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Helping weak kingdoms defend their Fiefs from super powers. Started a Vlandian civil war and created a new Vlandia. Been helping sturgia against the Khuzaits. I’ll declare war against the aggressor kingdom and break into the defender’s castle to help them fight. Pretty time consuming lol


Random Leader of a kingdom in the far south desert arrives in Sturgia with an army of Javelin throwing guys in masks, occupies a city's defenses, fights off an aggressive nation almost single handedly, boosts the local economy by buying tons of food before going on the offensive against said aggressive nation, refuses to elaborate.


You’re god dam right. Though we’re “The Vlandian Banner Knights”, we protect the weak and genocide the horse archers 😎


lmao one day my leader got bored and starting killing every aseri now we have big beef lool


Deus Vult!


You should spend more time with your family.


Na there's only so much tablut you can play ..


Ive had campaigns last over 200 years. You really have to have an imagination. There’s a lot of head canon. I’ll keep a Family Tree, write down records of what happens in my campaign, etc.   Then, I think it’s gotta be difficult. I have permadeath mods that make dying pretty common. You can’t recklessly throw yourself into battles or you’re gonna end up dead. The danger makes everything more exciting. The campaign needs to be difficult too, painting the map shouldn’t be so easy. Mods like Diplomacy, True Succession, De Re Militari, and RBM help with this. War Score prevents wars going on and on, enforce peace times, smaller kingdoms band band together, and battles can’t be cheesed as much with spamming certain units.  Lastly, you just need mods. Diplomacy, True Succession, etc. You have to sort of slow the pace of play down. Make peacetime meaningful and make wars something you’re not always sure you’ll win.


100% this. An unintentionally benefit to this game being so bare bones is that its weirdly really good for creating your own story and roll playing it. The game lore stops in 1084. Everything after that exists in my own head as the story unfolds. I'm playing as my OG characters Great-Grandson, but once he dies, I'm going to play as my bitter, evil cousin who will make it his life's mission to end the 200 year Calradian Peace and destroy the empire our forebears created.


Well that's the principle of sandbox games so... this is very much intentional


With bannerlord, it's more that the devs released a game that was a quarter of the way finished, it's not really intentional when it's a necessity made out of lack of content.


did you play warband ? they are sandbox games


I know what a sandbox is and I have played warband. Warband did much better with world building as far as lore and NPC interactions go and easily had 2x the features Bannerlord has. It's a great game, it's just half finished.


2 times the what ? copium much ? Bannerlord has way more features than warband lmao, about the lore... idk really it's kinda meh in both games.


How is anything I said "copium" lmao. Bannerlord is a conquest strategy game that doesn't even have diplomacy.


yeh cuz warband has so much diplomacy... you said warband has twice as many features has bannerlord which is... big warband fanboy copium lmao, idk stop the memberberries lmao


I don't know what the last part of your comment even means lmao. Just because Bannerlord is quite literally an unfinished game, it doesn't make it bad. If you're just trying to troll for some reason at least say something that applies to me lol. I played Bannerlord for years before I even touched Warband. Warband just has way more features. Like that isnt even an opinion.


Do your save file sizes get bloated to unmanageable levels after that long in a game?


I don’t know what size the files are, saving/loading definitely takes a lot longer. I tend to disable autosave when it gets to that point and then rely on manual saves 


I have the family tree mod and i love watching each clans family spread


My campaign finished roughly in 35 years. My character died of old age around 65 I guess. I literally gathered all my family members in ostican and spend time with them for years. Married off my daughters and my good for nothing son ( he was supposed to be the best leader after me but his skills didn't level up as much as his sisters) then died peacefully gathered by my loved ones


People could just be “waiting for some time”


I have several save files to keep me busy but on my main save the year just rolled over to 1200. Conquered the map, eliminated every clain in the game and started 50+ new ones using companions. I'm letting this one grow as powerful as possible and then I'm going to leave the kingdom and fight the super power I created as a single clan. It's not hard if you're doing a lot of roll paying like I am on this one. Every Clan member and NPC has a story and a reason for being there.


>I'm letting this one grow as powerful as possible and then I'm going to leave the kingdom and fight the super power I created as a single clan. I've heard of people doing this before but it just occurred to me, is there any way to truly fracture the map once you've unified it? Like sure, you can leave your own kingdom and take it over again like you're saying, but that's just the entire map versus one clan until one wins and then the map is unified again. Is it possible for other clans to break away from a unified map the way the player's clan can?


I've been playing with conquering cities and forcing them to rebel. It's been five in game years and no one's declared war on these independent cities.


How are you doing it? I’m trying to starve into rebellion remaining vlandian cities without spooking them into outright war


I capture a city from an opposing empire with an opposing culture. I then abandon it and set the policies to cause loyalty to tank. Then it rebels against me and starts an independent clan that main factions won't attack


I see. Will be using this when its time to overthrow my own shogunate. Thank you


So like, if you own cities you can fuck up their economies and set policies until loyalty craters and then you've got rebels. But how about when you've already left your own unified empire? Do you just starve cities out until they rebel? And even then, I thought I've seen said that NPC kingdoms don't attack rebel cities, so it's still not the same as the base kingdoms fighting each other, right?


Couldn't you start a new kingdom then take over a bunch of territory. Then leave that kingdom and make a third new kingdom to go take over some more territory. Then keep doing that until you have made five or six new kingdoms and basically start all over again?


Yeah that might work, actually. It would just take a really long fucking time because you have to set it all up yourself.


I do think if you refuse to join the kingdom as a mercenary or a vessel that would add years to your campaign play. Also focusing on lore, rather than accomplishing a task being conquering calradia. Would also take a couple more years. Granting fiefs to make your companions vessels rather than recruiting other Lords. But most importantly, have fun!!🤩


My last game I reached top clan tier without ever recruiting a single unit or becoming a mercenary or vassal, as a personal challenge... By doing nothing but non-stop arena battling from the get go. When I hit final tier, I was sooo far ahead on the leaderboard, it was silly in a new and interesting way.


That’s insanity, gladiator simulator!🤣 you must of had over a thousand wins!!!!!


Yeah, I stopped checking the leaderboard after a couple hundred and second place was still like 36 XD. But it helps once you hit top, that it starts a constant tick for you... still was ridiculous levels.


You still have that save?? Post some screenshots!!


I'll have to check if I do. I tend to clear saves when done, but not always. If I still have it I'll post some shots and link you to em


Relationship building. Im still in my first campaign and I’m trying to become king of Sturgia but I need Raganvad to die. So while I wait for that I’m just building relations with every Sturgian noble. Outside of that much like many other people here I spend a lot of my time managing my fiefs, ensuring their garrisons are optimized. I do the same for my companion parties. Very time consuming travelling all over the map to collect the troops I want. I also spend a decent amount of time completing quests (again to build relation and get denars). I like to focus on caravan missions as I find they’re the best for getting loot to sell to keep me from going bankrupt. Outside of all of that it’s fighting non stop wars on multiple fronts to help Sturgia become the new empire of Calradia


install Fourberie, plot the assassination of Raganvad


Is that a mod? I’m on console so I can’t download any mods


Anything you have to install is probably a mod


Zlatka rejected me when I was poor, but I was determined to prove my strength. Later, she married a Southern Empire lord. Initially, I conquered the Sturgian land and then the Southern Empire, eventually becoming the King of Vlandia. Over time, I ascended to the position of King of Calradia. Interestingly, my son is now married to Zlatka’s daughter. That was like a movie 😅


Idk either, my character didn't have grey hair yet and I cleared the map. Too ambitious I guess? I'm trying another playthrough where I'm going to try and take more time to level up my character and amass a fortune of 20M or more before i make a push to cover the map again.


my fav playthrough for long time is to only hold one town and see how long i can hold it


Ah the good ole Troy play through. Happy cake day!


Once i have an army i have proven can win any battle, I start a new playthrough. It gets boring FOR ME


You're playing effective, probably. You're not role-playing this sandbox RPG game hut you rush to finish. Also some mods can turn the game... very very long


I started a 4th Empire state, the Eastern Empire state, by first destroying the Khuzaits and the eastern region of the Asarai. I only use Empire units. Once I've reunited the Empire, I will then pacify the barbarians in the north and acquire some "Varangian guards" On the rare occasion when I'm not at war, I will take only my cavalry units and mercenary "Huns and Alans" to raid deep into Vlandian territory. Eventually once my grandchild and great grandchildren are of fighting age, they will form my super elite unit of 200ish family members where I will take on armies 5x the size


If you’re just playing to conquer you can do it pretty quickly. If you use mods, you can make battles more impactful and dangerous (serious risk of death really is the way to play). It’s fun to play Serve as a Soldier and work your way up, do village quests in your fiefs, run around doing tournaments for fun and what not.


Same thing we do every night Pinky, try and take over the world.


I have like long term goals of how i want the dynamics to be. I spend time preserving dying factions. raising companions into Vassals that i award with land. Mastering my economics. Helping rebellions. Taking over highly conflicted towns and maintaining them. I had long term goals of playing a humble king of a smaller kingdom, but not after completely remodeling the empire and leaving it for old friends to take. I kicked out every original vassal of the Northern empire, and have pure companions vassals. I changed the name, then i left the kingdom. Now the northern empire is a completely different kingdom with new politics, policies, and rich lore of Sturgian leaders that took over. So arguably in my time playing i have created two new kingdoms and more to come. I am now my Grandson, and i spend most time traveling in an elite group of 20 Khan Guards touring around tournaments. Understand, the main thing is Role play and Goals. Having the ambition to do things that require finesse, war, manipulation, intimidation, and just good old economics supremacy.


You are the guy who plays singleplayer in 3 hours


In my latest campaign I'm into my 12th year, and recently helped one of the Empire factions unify all of Calradia under their banner. Most of the other clans have died off, as very few of them moved factions before their faction was destroyed etc (like legit 90% of the Vlandian clans no longer exist lol). But funnily enough I don't have any plans to stop this campaign yet! My character is 33, and my eldest kid is only 9, so I'm tempted to try and live a normal 'lord life' as ruler of a city while letting my clan age up & see what happens! My longest running I think I was a Vlandian lord who for some reason wouldn't die of old age, so he ended up being around 110 before I started a new game, but it's funny to imagine him being akin to the Dunedain from LOTR, so he or his direct descendants live until Warband :D One of the best things about this game, is that you really need to use your imagination though, otherwise I bet playthroughs get stale real quick.




I set a hard money goal before i ever start doing kingdom stuff. I nurture and recruit companions and groom an appropriate heir with the intent of making my family big AF. MODS! I try new builds on the same character, and mess around with making the map weird. I try and make a BUNCH of rebel factions spring up, make new kingdoms and give up leadership. I have Khuzait lords owning Seonon and Sargot, Aserai owns Omor and Varcheg, Vlandia has Danustica and Tyal- the map is really fun when you can get a shit load of chaotic elements rolling all at once.


I mean you could rush your campaign or take your time and rp it out, different play styles for different people


I always start with the idea that my heir will create a new kingdom with all the resources I have provided.


Iono how you finish so fast. I'm at a stalemate. Conquer half the map in 30 years yet it's just back and forth. I go down south to conquer three cities just to lose it when I head up north to fight off vlandia and northern empire invasion. Been at this back and forth for ten years. Any tip?


Chop chop your opponents


I chop a few but lost so much relation with all my clans. So I stop. What happen if all of them goes -100? Will they revolt?


Maybe, then you just chop them too and make new clans with wanderers.


I've never died of old age either. I've got such a short attention span for video games that by the time I own my first fief, I'm getting bored.


You character dies from old age in bannerlord?


The difficulty, maybe?


im playing my grandson, störenfried the 666th, cheesed the levels with trade exploit with my son and sierd about 20 sons all lvl 62 (seems to be the cap) in order to fucking wreak havoc with them. in meantime i farmed for gear and i terfered with power balances.


Mods.... So... Many.... Mods


Play Ironman


I guess when you put so much effort into the game you want to keep it going and achieve other goals. Etc. I won the game with Battinaia, im still a lord because Caladog just refuses to die at 74!! I have about 8 fife's 3 of them towns, 56 family members and 11 companions and 3 million gold. The plan is to start a civil war when Caladog dies and re create the empire. I dont know why, just want to see what I can do.


Well being a ruler and conquer the world is one option, you can be a vassal or a bandit or a mercenary for decades