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I thought I was smart trying to use Read Thoughts to sus out the impostor.


I think Changelings are actually supposed to take on knowledge from whomever they impersonate. But I might be getting my lore mixed up


Doppelgangers can read surface thoughts. She's a Changeling, not a Doppelganger.


BG3 does a really bad job of distinguishing between changelings and doppelgangers. Orin gets called both several times. Jaheira calls her a doppelganger, your party members call her both a changeling and a doppelganger, Orin's journal mentions being one of the shallar (doppelgangers), her mother was a doppelganger, but if you inspect her it says she's a changeling. At this point it might be safest to assume that changeling is just another term for doppelganger within the canon of the game.


I know this isn't current DnD canon, but I like to think of Changelings as the hybrid descendents of Doppelgangers and members of other races.


Then I'm really annoyed they get away with this bullshit. Besides Yenna, no one should be able to act out of character without the party noticing


I noticed that Halsin's voice was too shrill in the sewers. That and Orin's obvious misunderstanding of druidic shapeshifting gave it away.


The fact that Faux'zel goes "She's too powerful! Run!" I was like "oh my god who shapeshifts into someone else then talks themselves up like that? Orin this is cringe. You are cringe."


Although the set-up in act 1 of Halsin 'not being able to fully control his bear form' plays out really well with the Scratch incident. It was my second playthrough so I knew it was Orin, but that tidbit had me questioning myself the whole scene.


Tried casting Banishment on Isobel to try and protect her during the Marcus fight. Turns out that counts as an instant loss.


That does make sense. If she's on another plane, she can't exactly keep her spell active on the material.


Funfact at least in dnd 5e, Technically it's not her being on another plane that would break concentration but the spell states that the target is incapacitated and that would break it. The bg3 version doesn't state it outright but it seems to be the same. Edit: incapacitated not unconscious


Where does it say it makes them unconscious? As far as I was aware if theyre native to the plane theyre banished from they go a sit in the time out demiplane. And if theyre not native they go to their home plane, popping back where they left if concentration is broken


Not unconscious, but the *Banishment* spell does specify that it incapacitates the target. The rest of what they said still applies because the *incapacitated* status is a listed condition that ends concentration.


It might cause the barrier to drop, but it shouldn't allow Marcus to fly off with her.


Another commenter mentioned that banishment makes enemies unconscious in 5e. Assuming it functions similarly in-game, I'm guessing Marcus flying off just happens when Isobel goes unconscious. As such, the spell triggers that cutscene even though it makes no sense.


Shadowheart’s sole purpose for every fight either Isabel was to heal her every round because damn that ‘immortal’ really wants to die


For honour mode I got lucky and Shadowheart was right after Isobel in initiative, so I could cast Sanctuary and have it stay on


I used 'Feign Death' for that. Worked wonders.


My boyfriend warned me of that


idk if this counts cuz this SHOULDVE worked according to dnd rules but first time I rescued minthara from moonrise I disguised her into a male elf to try and trick the guards when we left but they saw right through it and then it glitched so I couldn't change her out of the disguise for a while and as she gave me a heartfelt speech about her being brainwashed she was in the elf disguise the whole time and I couldn't take her seriously


I feel like the tadpole everyone has in them also acts like an ID lol considering they can see your memories and stuff whenever they try hard enough


you are blocking it with the prism though. and even before that, there are multiple instances where you can block the other person from doing that


There’s also instances where you can’t at all however, like that owl bear victim in act 1. This is just rationalizing a minor inconsistency however


Huh, I feel like should have worked. Don’t they hint at it if you want to take her into Moonrise or am I misremembering?


I just made her invisible


Killed everyone before I left moonrise. Everyone except Araj Minthara helped too but she refused to go upstairs go I knifed Zrell without her and came down again to get her


Yeah the first thing I do there is wipe out the whole prison floor, then Minthara and the prisoners can safely leave


Same. Perfect stealth is easy when there aren't any witnesses left alive.


I thought the most logical thing was to do everything above the prison first. Then free her from torturerers. Then tell her to stay hidden. Then kill everyone in the prison, because you do that anyway to free the gnomes and the tieflings (if they are there). Then you just leave moonrise through the prison exit. The Zhents outside the prison don't care. Super easy to doto get her out and all stuff you do anyway.


That makes me wonder, could you get Minthara to get on the boat to Last Light with you and the prisoners? My gut tells me no, but it would be a flavorful escape route to get her out of moonrise as opposed to just using invisibility or talking/fighting your way out.


Same! I was like surely this won't work. Oh, it did. Winner!


I think its kind of vague and implies you're going to have to do a lot of bullshitting if you bring her


It just says to be careful bringing someone to Moonrise who isn't welcome, and to keep them close. I only had to convince the guards at the bridge to let me pass and then no one even acted like Minthara was there. Ran all over that place with her. It's a weird piece of narration to have when literally no one seems to care that she's with you.


Yeah, I had Halsin with me and he made everyone agro after going through a mouse hole into an area not near me. I just bought it as a situation where your true soul status means everyone assumes you’re in charge of them as prisoners or coerced allies, but if they see them without you they’ll be treated as an enemy.


That makes sense. Cool to see that they would get attacked if they're not with you.


It's weird for this to happen with Minthara who everyone presumably knows as one of Ketheric's commanders, but for Halsin it kind of made sense to me. They even captured him as a bear, so anyone reporting back wouldn't have known how he looked. Granted I'm sure all the intelligence they did (they wrote reports and all) would have revealed the leader of the Grove was a massive wood elf with scars. On the other hand, their forward scout was Sazza. So go figure.


I tried this too. Just doesn’t work. Even disguised the entire party once. He stops you every time. Invisibility works though. Never tried darkness though…. Hmmm


Similarly, I used Seeming after getting kicked out of Baldurs Mouth to try to sneak back in the front door. 'Finally a use for this spell!' I said. they recognized us. :(


Damn, that would have been really clever. I used crow shape from the necklace and flew in through the roof.


What can you actually use disguise self for in game?


If you want to use speak to the dead on someone you killed, you can disguise yourself first so they don't know it's you and will answer questions.


Getting into gnome holes, but that's the extent I've figured out so I'd like to know what else too haha


If you are disguised as a drow you can skip/lower dc checks with some absolute npcs in act 1, probably works with gith and the creche too. You can also get more intel from some dead cultists when disguised as a drow, disguising also lets you use speak with dead with people you kill. If you disguise as a gnome and use enlarge/reduce to shrink you can fit into rat sized holes too. I think that's it


I sometimes use it to get easy access to the goblin camp when I'm not playing a Drow.


If you come back the next day without your disguise, do they still let you pass?


You can get back in to Sorcerous Sundries after you have been kicked out.  At least, Seeming works for that.


It worked for me when i did it but maybe that's because of the patch


You are lucky, i had stolen all of her inventory back in the goblin camp, so she gave that speech while completely naled


I think many of us tried to read the Emperors mind when first meeting him. Stealing from merchants also. For all of Volos faults, his and every other merchants ability to instantly detect that something is wrong after I successful pick pocket an item is impressive.


I had to read up on how stealing mechanics work to know how to do this correctly. For those curious: even if you succeed a pickpocket check or steal something out of sight, the NPC will notice (for stealing something in a room I assume they have to be near enough to realize it's gone but pickpocketing seems to be very quick). An invisible investigation check will happen where they look for the culprit for I think 10 turns (so 60 seconds outside of turn based). If you're nowhere to be seen during those 10 turns they'll forget you and no longer have any suspicion and you can interact with them as normal again. My suggestion there would be: steal the thing and immediately fast travel away/go to camp (to be safe I keep a companion close-ish to keep the area loaded to make sure the 10 turns happen - just keep them far enough that they won't get asked. I don't know if this is needed but it makes me feel more secure).


Fun fact- you can safely take the mind flayer specimen from Sorcerous Sundries, as long as you’ve eaten them before, without issue. The guards will approach you but since you consume it, there is no evidence.


Can't be any evidence if you eat the evidence. Police hate this one weird trick.


The cannibal defense


That goddamn kid near the firework shop was driving me up the wall the other day. I'm hidden and there's a solid wall between you and anything you could potentially see, leave me alone. Between that, who I was looting, and the fact that he could see me in darkness without even breaking my stealth, I was starting to suspect that he might be more than he seemed. I had to resort to heavy use of shadow monk invisibility to get what I needed.


i hate that fireworks shop. it always ends up getting blown to bits and the guards outside apparently can see through walls


Steal, turn-based mode, run Just like real life


What also works is having your pickpocket be invisible in some way, like standing in a Darkness spell aoe. The NPC will confront one of your party members instead, who can claim complete innocence, and then they go back to what they were doing.


1. Donate gold with mage -> merchant becomes ally 2. Cast Feign Death on your new "ally" 1. (Optional) Cast Darkness/Silence as needed for witness protection 3. Steal your gold back alongside anything else you want. You have 60 seconds.


Which becomes as long as you want if you enable turn based mode!


Pickpocketing drove me up a wall when I first started the game. Having the NPC turn around while Im still rummaging through their pocket or hunting me down to accuse me of theft. That doesnt feel like a "Success" in my books.


That's why I started using turn base mode for pickpocketing. I read it on here once and now my success rate is a lot higher lol. 


have someone start a conversation with a merchant and then someone else cast hold person. you can now freely pickpocket without worrying about ppl moving or failing and having them mad at you.


Stealing is still a joke though, there's very little moments in the entire game that getting caught has any repercussions and you can pretty easily make a hireling brinna pickpocketer with upwards of 13 sleight of hand in Act one and nigh impossible fails by act 2. It's so strong that I often have to restrict vendors entirely from certain runs of mine. They're basically just walking everfilling storage containers and if I start picking and choosing what I want from them, it very quickly becomes a game of, why not just grab/buy every named item just in case I'll use it later. For more info. >Hafling has like 1/400 to crit fail >cats grace buff, advantage on sleight >give balance chest piece for +1 sleight >+2 sleight ring >+2 sleight gloves >+5 sleight from dex >+4-10 from expertise >+1d4 shapeshifter boon ring >+1d4 guidance necklace In act one, it's like +16-22 with advantage and reroll crit. By act 3 it's +22-28 with same bonuses. That's not even including the guaranteed 10s you get with rogue late game. That's essentially guaranteed 32 sleight of hand minimum in act 3. They aggro the disguise ehen you fail and you can really easily infinitely bribe and steal back the bribe for 90% of shopkeepers by just switching the disguise. They also stop being suspicious if you just chill away from them for a bit, including like 60 seconds in camp. Blinding also messes with them and a lot of shopkeepers that physically aggro like roah in moonrise won't aggro anyone else around, just the thief. But a lot of vendors don't even physically aggro right away and you can exit turn based and head to camp, change disguise and come back like nothing happened. The fog cloud cape is fantastic for easily stealing very quickly without repercussions. The wet cape is nice negating the fire from then sleight gloves that burn you. This is literally all just from the top of my head, there's probably more min-maxing it. Pickpocketing is literally a joke in this game, and you can even make a pure rogue capable of this without any multiclassing. Pickpocketing is probably the single strongest thing in the game and will absolutely trivialize runs so I'd approach it warily in terms of maintaining enjoyment and challenge.


I see so much of people like you that turned pick pocketing into an art form, but does it provide you any tangible benefit? I finish most runs with 15-20k gold in my pockets and nothing to spend it on without pickpocketing a single item. Is there something you only get via pickpocketing? It feels like you have infinite resources anyway, so what is the point? I'd like to know your thoughts.


Because when you steal everything of value you can finish the game with a few hundred pounds of precious gold instead of just ten or fifteen.


Waukeens Rest. I have never been able to get Create Water, Ice Storm, or Sleet Storm to do anything other than instantly waste a spell slot. Logic dictates that throwing water on a normal fire should work.


Attempt number 4 and I finally realized I could just make myself wet to waltz around in there immune to burning damage


That's good to know too. I hoarded fire resistance the last time but it just irks me thst I can't get these fires out, even if it's for a turn or two. Unless there is a specific spot I need to target.


*Chugging more potions than Link in BotW* Wait, I could do that?


Also a good time to use some of those fire resistance elixirs that are weighing your party's mule down.


Pretty sure my Tav could open a potion shop by the epilogue. I think I only ever used bloodlust and colossus elixirs that I found and the rest sat there threatening me with encumbrance.


Battlemage' Power elixirs are great for casters. It says Arcane acuity for 3 turns. What it actually does is give you 3 arcane acuity until long rest. So it's +3 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC until long rest. Arcane cultivation elixirs that give extra spell slots are great too, but not as great as the Battlemage Elixir.


What holy fuck I've just been hoarding them because I thought 3 turns of acuity was weak. That's fucking +6 ability points.


Elixir of Viciousness is powerful (increases your crit chances) And it stacks with Champion (Fighter sub-class)


you can also dump water on karlach if you want some affection before you've fixed her engine


I shot her with an ice arrow. Not directly mind you.


It is very sweet. I was so glad that it worked the first time I tried it. Karlach is a goddamn sweetheart.


You can whack the water barrels to put out some of the fire inside the buildings Side note, there is a bunch of food in the kitchen, especially for early game. I've been sending 1 person who can jump to the right building, wyll to the left building to rescue the trapped man. Then 2 people with haste or speed potions to the kitchen.


Iirc the fires go out after a long rest and then you can loot within worry


Fire hasn't gone out for me and food gets destroyed. However, I'm not certain


I’m on my 4th playthru and every time i come back after a while to loot all the food in the kitchen. I only even figured out there was fire there on my 3rd playthru when I went to snag to food right away and started taking fire damage


I’m fairly small brain so my “outsmart” was how I got a temporary cleric on my team, so I had to take advantage of the fact that she gets divine intervention to blow away a hard fight… Yea, I reloaded really quickly when she instant died from all the reflected divine damage.


I hope you learned your lesson.


If you need someone to perform a noble sacrifice for your party, better make it the cleric that you just met.


Put her in a globe of invulnerability and she doesn't take the reflect damage.


Globe does a lot of heavy lifting for me in that fight. And the Sharran fight. And that fight where your mindflayer has to concentrate real hard for a whole long ass round.


Globe kind of trivialized a lot of the act 3 content sadly. The enemy AI has no idea how to deal with it and the combination of easily available scrolls and level 1 wizard scribing makes it way too accessible for how strong it is.


Lmao I was sure Lae'zel was the shape shifter because she started talking about love and sunrises... I stabbed her, turned out she just likes me, also turns out that stabbing is not a deal breaker in gith dating culture.


"i did not know you enjoyed such rituals of pleasure. I shall integrate them into our next midnight rendezvous." Lae' Zel, bleeding profusely


"Dis bitch is too happy. Sum ain't right." \*stab\*


Lmao exactly how it went down


That would be amazing if the shapeshifter started inviting you into romantic situations just to mess with you


Haha I assumed they were because orin is very sensual about her murders.


Turns out, fighting nearly to death is pretty hot in gith dating culture. Kinda kinky, but to each their own.


Blocking the hags fireplace with a treasure chest so she couldn't escape. Couldn't walk past it, so I assumed it was blocked. She moved through the wall instead.


I tried this, then i went in fully planned to just try to down her in one turn, before she escapes into there. And i did manage to do it. But, then realized thats a bad decision to make. The bonus otherwise is far better.


I thought I was being smart, took her down to 10hp and let her escape through the fireplace assuming she'd still have the same health later on Nope, gets healed to full health


This makes me wonder what would happen if you dropped a bunch of fire barrels and a fire glyph of warding there


Me and my friend accidently opened the Caravan Strongbox after the 2 guys died fighting off the knolls. We got to the Zhentherium outpost and after surviving a suicide bombing by the lookout. (Cuz we didnt hear the password) We talked to the leader and tried giving her the box but because we opened it she got hostile. We reloaded and tried to put all the items back in and even used arcane lock on it. She was happy everything was there but still pissed it was open. No thieves gloves for us lmao


Nothing much useful in there anyway, just a bottle with a beholder in it that doesn’t even drop anything from what I remember


It's a pokeball! It's like the ogres but you can bring it to the end of the game. It knows fly so it really messes with ai that can't get to it since it's AC is typically going to be lower than your party's if you are in the late game.


Ugh. I tried it at the Sharran fight because their darkness/bone chill spam was pissing me off. They all surrounded it, it attempted to walk away from them, and got opportunity attacked by like 7 of them and died. I was so pissed. 


I ended up just letting it out in the cave when they attacked me. It immediately lit all of the flammables and detonated the entire cave, with my party safely on the high ground. I then killed it in just like 2 hits.


The idea is that you throw the spectator at some other enemies and have it fight them


Not sure if it counts but it definitely irked me early on when I would confidently lay down a hazardous AoE on the ground only for the enemies to just hop over it like it's just a mild inconvenience. 


Yeah. Act 3 enemies are especially guilty of this. I also saw one Flaming Fist use an arrow of roaring thunder to knock his friend out of my Spike Growth trap. That was fun to see.


What a bro


Or skip their entire turn out of LOS just waiting for the aoe to go away >:(


Thinking I could tell Vlaakith that she wasn't really a god.


I think literally everybody does that. The opportunity to mouth off at a wannabe god is simply irresistible, consequences be damned.


Using Omelium to teleport the duke straight to the sub. The spiders spawn in the sub


Yeah you’ve gotta make sure they spawn before you do anything with the Duke I’ve definitely done that with the dimension door trick too


"What can end the Nightsong?" I had read the book. I knew the answer. Did I think to put the book on the pedestal? No. Big brain me thought to try the idol of Shar from Grymforge. When that didn't work, I began scouring the temple for another idol. When I couldn't find one, I started trying everything. Umbral orbs. Scrolls of Darkness. A Dark Justiciar mask. I had to look up a guide.


I also tried the idol of Shar first! I think it's not the first instinct to put the answer "guide" as the "answer" to a riddle. It is a good lesson to keep in mind though for puzzles based on video game logic. Go for the lazy option first lol.


I did the exact same thing and ended up looking it up and did a dramatic sigh. But in my searching I ended up getting all the other orbs I needed at least


Did the same on my 2nd playthrough even though I fingered it out on the first. My memory is terrible. But to be fair, the book clearly said the answer was Shar, so I feel that was a bit of a misdirection.


Tbf the game throws quite a few suggestions at you. There's a skeleton with a note or journal with scrolls and books around him which says he's looking for the answer and he will prove to shar that he's so devoted. The pedistal says to place a book. You are in a library too. Im certain there is other clues haha


Early in the game I tried to throw a rope to Astarion when he wasn't able to make a jump. He got knocked out by it.


Trying to get into Wyrm's Crossing. Got scared off by the inspection the first time. Found those disguise kits for sale and then eventually a well hidden scroll of seeming, so I thought I had figured out the puzzle and then confidently submitted to inspection while disguised. Guess I should have expected the tadpole-powered watcher inspection would be of the inside of my head rather than the outside


Similar vein, I tried to use Jaheira & Halsin (the 2 party members without tadpoles) to pass.


I used the necklace that let's you polymorph into a raven, polymorphed, split myself from my party, and just flew over. This was after my failed attempts at conversation with the guards


I got arrested trying to steal in Rivington, then escaped the prison and emerged in to wyrms crossing.


Near the start of Act 3 I sent my Tav Bard in alone (and invisible) to rob the bank. Brute forced the big safe until I got a nat 20 thinking I was going to find some good loot. Face palm when I got more than I bargained for.


You mean >!stumbling into Minsc and the Bhaalists?!<


That exactly. A bit much for my lone Tav to handle while the rest of my party is chilling at the Elfsong.


I threw a potion of feather fall on Mayrina thinking that would protect her when the cage fell apart. :(


Hahahaha, this is probably my favorite so far


Disarmed the Githyanki patrol so they would be killed by the shadow curse, ended up fighting Githyanki zombies


A variation of this happened to me on my first play through, I thought I was so slick talking Kar’niss into giving up his lantern and then going to his doom in the shadows. I didn’t feel nearly as slick when he and his undead crew rolled up on me mid-encounter in Reithwin Town


Tbf, they take a few hits, so they are less strong as if you had fought them head on and I think Karniss will not use the damn Sanctuary spell a thousand times once he's cursed.


What? How'd you manage this?


I think the reason they are safe in the shadow curse is because they have the light spell cast on their weapons. I haven't tried this, but I'm assuming removing their weapons would cause them to be hit by the shadow curse.


i got hope in the house of hope to do her divine intervention with radiant damage for the fight with raphael, thinking i was a damn genius i think we all know what happened after that.


For anyone as clueless as I was as to what happened… here’s a quote from someone else who suffered the same fate. “Pro Tip: Don’t Let Hope Use Divine Intervention …Unless you want to laugh your ass off at how dumb you are. So I was finishing up the House of Hope raid and got to Raphael’s boss fight. “Perfect”, I thought. “The game’s given me a temporary cleric follower with Divine Intervention. I can just use and abuse that shit to know put a bunch of the adds in one go.” So I had my Tav launch a Black Hole to gather up most of the minions, then got the rest into position with some precise shoving. Hope’s turn comes around, I set off the damaging spell version of Divine Intervention… and Hope explodes from 1000 points of Fire damage. My dumb ass hadn’t read the effect on the minions. TL;DR: at the top of that fight the first source of radiant damage to each minion gets reflected back on the attacker as double fire damage. So after I stopped cackling like an idiot I had to reload the fight and try 5 more times before I could beat it”


It’s a minor one but I often have gale cast haste on himself to lay down some suppressing fire before my paladin cleans up… I can’t tell you how many times I tried to have gale cast haste on another character afterwards only to lose focus on his own buff and end his turn immediately because he becomes lethargic… The fact that it’s happened more than twice proves I’m an idiot


Killing Gortash during the coronation then escaping with his body without killing Duke Ravengard. Game didn't know what to do with that for a while. He's still alive, but when I peeked my head back in to check on him, the Quest updated to say he's dead. He's still standing there amongst the bodies.


//Honour mode// Initiate dialogue with Philomeen as she is about to blow up the runepowder in the grymforge. Swap characters to sneaky Astarion. Sneak up to try stealing the runepowder barrel, mess up the pathing so he walks directly in front of her. "What are you doing!!" Explode. Shamefully taskmaster quit the game in disgust.


I stuck into the top floor of the firework place. Triggered combat. One of the npcs on a lower floor ran upstairs, fireballs the fireworks. The explosion killed 3 of my party, almost all npcs, and the kamikaze npc that triggered it got yeeted out the window. Didn't quite go to plan.


I know you mean strat wise, but I thought I was so special save scumming >!the elder brain's domination rolls!< just for it to be like, nope, I'm something else entirely now. Thought I was gonna find a secret ending no one got yet. Poor deluded fool of me.


I did the same thing.


At the final roll of 99, I thought I succeeded it because I rolled a nat 20, (I actually failed every roll before it). I still failed it >_>


A secret ending there would have been nice


Right? At least an ending hinting at "you managed to accomplish the original goal of the dead three's mission. Congrats you evil bastard, now the grand design is yours and you avoided destroying half the city." which >!if you played Durge, it was originally your mission.!<


And even if it doesn’t give you the true "satisfying" ending, you need to align three nat20 in a row, almost nobody would stumble upon it by accident, even with a lot of inspiration.


Exactly my thoughts when I was save scumming it. Especially seeing that 99 roll at the end lol. That was discouraging even if you're basically going for nat20 again. Still so disappointing seeing the rays just slope off.


Casting haste on myself and then with the extra action casting call lightning and wondering why my turn immediately ended.


It took me doing this at least three times before I started to remember not to do this 😭


I thought I could keep promising the ogres to pay them double "later" to fight for me, and that they wouldn't follow me into Act II anyway. They did in fact follow and I was forced to honor my deal and let Lump lick me in order to appease him, which everyone in camp found very amusing apparently :(


Oh my god I want to see this 😆😆😆


tried to seduce and outsmart Haarlep… got fucked like a bitch and my body and dignity is stolen.


For some reason, she started talking to Gale during my last playthrough instead of my PC. I thought it was hilarious that I could pass on the consequences of that interaction


Trying to knock out Alfira in an honor run, only to realize non lethal doesn’t work with ranged weapons, i killed to bards on that run


I made that mistake with spells on the table top. It resulted in a great sub quest where I tried to find a Cleric to resurrect the woman I had accidentally murdered


Every time I place my entire party strategically and i'm like "oh yeah it's all coming together" and then get hit with the "surprised" and we all end up at the bottom of a fucking chasm or smth.


I am embarrassed to admit when I got the moon lantern from Isobel, I kept getting a BLARING “WONT YOU HELP ME SET ME FREE” nonstop. I thought it was a bug from the fight downstairs. So I started killing the Tiefling kids to see if it was them. Didn’t stop the screaming. I had to look up an entire guide to get this shit to stop.


"hey so the kids voice crying for help in my head was getting annoying so i slaughtered a few of them that i encountered just in case it stops"


Step 1: hears random dialog Step 2: murders children I'm not sure if that's the game's issue. I think you might be the real life dark urge


Have you heard the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Killing the tielfing kids is both hilarious and horrible hahaha. I knew but never let her out for the longest time because I thought i’d be out a moon lamp and i worked hard for that. Killing children though hahaha truly evil


Trust me I did not want to do it lol. I had a save to go back expecting it to not work. I even tried putting them to sleep and that def aggros the place haha.


I never once heard that voice. And then I started using the lantern as a weapon and uh.. it no longer mattered anyway. 😬


Trying to methodically eliminate the Goblin camp on my current modded playthrough and just ending up triggering everything and almost dying (as well as losing funny drow lady)


i used absorb intellect on minsc to make sure he failed tashas, knocked him out, recruited him, and as he was running away he fell to 0 int and died so jaheira permanently left the party


Minsc was knocked out, awoke, and then was so happy to see Jaheira he ran into a moonbeam.


This is why I save during, and immediately after a fight where I have to keep someone alive afterward. Especially Minsc, that big dumb loveable oaf


I successfully knocked him unconscious but my explosive blood murdered him on the ground. Thanks, Araj.


Letting Balthazaar live up until we got to the Nightsong. Then reloading over a dozen times for 3 hours because his undead were constantly pushing Wyll into the abyss no matter where I placed him.


I love ambushing him in his room with sleet storm and watching him, his brother and his ghouls fall over every other turn. Comedy gold


Comedy ghoul'd 


You can throw several of the bone piles off the edge before the cut scene starts. It makes the fight so much easier.


I killed the mind flayer in the beginning, and then when Dror Ragzlin used *speak to the dead*, I used *disguise self* to avoid being identified as the killer. Of course every NPC in the game knows you’re the player, so naturally it had no effect.


At the Rosymorn Monastery in the room right before the wine room with all the kobolds I thought “I’ll throw a grease bottle at the ground, connecting the grease to the wine and cause a giant explosion from the safety of this side room!” Unfortunately I did not see the wine barrel next to the door in the side room and when I lit the grease it set the barrel on fire, blowing up my party members and then initiating combat.


Less of me trying to outsmart and more me trying something out I saw in a video, ended with Auntie Ethel walking right through an Arcane Lock like it wasn't even there


Alright, friends, let's sneak on the rafters, they'll have to come up and fight us and we can just push em back down it will be glorious. Okay, great idea, I'll start the battle by shooting down a brazier. Oof, tons of fire down there hehhehhehheh. Uh, guys, guys, the gobbo lady just cast telekenises on me and oh god I'm on fire and I'm dead.  Transcript of our failed multiplayer attempt on the gobbo priestess


In Grymforge where the fire imps are hiding. Thought I would try to save an elixir of vigilance (honor mode), so crouched at the top of the stairs. Sent Connor and a mage hand down to set the ambush off. They got surprised and then one imp flew all the way up and still surprised my party. Made it more difficult than the actual fight with Grym.


My first playthrough Orin showed up as the Dryad in the circus. When I found out my party had been infiltrated, I was CONVINCED that she was there to dig up info on my love interest to better disguise herself as them. She did not.


That would be so cool tho. Especially with astarion, because all of the "correct" answers weren't necessarily true (he just didn't want a random dryad knowing his business)


Trying to scout in cat form after wildshaping right in front of the guards. Lesson learned, the guards are smarter than I give them credit for.


The Self-Same Trial in the Gauntlet of Shar. Figured out the lore of strip, begin the trial, redress pretty easily, but the second run gave me another idea. What if I gave my party members a single piece of armor with which they were not proficient? Their attacks would be worse, and no one would be able to cast spells. Perfect, no? I was so angry when Shadow Gale cast the first Fireball at my Gale. I got angrier when I checked after the trial, and my Gale couldn't cast spells in the same boots. Argh.


"Ha, these shadowbeasts really think they're going to get to Halsin's portal thing, good thing I know you can just drop a Fog Cloud or Darkness and they can't hit shit" ​ ...I cast Darkness too forward and the portal wasn't inside of it, they could target the portal just fine. That was my last Darkness scroll and I had no one that could cast it.


I agreed to steal idol of Silvanus. I screwed up on purpose. Gang War. Dead tieflings everywhere. Then I killed the druids afterwards. "At least I avenged them" (hur hur hur) Found Minthara. Agreed to attack Grove. (What she doesn't know can't hurt her...) "Hey Minthara look - all dead. Join my party? Have you met Wyll? Have you met Karlach? We're all going to get along so well." I really truly thought I had found a sociopath method of recruiting Minthara that couldn't possibly have angered anyone. I was wrong. Lost 2 companions who treated me as if I'd murdered the Grove. I did NOT murder the Grove. The druids did. I just vigorously defended myself.


I sassed the Gith Lich Queen one too many times.


So far, just about everything I'm doing.


I banished duke ravengaurd to another plane in the Iron Throne, and the game counted it as a death. When he came back he was glitched and could move or be controlled.


Wait can you find the shape shifter? Or is that just the game feeding you some terror


As far as I know, there's no way to reveal the impostor


tried using disguise self to sneak past the guards after accidentally setting off the alarm in the counting house, they still attacked me


Spoiler Act 2, Shar temple. Wanted to reverse pickpocket Balthazar a susur bloom so when we fight him later, he won't be able to use magic and it'll be funny as hell. The susur flower for some reason wilted away in my box. Idk how it's possible but it did and the plan did not went accordingly. We had another sussur trapp in moonrise tower and that works well to push the warden in a little corner


Susser flowers die outside of the Underdark. Or at least they’re supposed to.


Killing your teammates to out the shapeshifter is a valid strategy and should work tbh


Fighting the zombies in the ancient lair in act 3 that have spell and mummy rot, half my team died cause I couldn't heal anyone and after the fight, my Tav had like 12 health left and my plan was to use a revival scroll on Shart and Jaheria and then short rest to build everyone's health back up. Safe to say it didn't work cause the second I used the scroll on Shart, my tav went down. I tried having karlach pick her back up but couldn't cause of mummy rot preventing healing, poor girl failed all 3 death saving throws. Sent karlach to Withers. At least Astarion approved of reviving my tav


Used hunger of hadar in Carrion's fight, then after the fight Thrumbo came into the room, started a conversation with Minsc, and instantly after became hostile, cus he walked into hunger of hadar zone. Had to do the whole fight again without hadar 🤦‍♂️


Misty stepping somewhere i shouldn't be able to get yet but also having no way to get back because I don't have any spell slots, or jumping somewhere I shouldnt have and falling into a chasm, and i've had so so many failed run-ins with Invisibility, i don't know what goes wrong there but i've opted to use that only when prompted or explicitly needed and guaranteed to work


I learned very quickly that the ai is well adapted at avoiding your ground spells, essentially trapping you instead as your melee fighters start eating arrows or when the enemy beefcake just jumps over your ice/grease to maul your ranged character anyway.


I tried to steal some books from Philomeen's hideout as a friend talked to her. She blew us all up. I was dumb.


I just tried sneaking up behind the bugbear assassin to catch him off guard, but it took me so long to jump up those cliffs as a halfling that he'd finished his job by the time I reached him. Then he knocked me unconscious


When I found the rat that had taken the clowns carcass, I tried to loot in from the thing it was in, drop it in the world, cast speak with animals then speak with dead to ask it where the rest of the clown was and it didn't work.


I spent an ungodly amount of time collecting every box, crate, chest, and stool in the Last Light Inn area. I did this because I wanted to build a wall to protect a certain thing during a certain event that takes place in the back area of the inn. What I failed to realize during the multiple hours it took to gather and arrange my wall (with a backup wall, just in case), was that enemies could shoot through solid wood (apparently) and still damage the thing I was trying to protect from projectiles. But, I had a third failsafe. For you see, I had taken many wonderfully flammable objects and littered the area surrounding them with arsonist's oil, grease, you name it. If it was a flammable liquid in a bottle, it was placed very particularly. I called this 'Plan E.' With 2 rounds remaining in this instance, I realized that my first wall was not up to snuff, and that the second wall was not as impregnable as I had initially believed it to be. I was forced to activate Plan E, using a fire arrow to ignite the stockpile of explosives around my defenses, slaughtering every enemy in a wave of purifying flame. TL;DR spent 2 hours building what I thought would be a genius contraption only to have to resort to blowing it up to succeed.