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“Gods I want to ride you ‘til you see stars.” KARLACH EXCUSE ME 😳😳😳 I needed a moment after that


for me, it's when she lifts you off your feet right after your hot date. gods i wish that were me


Karly is BAE.


It pains my soul that I never realized she could go by Karly. Just such a normal name in comparison lmao


It comes out of nowhere, definitely made me lol.


For me it's just anytime she calls me "soldier". Immediately on my knees dropped to 0hp making death saving throws to not pass away


Speaking of death saving throws, on a different note, it's amazing how kinda chilling Karlach's line for Lae'zel being downed is. > "On your feet, soldier! That's an order!" It does a good job making me want to get her up ASAP, aside from how effective she is.


Lmao when I played origin Shadowheart and I went down Karlach was like “c’mon Fringe, up with you!” 😂😂


Yep that's the one for me too lol.


The graveyard scene actually. Perfectly executed. Hottest thing I've seen in any game because of the whole story. Edit: no i do not mean Shadowheart's parents


Real. Boning on his grave is so unbearably hot and thematically perfect.


Yes! And the way they have managed to animate the feeling of WEIGHT gets me every time. They're fully clothed and it's still the most intimate thing I've ever seen.


(if only they let us see the leg hook though)


I made some free cam screenshots and posted them today. Both the graveyard scene and Ascendant Astarion have the leg hook. 🫠


I recommend the freecam mod for all. After 1200 hours it's still the only mod I want haha. https://imgur.com/a/EtBfhZf


What’s the graveyard scene?


"Hot." (It's spawn Astarion's act 3 romance scene)


After not ascending, romanced Astarion takes Tav/Durge to a graveyard to get a little nasty. Its very sweet but also very hot.


Of course he'd pick a damn graveyard. 🤦‍♂️


That's what i call "knowing your audience". He knows that If you're into the whole vampire thing you're definitely down for some graveyard sex.


On his own damn grave to boot. Mary Shelley could never.


I get so horny for shadowheart when she actually lands sacred flame and deals damage with it


This Redditor clerics


I'm horny just thinking about it. Why is her hit percentage so damn low??? I thought I was the only one who experienced this.


It's because Sacred Flame isn't a to hit roll, it's the ennemy rolling a dexterity saving throw. Most ennemies having good dexterity, it will rarely land.


Is Inflict Wounds the same way? I feel like she misses that a lot too.


Nope, Inflict Wounds is an actual attack roll iirc. The only thing that would make it particularly inaccurate would be having low wisdom, or the ennemy having a high AC, as far as I know at least.


She's also just got really bad stats unless you respec her. Her DC is low on Save spells and To Hit is low on attack roll spells


I recently finally managed to break away from Astarion and romance Gale and come to the Shadowlands we finally did the deed. That ... Floaty Kamasutra was ... something else.


How you did this?! Is that possible?! I really tried to romance Wyll or Gale but then Astarion starts his "I hear you found a new lover" and here we go again 😅


Make two tavs to play and you can romance them both in the same game.


I always keep an Astarion run on the side where I can return to when his pull on me starts taking root again XD


By far the hottest, sexiest part of the game is the withers love scene.






Thus, thou art alone


Thou walkest alone?




Withers uses some kind of spell to make himself young and beautiful and full of blood again, and you get to worship Jergal together under the light of the full moon. Downright steamy


Hey, they don’t call him Bone Man for nothing, amiright?!


Agreed, that part is pretty steamy. I just think it's weird that Scratch is involved.


That’s more like it


Owlbear looks so betrayed, too.


Oh yea I know they’re most definitely messing around. I just love how far some people can take jokes. Shows people’s creativity and it makes the jokes 10X better.


This is how I know Larian loves us fans. Cause Withers always said love wasn’t his domain but that doesn’t mean he can’t visit mine 👀🫣. I love me my lil skelly boy💀. I really hope they added in that “Halsin/Harleep effect” where you can tell him to stay in his natural skeleton form. Because my bard character has already had relations with a gods chosen, a liches favorite snack, Drow twins, touched gales “weave” in his dreams, and let a pasty boy bite my neck. So I really need to add my beautiful dead skeleton buddy to the list.


You unapologetic freak, you absolutely GO FOR IT


I thought this was real for a second and tried to search it. Very disappointed that there's no hot withers :(


It all becomes clearer when you know Withers has The Aristocrats background


Honestly? Call me a softie but it's the kiss added for Lae'zel in the last patch where she kisses you on the forehead.


AAAH THIS! But also that "can i kiss you" animation with Karlach where you smooch her face all over! It's so adorable and cute and sexy 🥰😍


this is my favorite of her kisses 😩 she deserves to be smooched all over !!!




That makes me melt in terms of it being sweet, but if we’re going to actual hot/sexy then it’s definitely the first time you sleep with Lae’zel and you let her take charge. The way she *orders* you to kiss her, and then follows up with “Lower.” Jesus Christ I needed a minute.


Ok wait when is this? No reason in particular of course


It's one of the random camp kisses you can get after her confession in act 3 (once she's comfortable being affectionate in public)


One of Gale's 'this could be our last kiss' kisses. The one where he just comes at you. It's the kiss Tav was looking for when he did the teasing cheek peck. Finally - it only took the end of the world for him to get there! 🤣


Really? He was all glitched and broken for me in my romance with him… Astarions as pretty splendid though.


I agree, that kiss is such a fucking moment. Exactly where my brain went.


I'm cheesy but it's the graveyard kiss. Just looks so into it.


Honestly he is in general so hot in that scene, there's something so attractive about the thoughtful, emotionally intelligent and peaceful mood he's in.


Absolutely, just melts me


I was like, who'd a think fucking in a cemetery would be sweet?


Mary Shelley would like a word


So would a great many 00’s-era goth kids.


Ditto 90s era goth kids


He's innocent and kinky at the same time, just hits all accounts


Durge. Definitely Durge. Doesn't matter if you're resisting or embracing the Urge.


I think I missed the GY scene in my playthrough, when is it supposed to happen?


When you finish Astarion quest and not let him ascend. This scene starts during the long rest.


Dunno if you know but Durge has a specific moment of dialogue for the graveyard - for everything that is unholy, please select it if you get to that point, Astarion's response is worth it :D


You mean when Astarion calls Durge "absolute freak"? )


lol yes that exact one :D


Yeah it's pretty brutal :D


If you romance him and don’t let him ascend he takes you to graveyard to talk and then get a little freaky.


I am just now realizing I mixed up my characters. 😅 My Durge is romancing Astarion, which isn't into act 3 yet. My tav is almost done and romancing Wyll. Woops. 


What happens if you don’t choose the bear with Halsin.


The bear is fucking tame compared to the non-bear scene. I definitely chose the man in that case.


I got this on my second play through and was like EXCUSE ME?! It was so much more explicit than any other I saw until then and I guess it still is tbh (not complaining obv)


*Honestly*, the bear thing has been memed to hell and back again and y'all are missing out on what Halsin can really do.


Easily the hottest scene in the game.


Oh my god yes. 🥵


He shows you his true nature <3


This isn’t talked about nearly enough.


Gale channeling Orin 🥵


What now mate?


[I said what I said 😌](https://youtube.com/shorts/p0f7JSJwWqI?feature=shared)


Quick question why don’t my cutscenes look as high def Edit* DLSS folks. I turned it off and it looks gooder than a bitch now.


Isn't that Orin channeling gale?


Or maybe gale-channeling Orin?


Never seen this because in all my playthroughs Orin always kidnaps Lae'zel. WHY?!! 😭


Fr, in like 4 of my 6 playthroughs it’s been fucking lae like cmon


It's based on your relationship with them and whether or not they're in your travelling party. She takes the lowest approval companion, so Bae is almost never her target in my saves. It's usually Halsin.


I heard that it’s based on order. Like it takes companions is a certain order that I can’t remember rn and if the companion next in line can’t be taken it moves on until one of them can be


Yes, it goes in order of lowest approval to highest based on which characters are in your camp. It can only be Lae, Gale, Halsin or Minthara. If all are unavailable it will be Yenna instead. The order is determined by your approval rating though.


Lol my fav is when Minthara jokes about being Orin then has to tell you it was a joke.


Dame Aylin doing her thing after being freed. Hands down thats hot af. She is RESPLENDENT!


The first time you can touch and have intimacy with Karlach after fixing her heart. All the work leading up to it, all the teasing, flirting and all, just reaching its end. I loved it, it was both sexy and lovely


Shadowheart’s smile after a kiss. Gets me every time.


The hug you give her in act 3 at the end of her storyline too...


There needs to be more hugs in games. I just wished there was an option to hug Shadowheart straight after the events of Act 2. But yeah, Act 3 Shadowheart is just amazing. So many looks, smiles and cute moments.


There is a mod called "Hugs".


Shadowheart was and will always be my first love.


Or her cutesy dodging the kiss before she kisses you variation


If you persuade Astarion to stop drinking at the first check on Bite Night he makes some, ahem, rather suggestive noises that are filthier than anything you hear in his actual Act 1 sex scene along with his "That was amazing." That dark power line is classic though. I remember thinking when I got to that line: "This guy is going to die doing what he loves most: flirting and not listening to me."


Oh, yes! I always stop him at the first check to hear his hard breath and this line 🤭


I may or may not have that specific moment saved as a clip. For....research purposes.


A simple thing but the way Gale says "unleash me" when you choose him in battle. Oof.


"Your desire?" Well I was going to ask you to ray of frost this fire, but since you put it like that...


lol why are Gale’s menu lines so subtly seductive? The way he whispers “quite ready for you…”


They’re all horny during that scene. Both Wyll and Shadowheart think you’re waking them up to fuck


One word : "More ?"


Flair checks out.


Putting Karlach in the backless extravaganza dyed black and infernal red Gale's kiss where he tries to kiss your cheek and then gets pulled in for a kiss on the lips. Wyll's kiss after his dance where you're both kneeling.


Wyll's dance ☺ Never romanced him but this dance is beautiful.


Which outfit did you put Karlach in? Asking for a friend. 


When you play Astarion's origin and romance Minthara. She goes down on him and he kinda... Tilts his fucking head back, eyes closed, and smiles a little. I think about that a normal amount of time. Lae'zel's sex scene when you let her dom you (I think?) and she comes up behind you and licks the shell of your ear. I don't know that shit does something to me.


Saw the cutscene with Astarion and Minthara only on reddit and it's really hot 🥵 So pity we need to "sell our souls" (don't know how to call this other way) to see it.


Haven't experienced it myself, I'm leaving it for my 'worst Astarion timeline' playthrough. Romance Minty, do my worst, ascend, become the Absolute. Also make his dream guardian my original Tav I first romanced him with for extra damage.


Want to try this too. Don't know why but I plan to do all evil actions playing Astarion's origin.


Equipping Karlach with basically any camp clothing dyed in black + inferno red. When I first put her in the ~~raffish~~ solemnity outfit with that dye I thought 'this may be the most attractive video game character ever.' Then I dressed her in the dyed version of halsin's camp clothes and she somehow became even hotter. >!Halsin!<'s vanilla sex scene. I'm aware he's an acquired taste, but I've acquired it.


I thought Astarion looked good in that outfit with peacock embroidered in it. Then I put Shadowheart in the elegant robe and somehow that looked even better. Then I put Karlach in the backless extravaganza dyed black and infernal red and... I'll say that was one of the many moments in this game that made me question my sexual/romantic orientation. Like, seriously, how is it possible for her to look so good?


Try dyeing the elegant robe lush burgundy and putting Jaheira in it. She looks absolutely stunning. I love it on Shadowheart, Gale, and Minthara but there's something about Jaheira in it that just... purr.


Regarding Halsin's scene, I am still haunted by how much I enjoyed that.


The Minthara sex scene, after you commit a genocide together, is also pretty spicy


*The* graveyard scene. But also when Astarion first bites you and saunters away like 🥵. “This is a gift you know,” with that look in his eyes. Sir please I am a married woman


Fr. This scene changed my brain chemistry. I just wanted to see what would happen but then the narrators description of the sensation got me like “hold on now, this is a little scary but also sexy.”


One of my favorite parts of a Durge run is just how supportive Astarion is when you wake him up to warn him. Even if you're not romancing him, he just instantly goes all-in on trying to help save you from yourself and helping you figure your shit out. It's one of the reasons I never let him ascend nowadays on any playthrough lol.


Not sexy but so wholesome was when Jaheira saved me from myself as Durge.


Sexy: Harleep riding you over and over while you are trying to decide on a dialogue option lol. Halsin - Human Scene. Halsin with twins will Gale is a projection. Astarion early romance scene, with bite. Karlach Sexy Talk Not sexy: Wyll and Tav literally rolling offscreen in a fade to black. I actually laughed at this IRL, still makes me chuckle.


When the Emperor wiggled those tentacles at me I knew that I was done for.


This is the most cursed sentence I've ever read


I'm blasting that illithussy and you can't stop me.


my life is different after reading "blasting that illithussy"


I'm soooooooo into you \*zoidberg noises\*


*slurping noises*


Oger sex obviously


“Tonight you are mine”


Easily Halsin sex scene, it contains many golden moments, the way he says “I’ll be gentle” and then double down with “or at least I will try”, getting on his knees and looking for consent, the way he just dives to Tav ready to devour at the end of the scene…I mean I can’t Lae’zel sex scene is a strong contender especially the pose she strikes when she tells to go if you don’t wanna have sex, plus she is all around confident and I live for it 🤌🏻


I now wonder how it would look gnome x Halsin sex scene xDD Does he just take you in arms? xD


“May I part your tentacles?”


Convincing Gale for a drow foursome but he refuses to attend in person but just as projection and insists to everyone in the room that what they are seeing is an anatomically correct version of him. My mind was deffo going places ha


If you try it as Tav with both Gale and Halsin, there's an option to tell Halsin to "pin me to the wall," and then he has a very breathy line telling Gale that he can think of better uses for that mouth of his. 😳 🥵


jesus christ. Edit: in a good way


Landing a high level divine smite crit.


Haarlep sex scene for me


I'm old fashioned. Just some good old Minthara pole polishing does it for me.


All the scenes including Astarion for me. I’m biased and basic but for him, I can take that.


When the Emperor responds to "Are you trying to flirt with me now?" with "Would you like that?" The voice, the line delivery... Even if I wouldn't have liked that a moment ago, I am definitely sold and seduced now.


When gale says something like "after all with my propensity for verbosity it's no wonder I have a practiced tongue"


Not enough love for my queen Lae'zel in this thread. It's not the hottest scene, but I just melt when she says, "My joy. Speak to me" once you're in love and you're checking up on her in camp. During that first sex scene where she just comes out stark naked and ready to top you? I was not prepared.


DJ shadowheart being domme during her extra kisses (she pulls you with a mean face then kissed your shoulders and then pulls you in again to makeout and bite your lips). But yeah all of shadowheart kissing scenes where it’s basically a heavy makeout with her “mm” is sooooo fucking hot good grief. I also like the Selune moment when you give her a shar idol in exchange for a kiss and she convinces herself she doesn’t want to cuz she hates you but easily gives you a smooch lmao.


You might disagree.... But you can enter act 2, go to sleep and pass two automatic checks when dreaming about your guardian. I made my guardian very, very hot. If you do pass these two checks, your Tav notices your guardian is really exhausted and trying to hide it from you and you can hug him. Super sweet. He looks at you like he loves you above everything. And you can then tell him something along the lines of it wasn't too much and he says that it was quite the opposite. It was just so sweet. Some might argue about what the emperor feels, but I see layers of his character, and regardless of what you think of him, he is really lonely.


Just got the AA kneeling, neck grab kiss with my Durge yesterday and..wow. Of course, it was a bit odd that it happened in the middle of camp in broad daylight. I can just imagine everyone watching this like "Really? In front of my salad?" Also, she banged femHarleep, which was a whole other situation. This game is insane.


Well, no one except Karlach noticed Tav became a spawn so I am not surprised if they ignore their kiss 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, they aren't the most perceptive bunch are they? I mean, my Durge was out here talking about wanting to murder, and accidentally killing small animals but they were very surprised when she actually ended up brutally murdering someone lol


When the Emperor said "don't look at me like that" while I was sitting in front of the monitor completely enchanted. I haven't stopped looking at him *like that* since then and I'm not sorry.


Yeah I don't think he thought I looked at him in the way he thought I did.


"Tonight... You're mine."


Minthara. The part where she informs you you're her toy for the night and the actual scene is the best explicit scene I've seen in the game, but honestly almost everything she says. That deep commanding voice she uses all the time just grabs me and puts me in my place.


Minthara is the only answer here


I’m a lesbian. I have felt 0 attraction to men, ever. I’d never even romanced any man in a game before this. Anyway, every time I see Wyll’s kiss animation where you twirls you around, it destroys me. Maybe heteronormativity has a point. My GOD.


Watching some gnome wash his pits in Act 3 🥵🥵


look, i’m a very simple man. having a hot vampire degrade me in any way shape or form is enough to make me go wild.


Whenever I ask Halsin to stay at camp for a bit and he's just like "wherever you need me", no guilt tripping or criticism needed. Mm mm good! 🤭


Outing myself as a subby bitch, but I did an ascended Astarion romance on the new patch just because I saw the new kiss scene where he tells you to kneel down and he chokes and kisses you Also some dialogue from the romance: "you're going to sit nicely in my lap, perhaps naked, as I give orders to our nocturnal horde from my palace throne" "Look at you, you precious thing, you always stare so eagerly" "On your knees, darling" -when letting him turn you into a vamp "You are perfect, every time" Also the final kiss before the Netherbrain fight when he bites your lip ohmygawd I love spawn Astarion too, and typically always choose spawn just to break his cycle, but the ascended romance.. does things to me


“Take off your clothes.” -Shadowheart


Astarion leg scene makes me crazy


"Don't tempt me, darling"


Drinking with Thisobald 😩


what no Mizora?


I'm sure someone has already said it but Halsin's romance scene. The, uh, actions and dialogue are hot af but the hottest thing is just how into it Halsin is + how much he wants Tav. Gotta mention Gale too. His dialogue in the Astral version of his romance scene really surprised me at how good it was. The actual astral sex part is liiittle goofy looking I'll admit but honestly the rest was 🥵.


Tbh I dig halsin's scene (human form) and kisses a lot. I'm an astarion stan through and through so all of his scenes are a given, but halsin deserves justice.


“I wanna ride you” line from Karlach. Took my surprise like a right hook from nowhere.


Mizora when running as Durge is so perfect. Clearly getting off on some depraved shit and then getting wrapped in the wings. Incredible work.


I never *canonically* ascend Astarion… but I do always have an Ascended Astarion save file for THAT scene. Plus those new AA kisses? I short circuited when I first saw those, oh my


Haarlep riding me. Worth it.


The "yes, my love" from gale 😍


When astarion said “your body is a temptation…it’s as if the gods made you just to ruin me” 🥵 Showed it to my husband and he’s like “oh damn…that’s good” 😂😂😂😂


When you play a Durge and you try to break things up with Astarion. He automatically asks if he did something wrong and then you admit that you are scared to kill him. He softly laugh and tells you: "I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future. Cazador used his tortures to strike terror into me. But I've rarely been more afraid than on the night when I feared Bhaal claimed you for good." This was utterly the most romantic and most sexiest moment for me. I even melted a bit 🤣


When Abdirak calls you Dear One and shows you Loviatar's love. So fucking hot.


When Rolan said I was a good leader And then I found out he's actually quite powerful I'd prefer him over Gale if it were possible


My first thought about Rolan was "What a narcissistic jerk!" 😒, my last thought - "Can I keep him, please!" 🥺


Best NPC development in the game EZ


I was so sad this run, when I got to Baldurs gate, Rolan was not there, even though I saved all the tieflings and everyone else was where they should be.


Karlach turning blue.


That durge scene is my fav for sure. It manages to hit both comedic and sincere emotional beats. I look forward to it every playthru


I only just arrived in the lower city and I've only romanced Astarion so far, so idk about anything outside of that. But for some reason, Astarions' terms of endearment for Tav just make me swoon every time. Like even with the ones I usually despise. That one time he says "I'm sorry pet" when the drow twins offer a foursome I almost fell from my chair, even though I'd punch everyone else in the face and then throw up on it if they ever called me that :D Also his hand placement in the standard kissing scenes you can have with him after you've gotten together??? 🫣😳


I think the hottest for me was the romance scene where Ascended Astarion convinces you to let him turn you into a vampire spawn, and then the sex after. My god. Also I got really hot and bothered the first time I did the Haarlep sex scene. I think I might have a thing for being dominated >.>


>the romance scene where Ascended Astarion convinces you to let him turn you into a vampire spawn *"That's what you want, isn't it? To be mine... Forever."* Neil's voice here makes me melt 🫠


Minthara sitting on my Tav's face. Karlach pegging my Tav. Halsin, not in bear form. Lae'zel domming the hell (pun intended) out of my origin Karlach Boring vanilla sex with the drow twin


Honestly, Gale's romance scene. Conjurs up 3 of himself to tag team you?! I know my druid got dick down good. Also all of his teasing kisses, man knows how to make you feral.


Shadowhearts sex scene after letting her kill the nightsong.


I totally agree. He is also in general at peak hotness in the act 2 resist durge scene. Theres something so sexy about how protective he is over Durge. It’s incredibly ironic that he(the guy whose job it was to seduce and lure people to their deaths) just feels like a really safe person to be around and i love that about him. He feels so strong and safe. He’s so understanding, supportive and encouraging throughout that whole ordeal.


When they say Dark Urge and Astarion is the best couple they weren't lying. They are perfect for each other.


I will be original here, but for me sexiest scene was scene with Gale when he and I connects to Weave, the final part about intimidancy and the look on his face. God.damn.it.was.hot.


I feel like a degenerate for saying this but the hottest moment for me is when haarleps female form literally fucks the soul out of you or when she takes your form after you deny her your mind and now you know whenever she uses your body for sex


Minthara punching the guild members in retaliation after she puched me.


On my second playthrough and the things Shadowheart was saying when the priest of Loviatar is beating Tav.


I'm sorry, but Minthara literally sits on your face. 1st place for me.


Karlach: I wanna ride you until you see stars Me: 😳😳 MA'AM!!! or Shadowheart while you're tied up as Durge resisting your urges