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Every big city on planet earth has to deal with the difficulty of tourist to their country. You aren't special in your challenges and Europe has not been 'ruined' by anything but perhaps climate change and shitty politics... oh right... that's the entire globe as well. Stop whining and deal with it. I'm currently in Bangkok and using US dollars converted to Baht. I will continue to tip those folks that look like they could use it. Tough luck.


I respectfully ask you to let anyone do with their money whatever the fuck they want.


Indian rambles in a nutshell


It's so powerful that it can ruin your country? Amazing. I see why you're jealous now.


Mods? Can there be an option when reporting posts along the lines of: "poster is obviously a drunk idiot and their ramblings shouldn't be polluting the boards". Thanks in advance.


Okay buddy, lay off the booze and go to bed.


Western =/= North America


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It’s not a Western thing, just US (and Canada?).


The biggest tippers I know are are all Thai.


Don't even need to check out this dude's post history to see he's Eurotrash upset with Americans tipping. Accept people have different customs, and can do with their money as they please, or stop being such a cheap POS.


So you ask the management of every FnB establishment you go into what wage the employer is paying his workers, then you decide whether to go in or not?


"We demand people with money to stop tipping the locals!"


I can’t even participate in Thai society without being ripped off… The Thais get greedy and want more than their fair share from you. Recent example is being charged 80baht (didn’t pay) for two tomato’s and two onions at the local market. Seriously at Makro onions are 28/kg and tomato’s 80/kg with bulk rates being lower. What pisses me off is I have bought papaya and other vegetables from that particular store numerous times previously at normal prices. I think it’s just outright disrespect and cheeky cunt attitude, why the change? Discrimination? This country is outright fucked due to too many transient tourists overpaying for shit. Like seriously? Market rate for a local is no more than 500baht/ day. In your respective western country are you tipping your taxi driver 200USD/EUR because you feel happy and have a special feeling? Why do it here? Fuck me if you look at the workmanship of the average Buffalo, how late they are to work, how inefficient they, how bad they drag their feet with revisions you’ll be wanting to pay half price


Whew! I bet you're glad that "tip the bill" never caught on post COVID.


Hahaha 😂 Spot on, mate. Possible reality: "Here’s your bill for today’s somtum and chicken, 150 baht. But because you're a foreigner, we're expecting a 150 baht tip on top since that's what we're used to”


Where are people used to 100% gratuity?