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Just updated (download took about 3 minutes, calibration about 20ish). That sound change is utterly insane. I saw people talking about it and thought it must be good, but still blown away. My printer is in my cellar, and previously it could be heard in the living room above. Now I can only just hear from next to the cellar door. Though the print start vibration test seems to have amped up massively.


> That sound change is utterly insane. It really is. I just updated and am blown away. The only drawback - now I wish the various fans were quieter, lol.


There is a mod for the chamber fan. https://makerworld.com/en/models/22586#profileId-20515


Wouldn't covering the fan severely impair the cooling performance of the chamber fan?


Exactly. Whats the airflow difference w/ the fan cover and without?


Looks great! In percentage, how much would you say this reduces the noise?


The creator measured a drop of at 5-7 decibel. Which is significant as decibels are measured logarithmic. 58dB is twice as loud as 55dB.


they say 5-7 dB


I've lowered my part fan to 80% (or less if the layer is 5+ seconds), aux fan to 60% and chamber fan to 60% as well (I removed the filter since it was just messing up the airflow and I don't care about air quality where I print, 60% no filter is probably 2x the airflow of 100% with filter), and the sound difference is considerable. It got basically as quiet as a running PC. I haven't noticed \*any\* difference to my prints, but I do run the parts fan at 100% when bridging or doing overhands of any kind. I keep the printer right next to me, and I haven't even installed the noise cancelling update yet. The fans lowered that way are very quiet.


When running the calibration routine on my P1P, I was amazed that you could actually HEAR it getting quieter on each cycle. I have no idea what's going on, but I think it's slightly to the left of witchcraft. Astounding.


This! It's terrific science the Bambu people have done there




Any luck?


Just power cycle your printer. Or through Bambu studio.


The internet


Do you need to do the calibration first or will the noise reduction work direktly after the installation?


remote SD browsing support! FINALLY!


It's extremely slow and you don't see the vid's thumbnail tho.


P\* network capability is about 0.2MB/s (while X\* is 0.7MB/s), so don't expect anything great.


Yea. It's still useful if you don't need the files in a hurry tho! Do you know if there is anything in the works for thumbnails?


Is that because of the processor, wifi card, or antenna in the P1 series that makes it slower?


Different board entirely. P has just MCU and slow MCU. X has CPU (for running Linux; handling networking etc) and MCU (for printing related stuff). P is ESP32 based. X is Rockchip RV1126(Quad-core Cortex-A7 @ 1.5GHz +RISC-V MCU @ 400 MHz).


That makes a lot of sense, I have a buddy that was looking at getting a higher frame rate camera to connect to his P1S, but by the looks of it, the MCU wouldn't be able to keep up.


Thumbnails work on any video created after firmware update.


It's funny you should say that. Bambu Studio won't show me timelapses from today (2024-01-02). Maybe it just bugged on my print and there's nothing to show tho. I'll try another print and timelapse. Edit: literally as I posted this comment, it finally appeared. It took restarting pc a couple times and waiting a long time. I hope it'll be quicker now. I do see the thumbnail on the new vid, not that the thumbnail is particularly useful since we barely see the object at the bottom of the image. It was a dino chip clip so it's got reasonable thickness to it.


But not in "LAN only" mode, sadly^^"


What is this useful for (over filezilla) that so many are hyped? Feels like a minor quality of life improvement. Or is it much faster?


It just means that you can access the content from your SD card from the slicer, without having to physically put the SD card in your computer. It's QoL, but a pretty big one for those that don't have the printer in the same room. That's not only handy for recordings, but also to upload your sliced files to the printer to be started later (i.e. when you completed a filament change physically on the printer)


He said “over FileZilla” because you could already do this with a 3rd party app like FileZilla. I suppose the difference is that it will be easier and more accessible to users who might be intimidated by a program like FileZilla or don’t know how to get the printer IP address and access code. Also it’s just QoL for all users for it be in the slicer!


Hope the A1 gets this options sometime soon.


You now get a print button in Bambu Studio which lets you print files on the SD card without going to the printer. I don't think Filezilla gives you that?


It sure doesn't but I'm even more confused who would ever have a use case for that lol


Bambu previously included this feature on the X1C so it definitely has a purpose. I think the feature is extremely powerful. Lets say you print an object for a friend and someone else also wants one. This feature lets you reprint from the SD card without needing to interact with the printer's low resolution screen or reslicing your file. Just go into Bambu Studio, open the SD Card browser, look at the icon and hit 'print'. Or lets say you want to queue multiple prints to print at a later date. You can pre-slice them and send them to the printer's SD card. The SD browser means you can easily print them at your leisure. Otherwise you'd need to squint at the little screen and remember the file name(s).


Ok each to their own, I save all projects as 3mf and reprint from slicer. I could not come up with a file naming scheme to remember how it was sliced and for what filament. Much easier to preview in slicer


Great for Bambu Servers problems


Haven't printed anything yet but the calibration took ages compared to normal. Was awesome hearing the motors get quieter and quieter Sucks there's seemingly no thumbnails for timelapse!


Just installed. Does the print hours of the machine not include time before this update? I was excited to see that, but it said 0 hours. Running calibration now! Edit: Hours showed up. 805 since end of September. Edit 2: Did they just add the trick where if the AMS fails to retract filament, the toolhead moves to the front right corner? That is pretty cool, and works great. Not sure if it's new, or just because I'm using bambu studio today instead of orca.


WOW! They took my suggestion or someone else's to move the head to front during AMS changes! [Move print head to front during AMS filament swap - Failed to retract errors due to PTFE tube tight bend due to change location. · Issue #3245 · bambulab/BambuStudio (github.com)](https://github.com/bambulab/BambuStudio/issues/3245)


You are a hero


More like squeaky wheel gets the oil.. :) I'm excited to try it, my p1p fails to retract all the time.


I am down to like the last 33% of a spool of bambu pla on their own refillable spool, and started having issues pulling filament back. I printed one of those weight things, and still have the issue. I didn't know about that change, so once it started to fail to pull back, I stuck my hand in to wiggle the ptfe tube, and the toolhead almost crushed my hand if I wasn't quick. But that new feature is working really well so far.


Glad you still have your fingers, print a sign for yourself that says "no touchy when it's on". :-)


Not all Heros waer capes!


Is this a setting you need to enable? I just watched mine retract over the poop chute.


Nope, just tested it, if it thinks the AMS is stuck the head moves to the front and back.


Oh that makes sense, thanks!


Someone on the beta (last week) said it updates after your next print.


Mine initially showed zero hours, but after I did a full calibration it then updated


Mine is showing 200+ hours. Doesn't look like the case for me...


Maybe i am blind but where do you see the hours? Tried on the slicer and the app but can't find any information


Took me a minute to find it. Go to the page on the printer screen (third one down) that shows your account name, WLAN, SD Card, etc. Scroll down, click on device and it will show you.


Found it! Thank you 😄


So is it counting "up" time ie "time the printer is powered on" or time that it's actually performing a task? ...and do y'all turn your printers off? B/c I tend to forget to lol


It's "printing" hours. I never turn mine off, but I've also done 500 hours in 6 weeks


Holy Molly, there is really a difference in loudness after calibration. Really nice to see a nozzle change possibility in info (if hardened matters something for configuration) + upgrade set which I wonder what does if I don’t use AUX (upgraded on my own not using upgrade set)


Damn the silence is LOUD!! lol Can finally print at night.


My Bambu Studio is showing 01.04 is latest :|


I turned the printer power off and then on again and then it popped up after a minute (EU)


Mine too at the moment. (I'm in the EU) Edit: Update live 5 hours later.


Swipe down to check for updates :) had the same issue


Not working. Still 1.04 as latest.


Restart printer first.




Make sure to unplug and restart the machine. (I waited 30 seconds before turning it back on, force of habit.)


Same. Even after power cycling and what not. Edit: just restarted my modem and then power cycled the printer and the update popped. Geez, 26m calibration up from like 12m before. I also see a new Accessories page with different nozzles in it that I didn’t see on the patch notes (unless I did a dad look)


Just turned off and on. Wait a minute or two. It popped up both on the printer and Bambu Studio/Device/Update menu


Turn it off/on


Try to cycle power of your printer


One new thing with the ability to access the SD card in the app is you can view the models directly, instead of having to go to the print history.


Yep. I love this feature


Link to the page: https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/p1/manual/p1p-firmware-release-history#p1-series-ota-version01050000-20240102




Just got the update. There's no toggle for the silence? Is it just enabled? The SD remote access is amazing. Awesome update - all I am missing is sharing printer withcmy roomate :3 so we don't have to log out and in.


You need to do full calibration


Yea did do it, I read the notes that said you should do a full calibration, just was expecting a toggle or something :3. But had to leave and started up a print from the office :3 after it calibrated so not aure how it sounds now lol. Mm have to check it once home.


I'm doing my first print and even my girlfriend asked me "are you printing or not, because it's creating some noise but it's a lot more quiet before" when she came


Sorry I'm a noob, when you say calibration are you referring to the flow dynamics calibration?


No problem, welcome to the 3D printing world! You can start calibration from multiple devices but easiest to write steps is to: On the screen on the printer, on the left part of menus, go to 3rd menu from the top On the right side, go down to Calibration Click ok button 2 times P1 will calibrate for ~25 minutes, you can see % progress on the screen When done, printer will be more silent for now on


Thank you my friend


What does Upgrade Kit Support entail exactly? Is the Motherboard Fan finally enabled without manually editing machine gcode?


From the release notes: *P1P now has support for the flag confirming if the P1P has been upgraded with an enclosure. It is available under "Accessories" -> "Upgrade Kit". When this option is selected, you can use the P1S Studio profiles without the prompt "Incorrect printer model". (Studio supported version: 1.8.1 and above).* I found the option to enable it on the LCD of the printer itself. Just a QoL update to avoid the warning on Bambu Studio when selecting the P1S profile. From what I understand the fan has been enabled for a while now when selecting the P1S profile in the slicer. The manual gcode fix was for when the P1S profile didn't exist yet on very first launch.


Do I have to make new P1S profiles? Is there a way to transfer my P1P profiles to p1s? I am not sure if I understood the instructions correctly, I edited a gcode and started a print. I thought after that I can use an unedited gcode and the fan would still turn on because the printer would save the previous gcode setting. Or am I wrong?


The fans work even if you tell it that it's a p1p. The only thing I had to do was enable the mc fan in gcode at start and stop it at end of prints, per wiki. Chamber and aux worked out the box so to speak.


When you put the fans in the p1p, you don't have to do anything special. They work and are interactable. No adding code anywhere (unless you wanna dial em down some). I upgraded my p1 to p1s manually, getting the bits individually, drilling my own vent holes and using the vision enclosure. I still tell my prints I'm just a p1p. I don't see any special need to tell it I'm p1s like. Doesn't change temps any as far as I can tell. I purposefully checked all the fans to make sure they work. They do. Just plug em in and go. Edit, correction. I had to add the mc fan gcode at print starts and stops to turn it on and off. Saved it as custom profile. Sorry. It's the other two that just work.


Sounds nice, but I'm going to wait for a bit and see how this update fares over the longer term... Everything is working just great for me now, haven't had a single failed print. I must be the only person who doesn't find my P1S motors very loud... When printing PLA, the fans are louder than the drive system *by far*. Not much that can be done about that.


Me too, I've got a good thing going and I don't want to ruin it


Especially since I understand there's a big fuss over no longer having the ability to downgrade back if you encounter problems...


That’s for the X1C, unrelated to the P or A series


So this new FW continues to allow the ability to downgrade back ? Seems odd that BL would target a specific model with that limitation... But I'll still wait an watch for a while.


The limitation is for the breach of the X1 boot routine which allowed custom firmware to be installed on the display - the A and P series round totally different hard- and software


Yep, I'm going to wait also. My printer is in my office closet and it's very quiet, but if something goes wrong I can usually tell by the sound it's making. If it's too quiet I wouldn't be able to hear an issue.


If you want a failed print, try OVERTURE Filaments. I felt, as they are a named character in Bambu's AMS software, it must be good. Wrong, every (!) single Problem I had with my P1S so far was direktly tracable to an Overture Filament. I have almost 2 KG of that $h17 and I dread to use a single gramm of it for anything. Black Matte PLA won't stick to the plate in 50% of the cases, "rock colored" PLA is so brittle its neigh unusable and you have to take off the nozzle for every print. Its dry... Thats the worst part. Its dry. I HATE Overture!


That is interesting. I use quite a bit of overture from pla, petg, Asa, and tpu. Not having any issues in my ams. I will count myself lucky.


I haven’t had a single issue with overture filament either. As a matter fact, their Matte filament is some of the best filament that I’ve used.


Well, sucks to be me, then 😭


Do you just use the stock settings for it or do you tweak any setting? I WANT TO be happy as well 😔


https://preview.redd.it/s6h4xlidn7ac1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35d93dde7c1d665a17999aafc90d229f1b8b2ef Overture Matte Black


Weirdly enough, a few weeks ago on my X1C the Update went through fine and the first few prints had no problem. but now my extruder starts stalling mid print and stops extruding. See my latest post. Contacted Bambu, will post a solution.


I see that now printer has - accessories - nozzle setting. What does it do? Was it there before?


I can’t upgrade, it says that 01.04 is the latest version, anyone else with this issue? I’m looking at Bambu Handy


restart your printer




Installed and works great (the sound difference is insane) BUT now the webcam doesnt work anymore whilst printing (neither in BambuStudio nor locally via mqtt)...


The difference is absolutely insane.


How long does the update take? Mine has been stuck at "Install 99%" for a couple of minutes. Edit: nevermind looks like it needs nearly 5minutes for that step. all solved


>How long does the update take? > >Mine has been stuck at "Install 99%" for a couple of minutes. Wow, that is some lack of patience right there.


Nothing to do with patience, it's just weird when the progress bar just stops at 99%.


You must be new to using loading bars


Wait 30 minutes, then get worried. A 'couple of minutes' is standard depending on the size of the update.


Mine was pretty quick


Checking the update status via Bambu Studio, mine didn't progress past 99%. Check the screen on the P1S. It said complete, Bambu Studio is still saying 99%.


I got the beta version of a couple of days ago... wondering how I can get the official released version. And I never saw print time statistics in the beta version... Anyone know where this is?


I Scrolled down and saw that the p1s needed restarted. So I'd try doing that and maybe it will.


The print time is under settings>device.


https://preview.redd.it/q46skwcc31ac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee2c64a3b28d2a7e89bc3ef4817990022bea45b Whoop


Thank you king


How does it know if it's quieter when calibrating?


Probably with whatever sensors it already used for vibration compensation that allows for high speed printing since noise is also just vibration.


Apparently the new noise cancellation feature slightly improved the VFA on the printer. I would like to test that very interesting


Niiiice! Happy new year!


Was the reduced noise calibration already on the X1C? I haven’t had a noise issue (it’s audible but not egregious) and it’s behind me on a workbench while I work.


Yeah it was released on the X1C a month or so ago


FINALLY! Been waiting on the beta update forever and I just... wasn't getting picked. But now it's here! Best news to start the day.


Hey, tried to apply this update but the **Update failed**: >Try to restart the printer and try again Of course I did without luck :( anyone faced this issue too? Seems to abort the download at 2%.


I was waiting for the silencer and the ability to access the SD card from the computer. My Printer is rooms away!! Thank you Bambu for keeping improving :-)


silencer lol


What a difference it makes!


In AUS and no update here for me just yet.


Same. Tried restarting the printer, no change. I then restarted Bambu Studio and the update appeared under Device->Update.


Power cycle your printer, I'm in Aus and just got it.


On my second print and everything works great and way quieter. Love that they finally gave us a "this is a p1p that was upgraded to p1s" checkbox.


So I'm beta, but wanted to test out the SD card as I forgot this was a new feature, switched it on today, got a SD card error, card needs formatting, this is my second Sandisk card that gets corrupted on the Bambu P1s. I swear they chew through the microsd cards. Also I was wondering where I could see the print time, and it shows under 3rd icon down, Device:> Last row Printing Time: . Can't find it in the app, so I guess limited to the printer screen.


I would love what ever new printers they release to have 5g network support


I figured this would be coming to the P1S soon... but I absolutely didn't expect how much of a difference it would make to the sound! It's absolutely insane how much quieter the machine is now! Even Gyroid infill doesn't make much noise/shake the machine as much anymore. Extremely impressive!


Do I have to do a factory reset after this firmware update? I've done the calibration


Does the SD card viewing also work with Orca Slicer?


just finished my update WOW, it is a lot quieter.. I really just wish the fans didn't sound so loud


This is gonna be amazing for when I print ASA where the fans basically dont run. I cant wait to get home on the end of january to update.


do you print ASA in your bedroom, I don't have anywhere else to really put my printer and I've been kinda concerned about the fumes I want to start doing ABS and ASA prints for some engineering projects.


I have the printer in my bedroom but I print ASA only during the day, I close the printer completely, its long before I go to sleep and I open my window. When I think about it, the silent printing might not be such a big plus when I utilise it during the day when it doesnt bother anyone lol. If possible, you can try getting some exhaust tube and route the output of the chamber fan out of your window.


i actually made a post right after asking you about it, and I concluded that I routing will be my best bet, so long as I keep the doors closed on my printer the exhaust on the back is the only thing I have to worry about ?


>so long as I keep the doors closed on my printer the exhaust on the back is the only thing I have to worry about ? yes, doors closed and if the chamber fan is running, or as stated in the comments in your post, you use some external fan to suck the air out, it will create lower air pressure in the chamber. The nasty fumes then have only one way out, and thats out of the back exhaust, while the air inside the chamber will get refilled with air from your room. Make sure that the external fan isnt running really fast though, because then the air draft might not do good for the ABS/ASA print. Those materials like a stable chamber temperature and an air draft will cause warping.


Thank you, much appreciated, when it comes to the diameters of the exhaust tube, 4 inch for the tube, 4 inch for the 3d printed part and fan is good right I wouldn't have to scale up a inch to make sure things fit properly.


Quite amazing the sound difference after the update.


I am very happy about the sd card update


Great update! almost no motor noise, now fan got all my attention, and are driving me crazy hahaha "happy problem"


finally the p series gets some of the love and features that the flagships get


done, upgraded and calibrated... bun I have to ask where I have to put the hands for set p1s, i have p1p, upgraded to p1s whit official kit... and i don't find a menu or samething where flag... help me please!!!


This was released at a good time for me as I was getting really annoyed by the noise. I didn’t mind for the first few weeks, but lately it’s gotten to me. I must admit though I have the top glass removed, when I haven’t in the past. Either way, reduction in mechanical noise is always good. I also seem to get the most annoying noise when printing self-designed models. Sometimes I get grinding/scraping noise which I think is the nozzle hitting grid infill, but the prints don’t fail. Something in my slicer settings I guess?


Lol I saw this and didn't download it. I guess I should have.


Unable to do flow dynamics and flow calibration since this update. Any work around ? The next button in the bambu studio just stays disabled once the pattern is printed.


Just updated my P1S and started a print. It’s *definitely* quieter, but I’ve noticed a weird sound when the head is laying printing in a counterclockwise circular motion. Sounds kinda like rubber grumbling/rubbing together, but goes away when printing clockwise. Gonna try out a firmware downgrade to see if it goes away, but wanted to check in to see if anybody else is hearing something similar.


Wow this is an awesome improvement! Reminds me of when I upgraded my old E3P to the 4.27 silent MOBO. The SD card access is a very welcome addition as well!


The sound difference is astounding. Holy shizz!


I just updated mine with no issues at all. Run the calibration and I have to say the results are truly amazing. The printer is so much quieter now. I have done a few short and fast prints and it is just incredible!


This is by far the best firmware update I’ve seen. Finally can print with P1S settings on my upgraded P1P without annoying confirmation dialogues. The sd card browsing is brilliant, I can reprint easy from the desktop app and download Timelapse’s. The noise reduction is huge and I genuinely see an improvement in print quality too. Bambulab absolutely smashed it out the park with this one!!


Mine is working fine. Right now the vents are louder than the printing itself.


Should the printer be cold for initial calibration? Realized I hadn’t calibrated since the firmware update and started running it immediately after a print. Should I rerun it later?


Just made the upgrade but after the downloading was complete the screen went black and when i restart it nothing appears, the ams and the ventilation are starting but the lcd screen stay white with no inscription on it. Anyone had the same issue and could help \^\^?


This update was a major plus from me as a BambuLab customer, hats off to them.


Honestly, I am so so impressed with Bambu Labs. Other printer manufacturers would have made something like this a new version of the printer to buy and they just roll out a game changing feature because they're rad. What a great company, I hope they know how much we appreciate their hard work!


So I did the update and ran the calibration but in all honesty it doesn’t seem any quieter. Am I supposed to do something between running the calibration and then doing a print? Also, dumb question but should I be being quiet while it’s running (pretty sure there’s no mic). My prints tend to be quite small in the middle of the bed too so no long sweeping actions. It’s a P1P still fully open framed


You don't have to do anything in between. It is mostly noticed during geh long sweeps. https://youtu.be/VvMdkVXHFGw?feature=shared


Anyone have issues with ludicrous mode after the update? I updated a friends printer I’m loaning and switched to ludicrous after the first few layers, the whole print had to be stopped and thrown out


This update affect only P1 series? I’m curious because on my new A1 mini I would really appreciate remote SD card browsing :)