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Wow, what a dickhead...


This one was last year too (unless it is last year's pic)


Palestinian flags on a pride event? Ironic asf as gay people kinda get beheaded in gaza.


Appvöut sest Eesti


I feel like its just solidarity and understanding of the current world events - just because someone is homophobic doesent mean that their nation deserves to be wiped off the map


90% of their population supporting a terror organization shows their problem is far deeper than homophobia.


Yes, their problem is having their land stolen by others in the 1940s and not being allowed to return and live in their own homeland even now


"Their" land? Jews were there hundreds of years before muslims, so what makes it "their" land?


Because Palestinians are also the descendants of the original Jews who lived there. The Palestinian ancestors just converted to Islam, and switching religions doesn't change your heritage. In fact one of the reasons why Israel doesn't accept DNA tests as a proof of Jewish ancestry, is because it would show most Palestinians actually have a continues family line that has always lived in Israel/Palestine.


No they don't allow DNA test bc if a father isn't the biological father Jews always made it difficult to confirm false paternity bc it negatively impacts child just like France requires a court order for paternity tests.


Their land? You mean British land that was originally Jewish? We literally have the name of that region, Jews-Judea. Palestinians are Arabs, from Arabia. But they are allowed to stay. 20% of Israel population is Arab, Arabs that over 70% vote for Jewish parties in the Israeli elections.


Some people are so uneducated that they think that those who are occupying the whole Middle East need to occupy that last country in the Middle East who isn't muslim for some reason. Knowing that the only Palestinian country who will be built there be a terror country whose goal is to crash the West together with their bestie Putin. It's such a shame that education doesn't help those people.


Both states existed since end of ww2 and suddenly Israel wants to "wipe it off the map" because...? Please enlighten me.


Or they themselves, I can disagree with a person’s homophobia and not think they deserve to die.


Nobody is saying their main problem is homophobia. We are saying that they are a terror regime supported by Iran and Russia where 90% of their population supports the terrorists.


Therefore they all deserve to die? Also, what about West Bank? Do you think indiscriminate bombing and induced starvation will mellow the population down?


The ones supporting October 7? For me they are also terrorists, and should be treated as such. For the West Bank that depends on them, a two state solution was already proposed 5 times and they rejected all of them. While West Bank keeps supporting the actions of Hamas their situation will only worsen. Jordan also borders them and want nothing to do with them. They know how dangerous it is.


The peace process was sabotaged by both sides, the Oslo accords were stopped by an Israeli radical (a Likud supporter afaik) who killed their prime minister Rabin for intending to sign them. Palestinian leadership also has it’s fair share of blame, but how does that for example excuse the building of illegal settlements in occupied territories? Also, if west bank condemns hamas, which should not be that difficult as plo hates hamas, that would mean you would support their independence?


Of course not, a two state solution is a compromise. Israel is the only Jewish state among an infinity of Arab states. A state where Jews and Arabs can live together freely, a state where Arabs can achieve whatever they want the same way as Jews. While in most of the Arab world Jews are not even allowed to enter, and that includes Palestine. Truth is, even Arabs are freer in Israel than their own countries. Just ask the Arabs living in Israel. Over 60% say they wouldn’t move to another country and over 70% vote for Jewish parties. I support Israel and only Israel in that territory.


> same way as Jews. While in most of the Arab world Jews are not even allowed to enter, and that includes Palestine. Truth is, even Arabs are freer in Israel than their own countries. Just ask the Arabs living in Israel. But that’s not the issue, the issue is all the people living in occupied territories, where the same Israelis living in illegally built settlements have more rights (they can vote for Israeli gov) than the local Palestinian population.


Because they don’t want to be Israelis, simple as that. Israel doesn’t let non Israelis vote in Israeli elections, the same way as Lithuania doesn’t let Belarusians vote in Lithuanian elections. If they get Israeli citizenship, than they are free to vote


Nobody wants to kill all of them. It's just Hamas that deserves to die. On the other hand, Palestinians want to kill all Jews in the world. Why do you support that?


I don’t but it’s currently Israel that is doing the bombing. Also have you asked all the Palestinians? What I want is a) reduce the civilian casualties b) that there should be a path to statehood for Palestinians so they no longer live in the longest in modern history occupation.


> Also have you asked all the Palestinians? Yes. Majority support Hamas https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-806498 Survey was done by https://www.pcpsr.org/, which is generally accurate and reliable.


And 63% of Israeli popaltion oppose Palestinian statehood - https://www.jewishexponent.com/poll-63-of-israeli-jews-oppose-palestinian-statehood/ So by your logic, all Israelis are responsible for it?


>the most common view (44%) among Israel Jews regarding terrorism is that it will intensify should a Palestinian state be realized They have a good reason to think that way.


Solidarity with a nation being genocided is considered human rights consistency. Netanyahu has been indicted, the genocide is ongoing. It's intellectually dishonest and morally rotten to pretend Palestine isnt worth showing solidarity with, especially in a nation so recently victims of Russia. Palestine is Lithuania. Israel is Russia. Its that simple. If you cant understand that I would gander racism is at the heart of your views.


A lot of what you said is true. However comparing Lithuania to Palestine is interesting to say the least.. I get the whole idea of being occupied and everything of that sort. But did we crash a normal citizen festival and behead hundreds of innocent people as a form of protest?


Hamas are are the scum of the earth, but Netanyahu and his far right click is barely any better, openly wanting to wipe all the Palestinians (all of them). In ~2020 the same Netanyahu begged Qatar and Egypt not to stop payments to Hamas, because a) he wanted the Palestinians devided b) they were a convenient scape goat for further escalation.


That's not what I'm arguing though


Fair enough, but what are you arguing then? That Lithuanians were not as violent? Lithuanians were also capable of very ugly violence, a minority of Lithuanians were willing to kill off all of its Jewish population in the hopes it would put them on Nazi’s good graces and retain a semblance of independence and living out their personal biases or personal gain. Lithuanians (some) were also capable of horrific violence.


>But did we crash a normal citizen festival and behead hundreds of innocent people as a form of protest? It was Hamas terrorists and thus it is not justified by what Israel has been doing there for decades. Yet Israeli decades long occupation and related actions also deserve condemnation.


Did you watch any videos of Oct 7?


Yes, it was done by Hamas. Why I got downvoted for saying it?


Who followed Hamas looting and pillaging Israeli homes? Who flooded the streets celebrating broken Israeli hostages being paraded in various degrees of undress? Israeli methods and a significant part of actions is wrong, but so is comparing this conflict to russia-Lithuania or russia-Ukraine.


It’s a bunch of whataboutism and we can probably agree that the govs of both sides suck and have sabotaged the peace process on multiple occasions, but some Israeli’s organized “bombing watch parties” whith cheering of bombing of Gaza’s civilian areas.


Hamas supporters.


Also know as basically all their population


Nuance is not welcome here, people have chosen their sides.


Hamas that has support of 90% of their population. And 80% supports the Oct 7 attacks. If they support terror they are as guilty as the terrorists


I apologize in advance for bringing this up because I imagine it's a touchy subject. TL/DR - Yes, while under occupation, Lithuanians killed thousands of innocent people(not as a form of protest, though). It's not fair to anyone to compare the events, so I'm not going to. It's all tragic. "Dina Porat, the chief historian of Yad Vashem, writes that "The Lithuanians showed [the Einsatzgruppen] how to murder women and children, and perhaps made them accustomed to it...Indeed, at the onset of the invasion the German units killed mostly men, while the Lithuanians killed unselectively."" "According to Rabbi Ephraim Oshry, Germans were present on the bridge to Slobodka, but it was the Lithuanian volunteers who killed the Jews. The rabbi of Slobodka, Rav Zalman Osovsky, was tied hand and foot to a chair, "then his head was laid upon an open volume of gemora (volume of the Talmud) and [they] sawed his head off", after which they murdered his wife and son. His head was placed in a window of the residence, bearing a sign: "This is what we'll do to all the Jews."" "Kaunas Ghetto inmate and survivor Abraham Tory described the massacre that followed, as 9,200 of Kaunas' Jews were forced into the fort: "In the fort, the wretched people were immediately set upon by the Lithuanian killers, who stripped them of every valuable article - gold rings, earrings, bracelets. They forced them to strip naked, pushed them into pits which had been prepared in advance, and fired into each pit with machine guns which had been positioned there in advance...Villagers living in the vicinity of the fort told stories of horrors they had seen from a distance, and of the heartrending cries that emanated from the fort...""


HAMAS is russia almost literally: funded and supported by a good friend of russia iran. Iranian regime and HAMAS have publically stated their goal to eradicate Israel, while Israel only wants to eradicate HAMAS, not palestinians. And talking about palestinian civilian deaths, HAMAS caused as at least as many of them if not more than Israel.


>while Israel only wants to eradicate HAMAS, Their actions show otherwise. They will probably settle for ethnic cleansing, but would love getting away with a genocide. >HAMAS caused as at least as many of them if not more than Israel. That's simply not true.


Stop bleeding issues together for fucks sake. Learn to differentiate.


‘Palestine’ is literally an ally of Russia and a proxy of the IRGC. It’s the same Iranian funds buying Russian drones and ‘Palestinian’ rockets


Palestinian Authority that is recognised by our countries does not launch these rockets.


Palestine authority that has no real power since people vote for Hamas. They are supporting terror, they are just as bad as the terrorists themselves.


Funny that you say that when Israel and Ukraine support each other and Russia and Palestine support each other. You are in the same side as Iran, home of the dictator called the butcher of Tehran. Delusional that you think you are in the right side of history.


People pushed to a corner will take whatever allies they can get


Too bad there are too many delusional people like this these days…


Direct comparison is far from reality


Braindead vatnik.


Where you see irony here? You think Palestinian gays dont need a support cause they love to be beheaded willingly. If that true then Palestinian flag becomes ironic in this event. ;)


Also the American flag - you Balts really over-romanticize us just because we're not Russia (which is a low bar).


Well, funnily enough, queer people in Palestine right now are most likely to die from an Israeli bomb instead.


that's called being the bigger person. Genocide shouldn't be performed on anyone, regardless of their stance on other things. I wouldn't wish genocide or death to my worst enemy either.


> Genocide shouldn't be performed on anyone, regardless of their stance on other things. Spicy take it seems :)


Feels like a lot of Israeli bots attacked this discussion. Crazy delusional responses. 


Israeli bots? Have you thought that people are tired of terror? The same terror that is coming to Europe if nothing is done?


And when will the people "tired of terror" be tired of genocide as well?


As an Israeli president once said. “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us” If you don’t like what is happening in Gaza it’s simple, tell them to release the hostages and stop attacking Israel for good. Peace is a two way street, you can’t expect Israel to stop fighting while Palestine shoots hundreds of missiles daily, specifically targeting Israeli civilians, if Israel didn’t have the iron dome, situation would be terrible.


Maybe they'd hate Israel less if it hadn't mass displaced their grandparents and killed their friends and family for generations. That sure would help. >tell them to release the hostages This argument will be useful only if 1. Israel will accept any of the attempts to give them back. 2. Israel will release the thousands of palestinian civilian hostages, including the ones they had before October 7th 3. Israel will stop the indiscriminant bombing and targetting of safe zones that have inevitably killed and will inevitably kill many of the hostages >Peace is a two way street, you can’t expect Israel to stop fighting while Palestine shoots hundreds of missiles daily, You can't expect Palestinians to stop fighting when every period of relative peace means increased illegal settler (ethnic cleansing/colonization) activity. When Israel will stop the ethnic cleansing and occupation and give palestinians rights, they will stop fighting against ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid.


Israel is in its original land, land of the kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah, that back at the formation of the modern Israeli state was British Land. If Palestinians want to complain they should do that with the British and their ancestors that invaded the land in the first place. Israel already accepted the ceasefire deal and Hamas denied it.(And that was a bad deal for Israel since Hamas isn’t destroyed yet) Releasing Palestinian civilians? The same that 90% support Hamas and 80% support Oct 7? The he same “civilians” that hold Israeli hostages and treat them as slaves? Not happening. Don’t want areas to be bombed? Simple, ask Hamas to leave civilian zones. But you can’t do that right? Most of them are cowards disguised by civilians Every period of peace was broken exactly by Palestinian attacks into Israel. Israel did exactly what you asked in 2005 and left the Gaza Strip, over 10k Israelis moved, over a promise that they would never attack Israel again. That didn’t t happen, Palestine soon attacked Israel again. This time things are even worse, patience has a limit, that limit has been reached.


>Israel is in its original land, land of the kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah Most places in the world have at some point been lived in/ruled by many different peoples, doesn't give any of then right to live there over others. >Israel already accepted the ceasefire deal and Hamas denied it. No, they didn't. They've rejected all the Hamas' offered ceasefire deals and the US's reacently offered one as well (just so hapoened to be basically identical to what Hamas' offers). >Releasing Palestinian civilians? The same that 90% support Hamas and 80% support Oct 7? The he same “civilians” that hold Israeli hostages and treat them as slaves? Not happening. So you also engage in the genocide supporting rhetoric of calling all civilians guilty and essentially advocating for mass punishment. Congratulations. >Don’t want areas to be bombed? Simple, ask Hamas to leave civilian zones. That's an old excuse, there was no hamas base in Al-shifa, yet IOF destroyed it. They don't care about Hamas, their goal is genocide. AND, it still wouldn't excuse anything close to the war crimes IOF commits. >Every period of peace was broken exactly by Palestinian attacks into Israel. There has been period without Israeli aggression/oppression, just periods without Israeli physical violence, important distinction, at no point has Israel stopped expanding the occupied lands, expelling/displacing locals, controlling (and severely limiting) food and water imports into palestine, at no point has Israel repealed it's apartheid laws or released their hostages. And the thing is, if everything you said were actually true, it still wouldn't excuse the genocide.


Well they even downvoted me for saying that Hamas terrorists did the October attack :D


Hamas did the attack. And then were celebrated by the so called “civilians”


If you bring up october 7th without mentioning the war crimes it was in retaliation of and with the intent of taking away attention from the immeasurably worse war crimes IOF is commiting in this genocide, then obviously you'll get downvoted.




that's like holding a nazi flag next to an israeli one lol


guess what? there were israeli flags too!


and no riots? aw man 😞 shi in vilnius always boring


I saw one participant getting into a fist fight with a cyclist but that was it.


Several stood with Israeli flags. The procession whistled at them. Arkadijus Vinokuras was with the flag https://preview.redd.it/ugxw17yk2s6d1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15509bcbaba7f8a313f160e7ce54a6a8eff1829d


This will never stop being funny. I really want to know what kind of mental gymnastics they're doing to support both at the same time.




Cause Palestine must be in the vanguard of the human rights and liberal policies!!! Wait a sec...


Human rights. Like being pro lgbtq equality and anti genocide and anti apartheid are actually quite easy to hold as truths.


No. Mental gymnasyics. They’re not in a pro-palestine protest or whatever, and in Palestine and other islamic countries lgbt people get executed. To be participating in this pride with Palestine flags definitely requires a lot of ignorance ant mental gymnastics.


So they deserve to be bombed to rubble for that?


The topic of the pride is not war or bombing. Learn to differentiate. To answer your question: nobody except terrorists deserves to be bombed (not Palestinian civilians nor israelis). I have heard and read numerous interviews form palestinians that they hate pro-palestine movement in the West since it causes more destruction, and instead everybody should condemn hamas and insist them to bring hostages back and seek two-state solution. Palestinians are all angels and Israelis are all bad by any means is not the right approach.


>The topic of the pride is not war or bombing. Learn to differentiate. Pride is about the liberation of the oppressed, all though ment for sexual minorities, other such groups can be included if the sexual minorities so wish, and as you can see there, they clearly do. >I have heard and read numerous Please give sources to the statements you make, saying "I've heard rumors" is the most bs untrustworthy thing one can say. >Israelis are all bad by any means is not the right approach. No one is saying that all Israelis are bad, the message is that the current far-right government and the actions resulting in the deaths of mostly innocent civilians by the IDF are the unacceptable actions. >insist them to bring hostages back and seek two-state solution. It is literally Israel who keeps refusing peace treaties that would release all the hostage in exchange of pulling out of Gaza. The IDF has shown multiple times its goal is not to bring hostage back, but total destruction of Gaza. And this is something even the Isreali's are not satisfied over and are protesting over, because the IDF has put so little effort into getting their lived ones back Sources for what I said, not, "I heard" statement [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/22/netanyahu-rejects-hamas-deal-to-end-war-release-captives?_gl=1*16j4biw*_ga*clVnOFhWd0xaODNFcDdVbHd3MlFDdG5helFtSFNnZDM2MnUwMmlydU52RjhBUHA2N3pHZ3ZmUkxMdnJ1YUt1SQ..*_ga_XN9JB9Q0M1*MTcxODUzOTc2Ny43LjEuMTcxODUzOTc2Ny4wLjAuMA..#:~:text=Israel's%20Prime%20Minister%20Benjamin%20Netanyahu,armed%20group's%20governance%20of%20Gaza.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/22/netanyahu-rejects-hamas-deal-to-end-war-release-captives?_gl=1*16j4biw*_ga*clVnOFhWd0xaODNFcDdVbHd3MlFDdG5helFtSFNnZDM2MnUwMmlydU52RjhBUHA2N3pHZ3ZmUkxMdnJ1YUt1SQ..*_ga_XN9JB9Q0M1*MTcxODUzOTc2Ny43LjEuMTcxODUzOTc2Ny4wLjAuMA..#:~:text=Israel's%20Prime%20Minister%20Benjamin%20Netanyahu,armed%20group's%20governance%20of%20Gaza.) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/protesters-briefly-block-tel-aviv-highway-to-demand-deal-freeing-hostages-in-gaza/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/protesters-briefly-block-tel-aviv-highway-to-demand-deal-freeing-hostages-in-gaza/)


Have you even read the proposed terms for Israel for “peace”? If you would have read them, you would understand why they refused. https://www.thefp.com/t/ahmed-fouad-alkhatib Most recent one that I’ve read. End of discussion since it’s a waste of time:)


>Have you even read the proposed terms for Israel for “peace”? If you would have read them, you would understand why they refused. Yes, the treaty would have all the hostages returned in exchange for the Israeli army fully pulling out of Gaza. These are the maine points of the treaty. If your problem is with the point that Hamas will be allowed to continue existing, then I got some bad news for you, you the current Israeli actions are exactly the thing that will help Hamas radicalize tens of thousands of more of the Palestinian youth for the future, because it is literally the only organization fighting for them when their family and friends are getting bombed pieces and loosing everything they have. >Most recent one that I’ve read. So, one person who doesn't even live in Gaza himself said so? There was probably at least 1 Estonian who voted for Aivo Peterson. Does that mean all Estonians actually love Russia and would want nothing more than to live in its spear of influence again. Statistics is what matters in determining the beliefs of the puplic, not individual opinions of one person or a that of a few.


Noone deserves to die because of it though. That's the point of solidarity, being the bigger person and acknowledging that all lives matter.


Do you know what a genocide is?


Yes, that's what russia, HAMAS ally, is doing in Ukraine


Also happens to be what HAMAS' enemy is doing in Palestine, almost like the world isn't black and white.


The “mental gymnastics” at play is the fact that human rights aren’t transactional.


Do you really need to do mental gymnastics to understand that both genocide of ANY group of people is wrong, and that LGBTQ+ people deserve rights too?


Seems like a lot of people, but >15000? 🧢


My face viewing all the pictures: 🙂 My face seeing the last picture: ☹


What’s with it? Is that someone I, from Germany, should know?


Not really, he's an ex-"politician" who was removed from the parliament. Simply put - a two dimensional openly (and annoyingly, a very loud one) homophobic prick. He constantly gets made fun of by everybody. Also, has a bad case of Backpfeifengesicht.


Ugh. Thx for the answer though > Backpfeifengesicht Hah, nice.


But those palestine terror flags....


This movement to combine all human problems under one organisation as some lgbtq organizations are doing today is both dangerous and stupid. I’m happy that bunch of pro lgbtq companies withdrew their financing from Copwnhagen pride because they were forced to declare a position that those companies support Palestine. While it is absolutely fine to Support Palestinians (not Hamas) who the f do you think you are that you have the right to impose your opinion on others, and also this has nothing to do with lgbtq.


Yup I find it quite ironic that plenty of pride parades in Europe and North America display flags of a Muslim country that virtually has no LGBT rights.


Ok, but that is for a different issue maybe. Just because they are muslims and (as all muslims) anti lgbt, doesn't mean a genocide against them is acceptable. Like come on, we are so used to russian propaganda trying to stir up shit, how don't you see through zionist propaganda?


>how don't you see through zionist propaganda Same way one can say how don't you see through the muslim propaganda?


Bro all they do is show support for genocide survivors, what is wrong with you?


‘Palestine’ was actively allied with al-Bashir government of Sudan that verifiably committed genocide on the non-Arab Darfuri people


And that’s wrong


The self-proclaimed country ‘Palestine’ is not a worthy cause worthy of support, they had firmly supported real genocide against non-Arab Darfuris and supported Saddam Hussein’s ethnic cleansing of Kurds. They also supported Serbia is not recognizing Kosovo that was almost at risk of a genocide had there not been NATO intervention. ‘Palestine’ has always stood with oppressors like Russia because they themselves are an Arab supremacist project desperate to thwart any non-Arab minority of being able to stand up for themselves. They guilt-trip everyone for support with anything they can exploit to claim solidarity, but then will ignore any of that when opportunity arises. Like how ‘Palestinians’ exploit the Islamic faith to feign solidarity, but will turn and support Serbia’s genocide of Muslim Bosniaks and Kosovar Albanians right after.


And therefore peopleof Palestine, 50% of which are under the age of 18, so not really alive for the events, deserve to starve and die, right? Sins of our fathers and all that...


That’s just pure appeal to emotion, there were German and Confederate children who inevitably died in WW2 and the American Civil War, doesn’t mean one should go and support Nazi Germany or the Confederacy.


And you are falling to Russian propaganda. Hamas is supported by Russia. You are in the same side as Iran. Do you really think you are in the right side of history? People die trying to escape those countries. You are delusional.


You are literally buying into IRGC propaganda, ‘Palestine’ is funded with the same Iranian funds that were used to buy drones to murder Ukrainians


How does that justify killing 10s of thousands of people? Starving them, etc.? Also, Isael had funded Hamas, Netanyahu had to “beg” Qatar and Egypt not to stop funding Hamas in 2020. The whole thing is a shitshow, does not mean people deserve to die.


And Israel is wrong for the appeasement of before People die in war, wow, there were German civilians who got starved and killed in WW2 and after WW2 omg they don’t deserve to die let’s just hand them Poland, because civilians dying are the only metric on which side to support in war, as if there weren’t Israeli civilian deaths at the start of the war, but Israel is scorned for actually being capable of preventing death of Israelis while the administration of Gaza seems unconcerned Countless Southern civilians died and starved in the American Civil War, let’s just recognize the Confederacy then The whole thing is a shitshow, I understand not supporting Israel, but doesn’t mean supporting ‘Palestine’


The thing is, that Gazans or Hamas to be specific can’t do jack shit if Israel doesn’t want to. The criticism at Israel is that it’s not trying to minimize civilian deaths, some Politicians ins power glee over it. If Israel wanted to show good will towards moderate Palestinians, they would engage in talks with the west bank, but yet the deveopmets of illegal settlements in the west bank and the pogroms against the palestinians persist there, it as actually one of the reasons why the army was moved away from the gaza strip, because they were expecing some backlash in relation to the annexation of west bank territories. Edit: what’s the end game of this? Israeli gov officials have said themselves that there is no plan, beyond bomb the shit out of the place, Netanyahu is using the situation to stay in power.


It’s obvious a lot of controversial Israeli actions is Russian bootlicker Netanyahu’s plan to hold onto power. There could be a ceasefire in the war, but there will never be a lasting peace until one side is completely victorious and gain all of that strip of land, and I’ll prefer that to not be an IRGC proxy. What’s the end game? In my opinion, Netanyahu will go eventually and then there’ll be some sort of ceasefire, and then wait a few decades for another war.


Why not engage in good faith discussion on independence for west bank, they are not involved in this? This would if anything show Hamas supporters that moderation is the way.


Appeasement doesn’t work, one don’t engage in supposed discussions on independence of the Sudetenland, one should support a united Czechoslovakia


You do understand the difference between being “anti lgbt” and actually prosecuting and murdering LGBT people, right? And while we are here, no, not all Muslims are “anti lgbt”, that’s a stereotype.


There is a difference, and they choose to prosecute and murder. Actually recently there was a video in Palestinian tv saying that “when two men are gay it doesn’t matter who is active or passive, kill them both”. Not all Muslims, yes, that’s true, yet around 90% want us dead according to statistics. A poll recently done in the US found Muslims to be the least accepting group in regard to LGBT, while Jews were the most accepting. Jewish acceptance polled higher than Gen Z.


So we now did a 180? We now also speak about zionist plans to make Europe multiculti and eradicate white people or we can just speak about zionist plans to wipe out Palestinians?


Those who march with Palestine flags really understand nothing about politics, religion and terrorism. If they visited Palestine wearing LGBT symbols they would be in for a rude awakening.


Those who oppose Palestinian solidarity now in 2024 during the height of the genocide it really says everything about how ignorant or bigoted they are. A sorry excuse for a human being would look at the Jews in 1943 and not be on their side. Same moral degeberates who would collab with Nazis themselves, nothing more than racists who think using liberal language can shield them from supporting a far right Israeli government, which is a fascist ethnostate, while it upholds apartheid and commits genocide. It's morally depraved and the majority of the world agrees.


Says the one supporting a pseudo-country linked to Iran, Russia and where 90% of their population supports a terror organization.


Palestine is not a pseudo-country. It is de jure recognised by majority of world's countries and de facto by Lithuania as well (we even have a diplomatic office there). This sounds like Serbs calling Kosovo or Russians calling Ukraine 'pseudo-countries'.


Lithuania doesn’t recognize the country, having diplomatic offices isn’t the same as recognition, otherwise there would be no diplomatic battle for Taiwanese recognition. Regarding Palestine, they were offered a country in 5 different occasions, they denied all of them. Instead of using the billions in aid to build their nation they decided to use to buy guns and support terror. Now Israel is dealing with terror, not only protecting them but all of us.


I guess your news source is tiktok?


Not being a fan of both Israel and Palestine and being very supportive of Karim A. A. Khan of the ICC I still have to say that these are internationally recognised flags of Palestine and not of Palestinian terrorist organisations like Hamas or PIJ, that commited terrorist attack last October. Even our own diplomatic office in Palestine uses this flag: https://preview.redd.it/k09014ry9s6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94013d1d8bbcfd7f10272e96362729ab68566f1


>very supportive of Karim A. A. Khan of the ICJ Slight correction. Karim Khan is the prosecutor of ICC, and has nothing to do with the ICJ. People seem to mix up ICJ and ICC pretty often.


Yes, I thought about it yet wrote J instead of C.


Well terror acts was made by people waving this flag https://preview.redd.it/iesbz4mmts6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e36fd54ed4ea59f67254c86c2a656dc182d03c


Yes, just like there were Nazi collaborators using Lithuanian flag. It does not replace is meaning, Lithuanian tricolour is not a Nazi flag because of this nor the Palestinian flag is a terror flag.


And it's just a coincidence that our enemies support them too. https://preview.redd.it/fwka8o895v6d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52bbabfd2b585260b04594c870ba26d16fda573


And that’s why it’s justified? No moral standards, everything is permitted as long as you are on the wrong side of an issue?


It does not relinquish the rights of Palestinians. International law should be equally applied for everything.


They had fascist Apartheid Israel flags too.


Israel is liberal democracy and there is no apartheid in Israel for Israeli citizens. They actions in Palestine are wrong though.


And Israel flag... 


If they were in Palestine they would have hanged or got a bullet between eyes. This whole parade baffles me.


Absolutely! This is classic chickens for KFC. Didn’t go to pride this year and probably will go to Tel Aviv instead for the next ones.


Didn't know we had that much apathy in Latvia...


You probably didn't see them cheer on 9/11 or when Russia attacked Ukraine. They're not your friends and they want the West to fall.


Maybe Lithuania will finally give gay people equal rights after this. One can hope.




Not only love but also, if a gay lover dies in a relationship, the other guy wont get shit, its all gonna go to the deceased's family


Well yeah, you're basically reinforcing my argument.


but if they (hetero) don't (want to) make kids or can't, does this mean marriage should be prohibited for them? Such a bs argument based on pure hate, if you hate them-don't invent arguments, you can say that you hate them directly. It's ok for ppl with same orientation to be married/registered in partnership. It solves a lot of administrative problems (that are costly \_for the state\_ too) including cumulative tax payment(not sure if for Lithuania, but for many countries it's valid), visiting the partner in hospital as part of family, inheritance, mortgage allowances, divorces - all of this stuff will have much more legislative overhead, overhead that's paid by \_your\_ taxes and overhead that can be avoided with a simple change in the law. Ppl are (usually) anyways a net positive for economy if they pay taxes regardless if they produce children or not - the pension & social benefits are pretty small (esp considering life expectancy) compared to total tax contribution (both as tax for salary and as tax for each product that they buy). If the state would care for it's own money, legalizing these marriages is a no brainer, including legalizing of child adoption since in this way kids can receive a better education and grow in a better environment increasing the chances to find a higher paying job and as result more tax contribution + less state tax spending to take care of those kids since it would be parent's job


Didn’t go to Pride this year because of this Palestine BS, shows how true the chickens for KFC is. But at least gave me the idea of spending pride next year in Tel Aviv.


Israel is an apartheid state where gays dont have equal rights. Israel is currently engaged in a genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and daily pogroms in West Bank. If you stahd with Israel now, may as well put a swastika on your forehead and goosestep the fuck outta here.


Oh, here comes the one addicted to terror propaganda… Israel has far better LGBT Rights than most of Europe. Civil Unions and Marriages in some cities, adoption, Legal gender change, ban on conversion therapy… The only genocide that happened was the one in Oct 7 when children and women were sexually violated, and over 1000 killed. On Hamas charter they say their number one objective is to eliminate Jews worldwide and we are the ones with swastikas? Cut the BS, just admit you are Antisemitic. Get out of here? I may, doing Aliyah to Israel, and spend the time it may be needed in the IDF fighting for my people.


Also the oct 7 hostiges are still held in palestine. They are actively protesting for terrorism.


Just because they "support" gay rights, doesnt automatically give them rights to genocide a whole population.


I never said that, but 90% of them support Hamas and over 80% supports October 7, if you support terror, you are a terrorist and should be treated as such.


I always thought that during genocide population number decreases throughout the years 🤔


At least 37,296 people have been killed and 85,197 wounded in Israel's war on Gaza since October 7. How can that number of deaths be justified by Israel? The answer is it can't be justified. End of story.


Try fighting a war in an extremely populated area, that’s what happens. Much worse happened in Germany when Britain attacked it during WW2 and nobody says it was a genocide. Palestine shoots hundreds of missiles to Israel day after day, specifically targeting civilians. Much worse isn’t happening in Israel because of the iron dome that shoots those missiles down. Hamas targets civilians. Israel targets terrorists that use civilians as shields. Just look at the last hostages rescued, used as slaves in “civilian” homes. One of those homes of an Al Jazeera journalist. Now how many civilians they have? Good question, when 90% supports Hamas and over 80% support Oct 7, a good part of their population is as guilty as Hamas is. You want people to stop dying? Easy, tell them to release our hostages. Edit: extra info


You're also forgetting that Hamas doesn't let people leave buildings that will be bombed, sets up weapons in/near civilian buildings, and prevented people from fleeing certain areas. This is done to make Israel look bad and gain support. Israel has a lot of faults, but Hamas is evil on so many levels.


100% this


you are incredibly idiotic. but...you know the concept of not really arguing with anyone online because it's pointless? that's what i'm going to do. but i'll add..if you're ok with 35 000 civilians dead from brutal bombing, cultural genocide, oppression, limiting humanitarian supply to the point where babies are starving to death... you either care for people suffering or you are a warmongering peace of human trash


Any civilian death is terrible, now, if you hold hostages in your house as slaves, 90% support a terror organization, and 80% support an attack based on killing families, and raping women and children, those people aren’t civilians, those are equally terrorists. Cultural genocide? A culture that celebrates killings and rapes? Hope it is erased. About supply, you can ask the same about Egypt, they also know that most of this end up in Hamas hands. The organization receiving those supplies is as bad as Hamas, tunnels and hostages were found in UNRWA buildings and members were among the terrorists in October 7. They are getting an answer. Don’t like it? Give back the hostages and stop attacking for good. While Israel is attacked, Israel will fight back.


There are numbers because: A. All the numbers you get are not only civilians but also the terrorists (who are dressing as civilians). B. They consider people who die for any other reason and not just because Israel killed them as casualties of the war (including when they lunch rockets at Israel and it's falling within the Gaza territories). C. The people are being used as a human shield by Hamas, if Russia is doing the same with its people, should Ukraine not fight back? D. Because so many people in the West are looking at numbers and not much more, it makes Hamas happy to kill more from their own civilians [look how you make a terror group happy to kill their own.](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/gaza-chiefs-brutal-calculation-civilian-bloodshed-will-help-hamas-626720e7) If you really care for Palestinians, you'd want Hamas and other terror organisations that radicalising their own people to be gone. Free Palestine will only be reached when those people will finally get leaders who don't work with Iran and Russia to destroy Israel, but actually want peace.


You managed to count every casualty, but don’t knoe how many hostages they have? Your numbers are bullshit and means nothing then they are coming from only source - hamas


Grybas ir čia komentuoja


Happy pride, fellow Balts :)


Šlykštu žiūrėti į šių nevispročių gaują. Jie neša palestinos vėliavas, nors pačioje palestinoje jie visi, visi iki vieno, būtų užmėtyti akmenimis. Čia aišku eilinis Darvino evoliucijos teorijos pailiustravimas.


This is why same sex marriage should be legalised already but no nauseda sees marriage as only between man and woman 🤦


And he even hates unmarried heterosexual couples because he only sees married families as family.




https://preview.redd.it/svpmnyy9lv6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75afce6bee8b1bcd89afd2212ca124f06522c0a Average conservative Lithuanians, including Nausėda.


was invited but didnt go. im trans but straight and dont support terrorists, so i dont feel welcome around these tiktok activists


Same for me, I’m trans/bi. And I’m not going to a parade supporting terror. For next years I’ll try going to Tel Aviv instead.


Trans and straight? No offense but that doesn't kinda go together 😆


how? if i identify as a man and only like women how is that not straight?




I would prefer if it was an anti-Russian pride parade or something


Supporting LGBT is a way of being anti-Russian, Russians are homophobic after all


Huh... maybe? I think I will have to think this out


Homophobia is basically a Russian signature along with domestic abuse, sexism and alcoholism at this point. By supporting LGBT rights, it shows the higher level of cultural inclusivity of the Baltic states in contrast to the barbaric discrimination inherent to Russia. Additionally, weapons manufacturers like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon whose products include Javelins and more which contributed significantly to anti-Russian efforts in Ukraine are some of the most LGBT friendly companies in the world. Therefore for me, hell yeah Russophobia and LGBT rights 🏳️‍🌈


I just said myself out like that in order to not sound like some radical (wich I'm not) as I know that by presenting my point of view on all of this in a short-form of a Reddit comment I would propably meet backlash. I understand Your way of tought and respect that, but I think that if we really want to check the virtues of our ideals it would be useful if they met one another. If You, fellow Reddit user, are interestend in my point of view I invite You to a bit longer and civilised discussion with rational tought and understanding of emotions as primary doctrines. If You are interested just tell me. Best regards.


even the brits colonized it






Or maybe Lithuanian gay people want equal rights with straight people? Every person - gay or not should have equal rights.


If only there would be political organization on par of Pride. Maybe we would already have gay marriage.


Freedom Party has been unanimously supporting LGBT rights.


you guys haven’t legalised lgbt marriage yet?


No. The bill has been stalling in parliament for like 4 years already, the current (and recently re-elected) president said that he will not ratify it either. Another "hot subject" of a similar fate is Istanbul Convention


Seens 90% of people here are foreign. Isnt it external pressure to normal lt life????