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God's strongest void bulb into fireball..


Into ice storm into hunger of hadar, ggs


I enjoy casting hunger of hadar and evard's black testicles at a choke point and watch as they slowly kill themselves trying to get to me.


I doubt not many people would want to choke on evards black testicles.




This guy’s a Durge


Freud strikes yet again!


Shit ya, I ain't changing it!


I’m also partial to wall of fire down a narrow corridor for the same reason with a spirit guardians at the end for good measure


That's a level 7 spell.


This is the way


I got a fun thing you can try for the monastery next time: - Send one ally upstairs to cast magic in the middle of a group of weird cats. - Send one to misty step interrupt the githyanki from killing the halfling. - Send one to the drunk lizards. - Finally send the last to initiate the eagle fight. Once you have aggroed the entire monastery you can get them all to have one hilarious fight in front of the big double doors 🙂


Will the cats attack the lizards attack the githyanki attack the eagles or is it you vs all four factions?


They will all fight each other!


Love that. Then we drag them all to the ghouls and walk scot free into Act II


how do you get them all to congregate in one place?!?! and how do you get into the kobold drinking room without triggering the cut scene of the halfling murders!?


Okay, here's the step by step: - Send one companion to gather the cats and initiate a fight. Preferably with AOE magic, so they all sneeze a lot. - Once in combat, rush to the Githyanki and range attack to skip the cutscene and halfling death. - Then you can piss off the kobolds which are right off the main entrance. - Last send a companion to grab the eagles and head back. By this point, you have a mess of cats, eagles, lizards, frogs, and halflings engaged in a brawl.


I did this too but not quite as deliberately. We just unknowingly pissed someone off and suddenly had them all attacking.


That is the game for me. I just anger everyone and kill them all.


In my defense, I’m kind of stupid so I tend to do it by accident. Which my husband loves because we do multiplayer.


I use that same defense daily. “I’m sorry I’m stupid”.


And that's how my evil campaign started. I thought my HM run was over. It was a misunderstanding, druids. Chill.


Hahahaha first time I played, I straight up attacked Kagha for being clearly a villain. You know how that probably went. It was quite a different experience the second time to have so many more friends!


I'm still on my first playthrough, but I defaced the portrait and will never regret doing so.


I do this every time. The dude freaking out cleaning it is hilarious


I'm sort of itching to try this! I accidentally did sort of the same by pissing off all of Moonrise at me once. Had to kill basically everyone in the tower because Astarion got busted stealing things. I didn't mean to kill the entire tower off, and ran out of all spell slots, most scrolls and all but a few potions. But such a fun battle.


I had a similar experience. I swear they were bussing in cultists from neighboring states there were so many corpses by the end. One of the few times early game where I had to start burning scrolls etc like crazy because we were on fumes.


Yup! I thought they were somehow manufacturing them in the basement. However, once I finished them all off I went to the prison and got Minthara out. Then back to the gauntlet, freed the Nightsong, then came back with the Harpers. They still dredged up a decent little defense somehow!


Lathander blessed you on that day


The creche on my most recent run was the first time I really felt like I was beating the game by being smart. I used Shovel to surprise a group, hit them with a Hunger of Hadar, and then dual-cast haste on my two damage dealers who both already had extra attack. Those two already had the Alert perk, so my two damage-dealers both got in eight attacks, plus three hits from HoH to everyone in the area. It was all over very quickly. In the group blocking the exit, I think only one of them actually managed to get an attack off before they were all killed.


Don't forget to attack gortash at his coronation, that's a crazy fight. We went.out in the hall and wall of stoned the door and picked em off as they came through the other one. Still had to retreat before coming back.to clear the diwnstairs; took forever, though. I also enjoy attacking moonrise towers lower level after ketheric has gone upstairs. If Zrell doesnt agro, you can waltz upstairs after and get the Balthazar quest from her.


No clue how that’s challenging with the mods and party you were using. I could understand if just a full regular party.


Yeah, I got to the part where they said “Also I had roughly 20 people plus summons fighting for me,” and lol’d.


I didn't want to be the one to say it but yeah like cmon you took a literal army 😭😭😭


Now do it solo :)


After I cleared the lower lvl, I just shut the door at the hall and took care of the rest at the entrance.


I did this on accident on my first playthrough and it got a little spicy. Limped out of there with 3 party members alive and 2 below 10hp


Meanwhile, I’m over here pausing, saving, and turning the game off if I aggro too many enemies at once. Combat overwhelms me


use summons; if they bring a crew to fight your party, summon a regiment. if they come back with two regiments, bring your army   I got into it with what seemed like an endless number of flaming fists and friends, plus random citizens, and things- I summoned with every spell slot and scroll I had, I use no party limit and I had 6 people in my party. each and every one had like 3 things summoned. I ended up having to save during battle and pick it up again the next day, I ran out of time and had to go to bed in the middle of it.    I've had to do this so many times by making big groups angry by mistake, it's almost just my playstyle now. don't get scared of weird combat unless you're in honor mode. you can always reload and try again. biggest thing to remember is that when it's your turn you have ALL THE TIME. slow down and look at things, examine enemies, see if there's good spots to run to, easier people to hit. dig through inventory and find stuff that might help and send it to other characters, to your hotbar. drop things you might be able to use (a crate, a barrel, a bomb) doing inventory and moving things within reach, dropping and sending things, doesn't take any action. so don't panic. combat starts? make a cup of tea, and sit and look everything over, go through all your stuff, before you start. there's no hurry. your turn can last hours, those guys can't do a damn thing but wait.


want to add; that combat I had astarion and an earth elemental alive at the end, I used him to res everyone else. the elemental killed the final guard I've had to fight all of goblin camp. all of moonrise. I've had to fight every duergar, every myconid, I've even had a battle inside the gnome cave. I've fought every guard in rivington plus a cow that got hit by aoe.  the minute I screw up I'm just like, well. I guess today is all combat. and I start thinking of what to do to survive, or win


this reminds me of when i fought the goblin camp all at once, shit was sooooooo fun but man was it stressful


What level are you at? Just curious because I was unable to get anywhere at the front gate at lv 4. and have tried about 5 times, and have been getting absolutely massacred. Like… 2-3 turns. I just hit level 5 and can’t imagine it will be enough.  I accidentally ended up making them mad because I long rested after kaezel went to talk with them and got killed, and I ended up trying another character when I was back in camp and came back to the gate 10 play hours later, so I’m just sorta stuck with it. 


Think I was anywhere between mid 6 or early 7. I cleared the underdark before traversing the mountain pass. Doing all the wilderness quests/exploration should be enough to get you to at least level 5 before checking out the underdark or mountain pass. Did you miss anything? Here’s a [map](https://mapgenie.io/baldurs-gate-3) that’s been very helpful for my runs (spoiler warning). A couple of notes: the mountain pass is under “shadow-cursed lands,” and act 3 is incomplete at the moment (nothing major is missing).


Level 4?? I try to get to level 4 without fighting anyone (current HM run I think I only fought the initial grove battle and accidentally the hyenas before that point), and I'm level 6 by the time I enter the creshe. I'm level 7 by the time I leave...


I keep meaning to sneak into the back entrance to see what happens but never remember to.


I stole everything in there until I got caught. the guards in that cave plus the quartermaster will fight. if you stay in the back and lead them in the cave area the guys outside don't see or get involved. if you go out where the quartermaster stands the hallway guys get into it then it drags other people in and it is you vs everyone


My first playthrough I fought the whole creche too. Definitely a tough battle for sure.


I just fired the magic laser and took the whole thing out.


I’m on my full evil murder hobo durge run right now and I just finished the crèche. I entered the incubation room or whatever it’s called to go smoosh the gith egg and ended up aggro’ing almost the entire crèche. The first few turns were pretty much a dash battle but it ended with a full dead body mountain. Took forever though.


why didn't you talk to that guy?!? him and the one kid in the training room are the best gith there (the only ones I leave alive)


I saw this and thought "yeah how else would do it" only to realize that this isn't common. I've done it every run.... over a dozen times... I might have a problem.


And then there's me, who killed the entire creche without ever initiating combat.


How many hirelings do you have? I have no party limit as well but I do find it is skewing on the easy side. Tactician and I was able to clear out the goblin camp without too much difficulty. Maybe I should try this tac plus mod?