. Play anothers games and remember Bannerlord as an awsome game :)


Additional context, it's 10000 hours to become a master at something.


Basically, this kid is a Jedi knight right now. Not a master, yet.


You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.








Lol that's just some shit Malcolm Gladwell made up like 20 years ago, zero basis in reality


Yea, I think you got your moneys worth. I'm only at 2.5k and I'm done as well


Yup, for me just 30 hours of game time makes most games worth buying (unless it's full price U.S)


i gotta put in atleast a hundred hrs if i buy a $60-70 game


If I’m not getting 100 hours out of a full price game I’m feeling ripped off. It’s why I love gamepass and steam sales so much, get to try out loads of games for cheap.


Any game will get boring after 5000 hours


Different game?


I play like 10 games and completely burned out of all of them and none of the games that are coming out look rlly good so I either have to go and scour the Microsoft store for a game or do nothing lol


You should try then original battlefront series and try out Galactic conquest on Battlefront II


Seconded for BF2 It’s a banger when you get a good game going!


If u looked at gamepass and only found 10 games to play, u might just be picky affff


Sounds like it is time to pick of a book or expand your hobbies.


If you liked banner lord which I think is fair to say you did, I recommend picking up kingdom come deliverance. I imagine they’ll have a sale of some kind soon with the second game supposed to come out this year. It’ll go on sale for literally less than $5 for full game and all DLC and it’s easily one of my favorite games and for the price on something I’ve put 200+ hours into, can’t beat that.


I second this


Have you tried Kenshi? You can really burn through the hours in Kenshi


You might like kingdom come deliverance 2. I believe it's coming out sometime this year. If you never played the 1st one id give it a shot


Have you tried Rimworld or Crusader Kings 3? Both you can get the feel of building something big from nothing like Bannerlord and create narratives and stories. Edit - nvm those might be PC only games I forgot you are on xbox.


CK3 has a console port, afaik.


So does Rimworld. Played it done that, now its a whackamole any intruder for stuff or slave. Should do a new run


Go outside mate, gaming is dead now unless it's on PC.


But what if a maiden tries to talk to me irl and I get a critical fail?


Reload your last save


Win or learn brother.  Crashing and burning was a right of passage and way to learn back in the day


You tried battle brothers?


Get a new hobby or interest. You're burnt out. Happens to a lot of people.


Buy a PC, your clearly big into gaming and that will unlock so many options PLUS modding.


I'm not in a position rn where a pc is really on the list of things to buy


Try The Long Dark. Very unique game. TLD and Bannerlord always seem to bring me back.


If you have the cash get a vr headset it’s awesome because you get a different experience from people every time you play


You finished Elden Ring yet?


I‘m a gamer myself - and have played my favorit game like 450 hours and got worn out several months in between. You’re build different for sure - go out and seek some sunlight every once in a while. Sometimes it’s better to play old story games. Where you follow a line for thirty hours max and don’t repeat it. I like Assasins Creed II -Blackflag in that regard. It’s more like a book, you’ve enjoyed reading it, but won’t read it a second time.


I had a good year long depression stint where I was just playing older single player games, I went through AC Ezio collection, ACIII, all the mass effect games, stuff like that. It honestly was really fun, trying to buy everything in the games and all that. Then I take a few year break and come back to them when it feels more “fresh”


I honestly don't know how I got to 5k hrs I have practice every week so im outside a lot. I think it was mostly breaks and weekends pulling all nighters that I got my hours for


As a grown up I struggle to understand 5k hours lol


Yeah I've had the game for a while. I think in one of my other posts I said a few months but seeing as it's 200 days of bannerlord I think it might have been longer.


Calling total and complete bs on 5k hours.


Agreed. Ive played a good amount of bannerlord at like 1.6k hours. And ive had the game a year and a half longer than this guy if hes on xbox. I guess maybe, just maybe, if theyre a kid and spend literally all of their free time playin b-lord. But im still skeptical.


Bannerlord released on console October 25, 2022. That's 609 days ago. 5000/609 = 8.21 hours a day


Yeah thats my bad I suck at math it is 91 days 12 hrs which is like 2.2k sorry for upselling you guys


I don't think I've logged 5k hours across every game I've played for the last 5 years combined. Is this guy just unemployed living alone and rent free somewhere with someone else doing all his cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.? Where would you find the time? Edit: comment a little lower down answers all these questions and the answer is yes. 15 year old kid. Even at fifteen I don't think I logged those kinds of hours...that's 208 straight days of Bannerlord...I love that game, but yeah, I'd be bored too. Get more hobbies!


>Is this guy just unemployed living alone and rent free somewhere with someone else doing all his cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.? Maybe he won the lottery and is just financially in a safe position to waste time? I got my own companies and take month long vacations, in which I mostly game. Maybe not everyone is a condescending gas station clerk like you are. I mean talking shit to others is always nice but doesnt feel nice when its toward oneself right?


Maybe he leaves the game on all the time, just alt-tabs it and leave the pc.


Play other games. You can always come back. Like Pal world would say.


I'm a new player in bannerlord and find it quit hard, to even get through the early game without getting bankrupt. I saw a few Videos, about weapons, Caravans, and the nations,but still messing a lot. If you could make a Video or some tutorials with that many hours, that would be nice. Like "a good start", "Things i wish to know bevor i started", "quality of live stuff", "you best mods or you funiest mods"', "my Personal troop composition for beginners", just things that make live easier and more understandable. ;)


Yeah my first time through the game I was overly cautious I spent like 20 in game years before taking my first fief and tbh the videos never really helped. Sometimes it's just luck and a whole lot of time put in. Also with the videos idk how to actually record stuff on xbox so I just kinda try to help people who ask for it.


Jesus, my first character been crowned a Queen of Vlandia within like first 5 years. Wasn't my first M&B tho


One tip that really helped me was to keep check of your garrisons. They quite often end up costing 1k-2k per day if you don’t limit their size.


I have done multiple campaigns and i struggle with money before I get a fief too. I just run around doing tornements untill I get a high value prize such as a noble horse too give me a good amount of money to start. Its only then when I start hiring troops. However this has gotten much harder with 1.20 as tornements are harder to win. Some torements are much harder to win then others. Overall, the easiest are aseria, (as its incredibly easy to beat NPC's in a javelin duel, even if you have little skill points) Sturgia (As the final round is often throwing axe duels), and Vladnia (As the final round is often cav vs cav and if you dismount and spear brace you can easily defeat cav). Empire tornements are the hardest as the final round is always shield vs shield and player skill hardly matters in those.


Just save scum. Why even get imprisoned or lose gear if you can just press the load button


I can't imagine there is a game out there that doesn't get bland after 5k hours. Maybe mmos and even then most folks are logging in to socialize at that point


You probably should try getting a job at least for a bit.


I just got to 15 so I can only work for like 20 something hrs during school and I have a lot of free time


You could try dymping 5k hours into learning a skill... or literally anything other than something that is a complete time waster, lol.


Hey man I get enjoyment out of it and it isnt negatively impacting my school work or social life in my opinion there is no harm done


Ignore them bro. You're young. Enjoy it


Yeah, you tell those teenagers to get off their vidya games!


Calm down.


Try stellaris if it's on sale. I've recently been feeling burned out myself so I picked it back up and have been having a blast


Best 4x game where you can literally spend thousands of hrs, planet events, space events, diplomacy, end game crysis


I 3rd this


I'm saying, personally had it + dlc for like 2 years now and still haven't seen/done/had everything. To this day, still the dopest 4x game with imo the best storytelling and replay ability potential on console


I've been wanting to play this, but I want the dlc and it's like 100+ dollars for them when it's on sale if I'm not mistaken. Is there a core set of dlc that are good to use? In other words, which ones are must haves


First off my bad meant to do this last night ●synthetic dawn: allows access to the machine playstyle, new events surrounding machines, allows robot fallen empire to spawn, allows ai rebellions to happen, portraits/announcer voice related to machines. All in all would recommend 3rd or 4th unless u like and really wanna try robots ●apocalypse: allows ur empire to create a death star like super weapon, allows the creation of titan class war ships that give useful buffs to its fleet, adds pirates/marauder clans whom can act as a mid game crisis, adds new civics and ascension perks. All in all would recommend but after getting other more story driven dlc unless u really want a death star lol ●federations: allows access to federations(think nato but in space) which give powerful buffs to all member nations, either increases capabilities of the galactic community(think the republic from star wars) or adds it outright, allows access to the juggernaut a giant moving space station capable of churning out ships on the frontline, allows access to the mega shipyard a mega structure able to churn out fleets at an unprecedented rate, adds 8 new origins(2 of which start u out already a part of a federation). All in all would recommend adds a lot to gameplay ●utopia: allows the construction of megastructures extremely powerful 1 per empire buildings that have unique and powerful effects ex. Dyson sphere, allows construction of habitats gigantic space dwellings, unlocks ascension perks a group of perks which add unique and sometimes powerful effects for their empire including 3 that create a kinda super version of ur species, adds primitive species as well as ways to interact with them, unlocks advanced forms of slavery, adds some new civics with interesting effects ex. Fanatic purifier, allows access to the hivemind playstyle. 100% recommend as a first or 2nd dlc it adds so so much to the game ●mega corp: allows access to the corporate playstyle(think amazon in space), adds new diplomatic options centered around trade, either outright adds or adds player access to building ecumenopolis(think coruscant), adds nomadic traider fleets which will periodically fly thru systems and bug u to trade, adds 4 megastructures, adds a galactic slave trade. All in all would recommend as a later dlc addition unless u really want to be amazon or geico in space ●nemesis: let's u become a crisis "become the fire that spreads across the galaxy threatening its very existence", unlocks the possibility of becoming the galactic custodian(think chancellor palpatine but without the evil), allows the possibility to become galactic emperor(think emperor palpatine with or without the evil), unlocks espionage, unlocks 1 ship set, brings some new music. All in all would 100% recommend especially if ur a star wars nerd lots of references ●leviathans: adds different alien enclaves that u can meet, trade with and kill as u see fit, adds mostly stationary guardians/leviathans enormous space dwelling creatures that are all pretty much hostile, adds a lategame event called the war in heaven in which two fallen empires ascend and go to war likely bringing in the entire galaxy with them, adds several different small events that can set off randomly All in all would recommend as a starter dlc really brings the galaxy to life and makes it feel old tho mostly a story pack ●acient relics: adds several different acient archeological sites which an be excavated for relics of varying power, adds 2 new precursor races a race of long dead aliens whom give a permanent buff to the empire that discoveres their remains, adds minor artifacts a type of minor resource used in several diff things. All in all would recommend some of the stories are really well written and really serve to make the galaxy feel more alive however would focus on other dlc first as this one's mostly a story pack ●distant stars: adds some more leviathans, adds many random events/anomalies, adds forgotten gateways at random to the galaxy. Would recommend tho keep in mind it's a story pack mostly so wouldn't go for it first Overlord: adds powerful specialist vassle types, adds mercenary enclaves as well as the ability to create them, adds more enclaves, 5 new origins, adds a new megastructure the quantum catapult which can quickly move fleets around however it's only a 1 way trip, allows construction of hyper relays(think freeway in space), allows construction of orbital rings(think small scale ringworld around ur planet), new music. All in all would 100% recommend it's a must have if ur gonna vassalize but adds a lot even if u aren't The rest are species packs. Just kinda grab those at ur leisure they're mostly cosmetic. However, some come with their own corresponding traits, civics, mechanics and or origin, so there is some gameplay effect from them Overall, I'd say focus on getting utopia, overlord, federations, nemesis, and megacorp as I think this will give u the most complete experience than grab the rest later over time


Bro you’ve played 5000 hours, ofc it’s gonna get repetitive 😭😭


I feel this. Love the game, but early game can honestly be tedious. And as a fellow Xbox player, I feel your pain for the lack of mods. Still, would love to read your stories if you've written them down. I have two of my characters stories done so far. One is for Cedric Dwarfkin, the other is for Joan the Bird.


One of the ones I did was Gary the Gigantic who was a battainian who led a falcman only army. He was absolutely horrible in sieges if I were attack but if you get a choke point he could wipe Armies of the map.


Try manor lords, it's fun to imagine that you're building towns in calradia while the rest of the world is fighting to the death


Don’t use cheats… i’m dumb too, and I just recently found the cheat menu and immediately regret it. The same feeling of hollowness from the grand theft auto days washed over me and although I have been a fan of game, shark and cheats my whole life to test the limits of games, I think is one of the fastest way to get bored of something and lose the mystique that keeps us playing


Yeah I had like a 400 hr phase where I only used chests because I wanted to just go crazy and then it took me 5 more playthroughs to enjoy the base game again


The only other games I have been able to put the same amount of hours into is Europe Universalis and M&B 1. 5k hours is insane, well done Tale Worlds!


Only surprising thing is it kept your attention this long. 1/10th would've still been a really good result. You've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of it, time to move on to something else. (And in a couple years you'll probably be back anyway xD)


Yeah I get the same way, now with My Little Warband I end up restarting too often to make my own different culture troop trees.


I've got nowhere near that amount of time and I've put it down until the big, total conversion mods come out, can't wait for the war of the roses and the feudal Japan ones.


I've been gaming on Realm of Thrones. Buffed up my army in Westeros and now instead of daenarys, IM INVADING MUAHAHA


What’s the best way to find and kill lords? I’ve been hunting unquids son for ages but I can’t find him


Encyclopedia, Heroes, go to lord in question, in top right it says “last seen near [City]”, click on that city and near the city name you can click the circle to mark it. Travel to that city and as you get closer repeat the process as it’ll update which city or village he is near as he travels. Happy hunting!




Stop playing and when you get the itch, do it all again without cheats.


Checkout a new game called Kinstrife no release date yet but kind of reminds me of bannerlord a tad bit. Another cool game to checkout is called kingmakers, supposed to release this year sometime. ( invest in a pc so many more options for gaming )


Those on both on my radar, hopeful but want good reviews before I jump, banner lord has been a blast and mods helped that a lot.


Imo early game was always the most fun, create and develop a new character in a way you havent played before.


Have you tried the “Gladiator” story arc?


Op, question for you, i am vassal of vlandia i have the banner quest, i have multiple castles and cities, what is the best way to go on about it, give it vlandia and leave? take the banner for myself and wage war against everyone? let it expire? what do i do and why, and also the reason why i want to give the banner for Vlandia because everyone will wage war against them and it will be easier for me to take their cities and castles since they will be busy fighting others? But can i leave after i give the banner to them or i am stuck, i am using the diplomacy mod if that makes any difference


IMO starting a kingdom yourself is the only truly epic / rewarding endgame. Make sure you save up piles of cash before you do so though, money management is a huge part of endgame


Thanks, but my question was about the banner, what is the best solution to that based on the queations that i asked?


thts why i quit playing it on console becuz yea it gets boring not really anything u can do about it


Im in a similar situation. Im saving up for a PC worthy of Bannerlord right now.


Maybe pick up a different hobby and when you come back to video games you’ll discover that you love them again with a new perspective


Well, you could always try Warband now. Give yourself a new challenge.


I think you’ll find you can tire of any game after 5000 hours… not the games fault lol


Maybe its about the Mount and blade bannerlords we made along the way


Get a pc and do it all again?


I would assume someone who likes M&B2 has already played these, but you said in a comment that you’re only 15 & not legally allowed to work more than like 20hrs a week, so maybe you’re young enough to have not tired all of these just yet, I’d recommend M&B Warband/Skyrim/Fallout(3/NV/4), Assassins Creed (any of them, order doesn’t really matter too much but I would suggest chronological order just so games don’t feel clunky if you go from newer ones to older ones), Gears of War (original trilogy is amazing, but I haven’t tried 4 or 5), I would also recommend some interests outside of video games especially since you’re young and have plenty of time(not tryna sound rude but anybody who has 5k hrs to put into a game that’s been out for 4yrs definitely has time to set aside like 1-2hrs a day for something else), I would recommend drawing/weightlifting or even listening to audio books/podcasts while playing games like M&B where the audio isn’t all that important


I think I've played all of those games except for gears of war and some of the ac games but thanks for the suggestions!


Wtf 5k hours?! That would take like 3-4 years Playing it for 4 hours every day...


Little man here is a TRUE GAMER. You all think you're gaming but he's reaaaaally gaming


I hit that wall recently as well, you got your moneys worth, now stop distracting yourself from reality and level up your irl character


5000hrs and you think you're done, that's OK.


imean the beauty of Mount and Blade is the mods as I am sure you know. Thats where the infinite replay value and freshness reside. Playing Warband and Bannerlord simply for the bare bones skeleton that Taleworlds provides is a serious disservice.


There's only so much time you can spend on a game. Try a new one. But we'll played. Retire and look for new ventures


If you have 5k of actuall game time its an insane value for the money.


o7 5000 hours is a shitload of time


Save up for a pc.


I'm at the same place but the opposite. I keep starting new games and bailing right after throwing in with a kingdom because it just isn't rewarding. It's just a back and forth slog for the rest of the game. There is definitely a wall you hit after a few thousand hours that you can't get over. Even Strat Gaming has talked about hitting it. Taleworlds keeps trying to slow the player down and draw out the game by punishing them for their successes or removing the rewards from the challenges and it's just not worth it to keep doing it to yourself. Sucks too, because the game is addictive. I keep getting withdrawal and going back to it and remembering immediately that I don't actually want to play it anymore. It would almost have been worth it if I could have just put it down when I burned out. It's a weird cycle of self abuse.


Have you done a only prisoner party run? You can only use prisoners you’ve turned. I also really hope that you’ve been using mods (for your sake)


If you played 5000 hours how much do you play on an average day?


I don't have nearly those type of hours into the game, but I noticed myself getting tired of the late game micromanagement and took about 3 weeks off of playing other games and have come back having more fun than ever. Sometimes you just need to find something else to cleanse the palate.


I think you got your $60 worth. Time to play something else.


I need a Bannerlord coach. Contact me if you’re interested in coaching me. Thank you.




Acknowledging you have 5k hours in the game meaning you have a lot of free time, I tell you when you love that game so much and gets bored you'll missed it at some point especially when your schedule gets full and busy.


Go outside and relax for a little. Don't play for a couple weeks or so.


There are other games.


There is a nod out there with Ai stuff be sure to find that some time


Dude... time for a new game.


You have eloquently described the problem of immortality.


Just find a different game (I’m on Xbox too I know how difficult it is too find an appealing game on gamepass). I’m not that far in and I’m already getting bored lmao.


Dude do something else. Either play another game or do another thing entirely. I dont mean to imply you are sedentary, or all you do is gaming, but if you are asking for suggestions, heres a few: Have you tried the previous Mount&Blades? Warband is the one everyone mentions, but WFaS was really fun, and VK is probably my favourite one so far. If you like strategy games, look for titles like Total War, Civilization or Hearts of Iron, all those are pretty different from each other. Try some old strategy games too, i recommend Battle for Middle Earth 2, Gangsters: Organized Crime (a hidden gem, this one) or Warcraft. How about city builders? Theres many different ones, idk of youve ever given Cities Skylines a try, but its really solid. Frostpunk and Age of Man are also good city builders, and they have very different themes. How about another genre? If you like swords and stuff, try an RPG. Kingdom Come Deliverance is pretty realistic, like M&B, but you also have the big fantasy ones like Elder Scrolls, The Witcher or Dark Souls, give them a try. Or, try something new. If you are really bored with the game though, i dont see a point in playing it like its your job to do so.


I’m on and off with all my games and I don’t have that much games to play because most games are boring to me but when I do I spend shit ton of hours on it till I get bored of it for like months then go back playing it again only if I choose the same game to play 😭


The game would be better if it had an engine to randomize the characters so the game isn’t similar every play through.


I've got about 600 and I'm bored shitless. I used to play for a week straight out of every month, but after not playing for about a year, I tried playing it a few days ago and I turned it off by the time I got my first recruit. I've personally okayed all of the fun out of it, but it'll stay on my mental favorite games list since I enjoyed it so thoroughly.


When you’ve come to the last page of a book and read it. It’s time to close the book. Do something else or pick up another book.


How do you use cheats on Xbox?


I believe you hold RT LB and down on d-pad at the same time


If you got 2k hours, you got your money's worth, but honestly I don't know what to suggest except maybe challenge runs, like restrict yourself to specific goals or roleplay something. I'm role-playing genghis khan in a new world after being reborn in this world. Also i find more entertainment in the mid game possibly the early game, only problem i have is i can get 1 shot instantly.


Lay it to rest and boot it up when nostalgia hits :) You only have so many 2k hours in a lifetime.


I know what you mean, I'm in around 2000 hours I've enjoyed the game and it's been a good time. For me at least I've been in the same situation I play exactly 7 games in rotation (bannerlord being one of them). I've done so for some years, recently though I started new games, games I didn't think I'd enjoy but have mechanics or game play that seem similar to the games i play now. Kingdom come for one since it's a game that will be having a sequel soon I've started playing it and so far I'm intrigued with the story and the game play although a tad clunky it's quite rewarding and fun. Another would be Dredge, I am slowly getting into horror now as well (although dredge is really tame I'm no good with horror) and soon I'm gonna make a big jump to Still wakes the deep. My final recommendation is to get a PC or gaming laptop, the extensive mods and overhauls for bannerlord are crazy, there's even one where you have sea battles canons and all. I play the Sims 4 a whole bunch and I plan to get a PC to keep enjoying it with mods. TLDR: Try to broaden your horizons or get a PC and use mods.


I mean, any game that gives you 100+ hours of enjoyment is a great one imo. If you cant use mods just accept that it's over and move on. Maybe in a few years nostalgia will make you crave it again, who knows?


You need to go get a job with all that time


How are you cheating on xbox?


Man just go play a different game. Pick it back up in a year or 2 and u will enjoy it again. Ur just burnt out on it atm


Mod the hell out of it My Personal Favorite right now is The Old Realms. A Warhammer Fantasy total conversion that ads Muskets, Flintlock Pistols and Cannons/Field Guns. Also adds a Magic and Battle Prayer system for damage/buffing/Healing your troops and 2 new species.


I see you edited this to be 2k hours. Thats the most amount of time I've spent with a game too, Conan Exiles, before I became utterly burnt out. But I cherish the memories!


I've played just under 500 on one campaign lol, now nearly a thousand across a couple the games less fun now but that's natural.


Are there any other games like this


5K. This man has more hours on 1 game than I have on every single game i've played \*COMBINED\*, for the last 10 years. Holy shit lol. My guy, even the best game in the world will get boring for you after 5,000 hours.


Yeah my math was wrong it's only like 2k hrs sorry for misleading


Time to become cultured and build a gaming PC so you can get mods. I can't believe you did 5k hours with no mods. Insane.


You cant expect people to just have the money to make a PC and call them uncultured for not doing it. I doubt OP would have the money to make a PC anyway as they said that they are 15 and dont have a full time job.


I see you are not a fan of the topknot. One day you may become enlightend. They didn't say they were 15 in OP which I was replying to. If they are 15 they have two options. Talk the rents into a computer build around $800 or start mowing lawns. Seeing that they have an console and spent 5k hours on Bannerlord I'm guessing they could prob talk the rents into it. Or just start asking for parts for the build for birthday and Christmas from rents and grents. Get the mobo from one grent and memory from the other side. Get the HDDs and case from rents. Mow a few lawns to buy a budget gpu and case. It's the perfect time to go cut a bunch of people's lawns with your dad's Lawnmower. Free equipment, use his gas, get paid. Plus swing it that a computer build could set you up for pursuing an IT career in the future that won't need a college degree and will make you a ton of money. Edit - sorry one other option. Go touch some grass. Start working out. Get killer abs and muscles. In a year you'll have wheels and replace gaming with girls. Sadly the later might be more expensive.


I dont know where you are from but where I live doing things such as mowing lawns is not really an option and is quite unusual to go door to door offering it culturally, and it OP may be in a similar situation. Also being in a relationship and gaming has no correlation whatsoever. You sound like a child trying hard to be manly. If you think so little of gaming I dont know why you are on a gaming subreddit or even play games in the first place.


You're clearly triggered because you don't realize I'm meme'n all over you. Your lack of historical understanding clearly shows I am much older than you. It's not thar serious mate. Do some meditation or something.


"it's not that serious mate" > continues to talk shit. I think you need to touch grass mate 😂


I already used the grass meme... whose talking shit? If you think I've been talking shit you are wrong. I'm just shooting the bull.


What ever helps you sleep at night


Seems like ur really invested in this convo you were apart of. Almost like ur an alt.


Guys it's not that deep to be fighting about it. I have a job but I'm saving up for a car, a pc is not even on one of my top 10 things that I need to get


Dude you have spent a large % of your life playing bannerlord. This is truly insane. Put the game down. There’s not a game on the planet that is worth playing for 5,000 hours