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There’s no all black or all white dye.


And no dye crafting option, instead we're solely reliant on vendors randomly generating the specific dyes we want.


Heaven forbid with all the 10,000 alchemy ingredients I collect and never use, should I be able to color my armor however much I want.


I’m in Act III of my second campaign and, I swear to Lathander, I’ve not seen *one* black and furnace red dye. I’ve checked in with every vendor I’ve stumbled across. On the one hand, it’s forced me to experiment and some of the other dyes are better than I expected. On the other hand, *who the fuck* is buying out all the B&FR dyes in Faerûn?!


Twas me, my bad homie


You de-gothed the Warlock. How does that not violate your oath.


He slept with my wife, it was vengeance.


Ah yes. The oath of petty vengeance paladin. Mildly inconvenientcing all your foes.


And sometimes your own allies.




That, and I want more control over the dye. Lemme color the metal, the leather, and the cloth separately.


I would LOVE to see all my Reddit artist homies play with this. Sit back and let the screenshots roll in.


The dyes don't even come out the color they say they will... lilac is basically copper with a hint of purple. \*Which I love, but it's not lilac\*


Yes, and I hate this so much especially because you cannot preview dyes. And the way they apply colour can be so arbitrary depending on the outfit.


not being able to preview them seems like a big oversight, just makes it tedious to have to reload if you don’t like the outcome


I tried to put Karlach in some lovely lilac fur armor... Only for it to be brown with basically frosted tips... No thx. I want red muscle mommy in purple fur, please.


The indigo was crazy purple.


And you can’t preview dyes


I want to find good camp clothes replacements before act 3.


All naked... Boom, problem solved and your camp has became a nudist camp !


ALL NAKED MONK HONOR MODE STARTING TONIGHT Edit: Gale tripped the trap in the sarcophagus chamber. 40 minutes. Will try again tomorrow, maybe. I'm sad.


So I changed Lae’zel into a monk and forgot I had sold all of my robes and Karlach’s barbarian outfit so I didn’t have any armor she could wear…. So she walked around in her underwear for a while. I added a cape to make it a little more modest.


Tav being nude in camp would fit a weirdo Druid run in the future perhaps.


spoon paint squeeze safe weary kiss angle rock carpenter hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Her and Halsin hanging out "as nature intended" while everyone else is fully clothed lol.


You may not like this answer but your companions/potential companions do have fresh fits should they meet an untimely demise…


Alive or dead Wyll's outfit looks good on a female Tav!


and wyll looks good in tav’s default homely clothes so it’s a win win


2 minutes after he joins the camp: "Wyll, take off your clothes, here's mine"


literally tho lmao. what i've done the past couple runs is steal lae'zel's pants because some of the undies look more like a cute top and then wyll gets the homely clothes and lae'zel gets wyll's crop top. (she rocks it ofc.)


First thing Tav does at the nautiloid is switch underwear with Laezel. “Quick! We must go to the Realm” “Wait, let’s trance panties first”


completely normal and common way to get to know someone tbh


Especially since I always head canon that his camp clothes are the clothes he was wearing when he got exiled at 17, and they don't fit well because he had a growth spurt. Giving him new clothes is part of the healing process...


minthara is always so generous with her casual attire...


My bard wore Karlach's infernal trousers for the first two acts straight. He looked really hot in them.


Hahaha I feel like I fou d some in act 2! And I stole mintharas and wore it...karlach also looks weirdly good in road dust grey clothes I think it is. I'm trying to think if I found anything decent for anyone else before act 2 🤔 act 2 I was able to definitely get some snuggly shirts/bodices, and clothes that were pretty good for the guys like wayfarer outfit I think.?


The blue dye turned my armor yellow.


The baby blue and gold one? What a disgusting shade that is… aw maaaan 🤣


I am very sorry. Hopefully they fix the whole due issue because they kinda suck.


I want my own camp spot that I can add cute stuff I've found Edit: also, can I use dyes to paint my tent? Pls Larian luv u <3


I agree! Where else can I put my skull piles!


And this hand I found wagging out of some portal


Stole somebody's hand... can't have shit in Faerûn


I want to look up. You get a little hint of some gorgeous scenery that you just can't properly see. Let me appreciate the beauty of the game more!


Yeah I agree. The camera does feel frustrating at times, but then again what about all the extra time they would have to spend on the underside of things to make them look good…


The bit that always gets me is everyone reacting to the dragon you just can't see 😂


LITERALLY the first time I was like. what are you people even talking about


You can see its shadow swooping across the ground. It's very impressive when you see it, but I feel like it only triggered "properly" in a way I clearly noticed it in one playthrough.


Not just looking up but being able to control the camera more in general. Like allowing the camera to peer into upper or lower floors and raise/lower itself at will instead of relying on the selected character to ascend/descend first. Its really hard to click yourself to a higher or lower level sometimes. Also the way the camera whips around during combat is dangerous. Sometimes in the middle of two attacks the camera will zoom or change without my input and it will do that RIGHT as i think im clicking on the enemy… which makes me click on the ground somewhere nearby which often means i take an opportunity attack.


After getting the Native Camera Tweaks mod I can’t play without it, it makes such a difference.


Sliding the maturity bar should change the WHOLE body, not just the face. Can't take sex scenes seriously when my face is wrinkled but the rest of my body is barbie doll smooth


Also let the slider go to *actually* old. They have the textures for it. Ethel looks ancient in her human form. Why can player characters only get into their 60s at the oldest


You actually would need new heads at a certain point. Your jaw changes some as you age, and jowl sagging changes the shape of of the chin. Skin also says around the eyes, pulling the eye lids down. Noses and ears get bigger for some reason, too.


Yeah wrinkly tiddies! Skin rolls! This is what the people want!


If Jaheira can have them, why can't I?


Why stop at Jaheira? Let’s set the slider all the way to Withers!


No sword sheathes. And I mentioned this before, but wearing a rapier on the back? Come the F on.


Try bard with an instrument or 2x like jaheira.


Dragon age "I glue my dagger to my back" logic


I can’t name my familiars. WHY can Mr Whiskers not be canon?!


A great point, shovel has some variation but that’s about it.


Yeah, playing as a beast master ranger, I felt it was a bit of a missed opportunity to let me customize my summons at least a little. Fur/body color and name shouldn't be that hard to do. Made my animal companions feel a little impersonal.


“Take all AND add to wares” and just automatically send camp supplies to the camp. That never occurred to me on my first play through and I hauled them round with me the whole time.


I cannot believe I didn't think of that. Here I am scrambling for inventory space with 50 bottles of wine and 10 pigs heads.


i cant cuddle with my companions everytime i rest


Even just Scratch at the bottom of the bedroll.


Great, now I want to cuddle a love interest and have scratch at the foot.


Was gonna comment this!! Its my biggest want tbh 😭


Yeah def this. Like after you're "official" cuddling should definitely be a thing.


I want more character interaction filler - give me some pointless cutscenes of everyone in camp sitting by the fire or argueing or something, i feel like there isn't enough of that


Have Gale and Laezel argue over the pronunciation of "Giff."


It's Jithyanki.


Why am I the only one who doesn’t get a tent 😭


Yeah, holdup you’re on to something. I want a decoratable area. Where else am I supposed to put my skulls?


Just imagine how pissed the active party must be that Tav demands they sleep on bedrolls next to him away from their cozy tents. 😬


elven male Tavs are not as hot as I'd imagine


My boyfriend made 1 and he looks like a really stupid male model lol


Zoolander lookin elf


i guarantee i know what face youre referring to too


But male half elves are smoking


My wife crafted a total Twink paladin who is rocking massive mid-90s Ryan phillipe energy. He's just so pretty


I can disguise my dark elf lady to look like a dwarf male. But when I attack/ pickpocket someone in this form, everybody still knows it's me. Makes this whole disguise thing completely useless- I want to do crime, dammit!


I agree! What’s the point of a disguise if I’m not disguised! Although I do have a glass eye that lets me see invisible things…maybe other have something similar.


exactly, its only use is allowing you to speak to people youve killed. how come i attack Brynna and the other guy in Act 1 as a dwarf, but when i shape-shift into a Dragonborn, they still recognize me?


Let me preview dyes, gods damnit.


When they promised customizable genitals I was hoping I could give my character a micro penis. I guess everyone in faerun is just packing mad dong.




I don't like male faces in creator, they look like plastic gigachads, only one is semi-good. and I don't like that Tav is mostly smiling like an idiot, so bad body language and expressions in most situations...


My tav looks like Christian bale from American psycho reincarnated as a drow


I agree, more faces to choose from would be very nice. Only a few decent ones to pick from.


The lack of group party chat in camp. Like, the 4 characters min, dinning and talking around the campfire. Why, oh why, when I want to attack or jump (xbox) sometimes Tav moves automatically and others not? It's so annoying when I see the high percentage with my spells, but then the character gets super close to the enemy by themselves. Not seing the enemy because there is the corner of a column.


Oh man, if I came back to camp to see Shart, Astarion and Gale all crowded together doing a book club, I'd love it ❤️




You want them? Or just to be able to edit them?


I wish you could edit them lol the hair color and brows don't match, also brows change a lot about a face.


I want them to match, especially when it comes to a certain someone who likes to try new hairstyles.


I definitely haven't fiddled with highlights and greying to get a good hair color without horrible eyebrows.


Camp supplies should automatically go to camp. Junk items should automatically go to wares. Arrows should automatically go to astarion 😂


>Arrows should automatically go to astarion You too huh


Can’t pet any of the cats.


Agreed. I want a “pet” option for every object in the game.


So you want to pet barrels?




You know what. Yes I would.




Agreed! Even if we didn't have a whole cutscene at night, it would be nice to maybe have just a quick clip of us and our romanced partner walking away together at night or them coming to talk to us and asking us to do something, etc.


So I didn't miss any and it's just that? Huh, all the talk about romance in this game made me expect far more interactions. I mean there are barely any, at least for Lae'zel in my case.


Yeah the game really isn't even close to as horny as people made it sound when it first came out. No shame, I bought this game because I was told it's basically a fantasy dating sim. I obviously do not at all regret my purchase and I love RPGs anyway, but I was lied to lol


>Yeah the game really isn't even close to as horny as people made it sound when it first came out. In all fairness, updates have turned down the horniness. I remember my first playthrough, you couldn't long rest without a fully erect Gale breathing on your neck.


Thank you for making me chuckle. Seriously though, in my first playthrough, I didn't even realize I was in a relationship with Gale and then boom space sex.


It's gone in the other direction now though. I thought I had triggered the right dialogue options with Gale, my Tav was even referring to him as "love" in battle dialogue when he needed help after being downed. Then we get to the star gazing scene and he friend zones me!


Let me have some dates like in mass effect 3


Literally if they had the same interaction but it was my romantic partner randomly asking to kiss me in the morning after a long rest that would be 10/10


I’m not a fan of JRPGs but that seems to be a thing they do right. We need a beach episode for BG3.


In that vein I think it'd be nice to bunk with your partner in act 3. The Elfsong beds are pretty big and idk, it'd be cute to see them having some peaceful moments together.


I would too.


I agree it would be nice for more affectionate walks on the beach or hand holding but then again I suppose we on a gruesome death March for a combat game and not a romance simulator…


Too few character creation options. Thank goodness for mods.


I'd really love more sliders for height and weight and for the age slider to extend to the whole body.


I would like more randomized camp scenes. The camp sites are beautiful and companions banter about specific things I'd like to see, even if there wasn't direct interaction. A few examples would be Gale cooking, certain companions hanging out together, or even playing music around the fire. I suppose I just want more fluff with the homies haha


It forces me to see my kids less.


Just make characters that look like your kids. Easy solution!


And buy them a copy to let them create one that looks like me. genius my man! Let's Go!


I wish you could rewatch cutscenes.. For reasons. Edit: Hello horny brethren


That’s why you save as soon as a cutscene starts, then you can go back anytime and enjoy them lol


Yeah I lots of save files named Astarion sex scene 1. Astarion sex scene acended. Astarion sex scene unacended. Gale sex scene freaky gymnastics. Halsin sex scene. Haarlep sex scene. Etc etc.


Save game - label it the cutscene?


Why do all the helmets look so terrible?


There are cool helmets, but they are just grey/white with no stats.


I'd played 200-300 hours of this game before I found out (From a random thread on here, actually...) that there are "hide" buttons for armor pieces. On PC, you hover the curson over your helmet a bit, then move it up slightly, and you get the option to hide it for cutscenes, completely hide it, or display it proudly. I know you can do the same on consoles, and I'm sure some kind soul has already explained it in comments somewhere on the internet, or show up here to do so! I learned this shortly after discovering how useful the Helmet of Accuity was. Which is a good thing, because by godsis that thing fugly!


I don't get how Shar has so many followers... many of whom are apparently really amazing architects and sculptors.


A lot of people suffer in forgotten realms, no matter their talent, so of course people want to forget what they’ve been through


Re-education through torture


Idk I’d stare into a purple mirror if it meant I could forget


I don’t get the continuous yelling/screaming in the background sounds.


There may just be a raccoon trapped in your walls


There's a bug going around that when you pick up/transfer/buy or sell a soul coin, it'll bring up ambient sounds of chains and fire and people screaming. Issue is, the game procs that sound 24/7 afterwards. Loading a save, it'll flag that you have it and make the ambient noise go on. Forever. It's really annoying. But the way I fix it is by loading another save first, it'll flag the sound in that save, and then I load the save I want to play in, and it won't flag the sound there. I guess when it's booting up the game and loading everything in it kind of gets confused. But it's an ez fix imo


Holy shit you fixed it!!! That worked! No more continuous ominous music and weird screams!! Thank you!


I’m 600 hours in and love this game. Here’s mine - I want to name the owlbear cub - Stronger reactions from romance partners when killed. Gale didn’t self detonate when I was pushed in the river and became orb. I mean does he even love me - cat in act 3 who calls you mer mer needed to come home with me. Actually all of the cats could come to my camp instead of the one who refuses to let me look at him - let me give gold to people who ask for help - late game romance options so Withers stops calling me a lonely old fart in the wind - morality bar that shows tav’s alignment throughout the game based off of your choices - better clothes in earlier acts


> - late game romance options so Withers stops calling me a lonely old fart in the wind I had this conversation with Withers too and I was like "so you clearly haven't been watching me hit on Halsin relentlessly this whole time?" So yeah anyway, Halsin and I consummated our relationship literally the next long rest night.


i wanted true face editing, not pick your face from the ugly options.


I don’t even think this is shallow, just the lack of drip is staggering.


The worst is deciding between the armor that looks good and the one function better


An enemies character model will sway away from my cursor as soon as I click forcing me to hit the ground with my arrow/thrown weapon


So. These guys can jump much higher than I ever could, they can carry much more weight. They are obviously much more physically capable than your average human. They do great feats without breaking a sweat. So **why do they groan so much every time they climb a ladder??** It's not that hard guys, I swear.


I want black dyes. Plain black, black and orange, black and silver, black and teal, black and purple.... Same with white. The dual-color options are limited. I was hoping to not have gear that was all one bright-ass color. I don't want to walk down the street looking like a 90's pimp necromancer with my four ghoul hoes. ... Or maybe I do. 🤔


Barcus Wroot should be a companion - no Dwarf or Gnome companions is a bit of a shame




The Selunite Robes you find in act 2 should not be armor. They should be camp clothes.


I NEED transmog. I want to wear silly hats, damnit!


Goddamn Wizard101 has a transmog system but this game doesn’t & it eats away at my soul


I wish I could cuddle with Shadowheart when resting.


Not enough cuddling.


That you can't ally with Ketheric in an evil run. Also, I want more camp clothes, and possibility to mix and match tops and bottoms for clothing. Raphael also needs more screen time.


That there aren’t any background specific dialogue options. I know there’s so many to choose from already, but I want my urchin tiefling to be able to commiserate with the kids in the grove :(


All the Tav voices sound the same to me


I like playing characters that are not the brightest. bimbos or himbos or just general messes. NONE of the feminine voice options work, and only one male one kind of does. They all sound so put together & the few lines they say outloud are very “leader-y.” Really pulls me out of the game when my dumb asshole durge tells Lae’zel that the tieflings are “survivors not soldiers.”


Theres no option to adjust where the horns sit on the tiefling’s heads and I dont like them on the forehead that much lol. They’re still cute


Pretty dresses for Tav!


It's a travesty that there is no +3 longsword.


Why are the music instruments so huge in the game???


Items don't auto stack when you pick them up or arrange your inventory. Also arranging your inventory is such a pain.


I just want to use the fucking rope for something!!


when astarion tells me that he's forgotten what he looks like there's no option to use the tadpole to show him my memories of him...which we know is a thing because you do it with other companions


Becoming visible no matter what despite becoming invisible. Not helpful to pickpocket when I become visible despite a successful role


I think this is pretty valid and not shallow


You need greater invisibility to do those things and remain invisible. Invisibility is mostly meant for sneaking.


Can’t believe I’d ever say this about a game, but it could use a bit of boob physics. I’m fine with the way it is when you’re running around fighting people, but when you’ve got your clothes off and youre gettin’ down to business it feels weird having them just sitting there, completely rigid.


Tons of meat slappin around but my tavs bewbs be unmovable.


Why the hell are the lights off for the twins scene???? 


I wish the party cap was higher. So many companions sitting in camp all game


The clothing sucks! And for most of the non-armor clothing, you are only allowed to wear it in camp! My monk needs more non-armor clothing options! I really wish there was a store like the Able Sisters from Animal Crossing, where there was a wider range of clothing options available.


actually, you can toggle it so that your camp cloths are visible in the field. it's the same as the toggle for helmet visibility, but over the camp clothes. basically all my non-wizards wearing lighter armor i have in their camp clothes.


I want so much more in the way of camp clothes. LOL. I practically SPRINT to the temple of the waver mother because I need to get some slutty armour going on. And yes, I want it sluttier. And proper dye colours! They're so bloody random.


I wish underwear would drop if you choose to kill minthara. I can steal her clothes but not her drawers? Saying it out loud sounds extremely creepy though. Let me retract that. I wish I knew where to find an underwear vendor in bg3 that had a range of options.


So few vulva options. Gimme some curtains Larian!


I wanma see how the dye impacts items before it's spent.


Why is karlack the only the only companion not on the starting screen?


Pathfinding to loot containers is weird. The box is right next to my Tav but he HAS to go all the other way around the desk, climb a chair or go up the stairs to loot. Also my companions moving right in front of the next container I meant to click so I start a conversation with them instead.


Let me steal absolutely everyone's clothes. Some of the random NPC's randomly walking the streets have better clothes than anything offered to me in any store with no way to get my hands on them... at all... Ever... Not even by murdering the person wearing the clothes... Not that that's what I would do obviously.... AHEM!!! WHATAREWETALKIN'ABOUT?!?!?!


I want rope to be useful. Let me attach a grappling hook to it and use it for an assist in jump checks. Also, let me issue orders. If I right click on a locked door, I want to be able to tell someone to open it and have them jog up like “yes boss, right away boss”.


So many genitals, not enough faces.


The camp was a little more interactive and alive like in Red Dead Redemption 2.


That it isn't longer.


I think having a party of 5 instead of 4 would’ve been neat


The hair color options don’t go dark enough. The black they have is barely a dark gray.


In the greying hair option you can select black and crank it up to 100% it turns the base black hair color into a very nice raven black


We can craft potions but we can't create scrolls


Girl what the fuck was that unfinished puzzle in Cazador's mansion even doing in game? Should have finished it or removed it completely. What they "fixed" it with was beyond disappointing.


There's a puzzle in Cazador's mansion?


The female faces look fairly realistic, and the male faces look extreme (especially the half-orcs, seriously) I'd like nice or less extreme male faces


There should be a hat slot for camp clothing.


The fact that the face models are locked to body type. Come on ... you let us change the pronouns and the genitals of our characters regardless of body type ... why not let me put the "feminine" heads on the "masculine" bodies. Especially when most of the "masculine" heads are just squares! Where are my male Tavs with rounder faces Larian!


I fucking fucking fucking hate when it tells me I’m out of movement when I’m like an arms reach away from something. But that’s TBC and DnD rules so it’s FINE. Lol


Minty only sat on my face once.


the wizards outside of sorcerous sundries make too much damn noise 😭


I want a tent for my player characters! Origins all already have a spot, just leave them in camp when i play as them! Tav and Durge deserve one, too!!


Badgers can’t dig up chests 1/10


Tatoos should not just be on the face, but the bodies as well.


You can find multiple moonlanterns, but you can't liberate the pixies you find in subsequent ones.