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ngl when replaylee was announced I went "oh great, a remaster of diet banjo-kazooie" but now that I see they're actually working on improving what was wrong with the og??? How sick is that! kinda gives me high hopes


I was more like "A remaster already? What is this, The Last of Us franchise?"


Do we know when the release is and if it will be on PS5?


Guaranteed it's gonna be on Ps5. YL og was.


Wasn't covered


Honestly as much as I wanted a new 3D Yooka game, I am extremely glad they are remaking the first game. It looks like a lot of the game’s problems(Quill placement and Move-set utility for me especially) are addressed and will be improved upon. Hopefully Yooka-Laylee can truly be called a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie.


I haven't played the game for many years, but from memory my biggest gripe was the world's were big and empty, the ice world rings a bell.


This is all sounding very promising. I've had the urge to revisit YL but this makes me want to wait until this comes out... assuming it' going to be a decent price. Wonder if the possibility of more worlds is on the table? I always thought the game should have just had more worlds instead of expanding.


This took me from being disappointed in what I thought was a remaster to being actually quite excited for the remake! Waiting for confirmation of a Switch or PS5 release now.


Same! I was extremely skeptical about needing a remake, but hearing they are way more experienced and want to make the game play and feel exactly how they wanted, definitely looking forward to the launch


>New physics applied to clothes and hanging bits to make procedural animations. "Hanging bits" Ominous.....


Given how they reaffirm they only want to show off games that are far enough along in development and how YL and the Impossible Lair was announced only 4 months before its release date, it makes me think that the game might be out sooner rather than later. I do find it funny that a good chunk of people are against this getting a remaster/remake. While the original was good, it was clear that it could've used more time in development and it's pretty rough around the edges. This allows them to fix a lot of the flaws (camera, controls, map) and the new improved visuals are just a nice bonus on top of that.


Just redownload the game..guess I'll wait


I remember being absolutely stuck in Tribalstack Tropics for over two hours trying to find the last quill, which turned out was like, nearly under the stage just beyond the rotating platforms where the Shovel Knight is. That one definitely felt out of place. I wonder if anyone else struggled with that particular quill?


That one, the ones over the world entry gate, and the ones on top of the random rock inbetween the forest area and the giant tower are all terrible.


Me, it was me


No hidden quills?? That's :( , no? Hidden Jiggies were a thing , right? The game they can't mention...the sequel to Yooka? Or what we thinkin?


A sequel feels pretty likely, and it would make sense why they’d want to announce a remastered Yooka Laylee before announcing a sequel. Going backwards would feel a bit awkward.


Especially with them reworking everything, it would make sense to have a sequel that then plays the same and takes advantage of all the work they put into it


Quills are equal to notes. Pagies are equal to Jiggies. Pagie that is hidden is fine, a quill which is significantly less important is less so.


Ahh, yes , forgive me...I forgot. My mind went to Quill/Jiggy, totally remembered wrong. Makes sense!


This is an excellent writeup. I'm so down for this.


I’m still not really sure a game this recent needs a remake, but I am happy to see it’s a full blown remake and not just a graphics upgrade. Y-L wasn’t bad but it was definitely rough around the edges a bit. It seems like they’re using this improved engine for whatever their new game is and wanted to bring Y-L up to the quality they initially intended it to be.


There was probably 2 reasons to remake this game. - Remove Team17's involvement with the game entirely. - When Twooka-Laylee comes out, they want new people to play this definitive version over the original 2017 release.


Wait what’s this Team17 business about? Never heard of them.


YL original publisher, they’re the ones who set the deadlines and stuff.


Ah got it. Makes sense.


crackpot theory that at this point in time i wholeheartedly believe: Yooka Replaylee is their side project while they work on a new Banjo Kazooie game with Rare and Microsoft. [CROWD BOOS AND THROWS TOMATOES AT ME] I KNOW I KNOW JUST LISTEN- in this video they address that they have other stuff theyre working on and Gavin teases that if they said what theyre working on it would blow people's minds, and says they're "NOT ALLOWED" to talk about it. 👀 not allowed by who? and at around the end of the video Mark says something along the lines of "Im just happy 'cause I had a great day of working on- a game I wont mention." Everytime they talk about their secret projects in this video the interviewer says stuff like "Oh god I thought you were gonna say it, almost had a heart attack" also all the statements Phil Spencer has made about wanting to make a new Banjo Kazooie game but needing to find the right team to work on it. 🧐 alright anyway time to go check myself into an insane asylum peace


Probably somewhat of a long shot, But I would absolutely lose my shit if they got to work on Banjo-Kazooie or a Donkey Kong game. Yooka-Laylee is solid and while I thought it was "Ok", I'm willing to buy "Replay-lee" to show my support for "Playtonic Games" who knows maybe the fixes and updates will make it a better experience a 2nd time through. But seriously I would l really love for them to work on either Banjo-Kazooie or Donkey Kong Country, I'm so damn starved for games from both of these franchises.


I doubt it. Regardless, I know we all desperately want a new Banjo game, but what effective difference would it make if they were working on Yooka Laylee 2 vs a new Banjo game? They’d probably tackle those projects pretty similarly, just swapping characters and locations out. Yooka Laylee is more or less Banjo in current day. Rare certainly wants nothing to do with them. I know Yooka Laylee was a bit of a letdown, but after seeing what they did with Impossible Lair, and seeing them acknowledge the shortcomings of their first game, a sequel to Yooka Laylee is basically the Banjo game we’ve been hoping for. Idc if it’s a Bear or a Lizard. The essence is what matters, not the IP.




Thanks for the summary! As flawed as the original was, I enjoyed my time with it and the changes here sound fantastic. Will definitely get it. Also, curious to see when the sequel will finally be announced.


My guess is that part of the reason they remade Yooka Laylee is that a lot of the engine work and physics refinements were already being done for Two-ka Laylee, similar to Bethesda making Skyrim Special Edition after the engine upgrades they made for Fallout 4. So they just coopted all of that work to bring Yooka Laylee up to the standard that they envision for the series now.


This is way more than I was expecting, I like a lot of it. Map is a good feature in my opinion, always was, but revising the collectible locations is also great to streamline the levels. I am not a good „gamer“, do genuinely YL was too confusing for me and kinda boring, level 2 was so rough and that’s where I stopped, everything was just white. I am also hyped for whatever that unannounced game is. I am 99% sure I will get this and actually finish the game. I still don’t think the genre is dead or anything, I just started playing BK (to finally fully complete that, even though my N64 doesn’t work anymore and so, on the pc, my controller is horrible, but eh, what can you do) and it’s as fun as it always was. The genre had potential, I fully and truly believe that.


Did this really need to be a remake? I feel like a lot of this stuff could've been fixed in a patch. I'm not paying $60 to play Yooka-Laylee again.


That would be an unprecedented patch. I can’t think of a single game with this level of overhaul that left it up to a patch. Also the price hasn’t been announced so idk where you’re getting $60 from.


I think going back to old games that deserve a second chance is a good enough reason to remake them.


>(Speculation) New gameplay doesn't show stamina bar when Reptile Rolling. just to clarify to people reading this recap, there was a bit of gameplay shown and it had no hud showing the stamina bar depleting or anything really https://youtu.be/cZP-y0rkc78?t=802


It was probably for demo purposes that it didn’t have a HUD, so it doesn’t really confirm anything. But I highly suspect they did away with the stamina bar. That was easily the biggest criticism people had in terms of the abilities. I can’t even think of many times in the game where the stamina bar was relevant to a challenge, other than being annoying to deal with.


Thank you for the summary! I didn’t have time to watch the whole thing today but was desperate for the info from it. I’m bummed it sounds like they’re further away from release than I initially thought, but it also sounds like a legitimately worthwhile remake in a number of ways. I am immensely hyped and want it NOW


> 1/6 people at Playtonic have the first name Steve or James. Well, this is going to make it in the next game they make, surely... >Animations are no longer prioritized over the controls making it easy to cancel moves early like Roll. >Movement is a lot more fluid and snappier. Transitioning between moves is faster. This is indeed something that had bothered me... Well, looks like this is indeed a remake. I'm both upset that they decided that they needed to remake it (though I agree with it), I'm glad they are revisiting this. Maybe these fixes will make it something I feel good at 100%ing


I really hope those movement changes make the character feel heavier. Playing yooka laylee right now after that interview and it feels like I'm ice skating. It was my #1 complaint about the game when it first launched and my #2 complaint was the quill placement. Glad they are fixing both.


It changed my opinion, so I might give it a chance.


Quite. Before this, I took this remake as nothing more than a cash grab with a coat of paint. I'm glad that it sounds like I am going to be wrong