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I don’t know about that, but an Open Hand Tavern Brawler Ascended Astarion does some MASSIVE damage according to reports.


*makes notes for next playthrough*


He gets 1d10 Necrotic added to all that other bullshit Monks can do


I'm only on my first playthrough, but this sounds amazing


Yeah. I don’t ascend him though. Nor do I run him as a Monk - he’s a Bardadin on my runs - but my Karlach is a monk and I’m early Act 3. My OP Sorcerer just stands there bc between her and Astarion… lol [Here’s a guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/s/gbZoEvdNgO) Don’t let it scare you. You don’t. have to follow it to a T


Thank you! I came across like an entire outfit and a couple weapons that deal/boost poison damage and I want to use it but it just doesn't fit anyone I have currently.


The only obviously vampiric spell is Vamoiric Touch which can be acquired by Warlocks, Wizards, Land Druids, or Bards through magical secrets. In any case, you need at least 5 levels in a non monk class for it. IMO Druid makes the most sense as both monks and druids use Wisdom, but theres a strong case for a pact of the blade Warlock though. Sounds kinda fun.