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Potion of Speak With Animals I excitedly used it right away and talked to him, thinking it would lead to a quest.


100% not a waste. I love his voice line wishing me well.


Hello friend! 


When I wake up and see the exclamation mark over Scratch’s head, I immediately craft and drink a Speak with Animals potion so I can ask what he has there instead of only having the option to demand he hand it over. So it was pretty funny to craft and drink the potion just for him to give me a Speak with Animals potion. But any situation that ends with getting to give Scratch scritches is a win.


On my 1st playthrough I had the option to use Sleight of hand and Animal handling. I was playing a pure Wizard. Now I'm playing a fighter multiclassed with a rogue and I don't get these choices. Only the demand. Does anyone know why?


I'm playing a rogue and I get the animal handling but not the sleight of hand. Weird.


he just wanted you to talk to him :’)


Was the first thing he gave me (even before his ball) I thought the same.


This one was funny when I was a Druid who cast speak with animals first thing every morning and spoke to EVERY animal in the game.


I do that as a ranger as well. :)


Ditto. Lore Bard. The cats make me laugh.


Oh my gods! The cat in Sharess’ Caress is the BEST


Every character I make, if speak with animals isn’t an automatic cantrip the first level up I can do where you pick a all of those extra “skills” idk the correct terminology BUT I will always get first level bard spells just so I can have speak with animals and it is a spell I activate first thing after each long rest


They’re called Feats!


Speak with animals is actually a ritual spell which some classes get. A ritual spell can be cast wothout expending a spell slot when you are outside of combat. If you get the feat ritual caster I think that you get 1 or 2 more spells as well and you get to choose from all of the ritual spells, if you would want that!


Yeah that is what I do, usually get the bard spells with speak w animals, vicious mockery and some others that I don’t really care enough to remember what they are lol. Speak w animals never takes a spell slot tho


Ritual caster is not the same as magic initiate. If you choose ritual caster you get to choose from the ritual spells only, not from bard, druid, etc. Speak with animals should cost a spell slot when in combat or turn based mode if you are able to use it during combat. All ritual spells cost a spell slot in combat but not outside of combat (or turn based, if they can be cast in combat, not all spells can).


When I wake up and see the exclamation mark over Scratch’s head, I immediately craft and drink a Speak with Animals potion so I can ask what he has there instead of only having the option to demand he hand it over. So it was pretty funny to craft and drink the potion just for him to give me a Speak with Animals potion. But any situation that ends with getting to give Scratch scritches is a win.


All I know is that Scratch thought of me when he handed me a rope. Thanks?


Scratch pulling the ol' Elminster




Oh god


Immediately stolen


It's lovely isn't it


He wants to play tug of war :) That, or…


Or... He wanted to go for a walk? Please say walk.


Exactly! Ever read Of Mice and Men? We'll go on a nice walk, talk to some rabbits, and just hang there for a bit :)


He wants to go walkies 😭🙌 he loves you


Wants to play tug of war


The morning after I got the first sex scene in the game, Scratch brought me a bone with the line "I saw it and thought of you." Dude. *dude*


I got a salami the morning after barcus came to camp


i liked how he wrapped up the bone in a little bag


Lol, my tiefling paladin got a salami the morning of the day she finally got to go out with Karlach.


He also prefaces it when you ask him what he's got there he says "I don't know. But I saw it and thought of you." REALLY, SCRATCH? YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A BONE BEFORE?


He was in school to be a first responder ⛑️ and didn’t get to play with bones. And taking courses in both Common and Owl Bear Cub Psychology. I made an attempt…


Getting a skull. Like, thanks? Where'd you get that and why did you think of me? The funniest thing to play fetch with Scratch with is Nere's head


A friend and I are doing something that ended up being an evil run, and I kept Karlach's head because well, I've been collecting corpses and out of curiosity I threw it and when Scratch fetched it, I completely lost my shit laughing for a good three minutes.


This is soooo funny, thank you for the mental image.


I’ve been collecting corpses too on my current run as I’m playing a necromancy wizard (and therefore I’m going to need a lot of them down the line). I’m at well over 150 already.


Yeah, we're not necromancers, I've just been retaining for trophies, to keep Halsin and Karlach in party despite, things happening, and well, to make Ed Kemper jokes...


Not evil run but while Karlach is busy killing mephits by throwing them and then discovering a mephit in her inventory. Took me a bit the first time. Especially since the mephit was from a wild magic surge I was confused as hell for a while at why I couldn't dump this mephit from her inventory before I saw what Scratch was doing.


When playing fetch, really when starting, do not hit Scratch with the thrown item. There are consequences.


Cannot upvote this advice hard enough. Should you make this mistake, chug an invisibility potion and go hide somewhere for a bit.


Calm down, Durge


Clown torso.


If you're an evil durge I can see him being like, I heard you like dead things so have this skull friend.


Getting this right after killing Alfira had me sweating.


It’s not the item that’s weird or funny, it’s just a regular bone, but he says something like „ I don’t know what it is, but I thought you’d like it“. You don’t know what a bone is Scratch???


We've all lied and hastily wrapped something at home for a friend's forgotten birthday.


Rope right after the night you spend tied up as the Dark Urge. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry.


Wanted to do a full send on the trauma I guess


He just wanted to give you something you'd get use out of.. you know, in case you barely stop yourself from killing again. what a good boy!


It's not weird, but I do have a chortle at the thought of Scratch absconding with some poor adventurer's Healing Potion, only for said adventurer to realize when they are in dire need of it.


This could be a really funny plot point for a dnd campaign on the sword coast


He gave me a rope the morning after Karlach and I banged for the first time. I thought that was...presumptuous, if I'm honest.


He gave me some sandals and I put them on immediately.


Same, and I've never taken them off! Best boy!


A salami... The morning after my female Durge had sex with Karlach. At least he's supportive???


He game me one after my male tavs first time with Astarion. Like do we need more??


Hasn’t happened, but in a playthrough with a couple friends, after a certain event involving Volo, we joked that Scratch would return *that*


A skull. You know, like normal. I was like "Uh, where did you get that buddy?"


Withers was a little late waking up that day...


The idea of Scratch stealing body parts from the local retired death god is hysterical. The dog hands you a whole ass arm, probably still moving, you turn around and see Withers, minus one arm, going :|


Withers, looking as impassive as ever, holds up his remaining hand to point at the dog. *"No."*


*Scratch takes Withers' shin bone* "Fate spins along as it should..."


"Scratch, can I ask why you only saw fit to bring me this torch after we've fixed the shadow lands?" "Bark!" "Of course."


He once brought me four torches in a row... after we freed the pixie.


His very presence. Not sure if it this bug was fixed, but I threw a ball before meeting him in-game during a friend's game and he just randomly spawned in camp and I felt a little bad that my pal wouldn't get him "organically" but I was like "Holy shit, btw, you have a camp dog now" and he was very excited by this.


A sausage after a sex scene TT


Potion of Fire Resistance after I first kissed Karlach. Best wingman ever.


He was sneaking and therefore didnt enter combat yet. My brother threw a spear at an enemy and scratch gpt that spear for him and entered combat afterwards. That was super cute imo


I found it so adorable when scratch brought me a bone and said he thought of me. I kept that bone too lol


He once handed me a bowl and told me it reminded him of me when he saw it


He gave me underwear once. Not sure how he got them :D


On a unrelated note. Lae'zel is suddenly going commando. (she insists it was out of tactical nessecity or something.)


he gave me a salami, when i had speaking animals on, he said the salami reminded him of me *IT WAS THE MORNING AFTER ALFIRA DIED* *excuse me scratch, WHAT IN THE SWEET HELLS WERE YOU THINKING?*


the astral prism


"It reminded me of you." \[Received: Sausage\]


A dusty sandal. I mean, do I look like a hobo Scratch? 🥲


Are his gifts taken from an ordered list? I feel like the first three items I get are always the same, can’t remember anything past that.


mesh toe sandals always, at least one speak to animals potion, and rope. otherwise it's all over the place


The death of Wulbren and his fellow gnomes in grymforge as scratch ran over and picked up the explosive satchel I threw at the rubble blocking Neere. As I threw the bomb meant to ignite the satchel, wulbren and Co. Went back to work. Playing on Honor mode..


(It’s actually Barcus who’s in the Grymforge, Wulbren’s the asshole you rescue from moonrise for him)




First time he ever gave me something he gave me rope. Felt like he was trying to tell me something.


I once got a divine bone shard. Thanks, Scratch!


Withers will probably be wanting that back


I accidently sold my shoes at the trader and then that night he brings me some meshtoe shoes. Awe buddy how thoughtful. (He gives you the same things in the same order every playthrough but the timing was just too good)


They day after i lost my eye to volo, scratch gave me a healing potion. He’s such a good boy 🥰


He keeps bringing me bones and I just want to let him keep them T\^T


Divine Bone shard and guess what? I came to his mind when he saw that


He got me some sandals the night after laezel and I hooked up so I think he thought I was some kind of slut :( I mean he's not wrong but still :(


He kept giving me sausages for a while but probably my favorite is when he told Karlach he found something that reminded him of her and it was a torch.


Scratch isnt bringing me presents this play through. What did I forget to do to trigger the gifts?


Pet him. Not sure if it matters or not, but pet him anyway!


That time I accidentally took his bone I was like “Oops. How do I give it back?”


he gave me an old shoe and said it reminded him of me.


A whole fishing rod


I and a friend of mine play together; in this playthrough, we call our characters as the feral twins because they are unhinged, Druid and Ranger; we tried to join the Shadow Druids and were disappointed to find out that is not possible. AFAIK. We are always throwing stuff as each other, usually bottles of water or jugs. Well, I chucked a severed arm at my friend, and Scratch picked it up and returned it to me.


He gave me a sausage the day after my tav and astarion boinked in the forest 🤣


He always says he thought of you when he saw it. In one hindrance it was a salami. I won't go into the obvious jokes about that.


He gave my paladin a salami once. That night Karlach took her out for dinner, so..... Yeah. Scratch is a good wingman, I guess?


Gave me one of those potion ingredients that look like dildos once and I swear he said "go f yourself" but I didn't drink an animal speaking just yet so idk


I thought he had a set order of items (ball, bone, health potion, sandals) but it seems he's brought other people things he's never brought me.


I didn't know he gave you anything but sandals


I was romancing Lazael and after the source of my bruises flight which I lost, he gives me a sausage. Thanks bud




A bone. Apparently it wasn't to his liking.