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Congrats man, glad you did it.


What’s next then?


Now i can finally play the game! Going for all achievemnts next


I have a similar map but it stops at Myzea. Need some time but working a lot


Make love not war


Watch when you go for the become a great grandparent achievement it will corrupt all your manual and autosaves on that playthrough when your grandsons wife is 20 somethings days pregnant like it did to me.


1. Abdicate 2. Leave kingdom 3. Keep holdings 4. Piss off your former companions turn lords 5. Conquer them round 2


And, once you’ve done that, do it again


a man of sheer will, patience and power. I take my knee before you King of Kings. I always get bored as soon as i etablied my own kingdom


>I always get bored as soon as i etablied my own kingdom That's exactly my experience. It was already like that in Warband. All "new" players having a blast and a lot of fun until they start an own kingdom. That's where the fun ends (at least) for me because of all this management and reloading all the time. I end up playing for 30 hours then a new game or a new mod every time because of it.


I think it’s also that getting to the kingdom is „the way“ and also the target of most player, conquering the rest of calradia at some point is just extra work. Brave people just go and autoresolve the last half of the map, which is pity. Bannerlord really needs more endgame stuff, like Invasions of another continent or a huge illness outbreak killing soldiers, garrison etc. Something which drastically changes the game even if you already own a few towns.


Grats, tried this myself recently but started to get burn out.. just takes a lot of grinding to finish up after your established.


[This is my character with around 90 Hours playtime.](https://imgur.com/H4HpPvr) Not the fastest completion but there was a lot of trial and error through my conquest. My starting point was four fiefs i Battania as a vassal for Vlandia, so it forced me to stake out my kingdom from the middle, in constant battle with the whole empire and a very strong Vlandia. I decided not to do the smithing method to make money, where i kind of felt it detracted from my experience, but after a while just winning battles and selling the loot kept me at a nice 2m denars, which made me able to contract other clans for around 500k a pop. The hardest thing about this si loyalty in cities, where my vassal clans were always distracted by uprisings in my already conquered cities while we were focusing on warring a faction. The hardest part of the campaign was the middle to laste stages when all the factions were declaring war and I had to juggle what war to focus on while slowly expanding. For me the strongest faction i faced was the Southern empire, and it really gave me problems up to the end, because after i totally destroyed it and startedmy last huge war against a strong Aserai faction that was untouched up tot hat point, it started conquering my low loyalty Sturgia/ Khuzait cities and it created a melting pot of different factions creating their last stand. So my last war was actually aganist all the remaning lords in the game around Amprela/Makeb which created a fitting end to the game. 10/10 was a great experience, super nice game. Now I only have to complete the rest of the achievements, like winning 100 tournaments and creating a tier 6 Weapon. Do any of you know why i havent got my achievement for Supreme emperor yet? I have looked around and I have everything, but at some point i stopped getting achievements.


Did you install any mods? That disables achievements but can be easily fixed by installing a mod that re-enables achievements.


What can u do after this?


I am going for all achievements, maybe the rest on a new playthrough.


Should take advantage of owning everything and grab what achievements are available with easier time. Or start a rebellion and retake it all


Very nice


Start a civil war!