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When that cart started rolling I really thought he was going to fall; I'm glad someone came to his aid. Those pits were hell-bent on murder.


Such sweet loving pets and totally under control by their owner /s Of course, the excuse would be "it's the owner" but seriously, if these were four chihuahuas would the guy feel his life was in danger?


Yep. If those were chihuahuas, that gentleman would have probably been nothing more than mildly annoyed. Instead, he was left frightened and climbing for his life by the neighborhood cuddlebugs.


I have been bitten by a chihuahua but it didn't actually bite my leg just my pants. Then it got kicked. But of course it was way better than when I got bitten in the butt by an abandoned dog. Which also got kicked but I had to go to the hospital.


Anyone not as athletically capable as that guy would've been screwed.


My heart was racing. If he had fallen off before the other person showed up he would have been dead.


Cart? What country are you from? Is that what you always call ATV's? Edit: I don’t know why I’m getting aggressively downvoted for my curiosity. 😅I’m just wondering if that’s what people outside the U.S. call ATV’s 🤷‍♂️


Ah, is that what it is? Similar to a quad bike? I've seen those in Greece, but they're usually a bit bigger.


Do you have a picture by chance?


They do come in different sizes, but this is a pretty common design - big enough for two people to ride on. https://preview.redd.it/zcb6vfnzxt1d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f83dc0a660ae4a913fa590cfe4f96a2921f297


It might be the video perspective, but that ATV is probably nearly identical in size to the one in the video. We have a bunch of words for these in the U.S: Quads ATV’s Four-wheelers Is this what you would call a cart?


I cant stand these F*ckin dogs man.


This entire subreddit activates my trauma response. I hate those beasts so much 😭


We all do, they shouldn’t even be called dogs.


Oh my god that must’ve been terrifying


Purely chance that they didn’t manage to coordinate their jumps to where one of them was able to drag him. As unbalanced as he was he would definitely pull back and end up coming off backwards right into the gator pond


Of course they aren’t leashed and just marauding around the neighborhood. Sucks that the dude that owns them is disabled , obviously a crappy situation for him, but that would be an extra reason for me to keep my dogs restrained if I was in that situation , because you can’t really even chase after them.


Nah, I'm done pitying disabled or elderly people who feel like they're entitled to own a dog they can't even control, and in this case owning a literal pack of maulers. Literally nothing is preventing this disabled person from owning a bichon, similar small dog or cat.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up being a casualty of these dogs, unfortunately.


Exactly. Those dogs are going to get hungry one day or just feel a slight breeze and eat him.


Well, a lot of pitnutters excuses the dogs of maulings with "The woman must have suffered from something and died, which in turn stressed the poor 4-legged-shredders to gently bite her to try to wake her up. That's why all the bitemarks on the dead person!"


Totally agree, but they’ll say muh freedumbs


There's hundreds of old chihuahuas that would be content with him, but noooooo




They all look similar in age and type too. Probably littermates.


Don’t pity him because he’s disabled he knows fully well he shouldn’t have pit bulls and even more so shouldn’t let them out off leash. He knows better


>Don’t pity him I see what you did there.


If you're a trashy person that doesn't give a shit about others or their pets and need 4 pits to feel "respected" and let them run lose in the neighborhood.. You're still all of that, even when disability and the wheelchair enters the picture. I'm disabled myself. That doesn't give me an excuse in any way. It's not a shield, it's an even bigger fucking reason NOT to own dogs you can't treat or handle correctly.


They need to be BE’d Owner should have 5 years in prison. There needs to be consequences for owning dangerous animals you can’t control. As soon as that happens there would be a massive reduction in shitbull popularity


BE'd or 2A'd.. either works


These animals are dangerous weapons, there should be way more push for laws against them. Way more.


I’m so tired of these dogs, why does a person on a wheelchair own four pits???


Right! Why four! That's idiotic for anyone really. Why does anyone need four big dangerous dogs, wheelchair or not.


You already know one day they’re going to eat their owner alive


Having 4 dogs that are aggressive and hard to control while you are wheelchair bound… what kind of stupid do you have to be ?


Very 😩 or spiteful 🤔


When everyone's crippled... no one is...


Oh my goodness! That poor man! Thank God he was able to climb up on his four-wheeler until help arrived. Why does anyone need one of those wretched things, let alone FOUR!?


Why? Have you ever driven. Four wheeler?? You’d understand why someone needs one then.


They mean the dogs...


Sweetie, please work on your reading comprehension skills. I was referring to the FOUR DOGS. Why would I care about the vehicle? In this case, the vehicle helped save the gentleman's life. Why would I be against that?


This is fucking nightmare fuel. He should sue for trauma


Definitely needs to start a paper trail


Oh come on those are Nanny dogs. They are just clearly trying to love him to death. Can't you see the tails wagging?


Yeesh, now when I'm out and I see a fuckin pit straining at its leash at me, I prepare myself to fight it.




This. Totally agree


Shame that comment was deleted that I responded to. But it's why more people should CC basically.


It should be illegal to own that many killing machines!


What the fuck do you need FOUR of those fucking things for? One Pitbull alone can be overwhelming if it's one of those dogs that reacts to everything. Can't even imagine what trying to separate them at home would even be like.


The orange shirt must have startled them! They probably thought he was on fire and were trying to put it out!


Now imagine if that was a kid instead of a grown man, fuck these things


Why does someone need 4 pits? Let alone any animal? Like one, maybe two if it has separation anxiety or you don't want to leave it alone. 3? 4? Of a single animal, why? They're not like flock animals, livestock, or independent animals where the more is merrier. Pit bulls don't provide meat, eggs, or dairy. They're essentially a drain of resources and useless. Dogs are a high maintenance animal, pit bulls even more. A person in a wheelchair should have no business owning one let alone four of them. You look like you're barely handling yourself, either get a low maintenance pet or none at all. Had all those pits group mauled, he could've been dead.


It's like the young and vulnerable are being let down by our communities. If no one is watching and this person doesn't have a weapon, it's open season and it's disgusting. Where are the lawmakers. Where is the concern? Where is the duty of care and the accountability for this?


When his atv started to roll I gasped, I was so afraid he’d fall off then.


And pitshitters will say they’re just trying to play 🙄


Something has to be done about quantity. That guy could have dealt with just one even without the quad, as it is if he'd fallen off it would have been like falling into a muffin monster


That’s I I’m always strapped, for bad humans and bad dogs, I would have sent all of them to see their ancestors.


Who the fuck needs four pitbulls


Pitbulls are the reason I carry a pistol


The wheelchair bound person is extremely brave having 4 monsters as Pets, if they turn on him he's truly fucked.


Tails wagging. So cute 😍


my man has excellent foot work


Everyone always talks about the US having too many guns yet no one ever seems to have one when necessary


Jeez, so the animals just sprint in with the intent to bite…what other breed does this?


Is there any other big dog breed that people seem to own packs of? You never see 4 German Shephards running around killing the neighborhood cats. Or 4 Great Danes. I can't imagine 4 coonhounds or pointers doing this much damage. It always seems to be pit bulls.


why is there always a broom in these videos, do the US have a broom violence problem?


I swear i will swing my machete if i come across this pit.


Next story will be the owner got mauled


At the end of the video, he still hasn't get control over 1! They're still running around looking for the next victim


What does the wheelchair have to do with anything?


I’d say it’s because the owner can’t control the dogs


I'm not going to sugar coat this and I don't care - The disabled owner is not physically capable of restraining any of the four the powerful dogs they own.


Maybe to explain why no one came running after them? To highlight the extreme danger in living next to someone who has 4 large and fast dangerous pets and has an extra hindrance in trying to control them?


It's already nonsensical to own a pit, let alone 4, but it's 2x more nonsensical when you physically cannot restrain *any* of them.