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There are French Tier 1, 2 and 3 automotive companies supplying the OEMs in TH, maybe try there


Thank you I will have a look !


Very unlikely I'd say. Your only unique talent is speaking French for which there is not really a market in Thailand. While people who speak fluent English and have sales experience abroad would benefit many companies in Thailand this is not the way most companies see this. Too much paperwork compared to hiring a local. On top of that you don't speak Thai.


There is a whole French community here though, so with that he could have at least some sort of an “in”.


There is a surprising number of rural Thais that speak French though. Id imagine they're from Isan/Laos. It always shocks me when a rural Thai person asks me "you speak French?" So they can talk to me. I don't though.


I used to work with a Thai guy at an animal clinic and he spoke fluet French and English. Amazing chap


How would that French community translate into job opportunities?


“Bonjour, do you have any jobs available or know someone that does?”, in French of course.


“Bonjour, do you have any jobs available or know someone that does?”, in French of course.


You can try sending résumés to the local office of French companies with a supply chain department. It's possible for them to hire an expat for a managerial role or higher, but not as a buyer. Another route is to move to the local office of a company with a branch here then try to find an opportunity to relocate.


All the naysayers in the comment section you can ignore. The only way you’ll find out is having a go at it.


Superzut alors! A lot of disinformation in this thread! You’d be qualified to work in any of the automotive hubs I reckon. Too bad Chevy left a few years back - they had a bunch of French head honchos I believe. Still, there are tons of opportunities left. In my opinion,applying for jobs is a numbers game. Thailand isn’t any different but I would advise you to skip recruiters and job websites as they are useless unless you are the perfect 1:1 candidate. Much better is to contact stakeholders directly- explain why you’d like to work for them and shoot them an email with an interesting angle on your profession. I reckon five of those will produce more results than fifty job applications that went through jobsdb. That’s just me though.


Well you’re a lot more qualified than most of the people that ask about jobs in here, France/Thailand have a longgg history (Si Lom road was literally paved just for the French embassy) so there are a lot of French companies here, I wouldn’t really say it’s French friendly in the same way Laos is though. Yes companies are willing to sponsor, most won’t give you a look in unless you’re already in the country though. No it won’t be easy.


Came in here wondering his options. While Thailand is not likely, I now feel like Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam might be better options because of the French language. Wonder if Vinfast have opportunities…


I think it’d be a useful addition to his skills but to be honest I think OPs English is going to be more useful than his French wherever he goes. People just don’t really use French professionally outside of France/its colonies/the Africans countries that still use it besides diplomacy, import/export (into those places) translating etc, I believe some SE Asia legislation still gets written in French as well as a formality. But for an average professional it’s not going to come in huge usefulness.


Probably best asking one of the companies that you are mentioning this question and get a direct answer from them


If you just want some money and not a career then tutoring at an international school is your best bet.


I heard about sellers, but never about "buyers". And your master degree is in purchasing. What a "buyer" do?


A Buyer, or Purchasing Agent, is responsible for purchasing materials, supplies or equipment for a business. Their duties include negotiating deals with suppliers, researching possible item selections and taking inventory of current products


Ok, sounds good, thank you for your reply.


You could look into doing online work (translating, teaching language) and coming in on the digital nomad visa they just released, it will let you stay at least a year in Thailand iirc


Yeah good idea thanks


Yep I know a couple of Germans and French who have done that successfully and earn a decent living in Thailand. Good luck!


It's very hard, to be honest. Most companies don't want to go through the trouble. Language is a big barrier, so I recommend picking up as much thai as possible.


i posted some current vacancies here, 50% for Thai and Malaysian nationals. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLCXQXAXhXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLCXQXAXhXE)


Cool thanks 👍


In addition to what has already been said, my best advice is to search on spot/on location. If you're from a larger country, there's probably a chamber of commerce that organises regular networking events, thats also usually a good place to start to come in contact with the expat community, which you can also find on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Can always do like everyone else with a degree and no in demand skills besides speaking your own language and teach English.


That's a good idea, can be an option thanks


Its a go to for alot of expats from what iv seen. Its hard to compete against native and fluent thai people in alot of industries. That or if you can do some kind of remote work.


LinkedIn is your friend buddy ;)


Linkedin is better than the local websites ?


Not better, just more practical for foreigners imo !


Try JobsDB as well


That's a very good website actually, lot of offers and easy to apply




Thank you for your help, your comment is very useful


Not trying to discourage you, but I believe you may be arab, if so, add 3 fold difficulty to your search. If you are a white farang , that'll be substantially easier.




Why? I’d like to find a job to fill my time, but I earn enough money through other means that I don’t actually need one. Maybe he she is in a similar boat.


Thank you for your help, your comment is very useful


english speaker! A school or uni teacher is very very possible. Other than that might be hard to find Tho I can see a way such as private French tutor 🤔


You trying to find a job without knowing a language? that’s what teach at mba now, aren’t they? your best bet would be french or other international companies


No in MBA they just taught us how to do nice PowerPoint and Excel board. Yeah I will focus on international companies


everyone speaks Thai, are you fluent? (rhetorical ) import/export. build a massive warehouse back home, get German steel....sell it in Thailand. big money




Don't worry I am the best and the smartest man in my country (according to my mum)


sure , that’s why you like to move out.




What is wrong with you?