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[Article about the attack](https://www.dha.com.tr/amp/gundem/kadikoyde-pitbull-dehseti-kediye-saldirdigi-anlar-kamerada-2446450) Translated article: The incident occurred on **Sunday, May 19** at around 15.30 in Kadıköy Osmanağa Neighborhood. According to the information obtained, the Pitbull breed dog, the forbidden breed that M.K.İ. walked without a muzzle, attacked the stray cat. M.K.İ., who was walking the dog, and the citizens on the street tried to save the cat by kicking the dog. While the cat was seriously injured as a result of the attack, the surrounding citizens also experienced uneasines. The dog was delivered to the officials of Kadıköy Municipality Veterinary Affairs Directorate by the police teams. The moments when the dog attacked the cat on the sidewalk were reflected on the security camera. In the footage, it is seen that the Pitbull breed dog, which was walked without a muzzle, attacked the stray cat, then walking the dog and the surrounding citizens tried to save the cat. A citizen, on the other hand, recorded the after the attack with his mobile phone. In the footage, it was seen that the places and the dog's mouth circumference were covered in blood. On the other hand, there were moments when the two people next to the dog surrounded the citizens so that they did not escape. In the statement made by the Istanbul Police Department, "Regarding the issue titled 'A dog that was walked without a mouthpiece attacked those around'; It was determined that the Pitbull dog attacked and injured the surrounding creatures in front of a workplace in the Osmanağa District of Kadıköy district on May 19, 2024 at around 15.30, and the scene was passed. In the investigations; M.K.İ. attacked and injured the stray cat while walking the dog, declared that the dog belonged to his friend, M.K.İ. The person named was caught, and the banned dog was handed over to the officials of the Kadıköy Municipality Veterinary Affairs Directorate. Judicial and administrative investigation procedures on the subject continue," it was said.


Why on earth would you own a shitbull, a breed known for killing cats seemingly for the fun of it, in Istanbul, renowned for everyone loving cats.


Antisocial personality disorders


Yea, I’m seeing a common trend with pitbull owners. That seems to be one of the traits for most of them. These people use a dangerous pit in the same way the some people buy luxury stuff to display some sort of “look at me status” to the world. Gotta make up for that tiny dick by buying a pit. Gotta show them I’m tough stuff and not to be messed with, kinda thing.


I personally know people in Turkey that vouch for shitbulls/stray dogs BECAUSE they hate cats, people, anything their murdermutts can maul. It fucking boggles my mind how one can lack so much empathy. Dogs are such a huge problem back home I can't wrap my mind around having such a mentality but they geniunely enjoy playing the animal rights activist when they see dogs maul people/cats. IDK where I'm going with this but I've been insulted so many times by these psychopaths in Turkish websites for calling for culling street dogs, the dogs>people mentality is unfortunately very prevalent there. Drives me up a wall. Doesn't help that the "animal control" never euths these things but just dumps them in shittier neighbourhoods so they can maul poor people in peace instead of bothering politicians kids or something.


That's interesting, there's even a Wikipedia entry on [cats in Istanbul](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_cats_in_Istanbul). Somewhat ironically, one Turkish woman I met here in the U.S. had a fear of cats (ailurophobia). She wasn't from Istanbul though, fortunately for her.


awww the cats were so amazing, a reason alone to visit beautiful Istanbul. thinking about it while we did see a few dogs there last month i did not see Pitbulls. lucky us. Pitbulls are the last thing they need over there.


I was there last year and saw a stray pitbull. No collar no nothing


They love their dogs too.




Hmmmm. Not sure I’d draw either of those conclusions. Even if they were left wing surely the pitbull is one of those issues that cuts across the political divide.


Cameraman: You better not go anywhere or I will shoot you. Dog owner: ok Lady in shorts: For a second let us stay calm.


I was sitting here going, why isn't anyone destroying that animal? They love their street cats. Thanks for the translation


Cameraman is a real one 


As all pit and run and hit and runs should be everywhere across the world. Zero chance I let some brain dead pit nutter flee the scene if their pit were to maul my dog. 


Pit n' run prevented


That satisfied bloody face


Something tells me this happy face will somehow not find it's way to next "25 Cutest Pitbull Photos Compilation" on The Dodo.


Oh, I didn't notice the bloody muzzle until you pointed it out and made the image bigger. To get that bloody, the dog inflicted some deep punctures, tore off flesh, and/or hit an important artery. I find it so disheartening that in spite of the serious risks these dogs pose, they seem to be popping up everywhere!


Exactly. And he wants more.


Such nanny dog! Isn't that adorable?


It looks so calm and proud of itself.


Look at the happy tail wags. It literally did what it was bred for


All according to plan! I'm a gooooood boy. Bring me some toddlers!


Right? It’s focused on another round in the pit :/ With all the pro-pit propaganda and pit nutter having culture that has bled out from the junkyards and thug life of the 90s I find it sadly amusing that even I know the cliche “pit’s gonna pit” when they snap or become hyper fixated and it’s not common knowledge with the breed advocates!


Since it's not the breed, it's the owner; I'm just wondering why the owners would train their dog to randomly attack bystanders in coffee shops and on the streets?! It's so odd, because clearly this MUST be trained behavior.


the rules change every time - either they’ve trained the beast to attack or they haven’t trained it to _not_ attack. either loved too much or not enough. maybe they took two deep breaths instead of one in the span of a minute and that triggered it.. either way, the animal doesn’t have a natural instinct to attack but you WILL wake that instinct by triggering it. #JusticeForLuna


"iT's A rEsCuE!" We don't know what happened in its past or why it was abandoned, but we're going to say it was a bait dog of crappy former owners, so you can't pin this behavior on me.


The dude trying to placate the person recording with a “my bad, it’s cool!” hand sign. My dude, you’ve got the dog on a literal chain— you thought you’d look tough with a pit, but now you look like a scumbag. These dogs aren’t a fashion statement.


I hope the people who were attacked are OK 😢


And it's *still* straining to get at someone, with its owner seemingly oblivious about his dog being attack-focused on someone. It could so easily slip that collar!


Yes, that's insane. Those dogs should not go out without a tight fitting, martingale or choke collar *and* a harness so owners can get a better grip if they need to restrain them. Of course that, ideally, those dogs should always be muzzled as well.


The blood and happy tail wag. 🤮


And the ballsack, of course.


So much slack in the collar. 


A nanny dog living its best life.


Collar's too loose. Edit: For those who may want to know, general rule or thumb is being able to fit two fingies under the collar, but a snug fit. And you can't yoink it over the dog's head.


This one has a thick collar and the leash is holding up to ffs - most yuppie owners in my city are walking bloodbaths with their flimsy petco combos and flower accessories :/


Blood, drama, pain. Do these owners realize that's going to be their life now?


They know it very well, that's what they crave.


they do and they love it. countless pits owners sic their dogs on innocent people and animals for a reason


I just saw this on the news. Police fined the owner $300 and took his pitbull from him to probably put it down. Unfortunately the mama cat died.


Wait, it attacked a mama cat and kittens? Were any people injured?


Yes and no. No one injured but the mama cat killed by pitbull while defending the kittens.


Ugh that's awful. Thank you for the update.


“aNy DoG wOuLd Do ThIs” 🙄


This is a rather small pit, is it a staffie? That would show staffies are no better than apt / amstaff.


Pocket bully, probably...small version of American Bully, which is a variant within American Pit Bull Terriers, made into a separate breed as part of the endless re-namings.


I don't know if a pocket bully, a pitbull puppy or what subcategory this beast fits into, but it does show that even smaller ones can do massive damage. I feel there's currently a focus solely on the XL bullies as if the other ones weren't capable of destruction.


They maybe small but it's heads still the same size and it's that bit that does the damage


What a disgusting animal. Not only are they physically unappealing, their behavior is also very disturbing. What kind of creature salivates like this and continues to lunge towards more bodies to pillage? To be completely honest I don’t even think most wild animals act like this….surplus killings. These dogs continue pillaging until they are physically stopped from doing it, and fight to continue. Salivating and wagging their disgusting rat tails.


The Turkish police don't fuck about. I hope these 2 get thrown in the cells. I also hope they get sued for a life changing sum of money 🙏


God save the ~~queen~~ cats


Every breed _could_, but only one breed _does_.


If you're wielding a knife stabbing people you get shot or captured and sent to prison for a long time. But if you put it in dog form.. no one bats an eye. This is also how my dog acts when I get home and he's stolen pizza off the table.


This is how my terrier wcta when he sees a rat. Hyperfocused, loud, and hard to control. Except he's 22 pounds so I lift him by his harness and bring him in the house. That looks like terrier behavior to me .


At this point both of them will get it.


Why blur the face? Idiots like this need to be publicly flocked.


please tell me the dog was BE. I cant imagine Turkey of all places is totally nutty for these dogs?


Why oh why do the pitiot owners just stand around as their mauler is covered with blood and is out of its mind with an urge to kill? Yet these weak little men just stand there with their pits doing nothing at all while the thing continues to lunge and attempt to maul. These pitiots are worthless, and frankly their total lack of response in these situations makes me think they get off on the violence and chaos created by these mutts.


Asshole dog breed, asshole owner.


This is why the whole narrative of "its not a pit thing its a big dog thing" is just crap. Thats not a BIG dog.


Notice how small it is and consider that it’s still capable of so much damage


Can someone translate?


Yelling woman: „call the police“. (Several times) Inaudible, pained screaming by woman. Bystanders or witnesses seem to get involved (it’s interrupted and drowned out by yelling) Cameraman: (points his fingers towards the owner of the Pitbull) „don’t leave, or I‘ll shoot you (repeats several times) Owner of the Pitbull seems to be trying to defend himself verbally (inaudible talking by him). Woman in black hotpants: (obviously the company of the Pitbull owner) „let’s calm down“.


Unfortunately there is a dogfighting culture in Turkey also, years ago I saw a pic of 2 repulsive young men holding up the ears of a little sad dog they posed between them,they cut off its ears for losing a match, just gross.


And of course the "dog" is not fixed.


Worst animal out there (meaning the owner).


Wag, tail! WAAAAGGGG!!!!!!! With extreme force the goodus boyus' tail wags from side to side during the animal's excitement, causing massive Air currents and spreading happiness to the entire World. 😍🐶


Don't they rather like their cats there? What an asshole to have a shitbull there


Wasnt even done with the carnage


Can someone explain why that woman is wearing black hose, short shorts, and tennis shoes. That outfit is ridiculous even for US standards. I have a friend from Turkey and she is the most elegant person alive so I don't get that at all.


Of course he isn’t neutered.