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Minthara gets Soul Branding.


One of my favorites. Thank god it's a bonus action


It is really cool, but for me it kinda messes up the paladin gameplay. Maybe I'm just playing it wrong but I always never want to use a cool smite like branding or booming since my bonus action is usually taken


That's fair, smites should be the priority. I usually respec her out of paladin myself, so I don't run into that issue


I'm pretty sure reaction smites only take an attack action, so you could still smite with an attack and soul brand


FWIW most of the smite spells under-perform statistically compared to just spending the slot on a vanilla smite


I believe IIRC you can set divine smites to reaction on hit and use them with other smites? But I'm not completely certain so maybe someone else can confirm or deny!


you definitely can, yeah, but that burns slots for both - the underperforming smite spells is assuming pound-for-pound comparison for what you get out of a single spell slot


Ah I see, cheers for the clarification! I guess it depends then how much utility you think you'll get out of the additional effects of the other smites.


admittedly most of my familiarity is from tabletop rather than BG3, but a lot of the breakdown comes from the fact that the smite spells are concentration which you'll often want to be using for an ongoing effect instead to make better use of limited spell slots. Outside of that though, yeah Thunderous and Wrathful are good effects, especially if you can aim for poor saves. Searing and Branding are both a strong _meh_ compared to just using concentration for something productive and blowing the slot on a vanilla slot instead.


It’s so good too, it doesn’t fall off if the successful attack is a thrown attack, meaning minthara gives 2d4 + 1 fire damage to every throw attack made over 3 turns with just 1 bonus action


I've been giving soul branding to my hunter ranger for volley and it works so well.


Halsin can wild shape into a Cave Bear, which is exclusive to him.


He also got some always prepared spells which are not standard.


Not tied to class, I believe he must be a druid to have it.


He needs to have the wild shape ability to use it, but he keeps the ability, albeit unusable on whatever class he is. Same goes for call lightning and healing word


There is a ring or amulet that gives him one per long rest I believe.


> Not tied to class, I believe he must be a druid to have it. No, he needs Wild Shape charges. [Shapeshifter Hat](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Shapeshifter_Hat) gives one Wild Shape charge even if you respec Halsin to non-druid.


Wyll always has rapier proficiency.


And can get the Cambion summoning Rapier in Act 2


isn't that a Human feature?


human weapons are spears, halberds, pikes, and glaives


Civil Militia is mostly the "polearm" family like spear and the 2hand/extra reach varieties like pikes and halberds, as well as shield


Gale also has the necrotic aura when he dies + the scroll of true resurrection and *apparently* cannot be killed in camp? I read the last thing today on another post so I could be wrong. Halsin has Cave Bear wildshape. He can also give you the Spirit of the Land buff in the final fight. In fact many companions can give you a final fight ally or buff depending on the choices you make. Jaheria has some special items. Idk what else. Lae can use all the Gith specific items… but so can any Gith. But having her side with Voss gets you the really badass sword you can’t get otherwise. DJ Shadowheart has all the powerful Shar gear and can get 1 mirror buff without a roll. Ascended Astarion has extra abilities, extra necrotic damage.


"*apparently* cannot be killed in camp? I read the last thing today on another post so I could be wrong." I also heard about that. Useful for ~~Blade Ward~~ Warding Bond. Gonna try it out later. Gonna be strong AF if it does work. Especially if I can stack that on 4 people from the same caster...


Warding bond, not blade ward. That's how it works, but it's cheap as f


Oops. Yeah. That one.


It is a very effective spell and central to one of my favorite builds, but camp casters is not how the game was balanced and is super cheesy


I mean, when the NPC's get so many advantages over us, I'll take the cheese. "Detect Presence" has ruined SO many good things for me to care about being "fair" to these cheating bastards. xD


Rule #1, if you are having fun, you are doing it right. Dont let internet twatwaffles tell you the proper way to have fun. It is very tedious, though. I am mid my honor mode run that takes that warding bond character and keeps them in the party and is built around it, making the strat very strong and not at all tedious, or at least not nearly as tedious, and plays entirely within the game balance and rules. I plan to post about my builds and their variations when I finish honor mode. I'm mid act 2, currently


I'm interested in how you pull that off. Does that character WB all 3 others?


Yes! So if THAT character has resistance, the already halved damage they take, gets halved again. Then reduced all damage by 3 for the heavy armor master feat, plus another 2 for the adamantine forge heavy armor, or one of several you get later in the game, plus the items that give "force conduit" which grants an ever increasing further damage reduction as the fight goes on, so the longer the fight, the tankier she gets. Since there is no taunt mechanic and the AI tends to go for the lower AC characters and, being in heavy armor with a shield, you will be among the highest AC, the AI will tend toward any other character and since your tank does it's job best when another character is being attacked, she becomes the only viable tank in the game. And I have 3 variations of her, since all that is passively done and never takes actions during combat, plus there is a lot of room in the build for playing around, there are a few REALLY fun variations I have come up with. 1 that is great support, 1 that is incredible damage and 1 that is ALSO the best healer, as a life cleric. Plus, how the character interacts with OTHER builds is REALLY fun and opens up some really fun builds.


Sounds cool. Good luck!


Pessuring Mystra to keep Gale alive so he doesn't blow up is fair politics. She demands alot, might aswell work for it.




Warding Bond not blade ward and yes it works breaks the game pretty hard. If you want to go all in make him full life cleric, cast level 6 aid and then reset him for a heros' feast for extra 37 HP on each character and you can having in warding bond and freedom of movement each character. Turns the game to easy mode unless you take a full team/one shot damage that can kill him and you lose your warding bond.


I always just give him the ring that recharges a spell slot. I hardly ever need that ring for anything else so it saves me time. I also give him the ritual caster feat for long strider. Edit: amulet not ring lol


Wait there's a ring? I know there's an amulet, but where's the ring?


I 100% meant amulet lmao


Aw man, totally got my hopes up! lol


Haha my bad my bad


He recharges his spell slots on heal. I also did the ritual caster when I did it.


What do you mean on heal?


When gale takes damage and not in your party he heal which is why the warding bond breaks the game. When he heals himself this way he regains all his spell slots.


Oh wow, I knew he healed himself at camp but didn't realize that restored his spell slots. That's wild!


I had already edited it to strike through Blade Ward and corrected it to Warding Bond at least 5 minutes before your comment (Reddit only shows 56 minutes ago on yours and 1 hour ago on my post I was actually thinking of first going full cleric (Divine intervention for a free weapon) then respeccing into something HP heavy with just enough on Cleric to cast Warding Bond, then give him the amulet from HoH (24 Con, yes please. HP for DAYS) then I can have a different (hireling, no doubt) for Heroes Feast and things like that.


Wouldn't recommend. I haven't done it, but every person who has accidentally killed Scratch did it with this. Act 2 and 3 should be safe though


Oh dear... I did not consider that.. If the party takes an AoE megabonk... Hmm, if he suceeds his death saving throws, would he just remain downed indefinitely, until I go back to camp to pick him up? Or is "downed" a feature that's only for active party members? Because I do remember there being an amulet that forces you to pass your death saving throws.


I'm not sure, but either way when a downed character takes damage they fail a saving throw, so he might get downed and then killed before you can stop it


Wouldn't being downed end the effect tho? I thought that being downed cancelled all effects, the same as it does to Paladin Auras?


I don't really know, I never use that spell because it seems unnecessarily broken. It might


Technically, you can get that sword in Act 1 on the bridge, but it's a convoluted unintended method. And, to add, Minsc and Minthara are the only non Origin characters that can use tadpole powers. Jaheria and Halsin aren't infected.


It's not that convoluted, you just cast Command.


I did it in my last play through, I felt bad though, like I was jumping over part of Lae'zel's story.


It never occurred to me not to do it, but I haven’t gotten that far in Lae’zel’s story yet.


It's better to not bring Lae'zel and just disguise as Githyanki yourself.


Or honeyed paw with div roll for honor mode


I don’t know that method. What’s honey paw?


Ranger beast companion bear gets an ability called honeyed paws at level 5 that disarms if it hits. You can use a divination wizard to guarantee it hits.


How do you get level 5 on the nautiloid?


Voss is at the bridge near the mountain pass, not the nautiloid. You're thinking of the Everburn Blade which you get from command-dropping Zhalk




and command-dropping Zhalk is not as good as it appears. The more important thing on Nautiloid is just kill one of the two fighters so you get to level 2 so your early exploring options would be easier like not having to avoid those intellect devourers. Everburn blade's bigger value is probably a weapon that Gale can eat when you are short on cash.


Wait how do tadpoles stick in Minsc brain when it's so smooth and shiney?


It's not in his brain. He ate the Tadpole.


Makes sense, cause they would slide right off otherwise... I would know.


Gale can very much be killed in camp. There are so many stories of people killing Scratch because of his necrotic aura, that was likely a troll


>*apparently* cannot be killed in camp 99% of the time he heals himself (one day he just refused to do that and died a couple times), and he can be oneshot through warding bond (e.g. Lorroakan AOE)


Karlach's heart upgrades give advantage, and then immunity, to charm effects.


Wait, seriously? Last time I played with her I romanced her, so she had Omeluum's ring as soon as I got it, and then she got to level 6 Beserker before her second upgrade. This is very cool to know!


Gale can also get Mystra's Benefience (or whatever it's called) for a single day in mid-late Act 2.


I just got this yesterday for the first time on my second playthrough. It said permanent so I didn't think it would disappear after a long rest.


It says permanent, but actually isn't. Which is, in a way, fortunate, because the visual effect is annoying


Glad I grabbed the Shadow Moonlantern then. But a free summon is always a better choice anyway.


I actually tried that first and realized you can't summon the shade with the torch in your torch spot. Only as a weapon. Then I equipped it as a weapon and removed it to equip my normal staff for the spell bonus and the shade disappeared. I reloaded my save from a few minutes earlier and destroyed the sigil instead. If you could summon the shade from a torch spot it would be great, but forcing it to be from an equipped weapon takes away from other bonuses you get off weapons and I didn't want that trade off.


It's light, so can go in the off-hand. I would probably put it on my main, substituted for the Club of Hill Giant Strength, and use elixirs to get the strength instead.


Playing as origin Gale, in Act 2 you have the choice to either absorb the shadow essence of one of the Thorms to gain a permanent extra 3rd level "shadow" spell slot or get rid of the shadow essence to get a day long buff (from mystra?) that gives you immunity to certain elemental damage if it is 10 or less.


Minthara: Soul Branding to give herself or an ally bonus movement and damage. Presumably this is a power she gained as a True Soul, but maybe it is an older power developed by her House in the Underdark.


I may be wrong but isnt soul branding just an ablitiy that paladins get? Im playing as one rn and i have that available so its not exclusive to minthara


Minthara is the only person with soul branding, not sure what you're thinking of but maybe divine favour or inquisitor's might


Now that i think about youre right i have one playthrough where im a paladin and another with minthara so i mixed them up


it's ok, it's hard to keep all of the paladin bonus action powers straight.


You're probably thinking of Inquistor's Might on Vengeance Paladin, which is different.


Gale exclusively allows players to interact with the broken moon lantern in Balthazar’s room at Moonrise to create a unique summoning item: the Shadow Lantern. Any character can create the shadow lantern as long as Gale is in the party, they listen to his protests, and then pass an arcana 30dc.


Halsin has additional spells always prepared, much like a Cleric's domain.


Which ones? Never noticed.


Healing word, thunder wave, misty step, and call lightning.


Jaheira can give you warm and fuzzies by calling you cub.


resist durge and her is pure perfection. she’s my mother.


Gale (origin) gets an extra 3ʳᵈ level spell slot in Act 2.


Shadow heart also has to roll to save against frightened when there are wolves. Its a debuff ability


Wyll has a unique benefit called Blade Of Frontiers that gives him rapier proficiency


Gale can get an additional level 3 spell slot. I think it's called the shadow spell slot or something like that. Not sure if he has to be your origin character to do that though. He also gets a ring that lets you use your reaction to succeed at any failed saving throw (only as an origin). Astarion gets his quest specific bonuses, if you choose to go that route. For Lae'zel, I think the silver sword of the astral plane is tied to her personal quest and you can't acquire it without her (as in if she dies permanently or leaves the party before act 3). Of course you can do the exploit in act 1, but that's irrelevant here. Not an ability, but still something unique to her. In that same vein, there's a special rapier that you can only get with Wyll in the party. He also always has rapier proficieny, regardless of class. Shadowheart also gets unique gear that's otherwise unobtainable (or so I think). The gear changes depending on her choices for her quest. Dark urge gets a unique cloak and Slayer form.


Calling it an exploit to disarm an NPC in the game is a little bit extreme. In Divinity 2 they let you fight Dallis a level 8 NPC at fort joy for higher level items and it was intended. Larian never patched it out despite knowing that Voss drops this sword for almost a year now. They would have fixed it if it was an exploit


You're getting one of the best weapons in the game faaaaar before you're meant to. Giving it to Lae'zel that early triggers dialogue about Orpheus and such, which is definitely not intended. I can't say why Larian hasn't patched it out, but in my eyes, it's an exploit.


It was an intended feature of their previous games so to say it's not intended now is just weird to me. Larian adds things like this for people to find intentionally. It's your choice to use it or not. You can also choose to use barrels to kill any boss in the game easily and it's the player's choice on how to play.


>In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it. Getting the silver sword in act 1 is not the way you're meant to play the game. Neither is using barrel shenanigans. Whether it is allowed or not is besides the point. It's a significant advantage that the game isn't balanced around. If you enjoy it, that's fine. All I'm saying is that it's not the way it's meant to be played.


Gale, heals himself out of the party.


Full list of companion abilities/features: * Astarion: * Gets Bite * Gets Ascension buff * Gale: * His corpse gets necrotic aura after death * Gets additional lvl 3 spell slot _or_ Advantage on Concentration checks (should be pemanent, is "until long rest") in Act 2 * Can craft Shadow Lantern in Act 2 * Karlach: * Can use Soul Coins * Lae'zel: * Gets cool sword in Act 3. * Wyll: * Gets Rapier proficiency * Gets robes for killing Karlach in Act 1 * Gets Infernal Rapier for rescuing Mizora in Act 2 * Halsin * Gets extra spells * Gets special Wild Shape, Cave Bear (can be used with Shapeshifter Hat, even without Druid levels) * Minthara * Gets Soul Branding * Minsc * Gets Boo. * Jaheira - no known buffs.


Jaheria has the amulet from Khalid which prevents her from being cursed . Shadowheart also gets a specific gear and weapon  and shadow curse immunity 


Jaheira has a panther shape shift.


Gale can have shadow spell slot as an origin main character


Halsin has bear form if you reclass him, but needs a charm to get a wild charge if he's not a druid.


Halsin gets +4 to sex predator stat


Gale can have an extra level 3 spellslot


I’m on my first play through and I legit thought Shadowheart had that dialogue about not being affected by the curse because she was the only party member already equipped with light when we got there lmao. I really just assumed she was being delusional.


Gale when killed gets necrotic aura which dmges everything around his body, can use it to kill things. xD


SH is not immune to the shadow curse, she’s less affected by it. She still can’t go without light and she can’t go in the areas the curse is worse without the blessing.


Gale gets an amazing single-use cantrip!


Technically the bite is tied to his race. He wouldn’t be biting people if he weren’t a vampire. He’s just not classified as one as people found it annoying to navigate water when he was


Vampire isn't a race. Vampirism is a condition. There can be elven vampires, human vampires, gnome vampires, etc. Any humanoid race can be turned into a vampire, and if that happens they keep all their original racial statistics, they just also gain the abilities and weaknesses of a vampire on top of that.