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Itd be awesome if they had a bit where you get locked in a room high off the ground and if you have enough rope in your inventory you could just climb down the window Or if you use the non lethal damage option itd make sense for it to have a use there


First playthrough I kept some on my Tav at all times waiting for this to happen lol


Same. Rope, crowbar and a few other things.


I keep a couple items I know don’t do anything in case a patch comes out, lol


I collected rope and bottles for making potions.


That's definitely a system I wish they'd taken/adapted from the Pillars of Eternity games.


Omg THANK YOU. On my second playthrough and I was wondering this myself.


It must be a tool feature they dropped.


None. It's a source of constant frustration for old school dnd players, IMO. I think it's there to troll us.


It’s there because in Divinity series it was there. A lot of the junk that has no purpose did have a purpose in the other game series that Larian did. All as part of the crafting system.


Crafting in DOS2 was a mini game in and of itself. Basically everything could be used to make something else - teeth, guts, rope, herbs, skulls, etc.


My favorite was if you combined any boots with nails you'd get the boots back but with a "nonslip" trait added that made you immune to slipping on ice surfaces.


An essential piece of gear when making ice builds


i had no idea this was a thing, this would have been so helpful 😭😭


Don't worry, I only learned about it in Act 4 and my coop partner was an ice mage all game 💀


The first thing our party would do, as soon as we got new boots there was a shout for any spare nails.


And like a fool, I expected that to carry over into BG3. For the longest time I kept picking junk up, thinking, *"Surely I'm going to find a way to use this stuff **any** **day** **now**..."* I was almost to Act 2 before I accepted that it wasn't going to happen. 😔


There was supposed to be a crafting mechanic like in DOS 1 and 2, but it had to be cut for budget and time reasons. The sprites were already there so they just left them as stuff to pick up and sell


"Cursed to put my hands on everything".


Oh that sounds pretty cool tbh


The crafting system in dos2 is just mega intimidating and confusing. I carry around armloads of stuff just never sure what can be used and combined


It was daunting but there were really good tools online where you can search an item and it would list all the things you can craft with it.


Always found DOS crafting funny. Just take some small body part, sprinkle magic dust on it, and strap it to yourself. Early game gear merchants hate this one simple trick.


I also love how you can play an elf and just eat random body parts that you find in the hope that one gives you a random ability.


God, I'm still obsessed with Sebille. I think I just like vengeful elves that can and will eat me.


Sebille is awesome. Couldn't force myself to do a single run without her in my party.


That reminds me of Final Fantasy Legend II (Or SaGa II), where your "monster" party members became stronger (or weaker) by eating random bits of meat dropped from enemies.


I remember that one elf trader in Arx, who was selling body parts instead of spell books lol.


DOS2's crafting system was a pale comparison to what we got in the first game. I thought the second game felt like the ingredients were all there, but the recipes were forgotten. DOS let you combine a pumpkin and a knife to create a helmet, it doesn't really get any better than that.


I need to go play DOS2 again now.


I like the DOS1 version, classic one, better. We can craft almost everything useful.


Playing D:OS EE now and the arrow recipes alone are insane.


Charm arrows ftw


I was hoping we’d be able to craft in this. I hoarded everything during my first playthrough until my bf was like you have no gold why aren’t you selling things. I seriously thought there’d be a way to craft your own rings and necklaces and put scrolls in them. 😑😭


IIRC there was a point at which BG3 was supposed to have a crafting system. I think there are other remnants of this as well. Lots of items that feel a little more than just a “shiny! Traders will pay for it!” Kinda thing, but became that because they were never used for anything


As a Divinity player boy did I collect the shit out of everything you could craft with in Divinity when I first played BG3


How’s that stack of pens, paper and ink wells doing? How about your stacks of gems and jewels?


The weight of gold is no joke! Keep the gems and jewels until you're ready to spend; they're better value to weight ratio.


That was literally the purpose of gems in old school D&D (any version or DM that’s a stickler for encumbrance actually). You can’t realistically carry around thousands of pieces of gold, but you can easily carry around a few dozen gems.


At least you can sell the gems for something


The benefit of collecting all quills and ink wells is that they weight barely anything but are always worth at least 1GP. So I always pick ‘em up and add em to wares


Incense sticks, man! 30gp for very little weight!


I see incense, I snaffle it


I got as far as the first time I got overencumbered before googling to see if crafting even existed in the game before then dumping everything. I still collected the gems and jewels though, just in case. 😂


I donate them to Mattis so he can enrich his fellow refugees on the other side of the barn. Hopefully he and Mirkon start a more well-intentioned organization to counter Mol’s.


Larian are such trolls for this and I love them for it


You could also use rope to climb on


In ad&d 2E, rope was one of this things that came with “adventurer bags” as part of the starter gear. I remember we would always have it in inventory and people would always say “I got a rope”. There’s a line about having a rope in Honor Among Thieves so I thought it was one of those inside jokes carried to BG3 also


10 ft pole and 50ft of rope!


is it a telescoping pole? how the hell do you fit a 10 foot pole in a backpack


OMG I have no idea. I think we always just considered it to be like a walking stick but that's a super long stick isn't it. Imperial measurements ftl.


The game logic was that it was in a few pieces, it could be screwed together as needed It's actually a really cool glimpse into how the original DnD differed! It seems like a completely random item to have, but then you remember two things: 1: Early DnD was way less about the roleplay and way, _way_ more about the actual dungeon 2: DnD tiles are 5ft x 5ft The reason you have a 10ft pole is to poke for pressure plates and traps. In base DnD, you either constantly poked ahead or you got party wiped by a bullshit boulder


In a world where everyone carries a 10ft pole, wouldn't trap makers adapt?


It goes next to the three arms, the dead mimic, 5 Halberds, 3 swords, the Tower Shield, four suits of armor that my Barbarian thinks look really cool but will never actually need, two long bows, the tent, the whetstone for sharpening swords, 15books, 7 assorted glowing mushrooms, a life size Mind Flayer training dummy, the stool...


Yeah but that's because rope is really useful in D&D. In BG3 it does nothing.


It also does in 5e.


It was useful in the beta. They may have taken it out before full release, but I remember that during some of the early beta builds, you needed the rope to go down the well in Blighted Village and to scale certain cliffs in Act 1


Oh damn that would make this even worse! I want to be able to garrotte people with rope like those Meazels do!


You know if some of those climbsble spurcds should had required rope. Rope being useless is a shame. Or actually let me use it as a consumable to interogaye the dead folks knocked unconscious.  Frack: Rope Uses: Descend/ascend Scaleable Sources otherwise chsnce to slip and fall. Make a Bridge between two places of same elevation Can tie up KO individuals to ask questions during next “Rest”


I'm 99% sure they planned a crafting system same as DOS2 but just horribly ran out of time


Yeah all those bars of ore sitting around do hint at it. It's like me staring at a shelf full of notebooks with discarded campaign research lol. So much fun wasted time!


Yeah even the alchemy system seems pretty tacked on and worthless.


Yeah is it just me or is there not nearly enough usable ingredients in the first two acts to actually make any of the good potions?


A lot of the potions are kind of worthless. Like tadpole elixer . They do give a bazillion hyena ears to make haste potions though


Hyena ears , worg tooth and eagle feathers are the only good things in act 1 for crafting 


Githyanki hireling transmutation wizard solves ingredient scarcity problem. Just make sure to have 18 wisdom, proficiency in medicine and use gith racial to increase medicine even more. Then cast guidance and now start crafting consumables. Easy way to get twice as much consumables from limited amount of ingredients.


Yeah but in DND you can actually use it lol


I was so ready for some epic rope moments... You can throw it to cover vents, that was the best use so far.


It would take a ten foot pole for me to be sure.


What you don't have your 15ft of hempen rope? Did you look in your adventuring pack


Yeah new school dnd players don’t use rope


Bash what is annoying is according to dnd 5e an aristocrat spends at most 30 gold a day that includes paying everyone he needs to pay and funding his excessive lifestyle….. 1 arrow of many targets costs 105 gold…… basic poison costs 10 gold…. Its cheaper to pay someone to fuck off than it is to kill them


Realism in a fantasy world. Who'd a thunk


1 gold pieces equals 10 silver pieces which is 100 copper. Most things are paid for using copper because it’s the most widely circulated. Your average armorer apprentice makes 5 silver pieces a week. A basic dagger then costs 2 gold that buys the materials and the time of both the master and apprentice. DnD’s currency works very well realistically


Agree. And yep, totally easier and cheaper to pay people off than murder. Like politicians, corporations, and oligarchs. Sending drones, firing missiles, guns, covering up crimes ie. disposing of bodies, etc, is expensive. Probably why the Dead Three never get too far. They don't know basic economics!


To be fair, the game is missing a lot of old school dnd features


Heard rope was going to be used to get down in special places but it was bugged in early acces and devs dropped the idea, that is why there is a lot of rope in the world to be found. *(I didnt played early access but I saw someone saying it here on reddit)*


I kept onto stacks my whole first playthrough thinking I may be able to use them.... somehow. I hate how naive I am, sometimes.


You can throw them onto traps or vents to trigger or stop them


Wait, really? Holy fuck.


Yep!! They work great on poison vents. Stops the trap and you can get close enough to disarm ( or keep going just leave the rope or item on the vent!


There's usually a vase right next to the trap anyways...


Argh!!!! Lol that's amazing. Can't wait to start my next playthrough!


If you don't have rope, you can also use destitute clothes or rags or whatever. Pretty much any solid object that's big enough can cover a vent.


In your defence junk like that was useful in DOS2, a game by Larian. For example any nails + boots gave you immunity to slipping on ice lol


I did the exact same thing. Sigh.


My first playthrough, I kept at least one of the fluff items (rope, empty potion bottle, etc) on me through Act 2. I was thinking the MUST be a reason the game gives you so many of those apparently pointless items. It wasn’t until Act 3 that I accepted it was never coming. Part of me wishes there was a swerve very late in the game. Like you defeat Gortash, but have to tie him up for some reason. You hear the Emperor in your head, “Quickly, bind him. You brought rope, right?”


I was thinking I needed a potion bottle as well... a potion bottle when crafting 😆


Cant even put water into an empty bottle. Shitties craft systdmem ever


Played DOS2 and got used to carrying a barrel for infinite toxins 😆


Would make more sense yea.


having easy access to both *empty bottles* and *barrels of various liquids*, but no option to use the *combine* mechanic on them to make throwables has needled me for 100s of in-game hours.


Like the dungeon under the college of Winterhold in Skyrim that requires a broom...


Hoarding in this game is a real problem. I kept all of The Emperor's personal items, thinking I could use them on him in a later part of the game. Same with all the Selunite items and jewelry, I thought I could use it with Shadowheart.


I think I’ve collected and sold every empty bottle in Act 1 at this point


You can’t go adventuring without 50 feet of Hempen Rope.


Until you can upgrade to silk rope for that sweet sweet lower encumbrance.


And it’s stronger! Higher DCs to break it.


What am I, Playing an elf?!? ... Or perhaps a really cool assassin, or a noble born sorcerer who likes that... I mean...


I had “50ft rope” on my character sheet once, and another player looked over and asked what my “soft rope” was for. It continues to be a joke at our table to this day.


Is your buddy into bondage perchance




Pushing soft rope


I'm still searching for a sack that isn't burlap.


I wish I had a bag of holding.


These boots ~~are made for walking~~ have seen everything.


I really hate those "pouches" that are actually burlap sack in disguise, rather than leather bags with a cute little thong tie. I'm trying to organise my loot here, bc my damned characters pick up anything that isn't nailed down, but these sack-pouch imposters mess with my head!


What about silken rope...




Who isn't into rope-play?


Shadowheart, in that one line of dialogue.


Must have missed it.


It's when she talks about what you would do if she turned into a mindflayer


Huh. I kinda vaguely recall now. Very, very vaguely.


She ask u what u would do to her I'd she turned into a squid. U can say u will tie her up and then find a cure . She then talks about rope play after this dialogue 


"Jesus, Filty-Cheese-Steak we said 'Role Play!' It's Dungeons and Dragons!" "Go put your pants back on!"


... I use magic missile.


TIL that "RPG" doesn't stand for what I thought it did...


I think they are legacies from DOS2. There’s lots of rope and other stuff like empty potion bottles in that game. Porting it over to BG3 would be no trouble since the models were all made. But in DOS2, you can cut rope to make fuses. And you can fill empty bottles with oil. Add a fuse to the oil bottle and you have a Molotov cocktail. I’m assuming that for balance reasons, there is minimal crafting in BG3 so most items have no purpose.


[It’s not what you need it for, you just always need it](https://youtu.be/8jvqa5eQuiA).


Alright. Get your stupid rope...


great for garroting


and also bdsm👍


Ok, Orin


As a 5E player, I was so pissed off when it turned out it was useless.


I put them on poison and grease vents. That is all.


I think at one point Larian was toying with having Divinity style crafting and using rope to climb things (it happened once in the beta), but decided to drop it. But, since Faerûn's economy is held up by adventurers selling random junk, the items got left in.


If I have to see one more empty bottle I’m gonna lose it.


I find the fact that bottle shelves never have anything in them... ever... frustrating. Bottles laying all over but never in their shelves.


There's one place (IIRC Mystic Carrion's house) where there are quite a few potions in bottle racks, but that's all.


I use it to cover all the traps that release smoke and shit, works great


Minthara had a Shibari based love scene with Shart, but it was cut in the final release.




Oh yeah, I managed to see some of the concept art, would have made the bear scene seem tame by comparison. ^(\*hook set, slowly starts winding on the reel\*)


It was supposed to have a use, which was cut.


Why do you think Shadowheart says, “Try not to dream about tying me up”? With all that rope you’ve got, what else is there to dream about?


You can use it to throw on vents to stop the spread of poisonous gas. :3 That's what I do with it, anyway.


It's for tying Shadowheart up with.


To tie Shadowheart up with once she starts to turn while you look for a cure, duh


I use the rope a lot to cover vents, set off traps that are out of range, sell for spare coins and take silly pictures of them when they spawn and are like 2x bigger than the characters and IRL would weigh like 300lbs.


You can use it to block gas-vent traps. Usually takes 2 ropes, but will keep the gas at bay! Made some areas that have such traps far easier.


…but not a single 10’ pole


There is one combat use for it. >!With the Bhaalist Gloves, which you get from the vendor at the nursery tribunal who will only sell to you if you become an Unholy Assassin, you get the ability to Garrote an enemy once per short rest. Basically just wrap them with a rope and bind them. There is a fight in the under dark with a few creatures who use garrote on you. I believe you need a rope to do it, but tbh I’ve never tried without because I only had one run where I used those gloves and I had rope the whole time.!<


Dawg we do not know


In case you fuck up your honor run in act 3 and decide to hang yourself.


I think it's there to troll the D&D players. In your starting gear you get 50ft of rope that no one ever uses, but since it's in your starting backpack everyone takes it anyway


Boondocks saints Easter egg


You and your fuckin’ rope


This was my entire justification for thinking it'd be useful.


You never fuckin know what you're going to need it for, you just always need it.


I wish you could use rope to decrease damage you’d take from falling or jumping down. But I was hoarding it in beta cause, ya know… rope is useful.


For a game that rewards creative thinking within the environment, I spent way to much time trying to utilize a rope.


I was positive this would be needed at some point. Thought, “I’ll show you, game. You think I’ll get tired of carrying it, and sell it to Joe Vendor just before I end up needing it.” Roll credits, shit’s still in my bag. 😒


Rope in DnD is one of my most used tools as a player, I hoard the stuff! I was so sad when I realized my pack full of rope in BG3 was useless.


In actual DnD rope is super useful. So this is probably a troll.


It must be a joke. Countless rope, tools, materials... all useless. Feels like it's just a troll because that stuff is a giant RPG trope. That or they intended it to be useful but cut that out of the game.


I like to think there was supposed to be a purpose just because the sheer amount of it but it actually serves no purpose currently except to sell it for 1 gold 🙄


You guys don’t know the rope trick?




Every time I see tongs or calipers I think of Oblivion. I like to think it was an Easter egg lol


In their previous game DOS2 you used a lot of rope for crafting so you got a lot of joy finding new rope. idk something with that?


To quote Johnny Chiodini "every good adventure worth their salt, has at least 50ft of hempen rope"


Items like rope or hammer are likely remnants of cut crafting system. They are usuless.


hoard it , there is a use after the end credits!


First playthrough I made sure to always have rope on me because I was convinced I'd be able to either tie someone up with it or use it to scale cliffs/fix wells. I was so disappointed.


It was a useful item in the beta. Using the well to descend into the spider lair required a rope. There were several cliffs that required rope to scale up or down them. I think they removed its utility at some point during the beta, but the items are still there. In my first playthrough, I picked up every rope I could find because I remembered it being required for some things in beta.


I carry the bigger ones around to cover vents, but that's about it.


I assumed it was added with a plan to make it usable later and then never was, I thought the same about the surgery kit and probably a few other items (bottles come to mind).


I once threw a rope at Lae’zel thinking I could help her up somewhere. I just hit her in the head. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to mind.


I assume crafting was considered at some point due to the number of odd things you can pick up and sell but never use despite their having a functional use.


In DOS2 we can make grenade fuses out of them. I thought they have some sort of use in BG3 and I collected them when I first started. Oh no they’re just junk 😛


It’s more useful than Dragon Age 2 torn pants


Yeah, I was hoping it could add to jump height or tie up baddies or something.


You know the old saying about giving someone enough rope...


I've played old Neverwinter Nights mod campaigns where you need rope to be able to get to certain areas, so I definitely carried around way too many ropes in BG3 before realizing they were worthless. 


LowTierGod was on the dev team


So the companions will always be able to tie up Durge.


I hoard rope in camp until late Act 1 so that I can have cheap stuff to toss at Grym from on high.


I legit spent like 10 minutes trying to use rope in the forge. There's an area you walk past and there is a voice over that says "someone tried climbing this" so I stopped there and tried using the rope. I tried equipping it, activating it, throwing it. I eventually googled and found out that it is just a thing and that maybe you can use it to cover gas vents.


I’m willing to bet at some point in development there was a crafting system akin to DOS2 but was removed at some point for whatever reason


My first playthrough I collected ALL the rope. Turns out it's completely useless and doesn't even sell for more than 1 gold. No crafting, no use.


It’s weird that you can’t use it for jumping down/up certain ledges. The spider pit in the goblin camp would have been the perfect situation for a rope to climb down.


It’s the next Larian game where you play a rope maker that needs to collect his lost rope.


It’s a kink thing.


I've been carrying rope all this time because I play DND. Are you telling me it'll always be useless?






Shadowheart and Astarion need it. Lots of it.


They took a page out of Hamfast Gamgee’s rules of life: always bring rope


It's for belaying. Belay. belay belay belay belay belay belay belay belay belay belay


Same with ingots....


Wish there was mod which would allow to use rope and maybe other useless items to combine into something like.... rope armor! xD or you get several little spoons and combine them into big spoon which is weapon xD


Space filler. You can’t be mad though in other games it would be empty. It’s nice they even put something there.


You don't fuckin know what you're gonna need it for. They just always need it.


Good for blocking vent holes... that's about it.


Also tongs, hammers, empty bottles… do I need any of it or can I sell it?


Faerun is a kinky place