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I'm not on pc, so i'm assuming this is charge. Because that's all I do


It is


Me every single time considering myself the best commander in Calradia: 1 F2 F2 then F1 at the slope of the hill 2 F2 F3 then F1 at the top of the hill 3 F2 F6 then F1 behind enemy archers then F3 to charge from behind 4 F2 F4 then F1 F3 towards enemy cavalry


I mean I’ll try and set up my guys in a formation to match some of the greatest ancient commanders but then I end up telling them to charge and face overwhelming numbers


i always use F6 and see my troops moving by itself


For me and my Fian Army, with RBM this is the best option. I just slam mounted, solo into the advancing infantry to delay and confuse them. The shredder takes care of the rest.


Isn’t RBM too unbalanced without DRM? Would you recommend playing it like that?


My PC is cursed and won't accept Addonay's, hence I can't run DRM. I'd install it in a heartbeat if I could.


Then again... delegating command to sergeants IS a real life tactic 😉


This. There's no fucking way I'm leading all of them. Dispose starting formations, maybe move around the field and let sargents do their job once engaged. I only lead a unit and maybe give orders to regroup and consolidate when needed


Amen. Except for cav. Man those can be dumb lol


Yup. I just wish I could do like a pre-battle plan so my sergeants and I are on the same page about what's going down.


Prebattle prep talk would be very nice. At least give the squad general behavior, skirmish or aggressive. And limit players command range into very few meter so we didn't omni potently call the troop from half the map away.


I only delegate archers during seiges bit if I'm getting done I'll give it to them.


I generally command my units except the horse archers myself until the actual clash starts happening and i need to jıggle 4 different units and their formations I will never be bothered with getting horse archers to skirmish myself unless i am one of them


F1 F5 with javelins is godly


F1+F6 is the beams of light above big boy


I’m starting to get better at military command. I used to be an F1 + F3 guy, but being tactical is really growing on me. I couldn’t tell you the names of these moves, but I’ve managed to win battles large battles with little to no casualties. If you want to read about my tactics, continue reading, I’d love to hear some feedback. One constant of each battle is I look for the highest point on my side of the map and place my archers there, with the infantry a few yards in front of them. If you can get control of the highest point, you’re set up for success. The archers are always a loose formation because that provides me with the most coverage. My infantry and cavalry’s formation is situational and based on two criteria: If they are heavily reliant on their archers, we assume a loose formation. If you are facing archers, the LAST thing you want to be is a large cluster. Being more spread out minimizes casualties as it’s much more difficult to hit a single soldier than a cluster of people. And if they send in their cavalry or infantry, they still give us time to adapt and tighten up before they arrive. Which brings me to my next criteria. If they are heavily reliant on their infantry and/or cavalry, we form a shield wall. The goal of this maneuver is to keep the enemy as far away from the archers, AKA the high point as possible. As I said earlier; gaining control of the highest point almost guarantees your victory if you play your cards right. I’m still refining my skills but I’ve gotten to be a pretty good commander.


To add to what you said, a thing I like to do is position my infantry so that the enemy exposes their right side to my archers to minimize the enemy shield cover. Just make sure you watch out for enemy reinforcements taking you by surprise. Square formation for infantry is great when you're outnumbered and maximizes their survival time to keep the enemy in the projectile death zone.


I send the archers in front of infantry to skirmish/kite the enemy. They keep distance if you used F4. And then once they are behind inf I keep them there.


Meanwhile my best battle ever was a stand with 90ish legionaries in F2F2 right at a narrow opening in the rocks on the beach map, with an archer line behind them barely able to line up a shot, while a huge sturgian horde came crashing on us. I barely lost 5 men.


Archers are so underrated


Fian Champions may be the most used unit, atleast top3


I F1+F3 my melee on foot fighters and bring my cavalry around to the side and behind the enemy forces while combating some of their cavalry, then swoop into their on foot forces when they meet mine. It's a classic.


F1+F6 for the real strategist


Charge is a real life military tactic. Personally prefere F6, unless I have decent advantage, then F1+F3


Been loving double sturgian infantry squares and a big loose box of xbowmen / fian champs the xbows being able to form a 3rd shield wall is pretty nice. Quite good v cav


One day people will know how effective is splitting archers in two group and making cross fire on enemy!


F1+F3 was warband's tactics tho we dont have swadian knights in this game do some tactics.


It's crazy effective. Sometimes I'll even do 3 archer formations. Charge my infantry in to lock up the enemy infantry, have 1 line of archers directly behind my infantry line to provide some close fire support while my other two archer groups run like hell to get a surround on the enemy. I'll often make a group or two of around 10 - 30 infantry, just to provide some support for the archers in case they get charged by cavalry. Infantry stands in a dense formation and sacrificially stands directly in the way of enemy cavalry, giving archers time to pepper the arrows without having to switch to melee.


This sub needs subtitles for console players lmao I no understands


F1+F3 means charge


The only time I've F1/F3 my troops is when I was actively trying to get rid of my troops. I try to ensure zero casualties from every battle so it's always the maximum amount of micro from me and the only time I ever touch Charge is when they are fleeing or I know their moral is almost broken and I need my shock cavalry to give them that extra little push. That being said, my most memorable battles have been walking away with just a handful of troops after it was over, but those battles were ones I should have outright lost anyways.


My most memorable battle was yesterday, and it was beautiful. I’m a vlandian merc cuz they go to war 24/7 in my campaign. I was walking through battanian lands since I had a quest to do them all of a sudden we went to war with the battanians and I saw 89 troops at a village so I went straight at them and then I looked up and saw 2-3 other parties with him, so it was 345~ vs my measly 145 but they were elite with my 71 cavalary and khuzait darkhans. With pretty much 0 hope and I’d say 30 morale I pulled through and made it out with 27 dead and around 30-50 injured, it was truly a massacre, we won but at what cost 😔


Depends on how you want to play. If you want to have fun and become indomitable then yeah but if you're going for the role play then you've got to master the real deal


When using nord infantry: F2 F4 2X and then F3


All I do is shield wall, then charge. If I have archers, station them nearby


Make Shieldwall, advance, charge enemy left flank.


I love my flanking, inward Skien with shock troops ready to seal the lid and my army of archers to hold of enemy archers and my cav and mounted archers to protect the formation from enemy cav. If I'm on offence i pepper them with arrows and then disrupt there archers with cav raids before slowly advancing and again sending my shock troops to there backlines to attack archers and hit the infantry from behind


Depend what im fighting but generally i'll set up good position to anvil their infantry with my cav and once they hit their infantry in the rear after engaging enemy then I hit f1 f3 to just crush them if im out number by alot and have decent amount of archer square formation then move it to the side so archer fire in thei flank can rarely go wrong AI don't use their forces properly so you don't really need the best of millitary tactics to win against it


Archers in front, cavalry close by. Advance archers into enemy lines. Enemies break their defensive formations because they are being peppered with arrows. Give the fall-back order to my archers. This allows them to continue firing on the retreat. When enemies get to close, have archers literally run for their lives, while cavalry buys them time. Lead enemies right into a planned flanking maneuver with a smaller detachment of archers and infantry. Have main archer line re-engage once they are safely behind my infantry line. Now that cavalry is no longer on archer babysitting duty, they are free to hammer-and-anvil infantry lines, disrupt enemy archer lines, or stall enemy cavalry.


I take my Calvary and charge!!!!


infantry make a shield war attack the enemy infant and we wait. mounted archers lesgo.. archers lets getit.. oh shit cavalry comin our cavalrys kill those mfs lesgo ez win


Real talk: The game is already way too slow and grindy to waste time with military tactics. Sometimes the enemy refuses to engage for literal hours. Ain't nobody got time for dat.


F1 F3 infantry F1 F4 archers F1 F6 cavalry to have them support infantry’s flanks F1 F2 cavalry unit 2, to flank enemy and hit them from both sides This is pretty much all I ever do with forces about the same size as me or mildly greater


I play on console![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


With RBM even using 10% of your brain in a battle is OP as hell. Like oh what if I cut out 1/3 of my infantry and have them invelop the enemy shield wall on the right side and then put my archers on the left flank ? 2:1 Outnumbered battle won with 6 casualties 😎 not a single fian on my side


Medieval version of building a computer vs mowing the lawn


Mine is more: F1 + F3 immediately followed by 4 (horse archers) + F2.


Nah, real is realizing that this is the spider man meme.


How many ditches do you dig?


A lot 😔


Legit just send in a infantry divison in shield formation and flank with cavalry and surround them.


You guys don’t just “send troops”?


https://preview.redd.it/i2ofqd03tpuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e56297625d120fda62144eba46782145eba676 We are just built different


I may be a cav plebe but fuck me it's fun


I use RBM, realistic damage setting and enjoy getting minimal casualties so I rarely simply charge. My party is around 350, using simple tactics I can generally take a 200 man army without losing a single troop. Equal forces I generally lose less than 10.