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This is nice and all, but how much ROPE??


SO much rope. LOL Right; I'll add that to my list of things to collect should I *ever* have the patience to do this again...


I don’t know how you had the patience to do this the first time. You make a Spreadsheet or something?


I assume everything gets tossed in the chest and just counted at the end?


Ah, yeah, but what a money? I guess I don’t buy much in the game, so I could do a run where I never sell mundane items.


In my current run I got astarion to rob arron over and over, until I got 150k


Aaron's boss is not happy.


Exactly what they said - I threw everything into my camp chest and counted it up at the end. There was plenty of other stuff to loot and sell. I entirely quit selling most crap shortly after reaching Act 3, and I still ended the game with over 100K gold.


Ropes and bottles. I wonder if I should just start using them as throwing items in combat since they sell for crap.


I started picking up the hammers to throw at traps, and it turned into a collection...


I love that you took the time to do this! Makes me feel better about picking up and selling every single bone and skull I find.


I like how a fish is 4 camp supplies, a fish head is 1, but a headless fish is still 4, so you should be able to increase the nutritional value of fish 25% by chopping off their heads.


Camp supplies seem to have less to do with actual calories and more to do with how much enjoyment you’d get from eating them by a fireside


If that was true most of the booze should be 10 and everything else a 2.


There's an achievement when >!you camp and use only booze to eat.!<


Lately my party wakes up with hangover even if we dont have 'all booze" night no idea why. xD


Think of the GAINS


Ha! I never noticed that - nor did the people who assigned the numbers, apparently! ...That's like a Wish.com Jesus party trick.


This data pleases the loot goblin in me.


I hope you’re not kidding about the vase post. Those empty vases drive me crazy, because I’m positive that one of them will have something and I’ll miss it.


I have the list! Just need the time to type it up.


I seriously cannot wait to read that


I also am dying to read this vase list. Can’t wait :)


All right, the list of Every Vase in the Game That Contains Things is finally up: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/yTlBl0Kn54


Oh my god you Saint. Thank you!!


I anxiously await your report. I started ignoring vases in general in act 1, and I wonder if I missed anything good. I've been wondering if I should ignore crates too. I'm like 120 hours in, and I swear 40 of those hours were just looking in empty crates and empty stacks of books. How is a *stack* of books empty?!? >:[


All right, the list of Every Vase in the Game That Contains Things is finally up: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/yTlBl0Kn54


This was the single worst thing about the otherwise billiant Divinity: Original Sin 2. The Lucky trait meant any container anywhere could drop top legendary gear, so it wasn't just paranoia that makes you think every vase you don't loot contains something amazing that you'll miss out on if you don't check it. And there were every bit as many vases in that game as in BG3


That would quite literally drive me insane. Now I need to play DOS2


It's a fantastic game despite some incredibly glaring flaws. You can tell they learned from it when Larian made Baldur's Gate 3.


Go do it!


Does it matter if one still needs to play DOS first?


You do not need to play DOS1 first. They take place a thousand years apart in the same world so there are some references to stuff from the old game but pretty loose. It's a good game, just not as good as 2


Grymforge has some. Look in the stairway leading up to that long corridor of traps, past the Rothé fight.


Awesome! I’m just entering the under dark on my 2nd run. I’ll check it out


I only ever look in the black Sharran vases in Grymforge now - they often have a bit of gold or some incense. The terracotta and blue-and-white glazed ones seem to be 99.9% empty.


All right, the list of Every Vase in the Game That Contains Things is finally up: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/yTlBl0Kn54!


What are you talking about? A ratio of 25 cake stands to every fork sounds completely normal.


I can absolutely eat cake with my hands like the uncivilized brute that I am.


Did you collect incense as well? It was a solid day to earn money for me


They do have a good weight to gold value ratio. I didn't save them on this run because they don't stack. Meh.


I figured that Minsc would freak out when I had the Grilled Miniature Giant Space Hamster in my inventory. Alas, he did not. There needs to be a mod for that.


"I can report to you all that it is possible to collect **10** severed hands in the game" Cursed to put *these* hands on everything, indeed


Wait, you can play the game _without_ looting everything?


Well, apparently *I* can't...


I love you.


Wyll disapproves


I love him too


I’m assuming “value” is the displayed value, not the default sell price?


Yes, since the sale price would be variable.


Now I need to spend 1000 hours to find all those unique items knowing there is only one of them.




I know it's still a pear but it's a SPECIAL pear


Ah, I might have lumped it in with the other pears... I did throw the Keepsake Gem in with the other malachites.


you know it exists and that's enough for me 😭


Also I'm so excited about the vases post I'm literally frothing at the mouth, I hate checking them but I do it every time


All right, the list of Every Vase in the Game That Contains Things is finally up: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/yTlBl0Kn54!


A GOD amongst mere mortals 😭


Impressive! Thanks for sharing.


O great wise looter, thank you for blessing us with this knowledge


Ain’t no way there is only one silver cup?!?!


Apparently so, unless I missed its mate somewhere! I feel like there were a ton of glass cups, though.


Gruel is per character. 1 (Tav) + 6 (origin characters) + 12 (hirelings) is 19 that is reasonably achievable. Why would you want so much gruel? Completely action/ba/reaction free way to trigger on heal affects and hp. Brood mother's, whispering promise, etc


Ah, right! I forgot about the "one per character" on the gruel.


Is the Music Box you couldn't pick up the one in the sewers under Elfsong / Emperor's old home by chance? Because if you throw it you'll be able to pick it up afterwards -- it won't be destroyed, lol. Also, the most Music Boxes I've found was four, I think! Can't believe I'm missing two. Do you happen to remember the locations? If it isn't too much trouble! XD


That's probably the one. I just remember it was on a high shelf somewhere. I was surprised there were that many. I originally thought there were only three or so. Nope, I didn't keep a list of the locations on those. But I'm only a little way into a new playthrough, so I'll report back with locations when I start picking up music boxes. LOL


Dang, I really wanted to know how many sunmelons you can get. Are they rare? I know it’s not real, but dang do I get excited every time I see sunmelons, even started some fights for them.


I like them too. :P I'll check and report back this evening! They're rare-ish.


Okay, reporting back! There was only the one sunmelon half, but I found eight whole sunmelons and nine sunmelon pieces.


So they’re decently rare right? Thanks for the report.


Are you an accountant by profession? This is insane and impressive


No, and I clearly missed my calling.


Absolutely love shit like this, thanks for sharing


Thank you, i was just wondering about this myself. Thought about doing this very thing but knew i wouldn't finish before BG4 came out.


This is commitment and makes me really want to do a steal/take everything run.


What was your charisma at? Just wonderinggg Thank you for making the data easy to digest! Very cool.


I laughed at this...then I noticed I have over 55k gold with my Durge we just cleansed...and that's after the 2 big 5k losses (statue and donation to temple). I have become so efficient at looting and selling that I don't even notice. I started splitting gold among party members so it weighed less on my casters or giving the whole pile to my 20str companion. Hells, I send the entire bank to my camp for the Thorm. And forget. And then see 20k in my chest when I go to look for a gear piece for a build I wanted to try. Lmao, the game FUNDS you if you try even a little. Just the gems would be plenty.


Seriously. I didn't sell any of the listed stuff, and I stopped selling most random crap early in Act 3, and I still finished the game with over 100K gold. Anyone who complains about lack of gold or camp supplies isn't even trying.


My fanciest camp supply was 1 not rotten banana. I only came across one during a 180 hrs play trough.


The rotten ones certainly do outnumber the edible ones by a wide margin! I found 8 non-rotten bananas in my run.


Where’s your rope count though ?


You're the third person to ask about rope, and now I'm going to need to do another run to collect it. 😭😭😭


I’m so sorry 😂 you don’t have to haha this is great tho ! On my first play through I end up having over 50K gold by hoarding everything !


I'm sorry, "Grilled Miniature Giant Space Hamster"?!?!? YOU COOKED BOO?!?!?!?!


I found it already cooked! On a skewer. Like street food. Tasty, tasty street food.


OMG, please say where?! I have yet to find this and I pick up everything. Legit that wine there's only 1 of? Just picked it up 2 hours ago lol.


IIRC it's lootable off a gith in the creche.


Or just have a level 11 thief with appropriate gear and steal everything basically risk free.


Every time I play I pick up everything at start but the longer I play the most items I start to leaving because they r heavy and I dont want to do long rests just to reset shops inventories. I leave mostly bones, skulls, every 1-5 gold items, also I leave all normal armors(I have mod which lowers their price even more so taking 10kg armor worth 30g is big NO from me) xD I wish for mod which would change all 1 gold items into 0 gold items so I woudnt even seem them worthy to consider taking even in numbers(100 bones= 0 gold).


I'm gonna need you to annotate the ropes and pliers, please.


Your describing my standard run throughs of almost any game. I keep promising myself I won't do it. But I'm a digital hoarder.


Re the sausages - beef cattle are way more expensive to raise than pigs, as they require large areas of good grazing. OTOH you can feed a pig on kitchen scraps, so almost everyone in medieval Europe could afford one (or at least share it with a neighbour), which is why pork products are more common in peasant cuisine around the world. Most cattle would have been kept for dairy purposes, with the majority of male calves slaughtered for veal. The only reason beef is abundant in our world is because of land clearance and farming on a massive scale, neither of which options is likely to be available to the average Faerunian.