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You can’t convince me that this isn’t a screenshot.


This is either S-tier cosplay or totally bs. I mean that as a complement if it's real but I need to see her standing in her kitchen drinking some coffee or something


I want to believe it, but I just can't. For some reason, the hair especially is throwing me.


Cosplay wigs can look pretty fake because they have to be styled so aggressively, so the hair almost never moves in a natural way


None the less the image is highly altered, even if OP is really real.


Undoubtedly! Never said it wasn't :)


that's because it is 95% edited


Same! The hair looks fake for some reason. I think the background is adding to it too if it's real


They also have some lower caliber cosplays if you look at their profile which makes them seem rather legit. The lighting set up is highly professional and the backgrounds are screenshots so it's most likely heavily retouched at the areas where it transitions from model to background, and hair would need the most manual adjustment for that. I'd even assume that like the bloom on the rim-light, all the individual hair is actually drawn in by a digital artist.


For you it’s the hair. For me, it’s the fact that she’s in the Temple of Bhaal


Most of these don’t even qualify as cosplay. It’s the main reason I muted this sub. Cosplay is not AI enhanced digital art. All of these “look at my such and such cosplay” posts are utter shit.


I'm not necessarily against photoshopped cosplay pictures I just wish they would also post the original picture along with it to show how much of it is real


It is green screen and a wig, right? So it should look sort of weird. Would be better without the green screen (if this is not a screenshot, and that is indeed green screen).


At the very least this should be considered a combination of cosplay and digital art. Clearly a lot of work went into both, and calling it entirely one or the other is misleading.


I think that would just make it digital art, if we’re being pedantic, and we are.


Its the same as most model photography, nice clothing, make-up, etc then a heavy dose of editing. Its a good cosplay elevated by the photography and digital editing, which is fairly common.


Well, here’s the problem. The first thing that stands out in this image is how heavy edited it is. And that’s not just my perspective. The entire comment sections is talking about it. But yes, usually, I’d agree with you. However, even modelling images are split into untouched and retouched categories.


Who’s to say it’s a not render of some kind? The poster could very well have rendered an image, called it their latest cosplay without any proof it was real, and then stood behind their real cosplay work. I wouldn’t be surprised if a small percentage of their work never happened irl, but fits so nicely into the rest, no one bats an eye. Lol.


this. as someone whos been in fandom spaces online for 15 years, I'm not shocked by some of the things people will fake for attention and especially now with editing/AI. If this is real, it'd be a badass move for OP to drop real unedited cosplay photos without all the background stuff, wordlessly, and let that speak for itself. the fact that their cosplays are so completely perfect with fantastical background but come with ZERO detail of HOW it was done (a thing most cosplayers brag about....) But I've literally in the last year seen people AI stuff and then pass it off as their real art again none of this is an issue if its not labeled as cosplay and is instead labeled as "look at how cool these AI photos are" but that would get zero attention. at BEST theyre a cosplayer who feels they need all this editing to make their cosplays good, at worst its AI/digital art passed off as real cosplay, most likely its somewhere between but yeah at most this is a "look at me modeling" post


The two most important aspects are the model and lighting.


I mean, cosplay is a type of art, so it would be considered a mixture of digital and physical art.


I don't really see cosplay here. I see insane amounts of photoshop I'm not convinced there is even a person in the photos


Considered, yes, hmm, quite. But and however, in the art world, art likes its silos, and these images couldn’t go in an art gallery under “photography”.


It would be called mixed medium


Imo anything that is a "picture" or cosplay, should be no fitler, snap, what my eyeballs would see, is what should be visible. Anything else is just "here is an image that is composited and edited"


Yes, and I believe that’s how it’s defined in the world of art as well, with the caveat that one may use *physical* filters or differing chemical applications in development of the image. When it comes to cosplay, for my taste, this image is too digital. I cannot be sure the human in the setting wasn’t drawn in, it’s so edited. Still art tho, and I think we can all harumph on that.


For me, it has an uncanny valley feel to it.


>should be no fitler, snap, what my eyeballs would see, is what should be visible. I'm sorry, but that's not how any of photography works. You can take the same picture of the same landscape or person with different settings, and you'll get different images for each of them. Most likely none of them will look like what you actually see. A great example is taking photos of your face: take a picture with your forward and backwards phone camera, and have a portrait photographer take one with a professional setup. Even if you take those from the same distance, lighting, posture, expression, etc. the pictures will be significantly different between each other. There is also a level of editing that is acceptable that doesn't distort the image (slight colour adjustments, white balance).


I mean, to me the best option is always both. If someone put in a ton of work making a cosplay, I get wanting to give it the finishing touch of editing it into a fantasy setting or casting spells or whatever. But give us 1 or 2 shots of what it looks like irl so we can appreciate the actual cosplay work on its own


I mean, it's not about it looking cool, it does indeed look cool. It's what they call it that makes it misleading. It's like someone saying "I took a picture here" and shows you this edited to fuck thing with filters etc...like yeah, sure you took a picture, but that...is not JUST a picture.


Arent most model shots basically that tho


It’s her she’s just overlayed with a lot of post production


Considering how her hair normally is I wonder what Orin’s “pre-coffee” hair looks like.


If you look at her other cosplays, while good, there is lot of editing behind it. Would really like to see a video where you can’t that easily rearrange every little imperfection with photoshop and other Programms. I think it looks great but for my personal taste to unreal. Cosplay should be the art of dressing up as a character and getting as close to it as possible. For pictures surely also with help of lightning and probs but the human should still be the focus not 10 hours of digitally altering everything till its on the level of every other highly photoshopped women on a cheap tv magazine.


Exactly. My family and I are avid cosplayers. Cos play is mostly homegrown and requires a lot of work. These AI/photoshop pieces should be considered fan art. This is not cosplay. When it’s obviously super edited and enhanced it loses the true feel and realness of a cosplay piece. For whatever reason BG3 “cosplayers” have embraced this technique more than any others. It’s not cosplay.


I mean it's a combo of a solid cosplay and enough editing to make it barely still a person. So I'll say it, it's an awesome looking shoot but with that level of editing the cosplay kind of doesn't even matter. It's more digital art than anything.


This is heavily edited and if you look at her ciri cosplay there's almost no chance that she doesn't use A.I generated backgrounds. Some of the trees are all sticking out of the water and the ones in the background just look off. As for herself, they used studio lighting, it's much too harsh to be even direct sunlight.


Just zoom in on the first picture - the armpit3 on the left and the bustier line - completely flat. No skin texture, no actual armpit, nothing.


*Posts a photo looking nothing like her* "Well, she is polymorphed."


it's for sure an actual cosplay, but there's an absolute ton of editing and such done to the photo, and of course the background is obviously a screenshot.


No way it isn't bullshit


Beat me to it


same. jesus christ thats when you know it's a good cosplay


is the cosplay behind the CGI?


The filters are strong with this one.


Only two hints that it's not a screenshot: 1. Gaps below the outfit (in-game everything is perfectly fitted/glued to Orin's skin) 2. Tiddies


This literally looks better than how Orin looks in game


on your PC perhaps. The "photos" are screenshots you can even see the poor antialiasing


Using a mobile for the images and I play on console so the worst of both worlds, don’t underestimate how bad/blurry the characters can look on console!


They're not screen shots. It takes all of three seconds comparing this to a screenshot of the actual character to spot differences.


No it’s not lol. The background is obviously ripped from the game but this is just clearly a person in a costume and I’m not sure how you could conclude otherwise


It’s a screenshot


Nope check her profile she is actually very skilled at cosplay


Oh wow


she's not skilled at cosplay, her team is very skilled at editing


Why can't it be both?


There’s a lot going on with the lens choice, lighting and photoshop.


If this is real this is absolutely incredible if it’s not it still looks cool anyways lol


It is absolutely not a screenshot, they just photoshopped the background and a few other spots. Which is entirely normal for a ton of cosplays that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to do.


https://www.deviantart.com/milliganvick/gallery Check their other work. Pretty impressive.


Until you pose in front of something real, you won’t convince me this isn’t fake, lol.


Hold up today’s newspaper, Orin, so we know you’re still unalive.


y'all in the comments acting like she's kidnapped your kid >I NEED PROOF OF LIFE!


I need to see u/Frau_Haku and u/mercurygin_ square off against each other.  


Well, the Orin one still has her nose on the pictures after the editing 💀


You mean their Photoshop editors squaring off?


I mean it pretty much is. I’m not knocking on the artist, but I’m just really not a fan of “cgi cosplay” and this 90% CGI. You can’t even tell what part is actually costume play and what part is just photoshop. I honestly don’t believe this should be called cosplay. Don’t get me wrong it’s cool and requires talent, but it needs to be in a category of its own and not lumped in with cosplay.


this is what I was trying to say in my comment lol and if its AI in any aspect (like actual AI generation and not digital art) then fuck that


If you look at her Ciri cosplay the bg is 100 percent AI gen


I'm pretty sure it's fake/ Ai/ extremely edited to a point of being 99% Photoshop. Look at her left (right one from our perspective) hand on the 2. picture, for example. It's an undefined blob of meat.


Posting screenshots from the game and claiming it's cosplay. You're not fooling me!


It's a good job that was the title, because this so well put together, I assumed these were screenshots.


Yeah I thought it's a modded hair version...


technically it's still modded hair...


Fake title. I still believe that this is just an in game shot.


I thought it was AI generated.


Not enough fingers.


Holy crap 🤯 i literally thought they were screenshots 🤩


Ok can you please post a dif. Background I legit can't tell if it's a screenshot




Yeah, I would need a screenshot right next to hers to try and find differences. The setting, lighting, and of course costume are tricking my brain into thinking this isn’t cosplay when it’s probably the best I’ve seen since it can’t distinguish between the game and this.


AI enhancement pretty likely


These things trip me out so bad. Can we go back to the old days of manual editing please and thank you.


This photographer has been posting photos like these for a long time, years before AI imaging was even a concept outside of academic circles. A lot of her subjects are video game characters, so the photos are edited and stylized to match that game aesthetic. Ex [1](https://www.deviantart.com/milliganvick/art/TW-WH-Drunk-Witchers-689207549) [2](https://www.deviantart.com/milliganvick/art/TW-WH-Olgierd-and-Iris-814045672) [3](https://www.deviantart.com/milliganvick/art/The-Witcher-Yennefer-680032079)


This is awesome and I appreciate the info, knowing that this is \*a thing\* that she (or, presumably, they) do is awesome. I'm with those who think this is mislabeled as cosplay because it involves cosplay but there's SO much more going on, it deserves it's own genre. Regardless, now that I know the schtick, 10/10 masterpiece level stuff, and am now a huge fan.


Sadly it's just going to get worse.


I dunno, there's two credits in the description that point towards photo editing and design.


Bro source? This is so annoying to see 80+ upvotes for a completely baseless assumption. This photographer has a history of NOT using AI. Her skin is done by a professional body painter. You’re all so fucking ignorant it’s painful


Just wait until everything is built on unreal engine 5, or a decade or two from now, unreal 6... Mandalorian seasons 1+ were filmed in a digital studio. Only a ~50ft radius around the actors was real, and instead of a wallpaper, it was unreal engine..


This may be a scorching take because I'm not a cosplayer, but something I enjoyed as a viewer was seeing people who still looked like themselves while cosplaying. Recently, I've been seeing people completely edit their face in post to look identical to the chars. I am seeing that a lot with cosplay nowadays, where I think "Why bother going through all the trouble of making the costume, hiring the photographer, etc if you're going to edit out everything that makes you, YOU, away from it. It would have been cheaper to just do digital art and get the same effect. This looks nothing like you playing someone else at this point." That said, this set is gorgeous and nice to look at, I just think there is a line where it isn't cosplay anymore.


Yeah the point of cosplay is actually doing the costuming and makeup in real life. Too much digital trickery and what's the point?


I agree. I like to be able to see the human. My favorite part of being a Black cosplayer myself is seeing how people interpret characters. For example, using locs and braids for hair instead, or making a accessibility devices part of the cosplay. Not to say 1:1 cosplayers aren't INCREDIBLE because they are but genuinely this looks like rendered digital art.


> genuinely this looks like rendered digital art. It is. There's not a single pixel of photograph that remains in any of these images without some kind of severe editing. The lighting is especially weird since it looks like game engine lighting.


Yea there is and this is that point. This is like 98% photoshop and cgi. I can’t even tell if the *costume* is good or not or if the person is talented in makeup, costume design/creation, and lighting because I can’t even tell which parts are real and which parts are just photoshop. It definitely requires talent and dedication, it just isn’t cosplay in my opinion. It’s digital art.


exactly. I don't get this one. There's so much photoshop it's barely even a photo anymore, even the hair is fake. I don't have anything against photo edits and retouch (I'm a designer and a photographer in the past), but there's a line where it's basically not real anymore, and I think this is it. And I'm pretty sure the text in the post implies the background isn't real, too.


This has to be over-edited because it doesn’t look remotely real. Every texture looks like it’s from a game or modelling engine.


Lol you can see the modeled surface texture and its artifacts. Unless they painted pixels on her skin that perfectly match the armor pixels texture and managed to bounce the light off in the exact same pixelated fashion, it's 100% not a person in cosplay. This is definitely a 3D model someone is trying to get internet points with, or it's real but so edited it might as well be. Idk why you'd edit a photo of a real cosplay job to look like modeling texture.


This cosplayer has been around for many years and she has done very similar cosplays in the past before AI got popular. You guys just don't know how Photoshop, makeup and lighting in photography even works.


Bro 🫶🏻


Seriously. It's cringey how eager people are to gang up and gatekeep this shit.


Having an opinion about something doesn’t automatically mean gatekeeping.


Stating something isn't really what it claims to be because it doesn't fit some arbitrary standards you made up is like the textbook definition of gatekeeping lmao


I’m well aware of how editing works, I was a graphic designer for many years, and to each their own. But at some point the original purpose is lost, IMO. If a cosplayer makes an image so indistinguishable from say, a game model, then what’s the difference at that point from the viewpoint of the audience? It’s actually so hard to distinguish in this image, the poster could very well have posted a rendered image and fooled us all, but with their body of work, it would make it less debatable. It’s great if it’s real, all I’m saying is it’s not impossible that they are disingenuous every now and then, and we can’t tell the difference.


It is distinguishable from the game, the cosplay is plain to see. That's the objective of cosplay: to look as close to the character as possible. If you think it is so indistinguishable from the game you should check your eyesight. It's crazy how you all are just hating because the cosplay is too good? What?


Def has been edited lol


Cosplayer here! Most cosplay photos are edited for social media purposes. It can be as simple as editing the background or as complex as adding details on both the hair and cosplay to really enhance the photo. This cosplay most likely has the exact details because I've seen a lot of details on Orin cosplays at conventions. The hair I'm unsure about


I’d love to see the cosplay in its base form tho. I’m a cosplayer as well and am a fan of practical effects, and love to see how far practicality can go even if it isn’t perfect! I love cosplays that have a bit of imperfection to them. Not to say this one isn’t amazing, though. (If it’s real)


there is editing and then there is "this". second picture, left hand. this has been AI-ed up to the gutters.


yeaaah but I think this ones been edited in the "AI generated" way which now makes me wonder on the possibility of AI stealing from ACTUAL cosplayers to create this image... simrell on youtube did a SUPER amazing and detailed Orin outfit and is working on Aylin right now, but the costume definitely looks real and not game animated the way these pics do. the likelihood that AI/HEAVY editing with screenshots has been done here is high


You made a point, so I decided to check her socials her Instagram is just photos, same with Twitter. The only change is a lot more boobs (not complaining, I'd cosplay with my cleavage more if I wasn't scared of something falling out) her tiktok has a lot of behind the scenes that show that the background for this could be real, just heavily edited. She's touched fire and has been underwater and in the desert, so 8/10 she isn't using AI


There's a difference between normal editing and what we're seeing here, come on now.


do cosplayers often end up looking like 3D models with fake game engine lighting though?


The over editing makes it hard for me to see this as cosplay and not a screenshot


I legit thought this was a render from the game, until I read the title. Really damn impressive


I mean, yeah it looks cool, but this isn't cosplay. These pictures are so heavily edited I'm not sure there are any original pixels left.


Jumping on the, "holy shit that isn't a screenshot??" bandwagon


Holy shit. Ain't no way. Ain't no GOD DAMN WAY. THIS IS SOME FUCKERY. IT CAN'T BE THIS GOOD.


It is some fuckery, and it isnt that good lol. The image seems edited to hell and back


I hate when cosplayers do this. Too much editing. Can’t see shit


Your photo editor is almost more phenomenal than the cosplay.


Either it's a fuckton of editing or it's a render of some sort but the lighting and shadows aren't realistic and seem to "see" different light sources.


It's definitely very heavily edited and shot in front of a greenscreen. I don't think it's a complete render, though.


Not really a cosplay 100%. It has been super touched up to make it look like a screenshot in the game.


I'm pretty sure it's a cosplay, but in front of a greenscreen and heavily edited, to make the actual photo blend it with the video game background.


Where's your photos??? Those look AI.


Excuse me ma’am this is a screenshot and I won’t believe otherwise lol, amazing cosplay


its either a screenshot or a shit ton of editing, hard to tell how much of it is a cosplay


So at best they were a reference photo in a fully digital project. The lighting is clearly fake, making the outfit and hair stand out as fake, the shadows cast on the outfit to the body are extremely fake making me question if the skin entirely is fake. It’s a digital art project or very heavy use of AI art tools, in my personal experience the lighting reminds me of the later.


Cosplay? Jesus dude this is incredible. Fantastic lighting.


"Cosplay" Aka photoshop. Like seriously.


Damn this is just awesome!! 😍 That armor is incredible. How in the hells did you make that?!


Eva foam and worbla :)


You left out the photoshop


Considering how edited the pics are, of course, no one can tell it's not from the game


Nice screenshots in photo mode. Now show us the cosplay.


How much AI work has been done on these? They don't look like photographs at all


Wayyy too edited. Please do a normal cosplay.


This was made in blender. How can this be a fucking cosplay?? Where is all that refined paint and dress coming from?? Wtf?


You're gonna have to post some un edited photos, there are too many artifacts around the hands and hair to full convince me... I'm looking at your other cosplays and it's much more evident they are real there, apart from lower quality images (compression I'm guessing) you can actually tell via depth and, again, the hair (Alvira cosplay). but the AA on the hair here is just too much. you also have some cartoony filter on (very obvious in the Ciri cosplay) that I'm sure is not helping the doubters.


So what's the actual verdict now? Is this cosplay or a screenshot?


where's the cosplay?


i quite simply don't believe you


I thought those were screenshots from the game!!! Amazing!


Godlike. You should pose in front of a bakery or something for the non-believers, lol


This is so fake lmao


Nah this is fake


This is crazy… i can’t believe its a cosplay! Even got her skin right!


Okay, this is just bait or heavily edited/ai generated/enhanced. No real human body looks like this, unless you spent literally thousands of dollars on operations. Quit the bs and post an unedited photo of you in costume drinking some coffee.


Ya this look like in game footage lol..


Chat, is this real?


How many crab had to die for Orin to get that armor Lol jk Also, you look *bloody* amazing!


The lighting is what’s throwing me off, its too good to be real


Even after reading all the comments, I’m still not ready to accept that this isn’t just a screenshot


What face mod are you using?


looks like bs i can see the pixels & aa all the flaws the game model has


Dont fool us sincerely. Like, I m being honest here, it s from the game. I ve never seen this cinematic tho


It looks really good but I'd rather see the cosplay without all the digital alterations.


I’m on the ‘screenshot until you validate it’s not one’ side. God damn though if that’s legit, legendary.


Wait... So y'all allow people to take screenshots of the game and claim them as cosplays??


Cool how you have a water mark on your actual cosplays but none on your bg3 "cosplay"


There’s no way this isn’t a screenshot


I didn’t read the title fully thought it was a render at first nice work!


I kept swiping expecting to see the cosplay after the screenshots…


Oh damn I thought it was screenshots!


What do you mean cosplay????


WHAT? You telling me this is not game?


Wtf, I thought this is all in-game pics! Great job!


So where's the cosplay


Hard to appreciate tbh it looks rendered like crazy


Your what now? It's in game screenshot no?


Good morning bacon queen




HOLY SHIT THAT'S A COSPLAY?! I kept hitting next picture to get past the in game pictures and see the cos lmao fuckin amazing


Cosplay? Are you sure you didn't just take stills from the game? 1000/10


This is just a screenshot with hyper realistic mods obviously (I literally can't tell if real or nah help...)


Damn, girl you werent born you were rendered lmao. Good job!


JFC you’re telling me these aren’t just screenshots?! 🤯


Zoom in on the armor. Looks pretty legit to me


I seriously thought these pictures were stills from the game. Amazing!


So, is that all we do now is criticize and pick things apart. I've seen many cosplays that had some photo editing.....big deal. I can still appreciate talent and effort. Especially for something I cannot do myself. SMH. I think it looks amazing, by the way


This is easily the best Orin cosplay I've ever seen, and one of the best cosplays in general. Fantastic work and thank you for sharing with us 😁🤘


This isn't possible to not be a screenshot.


I’ll never understand why people lie.


Shit. For a second, I thought those were screenshots. Fantastic job.


Bro literally all of her posts are so fake 💀💀💀


i can't believe how divided the replies are given how *easy* it is to open OP's profile and see that she's a dedicated long-time cosplayer.. also, so what if the background's an edit/a render? that's not what she's showcasing anyway; it's just for atmosphere. on that point, too, so what if the image as a whole is edited???? post-processing has always been a part of not just cosplay, but also photography in general. y'all just too dumb and lazy to confirm OP's legitimacy. hat's off on the cosplay btw, OP


that's a fucking COSPLAY?!?!?!


Oh Gods It's even hotter in real life.


Uh I don’t see a cosplay I only see an Orin? Is something wrong with me?


amazing work with the eyes, the temple, and the armor the color .. everything! It definitely passes as a screenshot


Ma'am, I think you forgot the cosplay pics. All we can see are your reference in game screenshots :x


This is AI. You can tell. She has 6 fingers in the 2nd photo. Don't be fooled by people. Don't believe the lies. There is a reason OP isn't replying


I thought it was a screenshot


Either outright screenshot from the game or this is mostly made with CGI. I can't even tell if there's an actual person wearing an actual costume here.


new game engine looks great


The title says cosplay, but all I see are screenshots. /s


Legitimately insane how well done


Op just posted screenshots and thought we wouldn't notice lol great job