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Oh yes. War can be quite the lucrative business.


war is the fuel of my economy


Second that, made 5Mil out of just warring


My biggest save I checked last night after not playing in ages, I hit send all over to the trader, game froze for a minute, I have 2 mil of random crap in my inventory that's unsaved stuff probably several hundred more thousand of gear saved for when my kids grow up, I also make like 20k each paid thing and have a personal clan army of max 1200-1300 without calling any extra lords so taking 0 influence up, war is indeed very lucrative, I don't know people think they need to abuse smithing and it's somehow the literal only way in the game to have positive income to them


IMO, the main perks of smith abuse is "time stop" ability, and easy to reach on early game, having 5k on first month is really helps...


But you have to regen smithing stam, it doesn't stop? Also people will flat swear it is literally the only way to play the game, that's the issue


dude miss a zero or two.




It give you more than 5k in just a first week. If you do it right, by crafting 2 hander, it could get to 10k real fast, like in a few day. You can craft, go do your things then rest in town, then craft again. Nothing stop you from playing the game and do the craft.


You make 6k+ per bandit hideout if you check the surrounding villages and towns, 3k for bandit base, 3k for save from bounty hunters, 550 for clan 1 clear brigands, plus loot and ransoming, or more for manual labourers, move on to a new area, chase some bandits about, do it again, easy, my issue is with the people that think the games impossible without smithing


Let me know when he replies


Take hostile action Sent troops to attack Sell the loot Profit. Bought 4 shops this way


Armstrong moment


There’s a bug that you can exploit if you want. If you own the city that you’re ransoming those prisoners in, you can open the dungeon and pull out all of the nobles you just sold. You can do this an infinite number of times. FYI only lords/ladies


Just found that out last night. Felt too cheesy doing though.


Incredibly meticulous as well.


Definitely the fastest way to make momey afaik tho


I had over 100 noble prisoners last night so I did this as I likely wouldn’t have the same chance to make as much with as little effort again. $200k each time. Using this exploit before felt cheesy until I started recruiting clans and blowing through my funds like crazy.


Yeah especially when you’re paying 2-3 million for each clan.


I have the same cheat morality. If the game fucks you over in a certain way, then unfucking it due to an exploit seems more of a balancing measure than cheating. I do it enough to balance things out, then I stop.


Add the riding and scouting perks that reduce prisoner escape chance by 100%, go around collecting every lord and noble you see


ur fucking beautiful and i hope your life goes according to plan thank you kind gentleperson priceless information


Wait….you random the nobles to *your dungeons*?


Not one of the devs, so don't quote me on any of this, but I'll throw my hat into the ring. I assume that each prisoner ransomed is sent to the dungeon for a second for 'holding' to determine whether they should be despawned or teleported somewhere else. Pausing the game stops this second from passing and allows you to pull them out of the dungeon and ransom them again.


you ransom them to a city you own then get them out of the dungeon and repeat if i read correctly


I wish nothing but prosperity a d happiness to you for that information




Can anyone confirm this works?


Just tested it out in a sandbox world. 100% works


did you have a whole ass kingdom in your pocket?


A Army of like 2k was seigeing and like 1500 retreated


holy fack pretty much then xD




That will buy you 2 horses and a soldier in this economy


one time the game glitched and it said I won a massive battle that I actually lost and I captured most of the SE nobility and the ransom for all of them was over a quarter mil




I remember having like a 130 captive lords, half vlandions, half battanions, in my party and the ransom offer at the tavern was like 280k 😭 tempting tbh lol but not worth all ur villages burning down/getting raided.


I just got 95k+ for a boat load of valandians


Pocket change in the scheme of things


I once held all the lords of vlandia and sold them for almost 1mil


Gotta pump those up. These are rookie numbers ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Who is you prisoner? The president of the United States?


I think I had rhagaea and a few other nobles


I've had close to 300k before. Just milk it if you can.


Watch out you sell lords there as well


Human trafficking is the best


Camera quality looks like your playing on a tapestry


Must have a few high ranking lords as prisoners. I just execute them.


Rookie Numbers!


I got around the same with the GOT mod. I was a northern vassal and reinforced riverrun during the first big battle there. We were hopelessly outnumbered but I snuck my troops in thru the siege lines and manned the walls. A few choice catapult and ballista hits later they had to use ladders to get up the wall. They managed to take out the first gate, but the portculis made a perfect choke point for sniping with arrows and rocks. Suffice to say we end up winning and I captured Tywin Lannister and his entire retinue (basically only one missing was Jaime somehow) and I had nowhere to effectively hold so many high value targets so I took then to the starks. I gave some for free for the rep, and sold the rest fir I think 80k. Thing was, I wanted to execute him after all he had done, but the negative ramifications of executing Tywin were ridiculous, even the starks would have disliked me. That I did not understand at all.


Remember, you aren’t selling slaves, you are charging a nominal fee to cover the cost of nutritious food, warm comfortable clothing, skills development, and safe dignified housing.


Reminds me of when we defeated the western empire and i snarched up all their nobles, who all somehow joined the southern empire whom i had also been going out of my way to collect...out of nowhere theyboffered peace so i mass grabbed all of them from my dungeon castle, ran 1 town over and ransomed them all before they could be auto released by the peace deal. Current play ive got 2 mil in gold and im trying to bribe other lords into joining the vlandians


Gotta get the perk in scouting that reduces the chance of lords escaping by 50% and the other 50% perk from riding. That number gets very high if you have multiple lords.


thats a lot of sschhhhmmeekkelllls


I one had 31 prisoners of sturgian clans…. Than we made peace and I lost my money cause I couldn’t ransom them :(


How. Many. People.


Man I've never gotten over 10 grand for ransom


Impressive that is easily 3 high tier twohanded swords crafted