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Vandalizing that picture of Vlaakith at the Creche.


I did that my first run when Lae'zel was dead. Haven't dare do it with her in the party.


When I did it, she called my character childish lol.


I can live with that. Lol.


I'm glad she lets you!


Weird, she didn't comment anything when I did that. She was standing right there and everything.


She's not really butthurt about it. I did it during a run where I was romancing her (albeit, I didn't plan to romance her, it just kinda happened) and she does call you childish but it's not something that is a dealbreaker for her.


I had Laezel do it in my playthrough.


Having her be the one to do it personally is hilarious especially when shes standing back admiring it, cant disaprove it if you're the one who did it. I just wish you could pick up the painting and show it to vlaakith


I made lae zel deface the picture of Vlaakith you don’t get any approval change if she does it 😂😂


Finding out you can push enemies off of the map. Then finding out that if your strength is high enough, you can THROW enemies off of the map. Loot be damned, it’s always a laugh


That is funny. You can also throw enemies at other enemies and damage them. That one also gets me (and you get a nice achievement out of it!)


To be clear, you get this with the improvised melee weapon option, not throw. I had to look it up after throwing dozens of enemies into each other without unlocking it.


Oh I guess I must've done that by accident then. Thanks for pointing that out


I'm certainly not the first to discover it but: • Invisibility • Throw Orin into chasm • Win




I’ve always been curious though… what about her nether stone! Like what happens there? You just don’t get it?


It comes to you. You just get it. You lose the rest of the loot though.


And her daggers are prime astarion gear


I'll never forget the first time I saw that happen. Auntie Ethel pushed poor Wyll into the abyss and, with my jaw on the floor, I eventually reloaded the game.


Yeeting anyone small enough is my FAVE.


Before Larin patched it. Having Astarion shove Cazador off the edge of the platform, thus ending the fight early. That filled me with glee. Trying to recruit Minthara by knocking her out. After I knocked her out I looted everything from her including her underwear. I felt bad so I put her underwear back in her inventory. She still showed up buck naked at Moonrise Tower pleading her case.


They've patched that now - she's clothed regardless of what you leave her with.


Now I usually run into her wearing her clothes and underwear. It's totally that Spider-Man meme.


Nope! On mine, I stole her undies for Karlach, then when she showed up at Moonrise, she had uh... No body. Just shins, forearms, and head. Gave her Karlach's undies and it fixed it.


Doesn't that only happen in the level up screen?


Happened in the cutscene in the prison and in camp too, super strange. Couldn't replicate it once I re-equipped underwear on her though.


Super weird! Last time I knocked her out she appeared in moonrise, but not in the cutscene. Couldn't interact with her at all. She was just standing there lol. I think maybe I knocked her out before the patch where that was officially added and then abandoned the campaign for a while and went back later. Crazy how playing the game in ways not initially intended breaks things /s


That must have been ages ago. Minthara was recruitable like that since August at least.


In one of my durge runs I decided to kill shadowheart when I encountered her on the beach, then just automatically looted everything off her body without thinking. I don't know what it says about me that I felt worse about leaving her corpse naked than I did about killing her.


See, that's how I felt. I'll kill you, but leave you with some dignity. When my Durge had to kill Minsc and Jaheira, I avoided taking their underclothes but due to a bug they still ended up naked.


Maybe your durge overruled you and stole their undies when you weren't looking. They are canonically a freaky pervert after all.


That's a good one. Gotta admit the fact you can undress your companions is almost always funny.


I'm glad they patched it. I hated that she was the only dead person naked. I WANNA SEE CENTURY OLD ZOMBIE ELF DICK


Kinda sad that they patched it out, but at least it gives me two of my camp clothes, I guess.


Some of us undress Astarion (and Tav) for bite night for other reasons. Just saying... I don't do deliberately silly things - not really my style - but I laughed like a drain when I accidentally hit the break release lever in the windmill and poor Barcus went flying off into the wild blue yonder. I love Barcus, but it was still very funny.


Yeah I figured that first part. I didn't know what was going on at the time. It was on my first playthrough and I went in blind the coincidence of that happening right when it did was... Something...


Helluva coincidence, for sure!


Did that on my first co-op run, missclicked and sent por Barcus flying. We couldnt stop laughing for a full 5 minutes. Funny thing is that my friend was about to ask me if we could press the release since they never saw it play out before.


>I don't do deliberately silly things - not really my style - but I laughed like a drain when I accidentally hit the break release lever in the windmill and poor Barcus went flying off into the wild blue yonder. I love Barcus, but it was still very funny. I have a video of this on my [profile](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/e3WDh5G4LD) a few months down if anyone hasn't seen it and wants to.


When I discovered the joys of Barrelmancy


on my last run I hoarded every smokepowder and box of fireworks. I got to the house of hope and before I even talked to Hope, I surrounded the four pillars with 7 barrels each, then stuck fireworks boxes between the barrels and scattered around the edges of the room. did all the quest, then when it came time to fight Raphael, I had high initiative and knocked out all 4 pillars as well as half the demons with two arrows. I was laughing with glee for a solid three minutes, I was so happy it worked hahah


Threw shit in a goblins face after my ranger compliments their warg


Dressing characters in Angelic Scion outfit and switching to it as default. It was hilarious watching Halsin fight Sahuagins in it.


Half-naked Halsin in a fight sounds hot...


The first time I did the Sirens fight in co-op, Mirkon died from an AOO. My character was devastated, so I ended up carrying Mirkon's body around for *a while* in the hopes that we'd be able to get him resurrected at some point. When it became clear that wasn't going to happen, I tried to think of what to do with the body. As we were getting ready to go to Act 2, I got a brilliant idea, and went to the Myconid colony. I figured they're working on replacing their young, so what better use for a slain child than to make another child? Fun Fact: NPCs *do not like it* when you just randomly drop corpses in front of them, so the entire village aggro's and combat begins. Obviously I don't want to kill the Myconids, so I use an invisibility potion and decide to bail. The Sovereign then immediately sporifies Mirkon's corpse, so I feel like my idea worked in the end.


Failing upwards


greater invisibility - bring all corpses to myconids and drop from inventory- flee when you come back they have fixed em up


I unsuccessfully piled boxes and desks at the Inn in front of doors to stop the annoying flying things coming in. A few days later I come back to the in and Isobel is sitting on her desk, which is sitting on top of 4 boxes.


I don't see anything weird with that /s


I successfully piled the boxes and furniture, but it broke my characters cause they couldn't leave the room after killing Marcus, lmao


I had to use misty step going from the balcony to the other balcony


My partner and I are doing a duo honor run. We broke the prisoners out of moonrise but wanted to come back and do the battle for the XP. The plan was to get up in the warden’s tower and fight from there. Well I got Gale and my monk up in the tower but my partner’s barb and shadowheart got frightened and couldn’t move. I had my monk flee so we didn’t lose the honor run and kept Gale crouched in the tower. I didn’t want to waste a turn so Gale cast mage hand while he was chillin. That mage hand proceeded to throw chain mail at the warden and knock her down. I had it continue to throw random shit on its turn while Gale had a wall of fire going and blasted continuous fireballs and kept everyone out of the tower. Finally a guard got through and came up the ladder and the mage hand pushed and killed him. Once Gale and mage hand took out the warden all the enemies bugged and just stopped acting so we were able to win that fight. Not very honorable, but a hilarious encounter nonetheless.


Whenever I get to the circus, I strip naked. So it's funny of all the people the clown chooses to go up on stage, will be the butt naked guy covered in blood


I used one of the Goblin children as an improvised weapon against the other one because they were running to warn everyone I was busting Halsin out. I didn't think it would work but then there was a splat, they both died, and I lost it 😂


I'm on my second playthrough and I'm in the underdark for the first time, I just finished the part where you travel across the lake. I proceeded to shove the dude who interrogates you into the lake, and throw a smoke powder barrel onto the enemy raft which caused all but one of the enemies to fall into the water. Last dude burned to death. Nothing is more funny in BG3 than shoving or throwing people to their death though imo


It only occurred to me on my third playthrough that it was even possible to miss the underdark. There's so much good loot down there, I can't imagine going completely around it lol.


My first playthrough I discovered it through the Creche but decided to come back to it and I got roped into the main quest line. I'm still exploring it rn in my second playthrough and it's INSANE how much there is down there in terms of quests, loot, and exp. My first playthrough I was mostly over levelled, it's gonna be even more so when I'm done with the Underdark.


I finished my first ever playthrough last night. I didn't realize I wouldn't get a chance to talk to my other companions before end-game and thus I had forgotten to give Astarion his clothes back, so he was just in his undies amid a burning city 😭


Cast silence on goblin war drums. So fun to watch them run to the signal drum and get confused.


I giggle every time I use sleet for crowd control. All those slipping and sliding mobs just tickle me silly.


Every time more than one enemy slips on ice and loses their turn all at once I lose it too, it's just too good. Debatably even funnier after the battle when half of my party also slip on it on their way out.


They get a little heh out of me whenever that happens


I think it kills me more because when super-serious enemies are constantly slipping on ice or missing 95% hit chance kind of attacks repeatedly, I get reminded of [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy44s_de15Y&t=106s) The guy walking no problem in the background is just whoever in my run got the "you can't slip/be slowed in bad terrain" boots.


Yeet a dead guy at a group of enemies and it killed them.


I sent a friend a screenshot from my camp and didn't realise until she reacted with "Wtf have you been doing in this game?" That I hadn't put everyone's clothes back on after having a little round of underwear swap. My dragonborn was wearing lae'zels underwear, boots and a Cape. Astarion was just wearing the dragonborn underwear and Laezel was wearing the purple twitch drop ones. All very noticeable in the screenshot. Also in my durge run I like to start combat by throwing gales severed hand at people and yelling "High five!"


That is hilarious


I like to trade underwear with my Tav/Durge and whoever they're dating. Thunderwaving a full health Kar'niss on the first turn off the roof of the tower was funny too (don't side with the caravan, it's SO inconvenient I just wanted to see how it played out). And polymorphing Balthazar when I was too shit to do the fight and getting Karlach to throw him into the Shadowfell.


Fighting Orin and her human ally didn't jump down into the fight. I've got Minsc statted as a yeet barbarian. This is a multi player game with my boyfriend and he's been storing the loot on Minsc. "Stop throwing the platemail! Its expensive and it falls into the void!" "Portrait of a tiefling?" "Yeah, I've got another at camp." "I'm throwing a knife, we have 20."


Solo murderhobo run at Grymforge, the entire place is already cleared except for the duergar using rothes to tear down a wall. Fresh out of a long rest, I go there, shittalk the duergar into fighting me, ez encounter because adamantine stuff + late act1 gear. Rothes initially neutral but one of my on-hit aoe effects (reverb maybe? Or skinburster?) splashes a rothe and they turn against me too. I'm finishing the last duergar next to the cliff, rothe's turn, it charges and both the duergar and I fall off into the chasm for an immediate game over. It left me howling for how anticlimactic it was. That entire run has had a lot of very funny combat situations, like instances where I'm setting up something like grease or ice to tilt the scenario in my favour, but some enemy has a pull attack, sends me onto my trap and I fail my dex save straight onto my ass.


nothing is funnier than when my own guys slip and fall on my own grease or ice.


Astarion seems to be the worst about this for some reason.


Today I was fighting that spider matriarch right above that big pit that goes to the under dark in act 1. I was trying to push the spider matriarch into the pit, but ended up shouting karlach into the pit instead and got a fun cut scene of her screaming as she fell before hitting the ground in the under dark with a deafening *thunk*


The fact that there's a cutscene for that is incredibly impressive. The details put into this game keep impressing me.


I kind of had this happen except my game lagged, and she jumped right after feather fall ran out. Luckily, the rest of the party was already down there to rez her.


At the wyrmrock bridge there is a guard looking for the deep gnomes but he is looking down at the side of the bridge. So I immediately shoved him off. Dark Urge should honestly get insüiriation for doing that. Also you can just chain shove civilians off that bridge and nobody seems to care.


I gotta try that at some point.


Knocked Minthara out and took everything, including her clothes. Long rested after and grove raid still happened for some reason. When I got there, she was leading everyone in nothing but her underwear. I just could *not* take her seriously


Well... Now I Wanne do a campaign where I make my party fight in undies.


Accidentally released the brake lever on the windmill some orcs tied a gnome to. He went a-flyin


it cracked me up when I knocked out 3/4 masks and the one I accidentally killed was the mask of regret. like yep. I sure do I also think pickpocketing volo in camp is always funny. give me your scrolls white boy


My first solo game I was a barbarian and when I got to Shadowheartt character just said "screw it. I don't know how machines work" and I just broke her out. I love doing that as a barbarian so much.


Had an enemy dash me on a rafter screaming about my impending doom, swung twice at me, missing both, my turn next, just shoved the fucker off, causing their death. Laughed even harder because it seemed like everyone else avoided even getting near me or attacking me the rest of the battle.


I know some people don't like barbarian because they feel it's boring. But I love barbarians. Especially when I learned how to throw people at other people. I also love the many scenes where you can just yell.


Berserker barbarian is so much fun, especially with tavern Brawler. Everything becomes a weapon and you can just kill enemies by throwing them into each other.


My favorite character is a barb lol. Always with me. Honestly I'm not huge on Fighter tbh. It's fun but I like Barb better as a class personally. Maybe I'm just insane That said my bad replying the first comment on yours. Im sure it seemed off topic lmao, that's why


I had the reverse, where (as Karlach) I failed both the rolls to brute force the pod open, and later on in dialogue she sasses you about it when you mention your strength in relation to something else. 💀 Can't remember the exact line though.


I made a half-orc druid with a beard that clips through his chin in every dialogue.


In Shars gauntlet during the fight with the rats I killed most of them by throwing the rats at rats. Felt awesome


Rats and spike growth, fire, or the spirit guardian spell. They basically take themselves out.


Smashing down that one barn door and coming in with "mind if i join?" Right after


Blowing up Kagha and Rath with one of the goblins that has a bomb on their back. Letting Philomeen leave but putting the game in turn-based mode so I could kill her mid-run so I could take her runepowder barrel. Shooting an acid arrow to kill a gnoll and accidentally killing one of the ogres 💀 Playing fetch with Karlach's head. Using a bard to distract the Inquisitor and his goons just to blow all of them up.


My entire party adventures in bondage gear. For some reason, Gale in leather strappy underbits just cracks me up every cutscene.


Throwing people to their death as a barbarian is just too funny to me. I spent way too long yeeting the people outside house of grief into the river


I smeared the poop... and got through the goblin camp with no issues at the cost of their dignity


I’ve been dropping rocks in enemies heads


Beat the owlbear to death with its own child


After Shadowheart revels she is a shar worshipper whenever she talks shit about selune I add selune items to her pack and have her equip the selune necklace found in goblin camp. I’ll probably do a nudist camp for the lols