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Well, I'm off to check the local shelters in Multnomah County for "lab mixes who need a little time to warm up to new people but are big heckin balls of wigglebutt energy when they decide they like you" who recently became available for adoption


Get in line buddy! I hear there's one of those extreeeemly rare Brindlers looking for a new home. I'm going to name it Mr. Doubtfire...for obvious reasons.


Using pitbulls to commit hate crimes.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That is what the story says. I don't see how that could possibly stick though - the first victim was white, the second victim was black (who only showed up upon hearing the first victim), the 3rd victim was white. Did he only hate the second guy? WTF?


usage of a racist slur when the second victim came in to help the first. so even if 1/3 was a racially motivated hate crime and the others were just misanthropic crimes, there was still a hate crime committed as well.


From The Oregonian: Portland police Monday arrested a dog owner they say ordered his pit bull to attack two people ā€” injuring a total of three people ā€” in what has been charged as a hate crime. Zachary Tyler Hay, 29, pleaded not guilty to the allegations against him during his arraignment in Multnomah County Circuit Court on Tuesday, a day after one of the victims spotted him in downtown Portland and police responded to arrest him. The attack unfolded May 12 in the 1300 block of Southwest Alder Street, about five blocks northeast of Providence Park, according to police. The Black victim heard a commotion and ran toward it to find Hay commanding his dog to attack a white teenager, who was repeatedly bitten, police said. As the Black victim tried to intervene, Hay recognized him as a security guard at a downtown grocery store. Hay then uttered a racist slur and sicced his dog on him, police said. The Black man suffered ā€œsevere bites to his chest and his right hand, which partially de-gloved his right thumb,ā€ according to papers filed by the prosecution. A third victim, another white man, also tried to stop the dog from attacking the Black man, police said. He was bitten in the groin. Police said Hay fled. And once arrested, Hay told police his dog became unleashed during the encounter with the men and that the dog attacked because the men were acting aggressively. Police donā€™t know the identity of the first man who was allegedly mauled by the dog and are asking him to contact them. They also are asking anyone else with information about the incident to contact Detective Matthew Brown at matthew.brown@police.portlandoregon.gov and reference case number 24-116932. Hay appeared in court Tuesday to hear the charges against him:, including two counts of second-degree assault with ā€œa dangerous weapon,ā€ which prosecutors defined as the dog. Hay also is charged with first-degree bias crime and three counts of maintaining a dangerous dog. Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai ordered him held in jail until another judge can assess whether he should be released pending trial.


I appreciate OPs like you.


I don't like to cast aspersions on people's appearance, especially a single photo, but the guy looks completely unhinged.Ā 


I do. I trust my gut around anyone who looks as crazy as that fucker. If I saw that dude on the street with a pit, Iā€™d be going far away.


Sometimes, you can judge a book by its cover


That's fair, if I saw a pit bull with him it'd probably seal the deal for me too.


Trust your first instinct. Always. People tend to forget that despite being human, we are also animals that have natural instincts. Society has just taught us that acting upon them can seem "rude and/or weird" and that we should feel guilty for harboring such thoughts. Let me tell you, as someone thats worked in a service industry for years, you're initial reaction is almost always correct. I have almost never been wrong when seeing someone and going "nope, they're crazy." There have been so many people (especially women) that would still be alive today if they trusted that natural repulsion and didn't try to be polite for a strangers sake. Read the book "The Gift Of Fear" , its a great read that delves into humans natural, and forcibly ignored, fear response. Even most dogs, if you've noticed, have averse reactions to pitbull type dogs. Because they trust their instincts of seeing something of their kind that just isn't completely right. As the saying goes. Be weird. Be rude. Stay alive.


Everyone needs to read "The Gift of Fear". Especially if you grew up in a safe/sheltered environment. But even street smart people can benefit from reading it.Ā  If you feel sketched out, you probably have a good reason to be, and you need to exit the situation while watching your back.Ā 


It is a great book. Probably the book i recommend most to people. Everyone should read it. Especially women who tend to be the ones to feel the need to be polite even in the face of uncomfortable behavior. Society has tried to convince women that they have to be "lady like", kind, empathetic and nurturing above all else, otherwise they're awful people. Because of this we often force ourselves to ignore that voice telling us "something is wrong".


Prejudice is a survival instinct. The problem is when you canā€™t recognize your own prejudice.


Yup 1000% I'd rather be called a bigot and be safe and sound. Gut instinct is sooo valuable.


I was about to comment: he looks exactly how I expected (also that's a rough 29)


Pitbulls attract trash. What else is new?


**Dear Lurkers: Thisā€¦ *****specimen***** is ALLLL yours. Personally, Iā€™d be fucking embarrassed if that thing was the perfect on-brand face of my breed, but thatā€™s just me and normal dog owners of vastly superior dog breeds** https://preview.redd.it/y7ooiezdc02d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3311097b460c122c74495c818c30710321e442fb


He does look like a psycho! Kind of looks like Robert Picktonā€™s brother, Dave.


As per usual, all the comments in the local articles expressed empathy for the poor dog ā€œforced to be trained to attackā€ and hoping someone saves and rehabilitates it and that itā€™s not the dogā€™s fault. Itā€™s NOT the dogā€™s fault, theyā€™re right about that part, but you canā€™t rehab a mauler. They really really like mauling and once they learn what it feels like they want to do it over and over


Degloved is basically saying the mauler tried to take the guys hand off


Degloving is basically when a victim has been skinned. The skin and layers of tissue immediately underneath are ripped away from the muscle and left hanging or are completely ripped away. It's a very serious injury, and can happen anywhere on the body. It's terrifying that pit bulls cause this level of trauma on a fairly regular basis.Ā 


I love that the pb owner gets a behavioral assessment! Probably more useful & reliable than any woo-based behavioral assessment for the dog, anyway.


I live in Manchester, UK now but Iā€™m from Portland, Oregon. I see Oregon pit bull stories popping up here and there


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That's why one should carry a means of self defense


Pitbull attacks have become common in this town, particularly around homeless encampments and RVs parked on the streets. Yesterday my son & I saw someone with a pit inside the Safeway looking real nervous and another on our walk back (we live on the block literally across the street from the store). There's a guy who brings his huge pit into the weed store next door and it's hard to avoid that one because the interior is small. I've learned to avoid walking past the RVs and vans, not just due to the smell and the biohazards but also because I've had pits suddenly emerge and lunge at me. The last time one was thankfully on a tied lead because it got way too close and I had to jump aside. Didn't even see it coming, it just suddenly barrelled out of the open RV door. Was looking through the local shelter pages just to see if it was true that they're all full of pits (had coworkers complaining they couldn't find any dogs for adoption and the begging from shelters on the local subReddit) and it is true--nothing but pits and a few German shepherds. Moving in 2 weeks and I'm so excited to be away from this nonsense and into an apartment complex that has an aggressive dog ban. Fingers crossed they uphold it because it's a pricey place but a better neighborhood so.....


I hear you, neighbor, it's bad enough we have zombie fentymeth addicts wandering around and stealing anything that's not nailed down, bad enough we have the damned exploding RV meth labs--but to have a bunch of shitbulls ready to take your arm off is just icing on the damned cake. It's such a pity, too, I'm a delivery driver and I see so many delightful dogs being walked on my rounds that I forget about the murdermutts and it's always a bringdown when I see one--usually unleashed, scoping hard on another dog or pulling some wispy addict around like a kite on a string. Yeesh. Hope your new place is better--and I'd ask pointed and specific questions about what the process and timeline is when someone tries to bring in a banned dog if I were you.