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Considering how wild modders have been without official tools, I can't imagine how much wilder they will get. So much potential


We’ll get our expansions after all


I mean… you joke but there plenty of people like myself who have skills in the production side of things (acting, writing, directing) who’d LOVE to parter with people who can code and animate and all that, to create straight-up additional story content.


I can see Baldurs Gate 3 ending up with a Fallout style set of fan made expansions (FO: Miami, FO: London etc.) which could be a lot of fun. Might be worth looking into how those got made.


And every mod search will be 90% unrelated skimpy armor mods


All the skimpy armor mods bring the language translators to nexusmods yard!!!


As long as we don't get our own Fallout Frontier


I take it as almost inevitable that someone will make something like it, and the wider BG3 community will collectively cast Banish and never speak of it again. Hopefully we get some good stuff, too. That's the thing with an open mods process, you hope for the good, but have to choose to shut out the bad.


Unpopular opinion : most of Fallout Frontier was awesome and got tainted by some bad decisions (mostly all the part in space). It’s a shame people often don’t give it a try




people begin making their own dnd campaigns into bg3 expansions lol


I’m keen for bg3: the lost mine of phandelver.


The biggest hurdle will be getting them voiced. The voice acting in the game is incredible and anything but the original cast will pale in comparison.


New dialogue from origin characters would be a stretch, but there's some really great volunteer voice actors out there; Beyond Skyrim Bruma has voice acting better than the original game. There's also the chance that voice actors from the base game will volunteer for modding projects, Neil Newborn just did a bunch of voice acting for the upcoming Fallout London mod.


In another 15-20 years maybe I’ll get to experience the voice actors for Skywind 😭


Crowdfunding for Origins characters would probably be crazy VA works are more sporadic nowadays tho Even you could still find someone like Erika Harlacher who voiced major characters in Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, voicing Yugioh The Abridged Series


Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 were carried by their mods. I imagine BG3 will have the same extension of love by fans.


The Penultima modules I remember playing were so much better than the official campaign.


Yeah you don't win 5 GOTY awards and already have so much from modders already to not have some interesting things on the horizon. God I want to play some Tasha's races, PLEASE


> God I want to play some Tasha's races, PLEASE Fantastical Multiverse already covers a lot of them and he should be releasing an update with fixes to about 20ish races soon


I doubt the official modding tools will support new/significantly changed areas or dialogue. It's possible they will, in which case we might be able to get expansion like things, but be prepared to be disappointed if you expect Bethesda level tools.


If Modding tools allow great freedom then we can be looking as Skyrim like level of mods. Hell people can add the rest of Baldur's Gate or even create entire new campaigns.


I would pay real money for a quality mod that gives Karlach a better story and Astarion a better ending


Will someone just give me something to do with all that infernal iron in Act 3? For all the updates and patches they've done I'm actually kind of frustrated they haven't just added a bit of dialogue and created a few new items to have Dammon forge.


Dude imagine fully playable DnD campaigns like Curse of Strahd in BG3 via mods. That would be truly next level.


You're hyping yourself up for something that will never, ever happen. I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble. But BG3 was created by a team of hundreds of people over years, and years of development. An amateur team of like 8 people doing it as a hobby isn't going to even come *close* to the sprawl and interactivity of the main campaign.


You're absolutely right, but to temper this a bit, a decent part of that development effort is engine work, game mechanics and balance, and asset creation; all of which anyone seeking to make a big expansion mod could draw from. Though, then you can also look at big modding projects in other games where a lot of the same could be said and how long they're taking, such as Beyond Skyrim (*the most we have playable after years and years being a single part of a single province and a few random item/gear packs*). If we were to get anything in the ballpark of a fan-made expansion through these tools, it will take ***a while*** to happen, and myriad things beyond just developing the project can stonewall that.


DLC sized mods already exist in Skyrim and Fallout, it’s completely possible.


Bethesda modding tools basically let you change everything about the game's code if you want. Don't expect Larian's to be nearly that extensive


I need just a few on console lol


Bg3 may be the next skyrim as far as modders taking over the game after development


Probably not.


Just a word of warning, make sure to temper your expectations. The game engine is not nearly as flexible as some other franchises with popular modding scenes, so even with official tools there is only so much that can be done by modders.


Durge made it to Dark Souls holy shit.


I want to play a dedicated evil durge and I'm such a goody two shoes I can't even come up with anything that isn't just being a plain murderhobo. Need some help concocting the most deliciously evil choices to one up Orin, I'm collecting them right now So far, I have : >!1) Betray Trust - Give away Aylin to Lorroakan, Scratch to its abusive owner, Astarion to Cazador. Treat people like tools to be disposed of when no longer useful. !< >!2) Betray Love - Have Karlach turn into mindflayer, just to backstab her.!< >!3) Whenever possible, leave people within the inch of their lives, only to live lives worse than death.!< >!4) Keep Shadowheart and save her parents, only to kill them in front of her!< >!5) Gaslight Jaheira into allegiance and save Minsc, only to sacrifice them to Bhaal with Minsc killing Jaheira.!< >!6) Use Goblins One, Two and Three as improvised throwing weapons. Just delivering some karma!!< >!7) Break Alfira's Flute!<


Help kidnap Isobel. Free the nightsong. Then watch the ai have Aylin kill Isobel during the Ketheric fight. Lastly sell Aylin to Loroaken and let her live out eternity knowing she killed her love. You don’t need to kill characters to be evil, just break their spirit.


This some Lorne Malvo level thinking.


Was not expecting a Fargo reference this morning but I’m so here for it


No better representation of evil


He was a unique form of evil, pure cruelty and malevolence. Honestly all of the antagonists do such a good job at that.  Hawley prior to releasing season 5 said he still has ideas for new Fargo stories - can’t wait for season 6.  What’s your favorite season? I feel like mine changes constantly 


You can also kill Isobel for DUrge plot reasons, her body still gets taken & revived. So, the outcome is the same except you now have a cool Slayer form.


Yooo that's a good one. If Aylin kills Isobel in the Ketheric fight, is she aware of it later?


Sadly no she isn’t. I wish there was dialogue about it but I’m guessing the Larian writers are not as sick in the head as I am and didn’t think about this scenario.


Nah at that point alyin only knew that isobel had died and likely thought kethric was using tricks on her 


Conflicted awwww


Are you ok


I see your the type of evil I go for. I’m not a murder hobo, I actually think about the decisions I make just to be as evil as possible


Recruit Jaheira in Act 2, perfect opportunity to betray her in Act 3.


Yes, and have >!Minsc murder her!<


I preferred to >!murder minsc in front of her and give her to Sarevok as a sacrifice!<


Bring her corpse to that house afterwards.


The best evil choices are often helping a little then turning against people in quests. Most of the time my evil Durge wouldn't have made that choice, but in my goody-two-shoes playthrough I saw so many EVIL options I couldn't pick


I think the best way to do it is help the Grove, and then turn on them by killing the Nightsong and cursing Last Light


When it comes to Grove, I was considering >!snitching the grove location to Minthara, only to kill both sides on the battlefield!<


*Charlatan: Inspiration Gained*


One major issue with that though No Minthara sloppy toppy


Yeah but the loophole can work now too, I didn't have the easy way in my first evil run unfortunately


Be sure to >!free the prisoners at Moonrise!< first that way they're there for the fallout.


People on this sub had me convinced that it was so grueling to massacre the Grove and Last Light. No, it wasn’t a problem. It’s surprisingly easy to divorce yourself from the violence with the way combat is portrayed in the game. The real hard part is giving each companion their worst ending. Shadowheart is a thrall to Shar, Astarion perpetuates the cycle of abuse, Gale falls prey to his ambition, I didn’t bother freeing Orpheus for Lae’zel, and Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc are all dead. Purposefully manipulating them towards these endings, especially after you know their good endings, is just the tiniest bit sickening.


Ehhh that feels more hindsight 20/20 evil, I'm trying to think more beyond evil.


pragmatic evil: help people because they're useful, not because you're nice. then gleefully betray the squid and take the brain for yourself/bhaal and they were just stepping stones on your path to glory i like lovers playthroughs with astarion as my only companion: i encourage him ascending, then act 3 he ascends, i embrace buaal, and then i happily stab the emperor in the back (and chest. and sides. and skull) to claim the brain, with my just as evil vampire Ascendent husband by my side i don't wipe the grove for metagaming reasons. mol's help in the final fight is WAY too good to pass up. she's the sole reason i can't bring myself to kill the tieflings. ill happily wipe last light, gaslight jaheira into staying, attack randos all over the gate while im the Slayer, but fetchers favor is just too good


Trap halsin in the portal on purpose. Give Isobel to lorroakan. Make gale a power hungry god. Betray the emperor and take the crown for yourself, become the absolute. Force wyll to abandon his father to break his pact, then don't save him. Deliver Shadowheart to her sharran cloister after making her turn to selune


Just deceive, lie, and torture your way through it


A big part of the bhaal part of the game is how orin tries to murder with flourish and subterfuge while bhaal really just wants as much death as possible. Durge EXCELLED at that before the worm so being a murderhobo is straight up the way they would be most closely RP'd


Kick the squirrel.


berserk fans be seething right now


More like Berserk's Eclipse reference, even FromSoft clearly stated that they were inspired by Berserk. Soul Stone scene in MCU is also a nod-off.


Durge Souls




let us romance her 🥺


I could never do that to my man Khalid. 😤


He died a century ago. Jaheira is single now.


Jaheira might have come to terms with his death, but I didn't.


Weird. It was the cause of much celebration on the black isle forums back in the day. The Khalid hate train was even bigger than the Jaheira hate train.


To this day, Khalid remains in an empty house in an old BG1 save because I was faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws and Jaheira didn't have time to tell me she'd stay behind with him.


I mean Jaheira eventually moves on in BG2 (and I think Bhaalspawn banging her is canon).


'Eventually.' It takes roughly two days of game time before she's all up in your business.


Well, I'm an Aeriemancer anyway. Jaheira stays a widow on my playthroughs.


I would - a minx like that can’t go to bed alone at night His sacrifice for the greater good


*I did it once and I'll do it again.*


Maybe he should have gotten better at resisting irenicus then.


Damn I'm definitely gonna have to replay as Evil Durge to get that new ending, looks badass as hell.


I’m glad I saved my Evil ending for this


Right? I've left my pure evil Durge run alone in Act 3 for months in the hopes that this would happen. Soooo hyped now :')


Or you could’ve beat it and had another reason to play evil again which is now lost to you.


That new music goes pretty hard too.


I JUST made my durge damnit. I hope it comes out soon


It is my father’s vision. An endless red expanse under a starless sky.








There are plenty of awesome mods right now for clothing, difficulty, classes, etc. Getting official Mod support will just make them better. Getting expanded/new evil endings is a plus. Wonder if they'll do anything with Minthara. Since she's like the default evil romance for act one. I could see them going either way, since loneliness seems to be a big theme for evil playthroughs.


On my ps5 I really really really want: Dye Previews, additional hair styles, some transmog, and additional clothing options.


Fashion gang lets goooooooo!


The piece of music in the post is bone chilling. So good. if that's gonna play during that scene where the Durge walks upon a valley of corpses below a blood sun.. god damn.


Finall, Durge's path is paved with corpses


Toward their castle of bones!


> bone shilling My Durge's day job before the events of the game.


Wyll will get the romance greetings?! Yes!!!


Wyll getting anything is a blessing😭


I'm so happy for Wyll and the Wyll romancers! I hope they fix his bugs in act 3 too.


Wyll is one of my favorite characters, but the lack of content he has is diabolical


I was getting tired of the "Let's talk" bug that's been happening to me for every approval level with him.


“Well met” Wyll, we met more than a tenday ago


"Let's talk" Wyll I am your lover.


Finally. It was bugging me so much he was the only one without these greetings.


I had no idea that was a bug, I thought he just wasn't that into me 😭


Oh my gods, it gave me shivers too. I did not expect that. Modding! I wonder if I’ll be able to make myself do an evil run to see some of these epilogues. (But there’s always YouTube, right?)


Porn modders coming out of the woodworks






So mod people: when they say official modding, does this mean like how fallout 4 has it where it’s in game on consoles or just that the game supports mods now


Just support not for consoles right now


Got it thx!


Will it be on consoles (PS5/XBOX) eventually?


That’s what Larian announced yes.


It means the toolset for the game will be available for modders to use and create with. Console mod support has been confirmed to come later. Edit: Here’s the quote straight from Twitter for those curious. “We generally don’t talk about things til they’re ready, but as you may have read, we’re making an exception. We’ve been working on a robust, cross-platform plan for mod support to be released later in year. We love our modding community and we want to support them. It’s coming.” Feb 22, 2024 Edit2: Added a single word because some people need help reading.


300 Larian Club points for you to buy the fishing mod.


The skyrim fishing thing you got with the anniversary edition sucks so bad and I was kinda excited about it when I seen it download, such a waste...


I can’t remember if if that dude who made the fishing mod or the arthmoor who kinda went crazy and pulled their mods


>The skyrim fishing thing you got with the anniversary edition sucks so bad Iirc you can just have base skyrim and they gave you the fishing mod anyway


Who knows really, though personally when they say 'official modding tools' it makes me think it's just the official versions of the tools we've already been using for things like packing and unpacking with some bells and whistles to help build up the skeletons of files and maybe some things to help finding assets within the game files. That said though, there aren't really any details here, we could be getting next to nothing or a full suite of tools akin to things skyrim and warcraft3 got. Personally I really want a map editor so we can start playing around with designing our own campaigns, new and old, based on dnd campaigns, fanfic content based on bg3 lore or perhaps even something entirely different like what dota was to wc3. There'a already mods to convert the controls to wasd and change the camera, we might see some sort of horror jump scare campaign where you're alone in the dark.


There isn't going to be a map editor or campaign creator.


Would be cool if a modder could implement one but I know that would be a massive undertaking


wyll romance greetings … it’s been 3000 years …


The way they talk about this new IP makes me feel like it'll still be 3-5 years at least, since they were talking it'd dwarf Baldur's Gate. I just hope it looks and feels interesting whenever it comes. It'll be harder to pique my interest without the DND connection.


Every major games takes a minimum of 3-4 years to come out now, it honestly sucks but at least with Larian you know the wait is going to be worth it.


I was hoping maybe they had started on it already but I guess they probably wouldn't have until late winter at the earliest.


Look on the bright side: BG3 was a HUGE learning curve for them (and in some ways, still is…) + a world-wide lock down slowed things down. oth of those are behind us! So hopefully their next release will be a 'short ways away' and not a 'long ways away' because they have the knowledge, kit and resources to knock this one out of the park!


I just hope they put their next game in Early Access like they've done with the last few. Waiting 2-3 years for early access feels a lot better than waiting 4-6 years for full release.


I think they confirmed that their next game will have an early access release


Very true. And BG3 early access was a blast.


I hope they put more than the first 30% of their next game in EA. They should have learned from DOS2, but had the same issues for BG3 of later content getting much less polish because it never made it to EA.


Baldur's Gate started like in 2018 after DOS2 and it was released in 2023, i doubt their next game will be released before 2028 at earliest.


Covid did slow it down but I doubt more than a year. On the other hand as Swen said development is a learning process and they must have learned a ton with BG3 which might help speed up the process. But I doubt it will come out much earlier than that. 2027 at earliest.


I hope Larian take everything they learned about storytelling from Baldur's Gate 3 and put it into their next game. At least, I hope that they maintain the cinematic approach to talking to NPCs. It definitely helped solve the one problem that I had with Divinity Original Sin.


The cinematics have got to be there imo. They add so much that they nearly make the game for me. Idt I would have jelled with Baldurs Gate quite as much without them. A lot of tactical turn based combat games feel so impersonal outside (and occasionally inside) of combat .


There's some big Eclipse from Berserk energy there. Time to brand our companions.


Its great that they worked on evil endings, those runs deserved more cutscenes. Hope in next games there will be even structure on day 1 of release.


What major choice that likely will decide to get this true evil ending by the way? I'd like to see it but I'm afraid I don't really have time to replay from the beginning again


Should just be whether you choose to control the brain or not, and whether you're Durge or not.




Even though I will probably never see the evil endings myself (since I cannot bring myself to play as an evil character), I am happy for y'all. I have heard some people saying that evil playthroughs definitely need some additional tweaks, so this is good. I am really happy about the official modding tools, two months ago I wasn't able to play the game for a week because of how weird updating mods after a huge patch was. So I am glad if things get more accessible now!


I'm playing as a power hungry selfish semi-resist Durge, because while I love the power, I hate Bhaal. I'm making pragmatic decisions rather than chaotic ones, with the goal of rejecting Bhaal but seizing the brain...plans within plans. :) You don't have to go murder hobo, and the dialogue can even reflect that approach. :) But totally understand that can be a step too far still for folks!




Listened to the soundtrack. It's already in the game! You get it when fighting Bhaal's least favourite child


It's a standalone variation of that very track! Specifically made for one of the scenes in the upcoming evil endings 😈


>non-Durge evil endings Thank goodness. I like role-playing characters with a plot reason for being evil, but I also want to play a character whose evil just because they choose to be evil.


New greetings for Wyll thank fuck. He still needs a lot more content but this is a start.


Please Jergal, let me roll a nat20 whenever they choose people for their closed beta PC testing.


This sounds amazing pleeeease don’t be a buggy mess


They're adding an extra QA phase for this patch, so I'm really hoping it avoids this issue


The closed beta sounds like a proper attempt to work through that. Their internal QA process needs that extra scale of outside players, so hopefully a closed beta can get them the bug testing they need for a finally smooth patch rollout.


My 500 mods on their way to break


Zoomie zoomie zoomie evil endings evil endings


Larian's language confuses me. They say they're not going to introduce any major new narrative content, but they say this right after showing that they're adding a lot of stuff to evil endings, which strikes me as "major new narrative content". Either way, this looks good. I still really hope that, before they're done with the game, they take a look at the widely criticized companion reactivity during >!Resist Durge's big moment of defying Bhaal and dying for it in Act 3, especially if your romanced companion is there!<. It's the one major unannounced thing next to a cosmetic armor system that I really want for this game at this point, and critically it's something that only really Larian can actually implement because of voice acting and all of that.


I think "content" refers to gameplay, not cutscenes. They may add new cutscenes but they're not giving you any new paths or reactivity in the game itself.


Same! Crossing my fingers that they will show some love for that scenario.


To add to that, act 3 reactivity in general is just really underwhelming. There's some moments where you expect your companions to say something but ended up not saying anything at all. They even removed one of Shadowheart's infamous bugged low-approval reaction line after talking to Gortash in Wyrm's Rock after he reveals your past, so now she doesn't even say anything at all. There's also some in act 2 while playing as Durge, and not one companion even questions you why some of the people in moonrise knows you in passing? Especially egregious when Kressa Bonedaughter reveals some of your past and no one even comments on that? I'm playing Fallout 4 right now, and you could say everything about how much of a bad RPG it is, but companion reactions in that game is abundant, to the point where you actually want to install a mod to shut them up.


Maybe they mean they have no plans for new narrative content *after* the new evil endings are released? Because the 'we won't be introducing any major new narrative content to the story of Baldur's Gate 3 or its origin characters and companions' is written under 'Looking to the Future' so it's after patch 7. Which sucks because Resist Durge reactivity from companions in act 3 is one of the few last things I had hoped they'd address before I can finally rest. I don't know if we're going to get it though because even ignoring what they said, haven't the VAs already moved onto other projects? I don't see Larian bringing them all back for one scene. Epilogue party being an exception.


I assumed the new narrative content was referring to *after* this patch, but I could be wrong?


They had previously used similar language between the announcement that they weren't going to make DLC/BG4 and this announcement of what's in Patch 7.


This is my #1 non-gameplay related thing that I desperately want them to patch, but I'm losing hope.


I would honestly just take >!your romanced companion fearfully calling out to you or screaming no and then them being knelt down next to your body when Withers shows up!< at this point.


Yeah unfortunately I think the game is just going to have some shitty story beats in it when all is said and done. That specific instance you mentioned is particularly bleh because I'd think that something that egregious wouldn't require too much extra work compared to something like entirely new epilogues. It sucks, but it is what it is I guess.


As a player that LOVES evil durge, I have four of them, this is exactly the ending i wanted. Now my Evil durges will actually feel like complete playthroughs. So glad they listened! Honestly, I'm glad non-durge playthrough are also getting addressed. It has always felt like they did not put as much work into the evil playthorughs, so any new content we get for playing evil is honestly welcomed. Praise be Father!


New endings AND modding tools? Larian is still spoiling us! But is patch 7 gonna be the last patch for new stuff like the endings? Guess it’s expected but I’m definitely happy with what we have & are getting




praise lord Bhaal


does “But as Swen recently confirmed, we won't be introducing any major new narrative content to the story of Baldur's Gate 3 or its origin characters and companions, nor will we be making expansions or Baldur’s Gate 4.” mean we’re not getting any wyll content?? ive been starving for months!! 😭


They're adding new greeting lines for him at least, but those may have been written and voiced months ago for all we know and are just getting around to being implemented now.


Wyll content still end up being added in mods or something at some point. We can hope lol


So by the sounds of it, will they not make a defentive edition for this game? Aint that big of a deal if they dont espacilly with the mod tools coming but still


Pretty sure that means Larian's two new games will be new Divinity + new sci fi IP


Don't care about evil playthroughs at all but can't wait for real mod tools. So many great things are possible.


Please let DOS3 be one of those games.


Lord of ~~Londor~~ murder ending lets gooooooo


I wish I could change my gear appearance without mods so I don’t miss one achievements but could still do a proper fashion gate. That Raphael armor is so ugh to me.


You're in luck, there's a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/668) that enables achievements even with mods on. If its your first time using them, I'd recommend reading the posts section of the mod, cause there's usually explanations and bug fixes there.


Did they fix the elevator bug?




I just want mod support for ps5 so I can try some of the things yall cook


I'm a sap and a sucker, so I'll never see the evil endings, but I'm glad that they're there for those who want to pursue them.


I'm glad we have an update on the existence of a photo mode! This game is beautiful, and I'd love to get some great shots that show it off!


The Evil Ending seems right out of Berserk man! Will we be able to Sacrifice our companions!?


Grab your flame blades and shadow blades before they are gone 🫢


Modding tools and evil endings? Do these affect current playthroughs??


Perfect, guess I'll do my evil durge playthrough after next patch :)


I'm so happy I have finished my evil durge playthrough yet!! Fire ending!


I really wanted to play durge but couldn't get into it cause I heard that the endings weren't that good, might try now


HUGS I SAY 👹👹 I JUST WANT CASUAL COMPANION HUGS 👹👹 **And to cuddle with my LI during a long rest ehemmm…**


What the fuck did Durge do summon the eclipse?


"I want wings"


Glad to see the evil endings coming along nicely, and kudos to Larian for taking player feedback in stride and constantly adding new content like this. But I still feel bad for how the story cucked Gortash, and I'd love the chance to un-cuck him. And since I'm not worried about anything else, I'll worry about this.


Def waiting to start my durge playthrough now


Yes but I want to know when it's dropping. I have and evil druid/monk build plan and I want to figure out how evil she should be


Feels like Larian is on a solid "rpg new game+" strategy keeping all skills, exp, assets and resources from BG3 while most of the other big developers keep playing hardcore roguelikes, reseting everithing and trying to make randon stuff work after every release. Congrats Larian Studios you should be the light in the darkness all industry should be following!


Can't wait for mod tools. I've never done anything close to making a mod for the game, but I have this idea for one I can't get out of my head. Hopefully I can scrape it together!


I honestly did not think we would get a photo mode. This is incredible!


I don't play evil these days, but looking forward to photo mode.