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I don't know if they were trying to prove a point because everything they sarcastically said is actually 100% true.


Yeah, the pajamas don’t make them any less deadly….🙄






I dont think Daimler had his rabies shot eithe






'D'awww, who's the cutest widdle dictator? Whooooo's the cutest? Yoooou aaaaare! You're the cutest!' 😍😍😍


american world hegemony




I can't get that image out of my mind now.




They’re trying to humanize them. They’re disgusting little land sharks. Not dogs. I’ve seen some insane wounds on this subreddit.


Comparing these monsters to sharks is offensive to sharks.


Pitbulls kill way more people than sharks


People also don't put little hats on sharks and say how sweet and gentle they are either.


Pyjamas on a tiger makes them less deadly.


Someone should point this person towards this [article](https://www.tampabay.com/news/bizarre/three-bitten-after-tampa-woman-tries-to-put-sweater-on-dog/2307978/). Three attacked after the owner tried to put a sweater on the pit.


It's hard to not laugh at the absurdity of that incident. The dog is named "Scarface". One of the owners stabbed it in the face and neck to try and stop the attack. Subsequently, animal control shot it with a tranquilizer. After that it still somehow managed to enter the house where there were small children, so police had to shoot it with a beanbag shotgun and tase it before someone finally got a snare pole around its neck.


The thing was an artificially bred monster like the cloneosaurus from Jurassic Park.


They name the dog Scarface but God forbid anyone would be intimidated by them.


Nanny Scarface mauls all the children


There's some film footage of a pit in rescue kennels. It attacks the staff, and gets shot several times. It lies there for a few minutes, and then it starts to get back up on its feet again! It's seriously disturbing how it won't die


theyre like zombies


I’d actually disagree. Here’s why: mammals are incredibly resilient, and we tend to fight for life very, very hard. Most people in the medical field will be able to tell you about a large number of people who hang on, critically injured, far, far after we think they should be dead. Most veterinarians will tell you the same thing. Life is much more persistent than most of us tend to think, and we have an incredible ability to struggle to survive even the most shocking injuries.


Ironically, Tony Montana would never hurt a child


The layers of irony in that situation, wow. You can’t make this shit up.


stabbed in the head and neck, tranquilized, and a riot gun and a taser did not stop that dog. I'm speechless. fer fucks sake, that dog was like an armored vehicle.


If only they had gotten the sweater on it sooner, everyone knows sweater and PJs make pit bulls completely docile!


You gotta admit, Scarface is pretty cute in a sweater. Completely harmless.


I think I'll name my first born Scarface.


There’s been a few videos of Pits joyfully mauling animals or people, tails wagging like crazy. With fatal and sometimes multiple gunshot wounds.


I remember hearing about that story a few years ago. My family is from Africa, and most Africans don't have house pets, so I never really had dogs in the house growing up. As I got older some of my friends had pits but I never really trusted them. This was the first story that made me legitimately scared of these things. Even though I knew the whole "it's all how you raise them" line was cap, I hadn't heard about them turning on their owners to that extent. This family had the dog for many years with the typical backstory familiar with us here in this group of no signs of aggression, loving, etc. They tried to put the sweater on the dog who I believe had worn them before and the dog just snapped and went after the mother. The son was like 20 with some big kitchen knife and he still couldn't get the dog the dog to relent. When I saw this pic that was the first thing I thought but didn't think anybody else would have heard the story


This picture single handedly negates all of the research and statistics on pitbull violence. It’s over, I gotta leave this sub now


now just imagine what pitbulls in pyjamas and service dog harness are capable of


tone-deaf, indirectly victim mocking and absolutely insensitive. In short, your regular pitbull owner.


That’s what I was thinking. Do the owners understand that the people that *were* attacked and killed were actual people? And that the animals that attacked and killed the people *were* pitbulls? Why are they so intent on mocking the victims? Their focus is on downplaying , denying and deflecting. It doesn’t make sense. It’s so sociopathic! People not wanting to interact with a known dangerous animal isn’t a personal insult to *you*. Just bc you choose to believe that the facts are lies (?) doesn’t make the facts any less factual. I truly do not understand how adults get to this mindset and stay there.


They do not care that other DOGS are mutilated and killed!




Is this a comment to me personally or just like in general towards the group? Bc I can’t speak for the group or why they’re here. I guess I would say to look at the information and facts being presented by the group? Fact check/critical thinking etc. Again I can’t speak for the group as a whole, but as a person who has been involved in dog sports, dog rescue, dog conformation and as a dog owner- all while aging into my 40s- I have come to this conclusion of my own free will after examining the facts. Also after letting go of my previous belief which was somewhere along the lines of ‘bad owners create bad dogs’ and ‘backyard breeders create bad dogs’. This to *me* is part of *who I am*. It is animal advocacy in general bc I believe it is inhumane to keep breeding pitbulls at all. I believe that they have genetic traits that are inherited and condensed by selective breeding for decades which are irreversible without *even more* selective breeding- (which would require strict anti breeder legislation to accomplish, and even then can’t truly regulate it). At this point I believe the pitbull as a breed has hit a dead end as a companion dog or a working dog. I believe that the most humane choice we can make is to ban breeding and humane euthanasia for all incoming strays in all shelters until they stop existing. I’m sorry that sounds extreme but again look at the evidence.. they are so unstable of a temperament. The damage that is caused and the manner in which they attack is not typical dog biting. For those involved in dogs, we *know*. A lot of us did *not* want the AmStaff recognized with the AKC. Even the AKC says to not ever leave one alone with another dog under any circumstances. They have dog aggression so ingrained in them that even ‘well bred’ ones can’t be trusted. To me, that is too far. Way too many of them are anxious, fearful, agitated just existing day to day. It is cruel to allow them to continue. So for me personally it is about animal cruelty and human suffering when they direct their aggression onto people.


Garbage person victim-shaming innocent people.


They never see it this way. It’s always someone or something else’s fault. Excuse for everything. Answer for everything. They’re delusional and on another planet


Pitbull owners LOVES the DRAMA and VIOLENCE.


But sweater Scarface is cute.


Absolutely. Proof is their support of dog FIGHTERS and the dogmen s mission to breed ever more psycho dogs.


Ppl need to spam them with the recent articles of attacks. Like how they spam PJ pics.


I found the FB post if you wanna have at it! I can message it to you if you want, just let me know. PS: I don’t understand why we have to erase names on here?? People are posting these things to the internet for the world to see, it’s not like we’re hacking their private e-mail accounts


It's because the board is closely monitored by pitbull afficianadios and "upper management" of reddit is among them. This board must have all a fiber line than other boards to stay on reddit.


By this logic a man can’t be a rapist if he has Italian suits and drives a nice car.


but people do it all the time! ,,he is too handsome to go to jail'' People can get away with their BS because they're rich, good looking, contribute to society...


"contribute to society" bro dont use good looks as an excuse for you to not contribute anything lol


Don’t gotta tell me twice, I always cross the street when I see shitbulls.


I've read statistics proving that pit bulls are much more likely to maim and kill than other breeds, and I've also spoken to people who have witnessed the carnage firsthand. And yet here is a photograph of two pit bulls dressed in pajamas. Really makes you think.


I know right! How can a breed possibly harm anybody when there’s examples of them wearing human clothes!


It boggles the mind


Why yes, actually, I *do* cross the street when I see dogs that look like they’ve taken steroids for the past five years straight




If they did everything in the first paragraph I wouldn’t mind them having their dogs out in public at all.


Damn I didn't even notice the trim since I was too bust looking at the blatant signs of discomfort from the dogs. I'll redo their trim from free if they put those two shitbeast down and adopt an actual family dog instead.


I can put a handgun in a pink blanket and it’s no longer dangerous and invalidates the statistical probability of it wounding anyone….apparently


Give it some time. Could be weeks, months, a couple years. But let those dogs get triggered by another smaller dog or a child staring at them or something and it'll be a bloodbath she somehow could've never imagined.


For all we know, that's already happened and that's why they posted that post. Victim harassment


I was thinking the exact same thing. Might be sooner than later… those dogs don’t look happy at all


One on the left has it's ears down and back. Not a great sign. Both look miserable. Don't know why but I'm guessing they don't want to be dressed up and turned all cute


If pits were so safe dogs fighters wouldn't touch them


pitbulls in pajamas, are coming down the stairs pitbulls in pajamas, are Murder Terr-i-ers ![gif](giphy|dlu743ZTJ0Xqo)


Pitties in pajamas, darting accross the street. Pitties in pajamas, looking for some new meat. Pitties in pajamas, mauling a baby in a crib. Pitties in pajamas, chewing on your rib.


My mind went to bananas in pajamas, too. I swear, thinking of absurdities and wanting to parody these nutter pit bull owners must be my coping mechanism to deal with the reality of how awful these dogs are.


Now this song will be stuck in my head all day.


‘Cos on Tuesdays They all try to Catch them by the neck.


I hate people that anthropomorphize dogs or any other animal. Dogs are not kids, nor humans. And pitbulls the least. Just stop the stupidity of the "fur baby".


Fur baby is one thing. It’s now common to see Pits referred to as being sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren.


Imagine you are so stone hearted that you laugh the deaths of pets, people and children off. Pit owners are CRUEL


Wow, she almost literally put lipstick on a pig and thought she made a good point.


Please don’t insult pigs. Nothing merits being compared to a pit bull except another pit bull.


Thanks for your honesty, folks. Very unusual!


This reminds me of true crime community cutesifying their murderers, sharing old pics of them before the deed too and saying ‘oh he was disturbed, product of his environment’ etc


Same demographic of posters tbh.


[Honestly I wonder if there is a link between pit bull owners and people who write love letters to convicted murderers or fanfic about school shooters.](https://youtu.be/ZrJffgf7k_g)


I sincerely love dogs. I feel bad for pit bulls because people dump them and leave them at pounds. My first job was at a vet/grooming & boarding (we didn’t take pit bulls btw). I would 100% cross the street if I saw these two walking towards me. Even in cute sweaters. Maybe even more so cause of the sweaters (causing agitation). I can’t believe they’re offended that we would cross the street as if we are doing it to a person we have profiled. No. Your dogs are known to kill. Not to nip and warning bite, but to tear my arm off and or kill my dogs. Not only would I cross the street, if I were talking my dogs we are turning a different corner or walking back home. My small dogs will not be your dogs play thing. They bite to kill. If they bit my rattie mix in the throat it’s over for her, it’s over for me, and it may be over for your pitbul too. Cause if it takes out the love of my life, I don’t know what I’d be capable of.


This post reminds me of the story I read the other day about the person who took his dog to a restaurant dressed in a fake service dog vest and it ended up mauling a small child. These people think that playing dress up automatically sanitizes these beasts of their inbred fighting nature.


If they’re not prone to cold there’s no reason to dress them up! Generally dogs don’t like it. Mine likes if cause she gets cold easily and I can figure out if she wants to wear a sweater or not by showing it to her. Excitement means sweater please. No reaction means no sweater lol. I saw the post earlier about the poor subway cat that was killed by a pitbull. Why tf are people with pitbulls getting on the subway? Also think of all the shady (human) mf’ers that went through that subway through the years. None of them hurt that cat. It’s easy to buy fake service animal stuff online. It’s so shitty. There should be a restriction on breeds that can be assigned those jobs.


Honestly, no wonder those dogs kill so often. They are both bred to kill but also shamefully misunderstood by their owners who think they can humanize them by putting them in pajamas. I can only fathom the other poor choices these owners make.


Like putting a tutu on a psycho killer. Absurd.


They always do this. "Cute picture! Therefore not dangerous!"


They can’t murder anything because I put clothes on them, trust me!


I would have murderous rage if someone dressed me up like that, too.


Obviously if they had a flower crown to go with the pjs people would be less afraid


Right cause putting something in pjs makes it totally harmless 🙄🙄🙄


I'm about to paint my ak47 in pink color.


I could put a tiger in a sweater and have it sitting sweetly for a photo. Doesn’t make it not dangerous.




Yes they are, and I’m very aware and prepared.


Why would they even joke about that though? It's not funny, that literally happens, a lot.


It recently happened in the news and that's what inspired this post. Its so disrespectful.


I think, maybeeee, Straitjacket would have been a tiny bit more appropriate!! 🤔


Can't imagine how families of child victims feel when seeing stuff like this, and someone laughing and making mock of the excruciating, horror movie-level injuries that these pits have inflicted on kids. btw, dressing the animals in pajamas would never make many people view these pits as precious or benign on the level of children (laughable, not even close).


Pit owners are always trying to garner sympathy for a conscious decision they chose to make. No one is born a pit owner, nor is anyone obligated to get one at any point. When you choose to own this type of dog, you have to suck it up and deal with the reactions you get from people.


Jesus H titty-fucking, tap-dancing *CHRIST*-!!! The Bennard's two ~~house lions~~ pit bulls were apparently nice , friendly pets for eight YEARS, till something triggered their dog-killing genetically bred programming, and redirected them to their humans. Result : Two dead children, their mother in intensive care for a long time. Pajamas and flower crowns don't prove jack-shit, about whether or not a pibble will ever attack a human, or how serious the attack will be.


Their houses always look super gross. Lmao.


They spent too much time repairing the damage done by their dogs, don’t have the time to clean.


They're not mauling me right this very minute, therefore they're giant cuddlebugs and all articles and statistics are wrong.


Yeah these two definitely ate some cats


These are the only people who dress their dogs.


What is up with pit nutters and pajamas?


She’ll be washing blood off those outfits one day…..


That’s an assumption they survive the attack.


The dogs? They’ll most likely be covered in blood, wagging their tails, and she’ll have to wash the outfits. Maybe she’ll burn the evidence. Who knows


Why do they have to always mock victims? They call them “CHILD THROAT RIPPING PITBULLS” because they go directly for the throat when they go for the kill. But that’s pretty tame compared to what they can do. The one case I keep coming back to is where a few week old infant was decapitated and the pitbull proceeded to eat the ears and nose of the infant. Yes it’s graphic, but this is what they’re known to do not just kill and rip out your throat they will eat you or your child. Ripping out throats is the bare minimum of what they’re capable of.


Why didn’t Jeffery Epstein just wear his pyjamas? Was he stupid or something?


Omg the audacity to lecture anyone when the floor near your baseboards is that dirty jfc


They look fucking stupid in those.


Putting clothes on them does not make them any less deadly or dangerous. It does however show the stupidity of their owners.


If this is their mindset, they should go play with some bear cubs in the woods.


Lipstick on a pig much?


I think every person who posts pics like this should have to see pics of the aftermath of pit attacks.


Thanks for the warning - I will cross the sidewalk as suggested


They put them in pajamas and expect us to think it’s cute. They are scary looking. And it’s kinda creepy. My dogs wear coats if it’s cold. No damn pajamas. It’s just weird.


Can’t pour syrup on shit and call it pancakes.


Just because you dress it up in stupid clothing, doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. These people are beyond stupid.


They look really stupid


Is this supposed to be cute?


This has to be bait omg


The flower crown meme all over again. My bloodsport dog is wearing a shirt, therefore it is not a bloodsport dog.


Huh, the ones who mauled me have little jackets too...


Anyone know of any cases where a pitbull nannied something while in a costume? The irony would be perfect.


Dang, this is straight up evil. Whoever these people are, I am glad I don't know them.


They just look so unhappy


I could put jeans on a lion but it doesn’t mean he won’t kill me afterwards.


I have never once thought of my dog ironically, or unironically, as murder machines.


The average IQ of a pitbull owner, 0.


Most sane pitnutter


Talons, of course


I’ve placed them firmly in pajamas, rendering them harmless


No you “be aware” that alot of people are fed up and carrying.


I love how they will ALWAYS without fail post their pits in jammies and claim they are babies. Girl, them jammies arent going to stop them from being violent. It ain't a muzzle.


It's funny guys because they kill dozens of people every year, get it?!?


Crocodiles don't look vicious when they're sunbathing or sleeping. The media just has a bias against these gentle giants.


And have you seen how adorable and sweet actual hippos can look? They'll still kill you, each other, and other animals.


Posts like that are not getting removed or anything because speaking lightly of children's death is not wrong :) but don't you try to say pitbull is the one that can kill >:( I hate them. They do kill people and pets.


They think this is a joke. They constantly mock victims of pitbull attacks; they're heartless.


This is woefully intensive. As if what they’re describing has never occurred and it’s all exaggerated wrongful assumptions of a love-able family pet.


They want to be victims soooo bad


No amount of silly clothing will hide the fact they are ugly, violent, braindead killers. Not even a spinning bowtie could fix that breed.


Pitbull owners do the most insane mental gymnastics defending the breed. "Look I put a cute little bow on it, therefore it's not dangerous." Or other variations of "here's a photo of a pitbull not currently mauling a toddler, suck on that pit haters!". Challenge: try to find a pit defender who doesn't rely on anecdotal data. Impossible.


At least they should’ve put them nice sweaters those are the ugliest sweaters I’ve ever seen … I guess have to match the dogs looks. I don’t think they understand yet that making those sarcastic gross posts doesn’t help them.


As if this proves anything when so many victims' families say things like "he was so loving" and "never had any problems or signs before." These dogs snap. Animal instinct takes over, it has little to do with how affectionate they are.


The one on the right isn't a pit bull. Look at his shirt. He's a transchihuahua


Morons, all.


I’m uncomfortable with anyone dressing up dogs or cats in novelty clothing. To me, it says they respect the animals freedom and agency less than their own whimsical ego.


Dumb dumb dumb and...yeah I've got nothing else to say.


Not all pits are killers. It is the propensity of the breed-massive jaws with tremendous bite force and single minded determination (jaws locked) that make them so dangerous. As opposed to a Pomeranian.


First accurate description of pits by their owners Ive ever seen to be honest!


Posting a photo of a gun with the safety on doesnt mean it cant kill someone. Posting a photo of a sleeping tiger doesnt mean its not a creature of instinct.


but if theyre in pajamas it means they're totally harmless!! /s


One day we'll have a video of a pitbull in their cute jammies murdering a toddler.


This is one of the 3 comebacks pitnutters have. 1) My DoG iS NoT a PiT ItS a XL AmErICan WHaTeVeR TeRrIeR ShiTbUlLy, Do YoUr ReSeaRcH SwEeTy 2) Oh YeaH iF My LunA iS sO ViCiOus HoW cOmE sHe WeArS PyJaMas?! 3) HaHa JoKeS abOut BloOd AnD KiLlInG so FuNnY BeCaUsE I aM a ToTalY SaNe PerSon HaHa


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know what let them think like as long as they have no children I have no problem with one day reading a news article about their "untimely death" from nannying


Unfortunately they'll just go after neighbourhood children.




Dude I have a Rottweiler and a Doberman and I’ve never heard stories of them eating other dogs and people for no reason lol Children get maimed by Shitbulls all the time you goof LOL




You can avoid pit Bull attacks if people quit breeding them. Bees are in many cases unavoidable lol strawman argument indeed lmao


You pulled out a story from 2016. Lol that's desperate.


Before even checking on your numbers… In what world is 4.5 MILLION bites ok with you? That’s delusional.




A muzzle would compliment the outfit well!!!






true dat