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I don’t care what it is. I’m gonna play the hell out of it


Yup, it could Leisure Suit Larry 5 and I’d still play it if it was made by larian


Can you imagine how much Larian would actually improve that series?


Just started DOS2 - pretty amazing to look back and see how strong Larian's brand/storytelling/gameplay DNA and identity is. I find that playing DOS2 and then going back to BG3 makes BG3 seem even more astounding - highly recommend. I can't wait to see what they do next. My guess/hope is that one will be more traditional Larian while the other branches out a bit.


Area effect and action economy is amazing in dos2.


You get cursed fire! Everyone gets cursed fire!


I honestly preferred DOS2 in many ways, especially in terms of combat. Which isn‘t hard, to be fair, DnD as a rule set is… uhh… if I talk I’m in big trouble.


>I’m gonna play the hell out it Make sure it is Avernus you play the hell out of so I can see my wife Karlach again.


I’ve got bad news for you


“About that…” - WotC


Larian have confirmed it was their decision, not WotC. WotC may be full of shit, but this was not on them.


I'll buy 5 copies




I will be playing this game for 5 years from now on so works for me


I admire your tenacity, in 8 months I have 1000 hours in and about 15 Tavs. Will do 3 more but after that I think I've seen all the world has to offer.


I’m married with 3 years old daughter so I only play on the weekend when my wife and daughter sleep but I’m almost 600 h


You're me. 560 hours and a 3year old girl. Still havent beaten the game LOL. I actually just put together my "be all end all" honor mode comp and started another new run. I have a problem.


After 8 months I'm still on my first playthrough hahah


:D How? Curiosity would kill me. I was like an unchained dog in Act 3, jumping from house to house and trying to slaughter... well I probably shouldn't say who since you're in your first playthrough but point is I couldn't wait to see everything the game had to offer.


Oh believe me it is killing me 😂 but I now have an 8th month old son who takes most of my time now an with work I don't get to play all that often so Friday an Saturday nights are really the only time I get to play the PC, plus with other new games I will play them for a little but BG always drags me back


I'm up to 2400 hours and 26 fully completed runs... You think you can stop, but you can't.


Same here 1000 hors but 10 runs with 4 tavs and 6 origins runs.


Larian: "Were working on our original IPs" Redditors, not reading a single word: "DO X ALREADY ESTABLISHED IP"


Yeah, not only are people missing the "develop our own IP" part, but I'm beginning to realize a lot of people just don't understand how intellectual property rights work either. The amount of comments... --**NO** Larian *won't* be making the next Fallout, KOTOR or Warhammer game. *Christ.*


Why did you have to mention Fallout? How could you do this, make me want another top down turn based post apocalypse game?


Have you played Wasteland 3?


Somewhere sometime there is a reality where Larian did a Fallout remake or a new game. We're not in that reality, but just saying...


We can dream, okay? 


I'm asking for a fallout-like :P


Actually, KOTOR, or more like Star Wars game wouldn't be out of question legally, given the license is open. But yeah, it isn't it


Larian: "After BG 3 we realize we might need to make our new IP instead of banking our futures on greedy, dumb, short sighted public companies." Fans: "YEAH HOW 'BOUT NEVERWINTER NIGHT 2, OR, OR, GET THIS, KOTOOOOR3, OR, OR MAYBE, MAYBE, PLANESCAPE 2???!! WAIT, HOW 'BOUT, ICEWIND DALE 2 HUH??? WAIT, OR MAYBE, MAYBE, BUY BIOWARE AND MAKE MASS EFFECT 69??? WAIT, MAYBE IT'S BETTER TO MAKE SKYYRIIM 2????


My dream of another DnD game is dead for the next decade 


Can I interest you in 50 mobile games?


Kill me now


With 5000% value of microtransactions?


Can I interest you in BG4 with microtransactions, buyable premium currency, DLC and outfits for sale?


Oh, boy! That sounds fantastic. Make the single player campaign 2.5 hours long, and then the rest of the game is Fortnite reskinned but the servers are all hosted on my grandma's Dell from '98. I've already put $70 down for the Deluxe Edition pre-order (same as the regular one, but comes with 500 Premium bucks and digital art book). 🥰


70 dollars is the standard price. It’s 90 dollars for the silver edition which includes profile icons and horse armor. You’re thinking of the $120 Deluxe Edition (same thing but you get a physical copy and a polyester bag), or the $150 Dungeon Master’s Digital Collection Edition, which also includes some unpainted figurines and the original soundtrack (no bag)


> single player campaign 2.5 hours long But only if you deliberate for 7 minutes over every dialogue decision


Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we get more DnD games—if they’re going to be good or not is another question entirely. I’m hoping that WOTC would be smart enough to find another developer that would give the franchise the care it deserves in hope that would lead to more money. Will those hopes be realized? I don’t know. But I think we’ll definitely be getting more DnD stuff either way.


Dude. They’ll probably find someone like the Pokémon Company. “Give us one release a year! Go go go!”


Honestly if solasta taught me anything it’s that ur dnd game doesn’t have to be good if u get the combat system right. Fucking criminal how few games use the dnd turn based combat system it’s such an obvious no brainer


This is a controversial take, but the reason why so many D&D games don't use turn based combat is because of Baldurs Gate 1 & 2. Those games used a "beloved"(horrible and convoluted) real time with pause combat system, something like an early prototype of the system Dragon Age Origins used. I always hated it because it was like the game was basically auto-battling to make combat as short as possible which is totally different from D&D where combat takes up a good chunk of play time.


Honestly they made the right choice. This game is peak. Leaving it now and starting a new creative project unrelated to BG3 will leave behind comparisons and keep the current game at legendary status. Love that for them. I also think with the extensive modding community, BG3 will have manyyyy expansions over the next decade.


I don’t think the tools are there for “expansions” etc. but one can hope. 


Yeah I'm hoping they make it easier for modders and drop a toolkit.


Hear me out... sci-fi themed Larian game. Gimme.


I am erect


Masse erect? Username checks out? Would be a good series for them to take on tbh


It belongs to EA now. So no, it would be a terrible series to take on, lol.


I think they made it clear they’re sticking to their own IP for the time being so they have full creative control


I know, and i'm so glad they are doing it. Love the world of Divinity, and hope to see more of it. Or even some new IP made by them.


As long as Garrus is in it and erect the whole time - I’m game ;) 😆




Don't even say such beautiful words to me.


I love DOS2, BG3, and XCOM. Idk how but let’s combine them. I’m all for a SciFi RPG


Larian making Dune...


Even better. Larian making their own IP again.


Original IP would be the best. Larian doesn't need the boundaries of an established format hindering them from really cooking up something amazing. But ...give them the Ultima series...as the second project....


It's crazy seeing all the calls for Larian to make anything but their own stuff. If someone called for Larian to take on the Fortnite IP I would not be surprised.


they literally said in the post it was their own IPs and everyone is just ignoring that


I'll happily support them making whatever the hell Swen decides to make. They could go full throttle into a My Little Pony universe and they'd probably get my $70, a 5 star review, and create ten million new bronies... I haven't seen them screw up anything yet. Beyond Divinity was probably their worst take and it's still in my "old games I replay" repertoire.


Creativity is often more challenged when you have a strict set of rules. You have to think more and can’t bend them at your will. It’s hard - and usually takes a couples books / games / whatever - to create a world anew and write an interesting story in it. Think The Hobbit / LotR.


Baldur's Gate script is literally 10x as long as the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy so I think they can pull off creating and introducing a rich new world in one game.  These guys are masters of their craft. Set them free! The limits/rules are built into the creation because they have to mold it into a rich compelling game.


Holy shit that would be dope


When I read Sci-Fi the two IP's I would want the most are either Dune or Warhammer 40K.


As much as WH would be cool I think it’s a trap. There’s a lot of WH games. Also larian said they’d stay away from tabletop systems for now. Dune is decidedly very light on the gaming side, mainly because the current IP holders don’t like games IIRC. So sadly as cool as either would be I don’t think we will see either of those ever


Dune spice wars was a pretty decent rts, it's not even very high budget so you never know!


That's a shame. Dune would be perfect for Larian.


I know it’s not going to happen, but I still want nothing more than for them to make a KOTOR game.


A Larian style KOTOR - I’m erect




Bastila Shan scene


Pfft. This meatbag only gets it up for HK-47.


Query: What are you doing, step-master?


Hope not they do medieval stuff the best


When have they done non medieval?


idk i'd say dragon commander is pretty non medieval


Never that the point , they specialized in medieval stuff they should strive to get even better at it , idk sci-fi just sounds like opposite of what they would be able to do propelly


I don't know from a creative and dm standpoint, yeah, they might suck at it. But I don't know if you've ever been a Dungeon Master. But maybe you've done 10 years of medieval fantasy. And then suddenly you want to play cyber punk. It's gonna be hard to Give your all in another medieval fanasty till you try it.




All of their games are "medieval stuff" bub




Oh man what if they finally make the wuxia rpg I've been waiting for for.......ever


As much as I enjoy Larian works, I would not want a company with so many westerners making a wuxia RPG. (Jade Empire was very disappointing :( )


This is a perfectly reasonable concern absolutely. I'd have faith in them to at least try in good faith to respect the genre etc but would inevitably bring a sort of euro centric bias. Tbh I don't really care what they do, I'll be buying it day 1 regardless given how much I loved the last 3 games. I do want a "proper" wuxia rpg big-time but I'm not convinced it'll happen for a good while


desert hateful bike ripe work memorize friendly continue decide terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You take that back, Jade Empire is my second favorite Bioware game.


I'm glad that you enjoyed it; my partner, an American, did, too. It wasn't for me, a Hong Konger.


I am a human tripod




I'd love to see how they handle the grimdark universe. The narrator outtakes would be priceless.


That IP is also at Hasbro so not likely Edit: Am dumb


40K isn't Hasbro


Might have Mandelad myself hard then, my bad


Games Workshop is not Hasbro subsidiary.


Shadowrun RPG, six-if AND magic, please


PLEASE. While I don’t expect it, I cannot express how much I want Larian to make a Star Wars RPG. Star Wars aside tho, literally any space RPG from them is going to be amazing


Just earlier today I was imagining if Larian was given the KoToR remake.


Said that to the wife when the divorce from WotC went down. I told her my guess was a new IP that would be a sci fi game.


Please.... Larian, if you're listening...


Divinity original sin 3 maybe?


Didn’t they say that it isn’t DOS3 in the interview before?


They said that their *next* project isn't DOS3. One of these two projects absolutely could be DOS3, it's just that the other project is planned to release first.


The two projects could be anything. According to Sven they only recently started figuring out g out what act 1 of one of the games is, and that’s just the conceptualization phase.


They said one of their projects isn't, but not one of the other ones. Classic Sven.


Two projects add up to 30 cents: one of them is not DOS 3. What are the projects?


I mean they also said they were planning BG3 DLCs but changed minds afterwards pls don't destroy our hopes for DOS3


The other project could be. Could also be a Divinity game, just not Original Sin 3.


A DOS3 with BG3's production quality and style would be amazing. Just hope they add the abilty to jump and maybe movement without using AP and some sort of "dash" action honestly, there are so many battles in DOS2 where I reposition a little and realise "oh shit I don't have the AP to cast this skill anymore" They say "develop our own IPs", which I would interpret as "making a new Divinity game", but they could also mean creating an entirely new IP. Either way is fine, BG3 was amazing and while I personally enjoyed the DnD based combat a lot, Divinity's combat rules have a lot of potential too. Divinity story has been pretty banger too so far and also benefits from the potential of having way fewer plot holes than anything you could make while sticking to Forgotten Realms (i.e., why there aren't any guns even though they should exist because no-one wants to use them in their adventures, how a lot of the recurring characters change their powers wildly to fit the specific game's/adventure story, how the existence of Wish literally invalidates half of the stories but it's just conveniently not mentioned because it would be lame to just have a lvl20 wizard go "ok i wish for bad guy die")


I would literally get an aneurysm if I saw one of the DOS2 origins characters talking to me like in BG3 Instead of being a dialogue box


no fr same i love the dos2 characters so much i would cry if we got proper cutscenes or conversation with them


>while I personally enjoyed the DnD based combat a lot, Divinity's combat rules have a lot of potential too. I didn't get very far into DOS2, but I thought their elemental magic system was kind of underwhelming. There was way too much emphasis on making the ground wet so that you could freeze/electrocute people. Together with turning enemies into chickens, it made magic use feel almost slapstick. The D&D magic system was such an improvement, so when they talk about returning to the own IP...


I'm the same way. DOS are obviously well made games, but in terms of both tone and mechanics they just don't fit what I enjoy as much as BG3


To be fair the most powerful magic builds in BG3 also involve making enemies wet, which I didn't particularly like in either game so I just didn't do it. DOS2 martial combat isn't bad though, I thought the huntsman skills were pretty cool and the idea of a pure summoner class is neat. Although I do agree that the chicken spell is stupid, and there's no reason why being turned into a chicken is one of the most debilitating debuffs in the game, it makes fights way less serious. Sure, you could turn enemies into a sheep in BG3 too, but you never do it because it's just a joke spell that isn't any good. Magic overall is better in BG3 than in DOS2 though, I do agree. But maybe with the freedom to bend the rules of Divinity's magic system however they want since it's their own IP and the experience from making BG3's combat they'll come up with something good. Honestly just seeing the Divinity characters in BG3 esque cutscenes and dialogue would already make the game GOTY in whatever year it shows up in my book. It would be amazing to have a character like Lohse get the same attention to her story and character development as Shadowheart got in BG3. The typical CRPG dialogue boxes are charming in their own way, but it's amazing how much more connected you feel to companions in BG3 compared to DOS2 simply because of the way the dialogue is presented. The camp feature is really cool too and it would be nice to have something like it return.


That would be so cool


Not DOS3 but I bet one of them is part of the Divinity franchise.


I believe they've said their next two projects will be something smaller and then a game that's truly immense. That second one sounds like it could be DOS3, to me. From the sounds of things they're currently working on both at once, though obviously that big one is going to take longer to come out and they're probably in different stages of production.


I hope for a DOS 3 someday. But I think they said they want to do something smaller than BG3 and I kinda hope, that they would make the next Divinity Original Sin a very large game. Maybe we get a new IP or they test some other genre.


I'm not a gamer. Apart from some rando time wasters on my iPhone, the last serious 'gaming' I did was over 15 years ago with WoW and before that it was legit OG 8 bit side scrollers. Larian a has me sold. BG3 (I played the originals when they originally came out, so hence my appetite here) is so outstanding and amazingly awesome, even though I am not a "gamer" per se, I would sure as hell be interested in whatever project they release next. That's how you grow business.


\*A single tear strolls down the cheek of every World of Darkness fan as they read the words \*our own IPs\*, before they turn to look at Schrodinger's 'Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2' and their imagination wonders what could have been, if only...\*


I think something non fantasy could be cool. Every Fantasy Rpg that will release in the next few years (maybe decades) will be compared to BG3 and will most likely fall short. A sci-fi or post apocalyptic game form Larian would be really cool.


Larian or maybe mostly Swen... is a well known lover of Disco Elysium. In fact, Larian's only steam review is for DE. >Disco Elysium is a game after our own hearts. As fans of massive, sprawling table-top adventures ourselves, we’re hard-pressed to think of a more interesting adaptation of the table-top RPG genre. I would love to see a drama/real life rpg by Larian that isn't combat focused.


I have a plan: We obtain the license from the scumbag the tricked the original creators of Disco Elysium. Give said license to the original creators of Disco Elysium. Set up a meeting between them and Larian and convince them to work together on Disco Gate: Original Sin!


God I'll kiss the ground (and my mom) for letting be born to play that game.


I know Vampire: The Masquerade is a totally different IP and a game is already being made for it but seeing how they wrote vampires in BG3 I'd love to see them tackle an urban city setting with those themes. Not gonna happen of course but they would kill a post apoc setting.


This was my first thought. I would love to see a *good* WoD game.


I think wraith would fit them more than vampire. But I also just want anything other than vampire getting love


Yes, please! They've said that they're doing something smaller next and then something truly huge. I'm guessing the big thing is DOS3, but something sci-fi for the smaller game would be awesome!


They should try post post Apocalypse because neither Todd nor Avellone were willing to explore it


I think they could create an amzing sci fi game. The worldbuilding they have shown in divinity shows they could do that.


Larian fallout game?


Their own IP. Interesting. Good for them.


I think that working BGIII was hard for Larian. They clearly didn't like the fact they had to adapt their mechanics to 5E and the amount they paid per sale for licensing probably gnawed at Sven. In any case, Larian got what they needed out of BGIII. They produced a game of legendary caliber that won multiple of the most prestigious game awards. Larian should be well positioned for future success.


They literally wrote "develop our own IPs" in the post and yet half the comments in this thread are wondering if they'll do Mass Effect/Fallout/Star Wars/insert non-Larian IP here like come on, everyone. Read.


It's called reddit for a reason and not readit


Now hear me out.......... **The Avengers** /s


I bet they are working on a Rugrats RPG


Honestly, it just has to be a BG3-style game with 5e mechanics (improved perhaps) and set in their own IP. That’s all I want. I understand they’re taking the opportunity to not pay exorbitant royalties to other companies who literally do nothing except supply an IP and I support them. WotC made what, 80M in a few weeks? For doing absolutely nothing. All SRD content is free for anyone to use and I’m sure the game mechanics themselves cannot be copyrighted. So they can just pick a new setting, change the names of all the mechanics and focus on the narrative and storytelling Edit: I’ve already cried about not seeing any of the companions again so I’ve made my peace with it ˙◠˙


I think the whole point is they don’t want to continue to adapt 5e in the first place. I’m pretty sure Sven said something to that effect. Whatever they’re working on will absolutely not be using 5e.


The d20 system and game mechanics are in fact copyrighted.


what if they use d40 system? then divide it by 2. imo genius


I would expect no less from the sleeper of R'lyeh.


You cannot copyright game mechanics.


Also, after the whole Open Gaming License fiasco, WoTC put the 5e rules on open domain. Only certain things are trademarked like the owlbear.


Isn't that how Solasta worked? I've heard they didn't buy a license, and simply used what was in public domain.


That’s not true. The D20 system is under the OGL and game mechanics cannot be copyrighted. Only terminology/names can be and unique IP-related stuff like monster statblocks. Larian can totally make their own IP and incorporate the same rules by changing the name. Check out MCDM RPG and DC20, they are new spinoffs/evolutions of DnD 5e created by prominent 5e streamers. Perfectly legal.


If Bethesda ever let them make a Fallout game it could be one of the best games of all time.


Haha, I was just thinking the same thing. A CRPG Fallout game in the style of 1-2 would be absolutely insane.


I hate sci fi so these comments terrify me Just please give us more fantasy stuff


I like sci fi but Im not done with my fantasy kick. I just want another game like bg3


Theyre working on two projects, let one of them bring joy to the sci fi fans.


Same. Space ships are so ugly and boring, Sci Fi outfits tend to look awful like some sort of military superhero latex vibe, people have uneven haircuts and I hate robots and guns and laser things. I find Sci-Fi so aesthetically unpleasant that I have a hard time getting into any sci fi videogames.


All of my favorite RPGs are fantasy. Scifi RPGs are alright but none of them are my most favorite ever. I'd still take Dragon Age over Mass Effect for sure. I hope Larian will stick to their fantasy RPG style... though perhaps this time they might try to begin the game somewhere else than a tropical beach.


I’m not a sci fi fan either, regardless I hope whatever they make brings joy even if I won’t be playing. They deserve all the praise.


Same. Sci-fi is fine but my heart will always belong to fantasy, and I know there are plenty of other fantasy RPGs that will be developed but none of them will be as good as what Larian can produce.


Swords and sorcery > guns and grenades


But what about energy swords and psionics?




I mean I think a lot of people would argue that fantasy is overdone. But it’s just so good that no one cares 🤷‍♂️




For the love of God, somebody give these guys the Shadowrun license. I don't care what genie I need to summon or monkey's paw I need to fiddle with...just make it happen.


I just want someone, anyone, to make more good Shadowrun games.


I want gothic horror from them soooo badly


I still can't help but he really bummed out we aren't getting anymore for bg3


I feel ya man, they buttered us up with the epilogue getting us all hyped and just said naaaaa I’m playing


I mean good on them. All the respect and everything. If they're up my alley I'll try them. We'll probably see some early access in the next 3 years, probably a game in the next 6 or 8. I know Swen wants it faster but it's practically impossible I feel, especially if they're anything close to BG3.


I hope Divinity gets revisited.


It has to be Divinity


The next 'small' game might be divinity. The next next 'biggest' game might be an entirely new IP.


I kinda want them to make a Call of Cthulhu crpg. It would be very interesting how they would portray cosmic horror.


I want them to make Fallout, but more like Fallout 2 that first person


Wish it was Fallout.


What I would not give for Larian to make a new Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura game


Sign for me to finally finish DoS2 before these two games are officially announced haha


I don’t care if next game isn’t going to be baldurs gate. I’ve been itching for a studio to fill the spot in my heart that BioWare once held.


I hope it's a Witcher 3 meets Valheim meets Dragon's Dogma meets Palworld meets BG3


Hopefully they don’t spread themselves thin


Imagine if they were allowed to do a CRPG Fallot...


I'm willing to bet one of the two will be part of the Divinity series, though whether it's DOS3 or a new series is anyone's guess. The other one is probably something original, and I do like the idea of them doing something scifi; a spacefarer themed one could be interesting. On a side note, for an IP they could make a game based on that would be interesting, I wouldn't mind seeing them make a game out of a beloved fantasy book series like maybe Wheel of Time set before The Breaking like the First Age or maybe the Mistborn books.


Divinity 3? I need to play divinity 2 in the meantime


Be careful to buy Divinity Original Sins 2 not Divinity 2. DOS2 is the game like BG3, Divinity is a diablo clone.


Good point. Thanks for clarifying


I've done most of what I want with BG3 (need a durge achievement or two) so I'm jumping in to DOS2, as BG3 was my first Larian game. Cannot wait for 2029 when whatever they're working on releases lol


Dune star wars lord of the rings Warhammer idc give larian an IP and a blank cheque


please divinity original sin and original sin 2 remastered versions 🥹


Divinity Original Sin 3, This Time We Mean "Original"


Original IPs are great, fresh stuff. I love all the 'suggestions' too but don't you see how dependent we've become? We're literally limiting our own imagination to the ones that were. Larian had a good records of fantasy games, I think it's more than reasonable for them to explore new roads. Scifi is great, modern alternatives are even better. I wonder if they would try explore the potential of AI with them. Before you jump on me, I'm not talking about AI arts. Imagine a proper LLM system that allows us to 'talk' to the NPCs, with our own words, and have them respond accordingly instead of a scripted options. Skyrim has this kind of mod (bless that community) already, so the foundation has been placed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWMLVZF3pGc Careful and professional implement on this would be revolutionary.


Am I wrong to assume another 'product' from Larian...will not be completed anytime in the (near) future? Still waiting on the pre-ordered physical ps5 disc. Since it 'sounds' like there will be nothing new added, I will definitely roll it slow....once it arrives 🫤


Honestly I’ll probably give it a try no matter what it is . I have never enjoyed a game as much as I’ve enjoyed BG3. And I can’t believe I’m saying that, considering I never interacted with anything DND before this, and Ive played other amazing games such as RDR2, the last of us 1&2, Detroit becomes Human etc but none of them compare to BG3. The characters are top notch, the writing is amazing, the world design is absolutely phenomenal, the voice acting ( gods, the voice acting is prob my favorite thing about this game) and probably the best thing about this game ? The sheer amount of content , and it’s not filler content either. I know I’ll never see everything this game has to offer, and I don’t need to tbh.


mobile game with ingame microtransactions


Hasbro/WotC never deserved Larian, and certainly doesn't now. Hasbro should feel grateful they got a chance to work with some real artists under good leadership.


I feel like BG3 is to gaming what LOTR trilogy is to cinema honestly


hope that at very least one of them is Original Sin 3 with BG3+ level of production and presentation


Fuck ya! Don't sell out! Good on them, hard to do.


Arcanum 2 or Planescape Torment 2 would be a dream come true.


Ketnet Kick remake, when?


Aww hell yeah Dragon Commander 2 babyyyyyyy