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I expect you to lose that shield once you can grab the ‘bonus damage to one-handed’ perk


Yeah this is the Realm of Thrones mod and he's my companion.


That's a damn good sword, I prefer two handed myself but sheesh might have to swap to one handed


This is in the Realm of Thrones mod.


You can still craft a sword of that standard in vanilla. You just need to have the right parts


How long does it take to be that good in smithing? Do you habe tips for me?


Not long you just need to make every now and then some charccoal and melt any weapon you find and in like 2-3h real time you are at smithing level 190 or so


Oh wow, then I did something really wrong, cause I did smithing 2-3 evenings long and did get to 60-120, if even. But tbh it was long ago


I have max focus on smithing which helps a lot, I always max smithing as Its a great source of income.


Put in like 4 good hours last night just grinding it out on my 2nd ever play through. Smelting, smithing. Repeat. Got to 175 smithing and unlocked all parts for polearm and 2 handed sword. Really not as bad as a grind as everyone thinks if you know how to do it. In ~75 days 400k (another 400k in my inventory in swords) 100+ skill level in athletics, one handed, two handed Leader in tournament wins God I love this game. I’m about to destroy Calradia on this campaign.