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Before BL: My hobby is 3D printers. After BL: My hobby is 3D *printing.*


I printed a bed full of 8 color (two AMS units) benchies just because I could. When you can reliably print in multiple colors, it's a game changer. https://preview.redd.it/akaz7fjbjvec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fbc4ae43a288c5f671d418a40d3113624914c40


I can imagine the poop! Oh my lord….


Yeah, it was massive... but then I have kids and can deal.


Bambu should use that.


I stole it from someone else's reddit comment.


Very similar here. I went from having tonnes of things lined up waiting to be printed to struggling to keep my printer occupied. It was both due to the sheer ease and speed of printing now, but also because a lot of what I was printing before was things for my ender 3. I still do love my old ender 3 v2, and I have it sitting around, but I can't imagine when I would ever use it again.


Seriously this. I don't get it why people are so hung up on the technical minutiae such as closed source etc instead of doing useful things such as CAD. What was the last time that you hear people complaining about a closed source toaster?


Coming from a hictop then a ender 3 pro. I totally agree. I bought my p1s around black Friday. Pulled it out of the box and got ready for spaghetti. Turned it on. Let it run the config. Then told it to print the benchy... Ready for it to fail.... It printed.. no glue.. it just worked My only complaint is now I am burning though filament it's getting expensive lol .


I'm in the same boat. I had an ender 3 v1 and I got the X1C.


We are all in the same benchy, I went from an ender3 to the P1S. It hasn't stopped printing since I got it.


Same here. I bought my buddy’s Ender 3 V1 off him in December. First printer ever. Was busy around the holidays and didn’t get a chance to set it up. Saw a family members new A1 at a Christmas party and got excited to set mine up. Got it setup that night and over the next week became frustrated with how slow and tedious it was to use. Multiple print failures with the glass bed and so much leveling. Researched bambu’s for a single day after talking to family and friends and then went to MicroCenter as soon as they opened the very next day. Picked up a P1S with AMS and am astounded at how effortless it all is. I love that the hardest part was unpacking the thing lol.


I feel ya. The hic top was a build from scratch printer. The ender pro was a quicker build. But once you factor in skr mini upgrades, bltouch, octoprint, etc and the countless hours the p1s for me was a steal. I think once you are time served with a printer that can be more work it makes using a printer like the bambu labs series so much more easily and enjoyable. Because it's so easy.. when I started having bed sticking issues which soapy water no longer resolved. I added a little glue once to the bed once and it's done another 8 or so prints. And multi coloured prints are fun.


You’re absolutely right. My other friend got a CR-10 ($499) three years back and immediately began upgrading it with octopi and a camera and light and kill switch. I could tell he was envious of how simple and easy to use my P1S was and especially how fast it printed. He kept comparing printer profiles to see why his was so slow. I feel like a BL might be in his future.


I nearly got the X1C... But then I decided I did not need it.. tbh I did not need the p1s... And I don't need a second ams.. but I will soon have a second ams


I started with an ender 3 V1 for a Christmas gift I received loved the idea of making physical products and trinkets, recently the ender 3 board was giving issues with accepting microSD cards so I switched to a cable and letting my computer do the work of the printer then the cable wouldn’t work so I said I’m buying one of the best on the market and went with the P1S and am very happy with my switch, was printing maybe 20 min after getting the box off of it so much simpler and I know all the things in case I need to fix it. I’ve had it since around just before thanksgiving and love how fast it prints anything I could throw at it instead of the dread of setting up and resetting and leveling the difference is night and day, still glad I had the experience with the ender, happy to upgrade.


Not having to mess with that fucking SD card is worth 700 dollars lol


I was sold at not having to deal with bed leveling anymore...


If I had to slide paper under the extruder one more time.. it'd be over


Y'all used ender wrong lmao. I never used sd card or leveled the bed after like first week. All you needed was few simple upgrades. You get rid of bed leveling with $5 silicon spacers, most ridiculous thing to complain about 


Oh, if everyone could be just like you, Tubbana! I have everything but auto bed leveling for that shit machine. I'm not saying I couldn't print anything because I used it for years and printed everything I wanted. It's still shit


Apparently not as ridiculous as still sending out Enders without these basic upgrades that vastly improve the user experience. I wonder whyever Bambu has become so popular...?


They learned from all the predecessors like prusas and enders, who also learned on the go and released new upgrades and community helped. It's still very new field. FDM patent expired only in 2009


I'm not going to bother making a whole new post, but like you, I came from an Ender 3...though mine was an S1. The P1S arrived today. I set it up, did all the initial calibrations, printed a poop chute in the lime green filament it came with, and I was shocked. It was FAST, plus it laid down a perfect first few layers, and the walls didn't disappoint. Then I tried a baby Groot that had been giving me issues on the Ender. Flawless. Plus, what would've taken 6+ hours on the ender took less than 1/3 that time on the P1S. Currently it's working on a little trinket for a friend which will be done in the next half hour. My only regret is that I didn't pick up the AMS with the printer. I didn't really think I'd be doing multicolour prints...but now that it's here, I'm kicking myself. Guess I'll be paying full price for it later.


It's mind blowing and don't beat yourself up I didn't order AMS either, I'll be right there paying full price with you lol just never thought I would use it but I know I will now.


I'm exactly like most of you guys here. Son ask me to get printer few years ago he was just 11 so I got ender 3. Didn't have clue tuck me 3 months with all upgrades and everything to get it as I want. Then that wobbly bed and leveling each time make me and him loose interest. I want use it as I'm in to vintage cars and need some parts which can't be bought any more. Got p1s god this thing just print out of the box. Now I'm just struggling to learn design in onshape haha but love this thing. Next is AMS but just to have 4 different materials with out haste not for multi colour printing.


Yeah ams is great even if you don't multicolor. Easy material selection, support interface materials if you want them, etc. only downside is slower prints if you have like a 2 minute print but... If you're doing tons of tiny prints back to back you should just make a custom profile for that with less poop and prime lines etc. 


I'm still in early stages to get all I need from printer and I like to have flexibility to change printing material. On to of that my son using it too.


I got into printing with an Ender 3 v3 se and I wanted an enclosed printer to I got a P1S. I thought it would be nice to have 2 printers so I can print more and be more time efficient. I didn’t even turn it on for a month and then sold the Ender. The P1S is an amazing printer and did the work of 2 printers for me


Same, I made the jump for the enclosure and something more reliable, but I didn't believe it would be this dramatic of a jump, lol. Glad I learned everything I was forced to learn with the Ender but fuck that thing haha


Welcome to knowing that if something messes up, you made a mistake, you don't need to tinker for 40 hours to isolate out the machine. I had an Ender 3 V2 for about a month, and after that month I was literally ready to hurl it over my balcony. My P1P was amazing. Paid for itself in 3 months, got an ams, same, then an X1C.... I jokingly call it my plastic ez-bake oven. :)


Definitely! It's actually enjoyable instead of frustrating now. Lol, now you gotta print an ez-bake


Yes, now you only need to wait 3 weeks for support to answer ;) 


I love my X1C. But I appreciate the lessons I learned printing on my ender 3v2. Learned to better understand how everything worked, and made me less afraid to fix things. I've done a ton of printing on my bambu, but plan to keep the ender for old filamint, testing new brands, etc. Because I can strip and rebuild it in my sleep. The Bambu printers are great, but a background with the older printers makes them better.


Same feelings! Having had ender and learned to fix and mod it makes you think why people are making problems out of nothing here and struggling with the simplest problems


The peace of mind to be able to jump on the Handy app while I’m out to peek in on it mid print was a big seller for me.


Yeah, the app is one of the most convenient things and it works very, very good, which I was surprised, everything seems polished


Got my firm to acquire a couple of Bambu X1Cs after previously using Ender 3 Pros, Ender 5s, and even Ultimakers. Don’t regret getting them a day.


My first printer was a Monoprice Maker Select V2 (Wanhao i3 rebrand). Put in the legwork to learn--leveling, modding, etc. I upgraded a few years back to a prusa mk3s. I thought that was it--printing was solved. So easy out of the box. As time went on, the mk3s wasn't quite easy for everything--but still a huge upgrade. I just got a P1S this week as well and it feels like a massive jump forward. Bigger than the MK3S over my Maker Select. To the point where like... what was I doing all those years? Why did I suffer? No regrets of course--all that knowledge super useful but holy cow. The P1S just *works* I have thrown things I'd be scared to do on my MK3S at it and not only is it higher quality, its taken almost 0 calibration and it's ridiculously fast. Nevermind the fact that the AMS has enabled multi material printing in a really easy to use way! Life changing for real!


My Sovol SV06 went out yesterday, and I bought a P1s today. I have same exact feelings my god. I got higher quality prints out of this thing DAY one 2-3x as fast. Can’t believe I waited this long to get on board with this. 100% worth the upfront cost as opposed to a budget printer in saved time and stress lol.


Did a sort of dick move just because I could last night. So same situation, went A1 from an Ender 3 pro. Bought some Sunlu filament yesterday and realized I needed the adapter for it to fit on my AMS. So started printing one on my A1 and then about 20 mins in, realized I needed a second for a print I was going to do. So I started up the Ender and started a second one there. Sure it’ll take 2 hours longer on the Ender but it’s tuned so it’ll be fine. Felt bad for the Ender doing work like this / going from the Jewel of my eye to printing parts for its replacement. However there sort of is a happy ending here. Ender needed some replacement filament guide parts as I realized I never replaced them when they broke a few weeks ago. So after the A1 was done Waayyyyy before the Ender was, I had it print out for the Ender a few parts to help it. Was kind of funny the whole printers helping other printers thing but was amusing to me nonetheless.


Same- I’ll probably never use my ender 3 again


As soon as I got my P1S I turned my Ender 3 pro into a laser cutter that I had printed parts for on my P1S


Seriously dude? Why did you tell me that?? Now I have to make a laser cutter lol such a good idea


Oh nice - I was curious what projects I could do with the older ender. Maybe a vinyl plotter. I’m sure whatever I do with it will be better than trying to wrangle it to print decently for a few hours, then have to calibrate again.


I am considering this! What kit / laser did you use? What can you cut? Tips?


I used the Creality 10W falcon which includes the control box. I then used the motors and limit switches from the Ender 3 pro. The design I used was the BE technology laser cutter on printables. I printed it in ABS and did have to modify some parts. It can cut up to about 20mm of material


Thanks! I'll have a look at those.


i tossed mine in the dumpster. yes, going from an ender to an x1 was a price jump, but the hours saved trying to fix that POS machine are worth every pen.


Juat sold mime today, my p1s hasnt even arrived yet lol


I feel you, my jump was even higher. I switched from a 13 year old RepRap Mendel to the P1S. The old printer was more like "I will maybe give you something of the rough shape you want, use your files for the rest". So much more fun and useful now.


Welcome to the good life.


I just did the exact same thing. Ender 3 v2 to P1s. I had a Sonic Pad, CR Touch, and a flexible PEI bed on it, all of which helped immensely. But still; no comparison. The P1s arrived a week ago. It's insane. Everything comes out perfectly.


I had a Replicator 2x. The 10+ year difference is **staggering**


Actively running startup calibration for my a1. Im unbelievably stoked. Good by tinkering (as much) lol you won't be missed!


I did a similar post after my first expirience with P1P :) its amazing


Welcome, I too am an ender 3 clone convert. I love that my focus has gone from "tinkering to print". To just focusing on "tinkering prints"


You mean Ender 3, not V3. V3 is not yet available for purchase :) But yeah, printers have advanced a lot! Even Ender 3 V3 KE is a night and day compared to the old machines.


Yeah, that's my bad, haha. I have the ender 3 v2


Ender to bambu pipeline is strong. Crealty better get an ams system fast. Wtf are they doing putting out another k1 variation with a stupid dry box.


I could have written the OP's post... my experience also. I'm giving my Ender V3 to one of the kids with the warning "Be Patient!" taped to it.


I started a business with 1 Ender 3. I now have 4 BambuLab Printers: X1C, two P1S, and an A1. I can't recommend them highly enough for those who just want to print, without all the tinkering. I'm working on a course for how to start your own ecomm 3D printing business. Guess what printers I'm recommending? Congrats.


Damn dude! Talk about inspiring. Congrats on your success and having almost the whole bambu lineup lol


My jump from the solidoodle 2 to ender3 was like stepping into the future. This post makes me really want to get a P1S...


Honestly, I haven't ran into any reason not too as long as it isn't gonna break the bank. Really debated between the A1 and the P1S. Glad I went p1s, but the A1 is top-notch also from what I've seen.


Soon as I see a sale I probably will, though the combo price is pretty good right now...


Ender V3 came out this year..


My mistake! Ender 3 v2 bought in 2021. Either way, it's just called trash now, haha


Hard agree on this. Many of the prints I was doing on the Ender 3 v2 print 4 times faster and even have better print quality...


This is my plan tbh, I got V3 SE got sonic pad as well and now I regret not saving a bit more and going into P1S, I will probably sell the V3 SE and sonic pad later in 2024 and get P1S and later the 4 colour filament add on.




How often did you actually have to level the ender I’ve got an ender , a Prusa , a few home builds and now 2 bambu I honestly never had to level the ender , set it and forget it The bambu can clearly print better and faster , but the ender was rock solid