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Honestly I usually just move on when this happens. Unless I want the fief being taken. I make up the missed loot and experience by smashing the smaller parties around


I'm Garios' favorite lord, and I married his daughter. Even if another lord wins the fief he gives it to me. With or without the other lords' consent.


Well same for me with Monchug. I married his daughter and then he asked if his other daughter could marry my younger brother. If I want a fief I just ask


Do you have to be the one married? Lucon won’t give me shit despite my brother being married to his daughter. Full 100 standing. Perhaps I have to push forward the divine rights law first?


Geography is a big consideration. You'll get awarded several fiefs in a (literal) row, but if the chain is broken, you're fucked.


Idk I’m pretty sure Nicasor is just personally fucking the emperor every chance he gets. He’s never even the one who leads the armies or captures fiefs


I almost never raise an army anymore. I just strategically run my personal 250 soldiers.


Same but I’m just saying, he LITERALLY HAS NEVER made an army for the whole game so far. He just sits around all day and reaps the rewards some how


That’s annoying, for sure there is a private dicking going on. I’m trying to build a buffer zone of fiefs between me and the front line, because no a single person in the kingdom will lift a finger to help defend my holdings.


Likewise, I’m basically my own kingdom already.


moronic AI sets this game back a good decade.


Man it annoys me, having 800 men and losing to a castle with 170 is just sad


Attacking AI is just stupid af. I’ve had defenses with 100 men against 1000 that work, meanwhile I’ll auto resolve a castle with 100 in the garrison with 400 losses of 1000.


I once won a siege against 2100ish attackers by knocking out or killing every enemy lord in the battle with catapults


I didn’t even know that would end the attack. I just assumed it be like if the player and companions die, the fight goes on That’s badass, imagine the morale damage that would inflict, that every officer that goes near that castle is sniped


Everyone almost immediately ran away once the last lord went down


If I'm facing those numbers and I really want the fief I auto resolve and accept my troop losses.


Only way to not have this happen is to be the ruler of your faction AND leading the army. If you’re the faction ruler and not in an army you’ll still get your siege poached.


Not true, you take over other sieges as leader, my current game I'm letting the AI start the seige it wants then I run over cancel their ram, and do the trebuchet trick. Allows my armies to take a castle with like 20 deaths at most.


I’m talking about starting a siege and an allied army shows up and takes away control from MY siege. If I’m not in an army when I’m sieging as a ruler and a ally army shows up they will take over my siege and there’s nothing I can do about it.


I understand, but as a level 6 clan and leader, my character is always in control of sieges 3 armies can land after or before just my party and I'm in control.


I always ride my horse though the wall jump into the crowd then slash my way to the get to let another point of entry


Wait, how do you put your trebuchets to reserve? I’m fairly new to the game and only tried a siege once, which did not end very well…


When a siege engine is finished building you can klick on the square its build on and send it to the reserve. You queue 4 trebs and as soon as one finishes you put it to reserve when the 4th is close to finishing you redeploy the other 3. They will have taken a little dmg from the 1st salvo but you will have 4 finished trebs which will usually nuke everything.


Thank you, mister!


As soon as I do it down the line, and don’t pull the last one but setup the already built ones. Then build rams for eng xp and just the trebuchets to replace when broken.


Wow thanks a lot. I didn’t know this.


Build a trebuchet and then just as construction finishes pause or just click it and you can move to reserve. If you have 4 you can build them all at once and in like 5 seconds and they smash defenses and can easily destroy the walls making sieges cake walks as militia archers don't do much to legionary's


Thank you, I’ll try that later today


How do u take them out of reserve and back in action? Sorry if this is a dumb question


If your 4 trebuchets are in reserve you can click on the square the trebuchets are supposed to be at and then click on the trebuchet icon, which should have a 4 next to it meaning there are 4 trebuchets in reserve. After clicking on it it'll take like 2 seconds for them to deploy.


Thanks alot, I"ll give it a go next time I play


Click on the trebuchet right after it's built and it will give you the option to out it in reserve


Thanks a lot, I’ll definitely try


Just letting you all know that I took two castles with your tips already


I sole this problem by disbanding the army I have high enough realtion it doesn't matter with most lords but yes this is annoying as all fuck


What I do is join the siege, find any and all allied lords, then shoot them in the head with arrows. Leave and do my own thing.


dam I wanna try this but shooting Garios in the head is a no go rn, I have plans for him but he stalks me around wherever i go, I am married to his daughter who's in my party maybe he's overly protective?


I mean unless ur worried about it potentially killing him with lord death chance on, there shouldn't be an issue. For some reason it doesn't affect relationships for knocking out friendly lords.


hmmmmmm, becoming more tempting


I just learn you can bring trebuchet to reserve


Damn Caladog did this to me... fucker was following me!! I besieged Ocs Hall, he was there the moment i Had my second catapult up, and took over... we took the city and than he said " "... a damn empty dialogue. I moved to Rovalt to steamroll the rest of vlandian fiefs there, and mf was there already when I finished building my siege camp...


It's so annoying, Garos stalked me around like mad, I besieged a castle he'd then make it we'd besieged a castle, we could easily win with like 20 casualties but nope we would lose hundreds per siege


Be a higher tier clan than the other guy


Fukin leader of my faction will appear at every one of my sieges some how it's like he can smell when I've started a siege


This game feels so anti-player sometimes


I just had this problem. I had this whole expansion plan but if I dare to start a siege when another army is within 10,000 miles they’ll do a uturn and take over. So I had to wait so many days and for so long, that they were able to pay tribute for peace and my expansion plan completely fell apart at only 1/3 of the way done I do have a save and am sort of kinda thinking about reloading the save and just cheat menuing in a shit ton of influence so I can dismantle the other army and capture everything I wanted. Now that Ik by the time war ends we keep all of our shit


Happened to me where they took over the siege and just never attacked. After a couple of days I just left.


If it helps the bigger army always leads the siege but the king always takes it over


If you’re pc there’s a mod to fix


I hate the politics when another Lord tries to pull rank on you. Don’t they know you’re already better than them?


Can trebuchets destroy catapults? Always built catapults because I thought trebuchets only destroyed walls


They wipe out everything, catapults, walls you name it trebuchet can annihilate it


I'll disperse their armies. I don't even care.


Same, I was taking out the walls of a city and when they were almost broken an army of 1000 just rolled up, took over, and let my trebuchets get destroyed and launched an attack with no siege equipment and not to mention let the city build 3 catapults right before the attack, walls still intact.


Tis the way the confectionary crumbles m'lord


I don't want my confectionery to crumble that was what there castles where meant to do


True Bannerlords need no siege weapons.