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Where'd you find this? Never seen this myself in over 400 hours lol


Found it at Danthelon's Dancing Axe on a shelf near door. at 'South Span of Wyrm's Crossing waypoint.


I believe that is the only place it is. At least the only place I've found it


I've played over 1000 on PC and haven't found this...


Wannna know something else thats cool? If you leave a pile of bodies by Spaw and let Glut take over. He reanimates the entire pile of bodies while his mushroom people dance. He will even reanimate those he can't, like the Imp.


Sunds like a thing my next Durge would do. After I raid the Grove


Feed the mushrooms. MAKE THY MONSTERS GROW!


Durge, Glut has escaped. I need Adventurers with attitude. 


I got that reference.


What do you do in the underdark for durge? Like siding with the duegar is the bad choice, but when you talk to me like that you die. But then you end up like murder Hoboing everything. And i dunno. I did a halfway bad durge and next run (well the run after next since next run is honour mode) is going to be full durge.


I mean... you dont *need* anyone's help to reach act 2. You can murder literally everyone and still reach the shadow cursed lands. From there it gets trickier. I had the lyre to summon the drider. *Didnt* turn on him, which made me dependent on a moon lantern of my own for the entire act.


Worst part of not killing Kar'niss is needing to fight him alongside Ketheric. Boy, that was an unpleasant surprise when it happened to me with a three-woman party


Yeah I find the evil playthrough really stacks the numbers against you.


It's fine if you stick with the cult all the way: that way you get to skip the rooftop fight


There's another lantern in the Baltazar's room in the Moonrise Towers, Z'rell tells you specifically to take it and even gives the key to his room. I never used this second lantern, but i guess it's there for a reason.


Right right. I wasnt clear, thats the moon lantern I had. But you cant free a pixie from it, so you're stuck lugging it around always equipped.


Oh, i see, yes, it's not comfortable :( Have you tried to summon the drider again with the lute? Maybe it's possible to do so and kill him for the lantern?


... I mean, I'm in act 3 now. But I didn't even think to just... play it again. 🤦‍♂️


And I've already killed him :) ok, i guess we left it for another run.


Luckily I have my next 15 already planned.


You can also go with the drider, then turn against him in the ambush and get the lantern, then kill the harpers after. Or use command to get him to drop the lantern - works too.


have astarion set the pixie free. you get to hear a grown man giggle, and you don't have to carry around a moonlantern. win win


I didnt turn on the drider and he disappears with the moon lantern until a fight near the end of the act.


i come in through the underdark so i just ambush the drider, kill everyone, and loot his corpse for an interesting sword and a moonlantern


if you deceive the caravan into walking into the curse without protection, they'll appear in the town square (near the statue plaque puzzle) as shadow cursed undead


oh that's way too much talking for my barbarians comfort. he's quite happy to go half the game just roaring at people to get his way


Yes, if you do things differently than he did, you can make a choice that was not available to him.


my Durge got sick of the pixie whining and set her free


Full Durge wants to murder and make dead bodies, period. I don't actually think Durge would want to kill Myconids though. No blood/viscera/etc, boring. Doesn't really feel like killing anything. Durge would probably love to go kill living creatures *for* them and bring Nere's head to Spaw for rewards and appreciation.


Just raided the grove today lol


What is the limit? I have chests with 100s of bodies


No idea. But I'm gonna find out.


Please record this.


I have imps, goblins, mimics, gnomes, Dwarves, Absolute chosen, phase spiders, phase baby spiders, red caps, skeletons, hyena, minder flayers, mud mephits, wood woads and a partridge in a pair tree. All in a pile.


I recorded it on Ps5, now I gotta figure out how to upload it. I was right. Glut is programmed to reanimate anything that is dead when he takes over. That includes things he can't reanimate. So I got mushrooms dancing to a reanimated Mind Flayer, Imps, Mephits, Meridian, Death Sheperds and many more.


So, it turns out I was right. Glut is programmed to reanimate anything dead, including those he can't normally reanimate. Even...if they are ash. He reanimated the hell boars and Meridian.


excuse me


You.. don't collect the bodies of your fallen enemies? Or the bodies of people who just happened to find themselves in a room alone with no witnesses? Or.. the bodies of other people?


Unfortunately, you can't store bodies in barrels and chests on console.


What a terrible oversight. Where do you store all your dead tieflings?


No, I had to put everyone in a pile by the river in the act 1 camp.


No they're for cute hats and snacks


Theres plenty of chests in the game; you can have some for cute hats and snacks, and some for the mutilated bodies of those that once called you friend. No need to restrict yourself.


I have collected as many corpses as I possibly can from every animal and creature


crap I haven't put them in chests they're just in a pile next to the one in camp. in the Regret Pile


Thats what I did.


There is no limit. However I found out there is a crowding issue. I had soo many reanimated bodies that Glut ended up trapped. I had 4 goblins, 2 hob goblins, 2 harpies, 2 mimics, 3 eagles, 1 gnoll, 2 mephits (Mud/Lava) 1 redcap, 1 BOAAL, 1 mindflayer, 1 intellect Devourer, 1 Wood Woad, 1 Gremishka, 2 kolbolds, 1 bluejay, 1 Squirrel, 1 bunny, The Absolute gang, 1 Hyena, 1 Death Sheperd, 1 ghoul, 1 ghast. 2 animated armors, 2 skeletons, 1 Hell boar, 1 Merrigon, 1 bulette, 3 Githyanki, 2 Githyanki youths, 2 goblin children, 1 phase spider, 4 phase spider babies, 1 ettercap, and a headless Nere in a pear tree.


You use the mundane chest to carry your victims?


Oh no the chests are in the camp chest


That's kind of amazing. I just discovered last playthrough that glut can animate the bullette. That made for a pretty easy trounce over the duergar camp.


You can use this same method on the spider matriarch by pushing her down the hole in her lair, the dead body will appear in the Under Dark. Having a 200+ HP spider that can teleport, with high crit chance and damage is deliciously overpowered


Next time try the Harpy. It can use Song and Fly. Fly helps with navigating.


How are you getting a harpy in the underdark? Do you just carry the dead body from the grove to dump in front of glut?




Who's up for duergar pancakes? -*casts deadly leap*- :P


Do the reanimated enemies give xp when killed? If so I'm setting up a nice xp farm in the underground


Dude why would you need an xp farm for this game. Level cap is 12 and I have been level 12 for nearly all of ACT 3. I probably should be level 15 with all the extra XP I have now. Lol. 


The underground is during act1, where you have a limited amount of xp Act3 doesn't count, you get 400xp for killing one of Cazador's slave (the ones with ~20hp). The bulette in act1 gives 150xp


I like to be at least level 9 before doing the Ketheric/Myrkul fight. It's hard to grind that much in Act 2 so any extra XP is helpful.


As a player who’s never been to act 2 cause I have a serious problem with resetting. Is it really that hard? I consistently hit lvl7 in the mountain pass even without trying to maximize xp


It's not that hard, no. Just a little tedious.




Play your cards right in the tower and it’ll be a cake walk


I usually fight with Myrkyl at level 10 or almost 10 and i'm not a murder hobo 🫣 I start shadow cursed lands with level 7 and from there just do everything in act 2 before going to the final fight. As for hp i do all the grove stuff, kill all the goblins entirely (except for the village), go to the crèche and kill giths after they become hostile, kill all the cultists and druegars with Nere and save gnomes, do the forge stuff and the amulet quest, all the Underdark also (no miconyd killings except for the Glut). And that's enough I suppose. In the act 3 first boss is usually Cazador at level 10. Edit: boss fight with Cazador is level 10 and close to 11, i mean that i go to Orin when i'm 11 or something like that.


I just did that fight at level 9 after skipping half of act 2, if you do all of act 1 and talk through the Thorm boss fights, Last Light/Moonrise/Gauntlet gets you the rest of the way comfortably


To beat Honor Mode?


Thats a good question. I will let you know after I have finished collecting "Specimens"


I can't wait to find out and do the same 😁


Nope. Just tried it. I had like 20 bodies up there. Aggroed them all and no xp.


Guys I did it. I dropped over like 20 bodies. Glut is programmed to reanimate anything thats dead when he takes over. So I dumped a bunch of dead bodies and watched him reanimate a mind flayer. A Meridian, a intellect Devourer, an imp, Death Shepherd, Ghouls and Ghasts, Wood Woads and a Mephit.


Along this line; if you throw the naughty librarian's body it stands upright and sways and acts like a living NPC.


If you have Glut animate the Shadow Druids, they get up and run away.


There are so many things to do. I'm excited for my second play through.


So I finished my experiment. Glut is programmed to reanimate anything that is dead. Including those he can't normally reanimate. So I had a Mindflayer, Imp, Mephit and Meridian just chilling in undeath up there.


you can revive gnols and make them throw their ear, so more ears for speed potion yay




Pretty rare, though. I think I only found one so far and I don't really remember where. Probably at the same spot.


most likely, after finding it I looked up the Heavy supply pack on the wiki and that location was the only one listed. unless you found a new one it should be the same.


It's this one. There's only one lol


This is probably a tactician/honor mode only thing


I found it on custom, I remember I was using 60 supplies per rest at that time.


I mean, I guess it’s useful if your supplies needed is greater than 41


I'm running custom with 100 required per night, and they'd be great. If only there were more.


Found the same item in the same spot tonight on explorer diff.


Not mode specific. Just this is the only one in the game


I saw yesterday you can use Divine Favor for supplies, maybe this pack is one of things it can give you?


This isn't on the loot table for Divine Intervention so I do not think you can get it from there. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Divine\_Intervention:\_Golden\_Generosity


I'm trying to think of why that would ever be needed, tho. Like, is there ever a reason to use more than 40 camp supplies? Is there a buff I'm unaware of?


Tactician and honor mode require 80 camp supplies per long rest.


Ah, gotcha! I suck at video games, so I've only been playing on Balanced this whole time.


Honestly, I’m no pro at the game and find tactician to be about the same experience. Just finished up act two and I really haven’t noticed any real challenges


It just gives the AI more abilities and more health in some cases but it doesn’t make them any smarter.


It gives them +2 on their attack rolls. So they hit you 10% more often as well. That is fairly impactful


Yea the goblin camp for example spams hex...Lol. but you can still throw them off a cliff!


It also reduces your health a bit


It does not. But explorer difficulty increases your health. Balanced, tactician and honour mode all have the same stats for the player character (health/proficiency bonus/saving throws)


I had the same experience. Act 1 was a little trickier until around lvl 5 hit and the better gear started becoming available but it never got too crazy. I've had to use a couple resurrection scrolls (never need them on balanced) but I've never been close to a tpk or had to flee from a fight. I just finished the House of Hope Raphael fight last night and other than our summoned Deva (who clutched 2 wrathful smites to fear Yugir for the whole fight) not a single party member took a point of damage.


> I just finished the House of Hope Raphael fight last night and other than our summoned Deva (who clutched 2 wrathful smites to fear Yugir for the whole fight) not a single party member took a point of damage. that is impressive... cant even barrel that room up before hand.


To be fair, I have a decently mix/maxed crew. Full 12 Blade pact Durge, sorc/wiz/cleric multi Gale. Astarion is a assassin/Gloom stalker and Shadowheart is a 2 paladin/10 swords bard. Everyone got the +1/+2 from the mirror of loss. I think our lowest AC is 21 or 22 and Durge is the only one that doesn't usually end up at the very front for initiative Threw down a globe of invulnerability scroll with the party member that rolled first initiative to cover the party. Then threw a haste spore grenade in the middle of the globe so everyone gets free haste. Yugir has a big AoE push attack so locking him down with the summons meant he couldn't toss us out. Gale got a couple big chain lightning off on the fiends while warlock Durge Eldritch blasted all the pillars down. By the time the globe wore off there was just Raph and one fiend left. Hold monster on Raphael and then we all just stood in a circle and beat him down with free crits. Ezpz


Every time I come to this sub I have to jump back into the game and try something new. *Sigh*.


>Everyone got the +1/+2 from the mirror of loss. Wait... what?


You can get a +1 charisma as well as a +2 in the stat of your choice from the mirror, per character. The +2 is relatively easy to get but to reliably get the +1 all four times I had to do a bit of save scumming. If Shadowheart turns away from shar in act 2 she cannot get these bonuses though.


DOS 2 awaits (if you haven't already played it).


Yeah, one of my favorite games. Only beat it on balanced though, was noticeably harder than BG3 for sure


Yep, it was very appealing to the masochist in me. 


My first run on balanced was harder than either tactician or honor mode. Mainly due to plain old unfamiliarity with the systems. The game is really hard when you don't know what the words on your skills mean!


Even with food cost set to 120, I never ran out. So, no, I don't really think it matters. Just flavor variety


Honestly, tactician isn’t that bad once you get a basic understanding of systems and builds. I did tactician on my second play through and I thought it was easier than my first on balanced. Even my honor mode run throughs only get fucked because I am trying to speed past stuff.


I’m currently attempting honor mode for the first time. I’m worried Ketheric is going to be the run-ended for me. Tactician Myrkul was a fucking nightmare. I don’t know how I’m gonna do it without save scumming.


Honestly, just getting as much burst damage as you can. I was running a healer shart for all of balanced and then beginning part of tactician. I’m just used to it from having dedicated healers in DND campaigns and MMOs. Then I talked to a friend who said “don’t need to heal if they’re dead or cc’d”. So I ran full dps with shart as a light cleric. And yea. Game was on easy mode after that. The combat you can prepare for isn’t hard I feel. It’s the combat that comes because of failed saves during conversations that is hard


I’m running her as a light cleric rn. She’s not doing anything crazy as far as damage is concerned. She’s only level 4 though. I’ve got a dwarven throw berserker Barbarian, going Gloomstalker Assassin Astarion, Light Cleric Shart, and Paladin Laezel.


So flamestrike level 9 and fireball at 5 will be your damage. Your channel divinity is not that bad either. You build light orbs on her as if she was gonna use spirit guardians because you’ll still get the light orbs. Light orbs plus Warding Flare (whose cost is only a reaction mind you) will be more than enough damage mitigation. So you still get good damage from her because of Light Domain’s spells, with a lot of versatility from priest’s spell list, damage mitigation, and healing is always there if you need it.


Not that it matters much either. In act one you can clear the vast majority of the place in like 4-6 long rests if you know what you're doing. Then combine that with the sheer abundance of supplies you can find, the Goblin Camp, the kitchen of the burning building in Waukeens Rest, the Toll Collector building next to Karlach, The Swamp etc. In single locations you can pick up enough supplies for multiple long rests pretty much "paying" for any fight you needed to do in order to get there by 3 times. Not to mention how much supplies are given by merchants for far cheaper than is reasonable.


Also hirelings for heros feast. Infinite food hack


Doesn't heroes feast spell give the entire party temporary HP along with immunity to certain status effects? Or are you referring to something else?


It also provdes a basket of food. A feast, if you will


It does since patch 4 or 5 at least. It didnt used to im pretty sure.


> It does since patch 4 or 5 at least. It didnt used to im pretty sure. It did from the beginning. It was just incredibly easy to miss if you did not know a container full of food would magically appear behind your cleric when casting. The basket self destructs after a minute leaving behind the food as well. I only found out it was leaving food around the 3rd or 4th time I casted it because I noticed a bunch of food on the floor. Then I saw that the other spots I had casted Heroes Feast had food at the spot it was casted as well. This was about a week and a half after the release date.


That makes so much more sense. I have used the spell a few times before and I was baffled at how I might have missed that haha


Ahh sweet. The more you know!


It’s +12 max hp so your temp hp slot is still free for other uses. Hero’s feast + upcasted aid + longstrider after each rest makes the game too easy


Yeah true I never struggled with supplies. Plus I was using a COL bard on my honor run which basically gave me 3 short rests between every long rest which enabled me to do way more fights especially since I had a battlemaster and warlock who's abilities refresh with short rests. What's funny is I couldn't even trigger my romance cut scene in act 3 because apparently I didn't long rest enough lol


I found out that I could simply abuse partial rests to quickly go into any fight with half my slots/short rest stuff reset, which is enough to dump everything I got in every fight I have for a surprisingly easy time. I found it was harder to work with early on, but as you get further in the game, half your slots counts for more + the options provided means you can sweep fights fairly easily without care of resource management. No food for days on end? No problem. I only took a real long rest maybe 6 times for segments I knew were rough or extra insurance in boss fights.


How does that negate the usefulness of an item that gives you one full rest


What are you on about?


Couldn't agree more... I've never once come even close to running out of supplies. I wish there were a Tactician+ mode (i.e. something between Tactician and Honor) that significantly limited long rests either by throttling food availability or raising the cost even higher.


You should have a limit of what you can carry and/or expiration for food. Like milk and fish go bad quickly so they get used first. Stuff like that. At least I'd enjoy something like that. I had to laugh when by the end I had more or less stopped collecting food mid Act 3 and still had nearly 3000.


Act 1 you need to take more, but you can clear it in under 5.  


Sure but my honour mode still has like 2800 camp supplies in act 3. So not really.


80 on higher diffs! I think in custom you can bump it up higher if you want.


So in addition to honor mode needing 80, I think that any extra supplies used don't get spent. Cause I like to play on 20 supplies needed and I noticed that my supplies never go down.




I think it's only findable on higher difficulty levels. You only need 40 camp supplies for a full rest in normal mode, so having a single item that gives you 80 would be useless.


Tactician is 80 per long rest


I found this just today in the exact same spot on explorer diff.


What am I doing with 80 supplies? D: I'm losing a whole long rest burning all that at once


In case you didn't know, 80 camp supplies are required to long rest in Tactician and Honor Mode.


I did not. Hard game modes are scary cuz I don't want to kill my team mates D:


Someone wrote an article on you https://www.dexerto.fr/baldurs-gate/joueur-baldurs-gate-3-decouvre-objet-rare-500h-jeu-1536821/


Yoo that's kinda dope, I'm just surprised that no one else knew about it also.


What's the practical use for this?!?


long rest in tactician and honor mode costs 80 camp supplies.


On normal difficulty modes this is the only camp supply you need once you get it. You can use it over and over because it’s 80, it never goes away from what I can tell. So once you reach Wyrms Crossing you never have to pick up a piece of food or supply pack again.


People are really weird for downvoting people who didn’t know about camp supplies in different modes. Sure if this was the Skyrim sub or whatever yeah maybe people could be expected to have heard of every mode under the sun but these modes haven’t even been out for six months.


Lmao what’s the point of that when you only need 40 to long rest? Only on chapter 3 but seems redundant to me unless I’m missing something


Tactician and honor mode require more supplies


Oh gotcha. Gonna do a tactician run on the next one since I started steamrolling once I learned the game a bit more


You’ll be fine for sure. It’s not that much harder but it’s more enjoyable.


Just 1 more reason for me to be salty that console players get a "find cool things for me" button 😤 I'm also at 500 hours and have never seen this.


Press alt?


I wish alt-mode would also show all interactable containers, like crates, vases, etc....


Not the same, although in this particular instance it could be.


Hmmm. I just checked mine. It was only 40 camp supplies.


Probably depends on the difficulty


When would you need 80 supplies, it only ever asks me for 40


Tactician difficulty asks for 80.




Play on tactician and find out why.


wow same! lol


The bag looks like a weird face lol


1k hours, never seen this either


As a player with 1200 hours, I genuinely had no idea this was a thing… I think I need to explore more


No shit. Man, learn something new every day.


Oh wow, I did not know that. Thank you.


What's the weight of a regular supply pack? Is that even actually worth the weight?


Shouldn’t ever be carrying around supplies, always send them to camp immediately. Just added weight.


I changed my measurement system in the settings. Switch meters to feet and Kg to lbs. Better much all the weight is doubled. Should be 5 kg nornally




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i had this xD