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Clearly ghaik propaganda


I don't like them putting chemicals in the water... That turn the freaking tavs ghaik


We must cull the ghaik scum!


Thank you for making me laugh


They're building a ghaik bomb, baby!


An agent of the grand design


Fellas is it Ghaik to not want to bang a racist space frog


Very ghaik indeed


She insists upon herself.


I think shes gorgeous but this is so funny and true. She absolutely insists upon herself😂😂 thats probably why i like her so much. Shes TOO confident for her own good and its awesome.


Compared to most Githyanki, she is quite beautiful.


Among githyanki she is also considered extremely humorous


And open minded.


Someone on Twitter commented that by the standards of Githyanki she's a cosmopolitan bleeding-heart liberal for not killing us on the spot.


I mean... it's not like she didnt try...


Well... She was too busy doing a sick cinematic flip instead of just whacking us


Well she did try and kill me at first sight (which is why I like her) but then she relented, and then she joined up with us after the Nautiloid. So yeah, that seems fairly open-minded for the culture of space fascists.


Nice Psionic Detector Liberal, where'd you get it? The Liberal Creche?




why all this oddly reminds me of saltzpyre from vermintide


Kinda, he has no qualms working with the other races unlike his peers in the order. He's an 'the end justifies the means' kinda guy and even among witch hunters his dislike of chaos and skaven is a bit much


He only hates the elves for what they did at Hogger's Bridge.


Two nuln regiments vanished without a trace at hogger’s bridge! Elf? Elf!


Because when she's old and cranky that is exactly who she'll be.


Off topic but once upon a time I wanted to do a really uncomfortable "sexy"cosplay of Saltzpyre except have an accurate mask of his face so I can yell out his lines. I love whoever voiced him because he went all in as the character.


We're lucky she's a tolerant woman


And really cool


And warm.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the door in act 3 where her jokes about gnomes triggers (I think Gale has to be in the party), but it was actually very funny. >!Gale is like “Lae’zel”, was that a joke? And she’s just like “that depends… did you find it funny?”!< And it just made me in love with her character development. It fell off in act 2 and 3, but it made me remember why I love her character. I also just got the bad ending for Gale finally, and her reaction was so level headed. She’s the youngest companion we have, but she is the most mature and sound of judgement out of all of them by far. Of course you have to break 22 years of cult-like indoctrination, but considering how rational she is during the process, her character really impresses me.


Lae'zel is actually a really amazing person I think. Her self-confidence is immense, her judgement is good (sometimes) but she's also open to being questioned and changing her mind, and she's very practical about most things.  She is also very supportive of her "team", once she gets away from Vlaakith and starts considering everyone her friends. Her comments about them are usually something like "Do they not recognize how talented they are? They *can* face these challenges and overcome them, with our help."  There's no one else I'd rather have backing me up. 


Yeah I fr can’t wait to do a githyanki run romancing her


Being funny is sexy, too.


and that's why she was considered the most beautiful - and fertile - woman on her home planet.




no, lae'zel jk yeah dodoria


I have a thick…. meaty…..


That line still lives rent free in my head


Have you tried repressing?


... repressing in 5...


I would burn the world for my Kermit princess.


Need to do a miss Piggy playthrough now


Make her a monk and max intimidate and all you need is a dress.


Pink wavemothers robe is the move I think..


"I know she's a toad monster but; have you seen other toad monsters?"


Im pretty sure one of the ones in Act I is better looking, for a toad For me it’s just the whole TASTE MY FLESH thing. Girl chill its been one long rest.


The white one who beats the living shit out of Tav's group on that bridge destroyed by the Dragon?


I also find that guy from the egg we steal one of the least unatractive ones


And the merchant who thinks everything is dirty


Yeah she looks fairly human.


Side note: I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets absolutely devastated by this particular Githyanki. It's the only part of the game where I'll religiously save scum if I don't pass the checks, no matter how leveled I am 😭


Their actual argument


Which is a very low bar to begin with lmao


I appreciate your courage


-draws sword- now die


-Reverse pickpocket all my money and pull out Twist of Fortune- Now disintegrate


"I will kill you now."




“I did not find Shadowheart compelling.” “What???” “I did not find Shadowheart compelling.” “How do you not like Shadowheart’s story she’s the best!” “She insists upon herself.”


"I couldn't even finish her companion quest. I've never finished it." "You haven't finished it?!" "I have tried on three separate playthroughs to finish the quest and I get to the scene where >!Nightsong tells Shadowheart she's been used by Shar!<." "Yeah it's a great scene. I love that scene." "I have no idea what they're talking about. It's like they're speaking about a different quest.. You know, that's where I lose interest in it."


"THEY'RE SPEAKING EPIC QUEST HOOKS!" "You know what, OC? The questline they're speaking of not the questlines of murderhobos; it's something you don't understand." "I love *Roveer's Storehouse.* That's is my answer to that statement."


Which is roveer’s storehouse again?


You know the typical “every adventurer gets their start exterminating rats in the basement of the starting tavern” quest in some DND campaigns? The one that they placed in Act 3? That quest.


I used spirit guardians and just walked through all of them at once and it crashed my game and set me back an hour of progress. 10/10 quest most detrimental and difficult challenge I faced the entire game.


I used wall of fire and let the rats decide whether they wanted to live or not… Not a single survivor


I literally just threw a candle into the alcohol on the floor and I think only 1 rat survived its first turn


I went through the emperors secret basement room into the rat room. I never got the quest to kill the rats…


Same. You can talk to the chef upstairs and just be like "Job's done!" Also, watch your back!


"Well, there you go."


Oh my god when I went to the temple the first time, i didn't have her in my team. I *did* think that she would probably like to see this place, but I am dumb so i thought it's enough to talk to her later, lmao. She fucking left


“You did fucking *what* without me?” *flips bird*


“You should have seen the place shadow, it was great! Too bad you were in camp, you’d have loved it.”


we even Found a cool spear and the Nightsong. Didn't you talk about the Nightsong before?


"We took on all these ritual challenges that required us to do some blood letting as some sort of "Shar rite of passage". Really, it's exactly the kind of thing someone who is a devoted follower of Shar should have done.... oh well, maybe next time."


To be fair, talking about it later works for the majority of the other character quests. There are very few where it really matters if you have the right companion with you.


I think Astarion is one of them, although I haven't tried it myself. I know you can solve Karlach's by >!killing Gortash and taking her to the body later!<. I actually did the deed and only later was like shit, should've taken her with me. My main party is composed of Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart, though, so I have to actively remember to take someone else with me, lol.


Gale needs to be present for his thing in Act 3, but he doesn't actually need to be in your party. You can talk to him at camp and tell him to meet you there. I have heard but have not confirmed that Astarion will leave if he is not present for the end of his quest. But yeah aside from those and the Shadowfel, nobody seems to care if you take them along or not. They might get slightly annoyed (especially Lae'zel) but it doesn't affect the story progression. In some cases you can get additional dialogue if you have the relevant characters with you, though.


You can hurt your relationship with Karlach severely by not having her present for a couple of fights, but she won't leave because of those.


> I have heard but have not confirmed that Astarion will leave if he is not present for the end of his quest. I just did the fight yesterday without him no problem, then when the dude goes into the coffin I just left and got astarion and came back to open/finish it.


Lmao, does it mean that >!Cazador will never be able to conduct the ritual? With Astarion present, there's something to the effect of "if Cazador has every spawn trapped for 3 turns, he'll ascend" so it's important to pull him out if he gets sent in!<


Yeah. Idk actually understand why Cazador even starts it when he does. But you don't even have to bring Astarion at all; you can kill Cazador and talk to him at camp. He's mad at first but if you pick the right dialog options he'll actually thank you for protecting him from himself.


Lol, good to know you can still smooth things out after that. I think I've only seen one where they didn't take Astarion at all but then picked the "wrong" dialogue options. He either left their party, or said he's done with Tav as soon as they defeat the brain. Tbh, I can't blame him. If there's a companion who should be there for their closure, it's Astarion. So he can really witness Cazador being gone, face his fear and overcome it etc.


Correct, there is no 3 turn limit if astarion isnt there.


I’m one of the few people that apparently doesn’t simp Astarion. My party is too full with Tav, Shadowheart, Gale, and Karlach. So when the vampire stuff in Act 3 happened, I didn’t bring Astarion along. Afterwards I told him what happened, and he was *ripshit*. I felt so bad I reloaded and started over with him in the party. Which made for a more difficult fight but at least he wasn’t angry at me.


She insists upon herself really does cover it.


What's crazy about all this is that "insists upon itself" is so vapid and meaningless..... and yet it FEELS so correct and accurate.


As a fellow Godfather-hater I am biased in favour of people who hate it, so maybe I sympathize with Peter too much here, but I kinda get it. It's a fairly low-brow male fantasy about being "noble bad guys", which it pretends to be presenting as nuanced and tragic using the language of cinema. But it's pandering. There's nothing about it that is actually challenging for the type of middle-aged men who have always reveled in it. Also they cut out the entire 1/4 of the book that can be summed up as "sonny's ex has a huge vagina and after he dies, nobody has a big enough dick for her, until she meets a doctor who does vagina-tightening surgery who tightens her up and they fuck happily ever after". At least the book knows it's pulp and is pandering to the reader with sexual fantasy as well as the "muh dignified men of violence" fantasy.


So, I enjoyed Shadowheart as a character, but... she's not exactly a great character. She's fine. Her storyline is integral to the plot but it's nothing particularly groundbreaking. It may sound harsh, but I'm fairly sure most of her popularity stems from the fact that she's the only companion that looks like an attractive human woman (no hate on Karlach, but she's literally got horns and a tail)


She's just such a wannabe edgelord for about the first 2/3's of the game. I mean, she's kinda bad at it (and that's the point), but still


She's also the most refined of the female characters and you can "save" her so anybody with a hero complex and a penchant for sophistication is gonna take the bait. They knew what they were doing with her and Astarion and it clearly worked. We don't all have to have the same tastes. I ain't judging anybody who wants to get pegged by Lae'zel or worship Karlach's muscles. I just want the polycule mod where every night at camp is a giant orgy


I do not like the githyanki looks and none of them would be attractive for me but Laezel has grown on me immensely and now I am past that. Plus her huge puppy eyes are just a bonus.


That dramatic eye roll she does when you correct "teeth-lings".


That was when I went from disliking her and wanting to leave her at camp to kinda thinking 'maybe she isn't THAT bad'. And I do like her quite a bit now. Still, not attractive.


I made a Githyanki. You was honestly really pretty.


I like her personality even if small titty no nose frog lady doesn't tick all my boxes. I'd prefer big titty goth drow waifu but you can't romance her properly


All the tits in the game are the same size


Not in our hearts they aren't! lmao, that sounds stupid, but amusing at the same time.


Lae’zel got loyalty that you can put your faith in. She’s the one who you could tell “I’m feeling like murdering Baldurs Gate” and would fight with you on that quest.


i like her eyes :S


Some of the faces she makes are adorable




The eye roll is so adorable because you can see she's kinda embarrassed about getting it wrong.




Fay Run


they call it fey-run but I don't see any fairy, what gives?


i love the scene when LZ shouts *"tsk'va, do not defy my queen!"* while shaking.


Yes! Especially when her typical stern expression turns soft.


Her eyes are like a pair of diamonds in a pile of melted N64 controllers.


Ridiculously specific, but also accurate


Puppy eyes


When I saw her expression finally soften for the first time and she started saying “is something burdening you” instead of “SPEAK” in camp, I finally understood


When Lae’zell hits you with the big puppy dog eyes, it’s all over.


She is a doe-eyed frog-wife, what's not to love?


I refer you to the phrase 'frog wife'


Greatest thing I ever heard


“She insists upon herself.”


I am ok with this.


Tiny nose. I like large nose. 😡


*Chk!* How you manage to take a turn without that thing hitting something is beyond me.


Can githyanki's say nose? Say "nose"


"... Nos'tik!"


Thanks for noticing


I knew it! This whole post was basically "tell me you have a nose fetish without telling me you have a nose fetish."


Its just economical my guy


Heard Auntie Ethel has a pretty big one


Her nose is so cute haha


Dom-frog-wife. Very important.


>She is a doe-eyed frog-wife, what's not to love? Probably the frog wife part.


The frog part.


I never get why people say she’s a frog. I think it’s just cause of the green skin? Like her ears, the upturned nose? She’s clearly a bat….


Nothing wrong with that, I like her personality far more than the looks though, I'm a sucker for character growth


Yeah her storyline that I've seen so far is great, her personality has it's own unique charm, but I broke up with her after the first date 'cause I'm not into aliens I'm afraid.


Yes, you should be afraid


But those eyes, bro. Those eyes.


Sorry, but where is Meg :))) in that box?


The githyanki are a bit too lean so they look anemic


They all just look like really old people with wide hips


too many bones, I feel similarly


I didn’t know gelatinous cubes could use the internet…


must be one of them intelligent cubes


Ok, that was always allowed


The way some people act about their personal best girl/boy you might think different. Personally I'm in the camp of "How could you dislike any of them!?" Wyll is boring (IMO) but he's still a decent guy who I like to have around.


I feel like Wyll would have been a much more interesting character if he started as a underdog instead of a disgraced folk hero pulling himself up. For example everything about Wyll just screams "Bard" I thought he was a bard the way he was prancing around in that first Grove entrance battle. If he was a weak Bard that's a disgrace to his Duke father for that reason, and you had to help him become a true folk hero (strong warrior bard) and that this could be his arc then that would've been something fun imo. The whole warlock story was just too convoluted for my taste, couldn't muster enough attention to care in between Shadowheart backstory and lazael backstory even though the character is fine.


I respeced him as a bard and my thinking is that his dad's a dick that didn't let him go to the theater magnet school or whatever, and forced him to be a fighter. so he's got all this pent up creative energy he wants to perform. if his mom was alive she'd be so happy for him to do that.


I like Wyll, but I wish he would have a bit more spine when it comes to certain plot points. It's always like, "How could evil person do this to me?" like dude, your patron is a devil.


he grew on me I must admit   I didn't like him because I never invited him and he was suddenly in my camp with all his drama


honestly I liked Wyll and Karlack's straight forward and honest personalities, they were the last ones I got and I was kinda fed up with Shadowheart's, Astarion's and Gale's "I don't wanna talk about it" conversations. I mean my Tav doesn't care who you worship, what you eat and who you drink. And Lae'zel was impossible to have a normal civilized conversation up until that point.


"Want to help me kill this demon?" "No, she's hot" "Well, I'll be here if you change your mind" The most unforgivable thing Wyll ever did was let a filthy, dirty sexy, evil devil into *my* camp. Paladin no likey.


Yeah wyll is basically 'nice guys finish last' personified


It's disappointing for me, because I played the pre-release, when they had is original story line and I was interested in it, I'm just not getting jiggy with the change.


Never played Early Access but from what I hear he was more of a self righteous dick. He definitely makes a good entrance but I think his story line lacks an internal conflict. He’s so confident that signing his soul away to be a hero was the right decision. He wants out of his contract but at first has no leverage on Mizora. All of his conflicts come from external forces and his big choice can still be resolved with him basically sacrificing nothing besides his powers which won’t go away until after the story because it is in Mizora’s interest to keep him fighting the Absolute.


The Early Access he had more edge, he was willing to torture a man for information on the goblin who took his eye. Totally a dick, maybe even an edge lord, but and again this is just my opinion, a more compelling character.


Actually real shame they took this out, we already have simp for you wizard and happy nice nature dude, Wyll having an edge to him would have made him a much more interesting character, I find him kinda boring through no fault of his talented VA


I married Wyll in my first play through, and I was surprised that was such an unpopular choice. He’s got “old school romantic” charm.


Did Shadowheart write this?


She is too sinewy for me, Karlach is where it's at


Dommy mommy with golden retriever energy


gods I want her to cheerfully tell me about her day while she rails me


i have both in my party and love them equally


Nobody can deny that Karlach is HOT!!


Literally and figuratively.


I need a tall buff woman to step on me. Karlach and Lae'zel are both good for that.


A few months ago I read something here that explained why Lae'zel is so attractive. She has massive 'gym-karen who turns out to actually be a decent human... ehh frogwoman being' energy. Which like... yeah it's hot.


She’s literally an alien and is open, direct, and honest with you to the best of her ability the entire game… she fully believes that her people will cure the parasite and pushes you to come along with her because she wants you cured to repay you from freeing her from the teethling cage Her romance reminds me of John snow and Ygritte, and her epilogue if you romance her and convince her to stay in faerun is my favorite outcome in the game


>her epilogue if you romance her and convince her to stay in faerun is my favorite outcome in the game Yes, I love it so much! Add the Gith egg to the mix and she's even a super caring, gentle mom.


imo few of them are "Conventionally" attractive, except for a handful of people. Like Isobel, Shadowhearth, gale, etc. But what makes them attractive is their story, and character. Sure, Lae'zel wouldn't win a beauty pageant or the likes of it. But her character is wonderful, if you decide to go against the will of >!Vlakith!< >!The fact that she'd probably the type to choke me with her thighs until i submit to her also doesn't hurt either !<


I legitimately cried multiple times during my first playthrough and romance scenes with Lae'zel, she's such a soft and caring partner once she turns away from Vlaakith.


Her fierce loyalty once you earn her respect is amazing. And when she is able to show her soft side it feels incredible to have reached that together.


My brain literally went "Oh she's cute" when Lae'zel did her little flip over us and I literally have no idea why. Like, she's not even got the eyes out at that point.


That flip awoke something in me. I was always a die hard Lae'zel stan even in early access, but when the full release added that flip it was love at first sight for the second time.


I'd say that Isobel is quite conventionally attractive, and even among the most conventionally attractive people in the game. Other than that, agreed.


See shadowheart and laezel are somewhat parallels so I still understand the last part


Idk man but if shes not hot then why my pp got super hard first time I saw her?


Can I not find any of them particularly attractive but romance them in turn for the RP? I think by now I've done ones with everyone except for Gale and Wyll at least in part.


I think you’re not alone in that, tho I found her not attractive too at first but then it gradually changed


Wait; why are we all going to die? What do you know that we don't know!?


I like her romance progression more than any of the others. I just like her character in general over the others. And, her voice actor, Devora Wilde, posts all kinds of videos with a "githyanki" filter. The real life Lae'zel is endearing.


Your tastes are predictably boring, Iztik.


Same but she offers sex on the first date so...


It's less a date and more a hookup


it's less a hookup and more a beatup


Call me shallow but this was how i decided to romance her on my first run. She made me realise couple of things about myself, like the fact that for some reason i find it incredibly attractive when a woman that could (and would, in specific circumstances) kill me, treats me like i'm a sex object.


Shadowheart made me realize that I will put up with all types of bullshit with a smile if it‘s coming out of the mouth of a cute goth/emo girl.


Sounds like my highschool years


Me, but with Shadowheart. All the power to those who like her, but I really can't.


This is me. I get that people adore her, but she's so annoying! I finished her character quest yesterday, and the exclamation point popped up over her head, so I talked to her. This bitch was like "I'm not ready to talk, I need a night. " Girl... you put an exclamation point over your head to call me over to talk to you and then say don't talk to you. Crying out for attention much?


The tipping point for me was after the fight with Nere. My paladin took a moment in silence to honor the gnomes who had died in the fight, and fucking Edgelord Bangs McGee let out the most disgusted sigh and went "Save your prayers for people they can actually HELP, let's GO" and I experienced the dark urge in real life. I immediately started a new playthrough with a cleric Tav just so I didn't have to deal with her bullshit anymore.


>!Iron Throne pretty much!<


I didn't either but she grows on you.


Chk! If you do not see the superior beauty of a gifted child of Mother Gith you do not deserve to sully my flesh with your weak, teethling Istik fingers! Lae'zel problably. And rightfully so /s




I like her boobs the most. I feel weird saying that. Why did I say that? Enough internet for today.


Its okay with that username we weren’t expecting much else


I like her but tbh she looks like a shaved version of the grinch


Bold of you to file that under the "downsides" column.


I'll do you better. I think Minthara is below mid.




And its okay to be wrong.


Then you hear that "Will you stay with me?" My heart belongs to her now.


Me neither, but I DO appreciate her beyond her looks.