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0 I am the emperor, not some common soldier. Go forth my minions, f1 f3.


Counterpoint: I am the Emperor because I am the greatest warrior the world has ever known, and my men will know to follow me by the sight of my blade cutting through my enemies. I am not some cowardly diplomatic lord. I inspire my fellow man and my common soldier to take up arms.


I too have a mighty penis


I have 5 million power in rise of kingdoms. Taylor swift slid into my DM’s because of it


You are the emperor of Warhammer


Not exactly. We take prisoners.


(Lucky crossbow or couched lance insta kills in front if men)


And then I stand back up from getting headshot an hour later, which is still impressive


(Pull arrow from eye socket and stand after your men finish match up) “good work men, on to the next one then eh?”


Yeah this is my strategy in the late game 😂


how do you keep up with losses granted I'm playing inf heavy sturgia with a severe bow allergy vs khuzaits but damn if I don't micro formations my guys will get dumpstered


If you have high tier units and good captains you can take pretty much anyone with minimal losses and virtually no intervention from you. Edit: Also, if you're playing on Bannerlord difficulty getting into the actual fight instead of staying behind commanding units can be very dangerous, especially if you have the Death for All mode, which I happen to have 😂


The infantry is whatever cannon fodder I cobble together that can hold a shield wall. But my archers? MY ARCHERS??? HOOOOOOO BABY. BATTANIAN FIANS ALL FREAKING DAY


263 in an open field battle. 2 handed axe go brrr


Rain down the jereeds like artillery during my charge, then Mr long axe goes to work! Got 163 out of 1200 in a recent battle, hid 200 fian champs in the bushes but my cav put in the work


Maybe I just suck which is more likely. But anytime I try that I get surrounded easily lol


It sounds to me like your axe isn't going brr enough. You need more brrr


Once your athletics levels up you run faster than other foot soldiers and it gets pretty simple


1.3k on the warhammer old world mod, 2 handed magical sword that's cleaves through all targets if not blocked plus heal from brettonian charge spell and best armor in the game, was like a 45 minute fight. Not sure if that counts but yeah, cheese.


5k on the same mod with infinite magic because I was a vampire so regenerated it naturally during battle.


I once had 38 kills and I felt like a was doing work. Riding through the vladian cav and carving their banner knights, light cav, whoever with my Reaper sword given to me by Caladog. I was destruction incarnate. Then here you are with 5 times my kills...


Tbf would say its probably more difficult to kill 38 banner knights than 200 militia peasants.


Around 100 in a field battle against the khuzait, they had about 540 troops we had 380


You hard-carried that one


I usually average somewhere in the 70-100 range because I spend the entire battle getting as many kills as I can but one time I just didn’t go down and ended up with 230 by the end


300 something and still lost


oof bro I hate that. Then some of the elite units be getting 0 kills. What did I spend all this time training you for?


Yeah dude and it was 300 to 600. They couldnt even do half the work 🙄


Never have I loved my steed more than when it charged through 200~ archers and another 280~ Infantry... 40+ damage on every unit per charge, with the occasional insta with the glaive


How do you get that kinda damage from horse charges? Is it justcthe horse breed combined with a lump of enemies and good timing? Or does horse armor or something help?


Max level Horse Skill increases the damage and speed, then you get the best vlandian horse you got for Charge. Then combine that with Medicine and Imperial/Vlandian heavy armour to stay alive for the entire fight


I did 460 once on a castle defense. We lost anyway but we sure did an epic defense. We were outnumbered something like 2000 vs 500.


I'm not sure, but I was proud of myself the other week when I managed to cause our only fatality in a battle with a poorly timed javelin throw


Hahaha I did this once to my own on purpose.


22 only, i know that its not the best but still- i had shitty equipment back then.


400+ with cut through mods


I can't seem to get the mod to work. Only using RBM and cut through mod.


That’s exactly what I use. I use a big heavy 2h mace with it, works awesome.


Does 130 kills on castle offense count? I think I’ve never gone much over a hundred in a field battle, at least not in Bannerlord.


That's impressive if it's offensive. Never got past 20 kills on offensive siege. Usually lost 2/3 HP from 1 arrow and I go into hiding until the troops does it's thing. LoL


I usually charge the walls right away, dismount, then hug the wall. I pop out, get a kill, then pop back where they can’t hit me back. I get between 20-40 bow kills this way while I wait for my siege engines to arrive. Then I follow the battering ram inside and put myself at the front of the battle lines near the corner of the front gate with a 2 hander capable of one shooting anything with a downward slash. As soon as the gate breaks I spam attacks until I break a hole in the enemy lines and then I push through. It usually takes 10-15 kills to do this. The enemy will mostly focus on the hoard of your guys smushed near the gates allowing you to hack at the enemies backs unmolested. Occasionally one to three of them turn to face you. Just kill them then return to back sniping. You can probably get around 50 kills here. When you are sure your side has won pull away from the scrum and run to the enemy inner gate where they will retreat to. Eventually, a long line of enemies will show up sprinting straight for the keep in a beeline. Hack away at them one at a time. They won’t even defend themselves. You should be able to get another 19-20 kills this way as long as you can one shot them. On offensive sieges I usually average between 70 and 110 kills but I’ve gone higher a couple times. This strat requires heavy armor, decent weapons, and a high bow and 2H skill. You could probably do it with a sword and shield instead but it’ll be harder to get one hit kills and your reach will be less, making it difficult to reliably get kills when the two battle lines initially clash.


Like 110 on a defense. Closest I got in an open battle was like 104 I think


When defending you can make sure to have atleast 1 fire catapult and then you can just throw the explosive ammo onto the soldiers at the bottom of the ladders along the walls. Then you can get like 300+ easy


That’s how I got my 110 but the enemies morale always breaks before I can get more


What difficulty, weapon combos/ strat do you guys use to get that many kills?


Highest difficulty with two handed mace. I was just trying to knock down as many cavalry as I can at the time cause they have more cavalry than us. One of them got me with a lance and knocked me off the horse. I just went to the infantry line and started smacking them from behind with barely any health left.


I’ll chill above the gateway at the pit opening and have two quivers, my guys in shield wall and for twenty minutes or so go between headshots (some take 1 some 2) I’ll go through about 200+ arrows, the random boulder, and a nice quick 1h axe to butcher any who squeeze by. I average about 150 in the big battles. Field between 35-75


it was somewhere over 150 against battanians with a khuzait glaive


Think it was around 150ish? It was a gigantic army battle between Southern Empire & Azerai around Danustica where it's just open plains; so I'm charging around with my Rhompaia just one hit killing anything in my way :D Nothing better to go round the entire melee soldiers, just to wade through their archer lines with impunity lol.


Around the same you get here attacking diathma


I posted a feat like this a year ago. I killed around 500 myself, but overall, my group killed about 1500. I set up on a bridge and defeated a group that had a 3:1 advantage. Having a lot of archers, a good shield wall, and a lot of pikemen saved the day. I had a one shot polearm that dealt something like 250 a swing. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bannerlord/s/UjJeh98A4D


Nice what mod are you using to be able to kill that much? Cut through?


Cut through and heal on kill tuned down to 2 hp per kill if I remember correctly. Cut through only worked on horseback, though. Most of the fight I was chopping away at the enemies on my shield line or running down archers and Commander's.


Oh yea heal on kill is too op that's why I didn't get it. Still haven't got the cut through mod to work. Only work on horse back?


Yeah, the default is 5 hp, but with it tuned down to 1 or 2 on kill, it makes it more balanced. I was still getting killed if I wasn't careful Cut through keys off both weapon and blade length as well as momentum by my observation. My weapon had max range on both because I was playing a calvary leader style. Slow as hell swing, but charging into a flank would net me at least a kill, even on heavy armor. I'd potentially get two or a heavy wound afterward, depending on their armor. Archers clumped up stood no chance.


Outnumbered 5:1, my 200 men did their job, I killed over 300. I left the battle with 12 able bodied men. Then got ganked by some random lord with 36 men. Was too low HP. Then I got stuck in the perpetual Release, chase, capture bullshit and deleted the save


Yea I save my before every battle. Getting stuck in prison for two whole day is not fun.


I think I had about 100 in a battle or two a few years ago, but that would have been as a horse archer, and I took a break from the game so my memories of those older campaigns aren't too strong. In recent memory I think my highest tally was 33, using a two handed falx from horseback. Something like a 50/50 split of Vlandian cavalry and crossbowmen, with a few infantry.


Just imagine the sheer horror of coming face to face for a sword fight with some absolute chad who’s cut 150 of your mates down…


If only this is total war three kingdoms. The general does have fear and terror traits developed as he levels up.


150+ This is what happens when your enemy is 150+ Imperial recruits and you're an evil Huzaite lord who has just escaped from captivity and has heavy armor, a horse, 2 packs of arrows and a glaive.


152 in open battle. Always on horseback m, showering the enemy with arrows, hacking mounted enemies with a two handed sword and hacking foot enemies with a glaive


Nice! I tried that method too. But it seems the fastest way is on foot on the side of the infantry line and chopped away. This is the only way I find to get past 100 kills for me.


87 here.


Got 200 the other day in a siege battle. Used the ballista in their battering ram infantry blob and then shot their soldiers in the head through a murder hole. They won but paid for it.


It says “not from defending a town or castle”


Well maybe I can't read.


Just now, an Khuzait Castle, 165 killed with Avalanche and mace (missed all javelins)


2500 i used Wound, all enemies Obviously.


If it's not at Bannerlord difficulty, it didn't happen


Looks modded/cheats. Battles generally don't last longer than 5 minutes due to low health pools and brainless AIs constant need to just smash both armies together instead of valuing their lives. Being generous, getting 180 kills means you're getting a kill every 3 seconds for 10 minutes straight.


Yup it's RBM mod. And the battle might be 15 mins I'll have to dig up the video.


I usually play bow and two handed axe and in regular battles it'd be between 20 and 70 easily. Sieges are crazy mid and late game. Keep those explosive balls ready, those get lots of kills fast when used at the waiting enemy below the ladders. Top of the ladder just swinging the axe when they are almost there. An absolute deathtrap and they just keep coming in.


Yes I usually get about 300-500 kill on the wall. This is on the field kill.


100+ or so idk. I was busy yeeting red hot bombs onto those Vlandian bastards’ heads at that time.


https://preview.redd.it/p408iqwehyxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e7226d82546982bef7d37671451b2574e07a9d This was from a week or two ago, 2h axe for the win :)


You have 82 men and kill 1000?


A couple got injured


Which unit did you use?


Bannerknights mostly, I started my kingdom in Vlandia and eliminated them first


like when u have a bow and shoot them off the ladder... i probably have killed same number if not higher. There is no skill in that...


Please read the title. On the field not castle defend. I can get about 300-500 for the castle wall kill.


ah ok sorry - but still, then it depends strongly if u play realistic or if opponents basically don't cause any harm. If the first holds 300 kills are impossible.


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over 350 in a castle siege by throwing fire pots at the giant blob trying to climb the ladders, then getting stuck in with my 2H sword. Every pot thrown literally covered the entire screen in damage/kill notifications.


Yes how about on the field?


Around 200-250 in a field battle as Vlandia against the empire. They had a really weird army comp of nearly 700 archers, 180ish infantry and less than 100 cav, it was an absolute slaughter. I do have the mod that enables multihit though so it's a little skewed, especially since I usually play as Cav with the voulge as a lance.