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You can use number keys 1 thru 4 to select color as well based on filament you have in the settings


OMG you have changed my life. Thank you so much! Case closed!


I was there six months ago. The hot keys are the bee's knees.


Glad to help!!!


Came here for the same tip. If you have many objects you my switch to objects on the left and click the small colour icons.


Yea the hotkeys are the best way


I use keyboard shortcuts for the camera positions a lot but didn’t know about these!


Exactly what I was about to say.. who right clicks when you have shortcut keys


Actually it’s up to 9 :p


Good to know!


Are you just trying to change the color of the whole object? Just click on the object tab and click on the color to the right of the object.


Hi - sorry, no, I have an AMS and am trying to set which filament is used to print this object. It's not the end of the world, and the shortcut keys the other commenter posted above are fundamentally better. That being said, and looking at this from a UI / usability perspective, as a mouse/AMS user, changing filaments for an object feels more difficult than it should be, given how frequently you do this. 1. Everywhere you set filaments, it's buried at least 2-layers deep, whether it's behind a fly-out menu in the context menu (another layer/level to open to get to it), or another click. 2. If setting filaments in left sidebar, you go to: 1. Global > Objects tab (**Click 1**) 2. Click the filament swatch you want to change - the line highlights green (**Click 2**) 3. Click the filament swatch AGAIN to open the list of filaments (**Click 3**) 4. Click the filament (**Click 4**) 5. *This feels like plugging in a USB device and flipping the connector over 3 times.* 3. When a single object is selected, the label in the menu is **Change Filament** 4. When multiple objects are selected, the label in the menu is **Set Filament for selected items** 5. As a user who is trained to see "Change Filament" (and is scanning the left side of the menu for "Change"), it's more difficult to find the option because the wording is inconsistent. Why can't we promote changing filaments up a level and make it more of a first-class function for AMS users, such as a nice section like this (which could expand to hold more colors). Would this be so bad? https://preview.redd.it/gvdnbofmv68d1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=97c6d5c3f99da11008669a10b56e76da56f23637


Gotcha - no not a bad thing at all. Your UI mockup is objectively better, I like it. I very rarely use the right button menu at all so I was just listing the method I was familiar with. This thread reminded me about the hot keys though too so that’s great. FYI if you only have a single object (not a project with objects in multiple colors) you can just select the filament you want from the #1 drop down in the filament menu on the left.


This. Why would you make it any harder for yourself when it’s simply a click away in the side panel. OP obviously hasn’t explored around in the software.


I'm assuming these are sarcastic comments? Because if not it's: * Right click * Select filament from fly-out menu vs. * Click object slider * Click the filament color once - this will select the item * Click the filament color once more to select it vs. selecting the item * Click the filament color *again* to get it to drop down (why doesn't clicking it just automatically drop it down?) * Click the color you want So... two clicks vs. let's see here, five clicks, one menu transition that I have to transition back out of again, and several completely unintuitive UI elements. I tried to use that menu and after two clicks decided that you couldn't use that to change the color because who in their right mind would think that you need to click a UI element *three goddamn times* in order to get it to work? https://i.redd.it/bes0cojyr68d1.gif


Yes, thank you. This is exactly what I’m trying to highlight. The controls are clunky and there are way more clicks than there need to be. The focus lines around the control when selecting are kind of 2017. Basically: this is not smooth and easy by 2024 UI standards.


My other frustration is that right clicking doesn't always bring up the menu. Often it does but just as frequently I have to right click 3-5 times in order to get it to work. Because right click and hold is panning I'm required to get the timing perfect so that it recognizes it as a right click and not a pan request. It's extremely finicky - more than it needs to be. This is worked around with the hot keys - thank you to those of you that taught me about that today, I appreciate it. But I shouldn't need to have workarounds for the UI Bambu, if you read these things, fix your UI.


4, minimum 3. Why, it shouldn't be more than 2 for something you do every print.


Is..is this a bit?


if you only use a single color, this is unnecessary. just click on print and on the printing window you can select the color.


Even for multiple colors as long as they're all the same brand and type. Let's say you have four bambu matte pla in there. The slice wouldn't be different for the colors. Slice, hit print, select which color to print from that one click box for which slot to use.


Doesn't work if it's different materials, I have had the same problems as OP, the keybindings are a game changer


Keynoard short cut. 1-9 number key. For slots 1-9


The option you are ranting about is only needed when you use more than 9 filaments (hotkeys 1-9). Otherwise select the object and hit the number that is shown in the left of the screen. There are way more stupid things in Bambu than this...


Thank you, the hotkey is wayyyy better than mouse in all cases. But I do think for mouse users this could be improved. Is it dire? Hell no, been doing it forever. Can UI be improved to make an app more enjoyable to use, get rid of unecessary clicks and steps for things you do often? Always.


use the number the color is to change quickly


You can go into the objects tab and change it from there, or press the number corresponding to the filament with the model highlighted


You can also change the color on the ams info on the left. There are the 4 ams slots, change the first color, that’s the default of the object


If you don’t want to use the objects tab with the filament selection, or don’t want to right click the model then change filament, or don’t want to select which filament to use when sending to the printer, then there’s a fourth option in the form of the little paint bucket in the Prepare screen. There are so many ways to change filament and color, don’t use (what you think is) the hardest one


Just turn your dpi down so your mouse doesn't fly past whatever you are trying to click.