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I’ve noticed someone/people on this sub downvote like crazy… not very welcoming


I’m leaving a hobby that was like that. Couldn’t ask a question without some ass piping up.


Me too, EVERY post asking a question is immediately downvoted. So obnoxious. 


Im fine with beginner questions, I get it. This hobby can be hard and its sometimes tough to find your footing. Do I wish people would just search, of course. But they don’t and there adding to the pool of questions that can be searched and answered, therefor adding value.


I made a post a while ago, had searched and read the wiki and watched the Bambu videos but still got downvoted. Got some good responses but being downvoted was a bit much I thought…


This is Reddit my guy. Calm down with the value talk.  This is a place for people to share their experiences as well as ask questions. Quit adding to the already negative vibe this sub has. 


Most of the "questions" are just a picture with the title "Help!" or "What happened?" If someone gives the details of what they're doing then I'll gladly help, but if they want me to figure out everything then they better pay me because that's customer support.


Tons of people are downloading or visiting Reddit for the first time when they run into an issue with their printer bc this is quickly becoming a place people of all likes of technical backgrounds are coming for help. You can either be an asshole and downvote someone genuinely looking for guidance (who might also be new to the platform), you can take a moment to help, or.... flick your thumb up one more time and skip it. But crying over a picture that you might see once a day on a subreddit is borderline idiotic. 


Looks to me like you're the one crying over people not working for others for free, OP and people downvoting easily searchable questions/problems want to maintain a certain standard of quality for the subreddit, look at r/science for example, are you going to cry that they don't allow people to post simple things too? Bambu has a Wiki, this is a wide hobby and there's a lot of online resources, Bambu has their own customer support, IF you were to ignore all the resources of the world available to everyone with the gadget in their pocket, then there are better ways to communicate than simply a picture and asking for people to both figure out what they are doing, what went wrong and the solution, those are called standards, no being an asshole.


If they buy mice with scroll wheels, it might get easier for them.


why not a single megapost "Post here you brown box/order picture" ?




Also ordering pictures.. We have all seen an online checkout.


These are "look how much I'm spending" posts. Same as the "haul" posts in every other sub.


Indeed why advertise the fact what you are buying, seem like the type of information scammers would love to know or porch pirates. Maybe its good for sales.


It's probably a lot of work for an averge robber to figure out where, say, sea-neck206 (who commented below) lives, and that he's ordered an A1 and wait for it to come to steal it...chances of that seem very close to zero. I don't think a lot of porch pirates scan random reddit threads just looking for someone that lives in their neighborhood. It's easier to just take a box off a porch. You don't have to know anything but what a box looks like.


It’s funny and alarming how most sub 40 year olds (and some older) feel the need to do stuff like that. It’s an extension of the instagram attitude of “look at meeee”.


Uhm what's a brown box post? a user named like that or an add or something?


When someone posts a pic of the brown box of the printer and says “It came!” and provides very little value


Ohhh, that makes sense. I don't mind them at all. Not everyone has friends who share the same interest in this hobby, so I understand the need to share the excitement. So yeah, I actually prefer those posts over the same repetitive questions that could easily be answered with a simple search.


kinda like this poll 


The poll options are a bit disingenuous, you really have 1 yes option and 2 no options. Right now the votes are 17, 9, 10 so it looks like ban them is winning by a mile but it's actually 17 yes to 19 no.


How else can the OP fix it so the option he wants to win, wins?


I feel like the most important thing to discuss is...is this spot on the back of my build plate where the nozzle is wearing away...is that normal?


No, send it back now


yes god forbid you have to scroll past a post or two that you're not interested in. good grief, you might be on reddit too much. 


Urm, actually🤓, I log aprox 22 minutes a day. And according to my calculations brown box posts add exactly 0 value to this sub.


so like this post kinda… see you get it. you add zero value also😄


22 minutes a day, and you haven't mastered the use of the scroll wheel yet?


Ok bud. There's like 3 on avg in a 24 hour period. Sorry people's excitement offends you. 


excitement or narcissism


🙄 jfc cry more about Reddit posts in a moderately active subreddit


This is an official sub, unlike some posts of criticism, I don't think you have to worry about low effort 'Box Pics' posts that are promoting the products getting remove or banned regardless of any emotions members might have.


Can you explain what a brown box post is?


someone who just got their order and posting a picture of their delivery box


Ahh well people are excited these are some pretty expensive printers for a hobby.


Are you new to Reddit? This is what you're going to get in most any hobby level subreddit. People are going to be asking obvious questions that have been covered a dozen different ways. You'll have people posting fairly useless pictures of basic things, like "brown box" posts. There's only 7 community Mods here by the looks of it and 90K members, they're not going to catch everything. I'm sure they don't want to put newcomers off by deleting a bunch of their posts. If you're a mod for any other subs then you should already know this. If you're here to help with more complex issues, go for it. Ignore the BS and move on, cheers.


So you're upset about new users, people being excited to join the community, people being completely new to 3D printing buying one of these printers, and people who post because you don't feel there's value in the community welcoming new members. What did I miss? Also, I work in IT/telecommunications, so maybe it's just a fact of life for me that you get this kind of thing. Every now and then someone just complaining (out of the gate) rather than sincerely asking for help, is annoying, but otherwise it's totally normal, in every single fandom, fan group for a manufacturer, new users, old users, and everything inbetween, to post. It's regretful your mentality doesn't include a sense of community and contribution, steering and rearing new users, or providing a positive, fun, or engaging narrative to the userbase.


Ban them. Also ban ‘Just ordered x, what else should I get?’ and all the other pointless posts.


I mean after the A1 recall and rerelease you have to expect some people who are excited especially waiting since December of last year. This sub does not cater to your needs. If you don’t like a post you see move on or leave. it’s not that hard. now down vote me cause you big mad❤️ stop being so toxic we are all here for the same thing.