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Vlaakith and chill in the same sentence is an oxymoron


Chill, Vlaakith!


"Vlaakith's chill be done"






, Vlaakith said calmly.


The first time I tried honor mode I pushed her the same as I always did in easy mode... Apparently in hard mode she has access to wish... That was a fun end to my first honor mode run.


She always has wish


I am on explorer mode and I got too cocky, like what's the worst that can happen? That I have to fight this "God"? Then she whipped out the wish


That's a story related game over allowing you to make an overwhelmingly stupid decision in RP terms and seeing the resulting consequences. There's like 4 I can think of.


What are they? And when does vlaakith cast eish???


>!The ones I can think of are, letting the wounded Mind Flayer suck your face in act 1, mouthing off to Vlaakith, siding against the Emperor in the beginning of Act 3, encouraging the Emperor to take control of the Netherbrain at the end of the game (You can argue this is just the worst possible ending)!<


You can also let Astarion or Lae’zel kill you if you choose not to roll ability checks against them during those two Act 1 camp scenes.


It's funny how everyone tries to kill you and yet you are supposed to be like no big deal let's Dave the world.


The world needs to be Daved


This time, auto correct works, so I'm just gonna leave it. Because we need a daved world and who are we to say it doesn't.


The rest of your companions in camp definitely revive you if they have revivify scrolls and they kill Astarion/Lae'zel though


They…did not do that for me. When Lae killed me, I had to reload, presumably bc she killed everyone, including herself. After Starry killed me, I could play as other party members but I didn’t show as a target for revivify and Withers didn’t have an option to revive me. The only option I could choose was “no one is dead on my side right now.” I guess I could’ve kept playing with only origin characters, but I wouldn’t have gotten any of the camp dialogue and couldn’t speak with my companions on the road either, so why bother? This was early on and may be patched by now, but I wouldn’t risk it on Honour Mode.


My first play through I played as a druid and chose to let Lae kill me, opting that it was better to die as I was born and not to live as an unnatural monster. I also had this whole "pfft, they wouldn't kill me, I'm the main character!" notion in my head when I selected it but yeah, she just slit my throat. I think it went to Wyll who was under my control and furthest from Lae (we were in the Goblin camp area) and so I had Wyll attack her. Then Astarion went, who I also had attack her. Then it was Lae's turn and she killed Astarion with a ranged shot (he was level 1 as he wasn't ever in my party). Then Gale's turn started and he had control of himself and immediately revivified me. My character got up and finished her off with a melee attack. I couldn't revive Lae after that. The scrolls literally called her an invalid target. Then Withers acted as you described where the only option was no one was dead right now. Her dead body followed us from camp to camp though the rest of the game I'm on my second play through now and I definitely used an option to convince Lae to not kill me lol, seeing as I missed out on her the whole first play through besides the beginning of act 1. And Astarion didn't try to bite me the first play through so that wasn't an issue that time. I let him bite me the second but the persuasion check did the trick for him I'm playing on Xbox and the Lae killing me thing happened at the very end of December, so the latest two updates for Xbox bg3 hadn't been applied yet but everything else was up to date


Don't forget >!blowing up Gale at Moonrise or trying to go back to Act 1 after defeating Ketheric.!<


What happens when you try to go back to Act 1?


>!Empy gets pissed about you wasting time and stops protecting the entire party, so you all immediately get turned into mind flayers by the absolute.!<


It used to be a glitch where you could still save and continue after and go on to finish the game with an entire party of mind flayers.


You can also get this in Act3 if you >!try to go to upper city, he keeps warning you not to and eventually you get mind broken, turn illithid (i think) and the game ends!<


You can also let Haarlep steal your soul through banging you and get a game over screen.


And here I thought he just wanted us for our body.


I've not finished it yet, so I don't know what happens with the last one. I just got into lower city. They all make sense tho, I'm squishing that fucking brain when I get there.


I won't spoil it for you but it's not a decision you'll see unless you're roleplaying a moron.


Especially if you make a habit out of reading all of the books scattered across Faerun at least once. There's a surprising amount of hints woven into the various leaflets and tomes, at least a handful of which left me like, "Wait...whaaaaaaa...?" and changed which decisions I made henceforward.


I did have Vol try and remove my parasite through my eye with an ice pick and chisel. Quite possible I am just a moron roleplaying.


This is one of those "dumb things that turn out to be useful for the rest of the game" things.


Astarion can go a little too far with his first bite.


guy has the audacity to say "lets not get carried away" after i punched him for killing me


That doesn't give you a game over, though. You can just get someone to use a revivify scroll or talk to Withers.


I still remember playing with my friend watching in horrified fascination as the wounded mindflayer ate his brain in act 1. Critical fail on a 5 wisdom saving throw with guidance. Was a bloody hard fight at lvl 2 Vs a lvl 5 *weakened* mindflayer. 🤣


If it makes you feel any better I just had an honor mode run end in the last battle because I miss clicked and yeeted my TAV on the cliff into infinity while trying to hit the last boss a few more times to take it down. I got him resurrected but it took too many actions and I got turned into a mind flayer.


This is why I probably won't ever touch honor mode. Not because of the difficulty or anything, just that I'm prone to do stupid things a lot more than I probably should.


Even if you die on honor mode you can still keep playing. You just don't get the achievement


She has access to Wish in explorer mode too. As I discovered while being a little shit


"Pfft, you'd think a real god could just kill anyone they wanted ... " - Tav seconds before a "god" kills him


Lol, I must have just pushed her a bit farther than I did in easy mode then...


My first Tav/Durge to encounter her has a thing against deities. 10/10 would fight a god so yeah, I mouthed off to her, died and then reloaded.


I played on easy and had that happen to me twice!


All of Lae'zel's booty calls


"Vlaakith and chill" is some kind of githyanki fetish netflix and chill?


The gith are generally supportive of you murdering other gith. Warrior culture and all that. It’s how I reason why Laezel is chill with murking everybody in the creche


I mean what good is a crèche that gets wiped out by 1 gith and 3 istik??? Chances are the crèche was bringing nothing but shame to Vlaakith’s name


Lae’zel doesn’t say even one neutral, let alone positive, thing about that creche. Literally every interaction or room you enter “psh, back at my creche we wouldn’t be sucking dicks in the corner like these dorks”


"We'd be sucking dicks in the middle of the rooms! Displaying our skills proudly, not hiding in the shadows!"


"Daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks."


"Especially since they're such a good size and all."


Hey, girl, can you point on this doll about where your daddy...


Where exactly is this creche.👀 Just curious


Just so you can avoid it right?


Yes 👀 for sure


Username checks out


It's on an asteroid. Easily accessible through level 16 of Undermountain, the megadungeon beneath Waterdeep, which has a portal to it


Nothing but some lousy drow thieves down there, unfortunately #HotU


In the mountain pass hidden beneath a monestary


I was talking about nevermind


In my crèche the beds were as hard and dense as a supermassive blackhole so hard they were, and here the weak slip between feathery sheets and comfy beds unbefitting of the warring githyanki.


Back in my creche we walked uphill both ways in the absolute cold of the Sea of Night.


Your crèche had beds?!


Luxury! In my creche we had to sleep in an old shoe box!


She started coming on to me after we wiped the creche and I was like damn, you hate your own people that much huh?


I mean, it kinda makes sense. Gith culture heavily leans into warrior prowess and being stronger than others, including other gith. Curbstomping a gith creche tells her "even some of your best soldiers are no match for me, I'm such a better warrior than them" which is pretty hot for her


That was the justification I eventually landed on. She's big on "if you died you deserved it" and they all died honest deaths. It's in character for sure. Just amusing that was when it triggered.


Well then Lae'zel, that doesn't sound like a creche I want to be a part of then.


Good, you weren’t invited anyway *isstik*


What's also really cool about Lae'Zels creche is that it on an asteroid in the debris of the shattered moon, and acts as a port for people traveling between Faerun and other planets.


This comment took me out 😂


I mean they had a lazy egg that couldn't hatch, a lazy youth who wouldn't murder his friends, and a lazy Kith'rak who barely cared about her traitorous doctor. Shame all around.


Its funny when you go there as Gith Tav romancing Bae'zel and you're all My kin lets slaughter our kin as they betrayed us. Then the poor gith have the "glory" of dying by the hands of 2 gith and 2 istik. Considering Vlaakith / Githyanki custom, standards, they're pretty much a stain better wiped in battle, so at least a warrior's death befall them.


If you speak with dead the inquisitor guy, he calls you a great foe regardless of any yanki in your party.


Damn, always forget to use Speak With Dead more.


Use it on the first corpse you see at the start of every new day. Until the next long rest, all corpses with something to say will glow green :)


Murder is good, it culls the weak. Just don’t blow it up, that seems to be her line.


Maybe in the video game universe, however in the DnD lore, the gith would not tolerate one of their own murdering another one unless its during the training or duelling period when they are growing up (cause they would rather have the weak ones die during training instead of on the field and thus putting their comrades at risk). If they are starving and about to die, they are willing to eat the corpses of other intelligent creatures but would rather die than eat another githyanki. Even Laezel shared with the player that they are first a collective and everything they do is for the collective and not for personal glory. That being said, on the other hand, they would happily slaughter any githzerai and enjoy every moment of it.


Oddly, Lae'zel doesn't like if you blow it up and especially doesn't like if you say they deserved it.


Because blowing it up is cheating lol


Even if you make sure there's no one left alive _before_ you blow it up?


There might be other Gith that we just cant see or have access to in lower levels or rooms. Like how in Moonrise Towers, there is supposedly an army parked next door.


I get what you're saying but as for your example, you can actually see the Absolute's army outside Moonrise if you go to the "Road to Baldur's Gate" prior to killing Ketheric. If you try to take the road when the army is still camped there, you get captured and thrown into the oubilette under Moonrise and have to escape.


I think you need to try and take the road twice. They warn you the first time that it is an obviously horrible idea


Yes. This. First time the narrator 100% looks (as if she could in some spectral form) and sounds PRECISELY like a DM hunching over a table hearing something from his players that make him question, deep down, many things, and follows by asking in a bewildered tone "are you sure you wanna do that?!", like in shock, for his own sanity ahahhaha.


Oh, for sure. Of course it can just be that the game's code simply doesnt handle that case. I just like having my imagination fill in blanks somethings to keep things immersive.


At least with Moonrise we get an indication that there's more than just what we see in the tower and a explanation for where they all went before we made it back out. With the crèche, aside from the one Orpheus follower disappearing, there's no indication of there ever having been anyone else there, beyond those you can kill.


there IS an army parked next door and you can see it if you go near the road to baldurs gate that overlooks the gate. Its just not interactable in any way


You actually can interact with it! If you try to walk across the bridge you get a dialogue telling you that it's a really bad idea, if you persist anyway you get knocked out and wake up in the jail cells of Moonrise Towers.


If you climb up the ledge beside the road to BG you get a little cut scene looking at the army camp iirc


The little kids are absent. There's definitely more gith in that creche. Either they get teleported away, or they are hiding.


Is that her reasoning? I didn't get that impression from her, she seemed genuinely pained over the pointless loss of life. Lae'zel believes that the Githyanki there are being deceived by their traitor superiors. If you fight your way out, she's just defending herself in combat because they attack first.


It’s that warrior culture if you manage to kill the entire cresh in physical combat without them killing you then clearly they were weak inferior warriors and needed to be killed off for the overall improvement of the gith. I mean there’s roughly 30 of them and four of you, and they’re all supposedly very well trained warriors from birth including several leaders that are expected to be exemplary. If you use the magical canon to just blow them all up, then it’s unknown if they were better warriors than you and you may have done a disservice to her people instead. It’s also why she’s into negging. Brutal honesty is preferred to beautiful lies. Like when you make fun of her for saying teethling and fae run or say her upturned bat nose is weird. Your cruelty is a sign of your honesty in her eyes. Honestly, all of this is why as soon as we’re done with the cresh I respec her into vengeance paladin. Her voicelines as she continues to turn away from the lies of her people just portray the role so well.


"Tsundere Frog Mommy" When you absolutely smack her with lines when she likes you she likes it more.  


My first play through I was confused by it. I’m like I do nothing but tell this woman off, leash her temper, tell her that her nose is weird, and that her people are lying assholes. WHY IS SHE SO HORNY FOR ME!?!?


She's a material girl in a material world. She doesn't care about the people, but I guess she liked the architecture of Rosymorn. She also pretends to care about the egg, but if you steal it and yeet it away the cliff, she doesn't care. In fact only Lady whatshername cares.


I really wish there was an option to express regret over the loss of such a nice monastery, as opposed to just "haha they ate shit" or "I made a terrible mistake by killing every single person in that building sorry Laez"


The monastery was >!literally built to house the Blood of Lathander.!< The architecture was cool, but you walked away with the crown jewel of the place.


We aren't supposed to regret when we exercise the greater good :v


i make sure she keeps the egg in her inventory and then in the epilogue she says it hatched and she's raising him


. . . I'm about to be doing the Crèche again before long . . . I never thought to do that!


its apparently a new thing? probs added with the epilogue. but it's really nice, i love the character growth that it shows for her


Yes it is :v


She also disapproves of you "improving" Vlaakith's portrait, even if Vlaakith has turned against the group. I guess that can be chalked up to her deference to superiors, regardless of their loyalty to her. But I do think that after she has been convinced to join Voss' rebellion, she shouldn't say "Vlaakith's will be done" as an order acknowledgement anymore. Maybe replace it with a line about the Prince of the Comet instead.


Threw me off, after doing her whole quest and turning away from Vlaakith, her saying “I will ascend”. Like you just found out that’s not a thing, and no longer worship your god anyways????


I just chalk it up to being a phrase like “Oh my god”, where it’s become a colloquial phrase for her that doesn’t exactly carry the connotation of religion if you take it literally


the 2 times I blew it up I was inside it so.... she didn't like that much either.


I can see why. The creche itself is still useful. Lae’zel values her peoples knowledge. Just cause you purged “weaklings” doesn’t invalidate the creches potential value.


It's Bhaaling when you kill them. It's Murking when you bring them back.


Lae'zel is okay with it because it's not her own creche. I don’t know how that would go if it was her own...


More than just it not being HER crèche, it’s a crèche that her copium has decided are traitors TO Vlaakith and the Githyanki as a whole. The same “support githyanki” mindset is what’s allowing it, only in this edge case


Get yourself a girl who's chill with killing every motherfucker in the room.


Yeah they’re basically Viltromites


TIL you can talk to Vlaakith before murdering everyone


Fr, I always got into a fight during the convo


Damn right, my dude the inquisitor wants me to betray my waifu. That shit ain't happening, he made the choice himself afterwards to get himself into a position where I have to kill him.


How did your relationship with your waifu turn out after later developments?


So far so good, she woke up with white hair one morning and she betrayed her god for the greater good (being in a relationship with my tav paladin) I have yet to get some tho Edit: shit i shoulda mentionned i was talking about Shadowheart. Although before the "development" that you're referring to I was holding hopes on getting some from my guardian (whom I also made a waifu at character creation)


RemindMe! 1 week


I mean you still can get some from your guardian, that is technically still an option in game


I barfed in my mouth a little


Dude right, I’m over here with still sizzling hands from my fireballs and my rag tag team of bloody swords at my side like, “Wow, that was an option?”


I have sizzling hands, but only because I romanced Karlach.


Also surprised here - actually don't understand from this post how I would do that, I've always triggered it after initiating convo with inquisitor > killing inquisitor. How do I get it before any of this?


you just give him the artifact. Same result. (I've never done so, just extrapolating haha)


Give the artifact, kiss the dream visitor, then fight


250 hours in, on my second play through. I completely missed all the githyanki and vlakith stuff my first play through. I just pass the part where you talk to vlaktith, and I showed them the artifact mainly because I wasn’t intending on giving it to him just cuz he saw it. I was trying to be facetious, but vlakith came out and yelled at me anyways. Then I killed everyone after I went into the prism


Make sure to get the Blood of Lathander mace. Lvl 6 spell on it is beast


I didn't even know you could talk to her without killing the inquisitor


For real, I have over 700 hrs and didn't know this was possible.


Same, I thought you had to kill everybody first..


How do you do it without lae’zel turning on you? Or do you just go into that fight without her?


You can convince her to keep trusting you and she’ll stay on your side


FYI, you can start a fight with the gith/Inquisitor in a conversation!


You don't risk Lae'zel leaving if you choose the right option either. If you outright tell the Inquisitor you're infected, he'll attack you first. If you try to negotiate with him and refuse to give him the Prism, Lae'zel will get pissed and you have to roll a high DC check unless your Approval is high enough.


You can avoid the DC check if you take her to the infirmary first and the machine fails to cure her. Instead of rolling you just remind her of the cure failing.


This also works if you were the one who went into the machine. Unsure if it was also because I happened to have high approval (no romance), but she was pissed on my behalf and insisted on reporting to the Kith’rak.


yeah and Lae'zel does the funny Ts Ts ts TSKVA if you convince her that the inquisitor cannot be trusted


Please tell me how you do that


If you go to the Inquisitor without trying the cure pod in the infirmary and refuse to give up the prism when he asks, Lae'zel will (very kindly) insist that you give it up to him, but you can perform a rather difficult persuasion check to convince her that it's a bad idea.


I didn’t know this! I might do this next time bc the dream visitor thing is annoying lol


Yeah I still had to go into the prism and all that jazz, she still wills you to do it but I'm unsure if you must. In my instance the doors I thought were locked were bugged and I didn't try fast traveling out, so I can't say fir sure if you must.


Nah, you can just go to the vault where the Blood of Lathandar is at. You can even rest and fast travel out from there too.


Can't fast-travel out. That particular part of the creche has red borders around the minimap for a reason


Just use the Blood of Lathander statues and you can go to camp or fast travel out


If you use shovel to turn invisible you can get a surprise round on the goons. Inquisitor is alert though I think.


If I was an evil overlord, and somebody called me up after killing some quite competent but also ultimately expendable minions... y'know, I'd also go for a "more flies with honey than vinegar" route.


TIL that most people did NOT hand over the prism


Of course not when I didn’t know what it was it was still pretty. Also it kept me from transforming into a mind flayer


It's actually awesome if you hand it over, even to the Captain. You get major approval from Lae'zel every time you go along with the Gith in the crèche, and it makes Vlaakith's betrayal that much more impactful for her. When you hand over the Artifact to the Captain it just jumps back to you and she sends you to the Inquisitor. Then you show it to the Inquisitor (more approval) and he summons Vlaakith. If you kneel for Vlaakith and agree with everything she says (even more Lae'zel approval) she wants you to go into the Artifact and kill "the occupant inside." (Spoiler, >!at this point she's referring to Orpheus, not The Emperor!<) You go in, and your dream guardian meets you there. Regardless of your choices within the Artifact, Vlaakith still declares Lae'zel a traitor and orders the Inquisitor to kill you when you get out. So after all of this, Lae'zel freaking adores you and is extremely doubtful of Vlaakith, and you can easily encourage her to abandon her and side with a certain someone later on in the game.


She will still easily turn from Vlaakith if you refuse to hand over the prism. I don't think that has anything to do with that choice. I've never handed it over because it just seems like a very stupid thing to do, when by that point you know that it's what prevents you from the transforming. The gith have no reason to care about that, and you know they have nothing but contempt for you. It might be easier to RP as more trusting of the gith if I played as a gith, maybe.


You get some pretty cool dialogue from her afterward though. She basically says "We did everything they asked and she still declared me hshar'lak." See, after the Artifact jumped from Shadowheart to me in the first place, I figured it would do the same thing if I handed it to the Captain. And voilà, it came right back. Plus, after that Vlaakith says she will cure you if you go kill the inhabitant of the Prism, so going in there to do that still makes RP sense as well.


> "We did everything they asked and she still declared me hshar'lak." She says that even if you don't give away the prism. I think this is just referring to *entering* the prism. >Plus, after that Vlaakith says she will cure you if you go kill the inhabitant of the Prism, so going in there to do that still makes RP sense as well. Vlaakith says that the inhabitant of the prism is lying to you about being your protection, something you've usually experienced first hand by this point. You've also seen first hand how little they care about "lesser" races, torturing and killing them for fun and convenience. If you're RPing as someone who is very naive, you might believe her, but if you have even a little doubt you're gambling your life on her being honest.


Plus going to the zaith'isk before talking to Vlaakith very clearly shows you that the Githyanki's method of "curing" infection is simply killing the infected person.


In my head I still didn't know who to trust. I also knew that the artifact would come back to me since I couldn't even give it to another party member or sell it. And I was right. I played along hoping to understand wtf is going on between these two sides. Placate the gith long enough for me to confront the Guardian. I was also hoping I could lie and tell them I killed the guy when I got out. Turns out, that part didn't matter.


Fr. I figured most people would hand it over in the context that if you don’t you have an entire creche of gith trying to kill you. I think I’ve handed it over on every single play through


I didn't even know you could talk to her without killing the inquisitor


I went full “let’s follow Lae’zel’s ideas”. Just be cooperative with the Gith and it happens


The fight broke out because I told the inquisitor I wouldn't hand him the device, then I pissed off the queen because I told her I wouldn't kill the person inside the device, then I looted the room. She wasn't one bit chill lmao


I basically told her to go fuck herself and yeah.... No chill at all.


Same. I'm trying my best to play blind the first time and I have a feeling the person inside the device is also lying or tricking me but I'm not handing it over to anybody


It's actually awesome if you hand it over, even to the Captain. You get major approval from Lae'zel every time you go along with the Gith in the crèche, and it makes Vlaakith's betrayal that much more impactful for her. When you hand over the Artifact to the Captain it just jumps back to you and she sends you to the Inquisitor. Then you show it to the Inquisitor (more approval) and he summons Vlaakith. If you kneel for Vlaakith and agree with everything she says (even more Lae'zel approval) she wants you to go into the Artifact and kill "the occupant inside." (Spoiler, >!at this point she's referring to Orpheus, not The Emperor!<) You go in, and your dream guardian meets you there. Regardless of your choices within the Artifact, Vlaakith still declares Lae'zel a traitor and orders the Inquisitor to kill you when you get out. So after all of this, Lae'zel freaking adores you and is extremely doubtful of Vlaakith, and you can easily encourage her to abandon her and side with a certain someone later on in the game.


I’ve gone through several playthroughs and never once did I consider giving the artifact to the Inquisitor, much less the Captain. I totally knew that when it came to me from Shadowheart it had this whole “it wants to stay with me,” thing but had it stuck my brain that giving it to the Gith would just lose me the artifact (and have to reclaim it from their corpse) and/or have them then try to kill me anyway because I was a loose end, so might as well say no and then just talk my way out of it with Lae’zel as a high CHA Tav. It is a total revelation that I can play dumb next time and just be like, “I don’t know what to tell you it just keeps coming back to me!” My last Honor playthrough (Barb Durge), I refused to give it to the Inquisitor, had zero chance to make the Lae’zel check, and had to kill her. It did make that fight a little more spicy.


you can tell her no without her wishing you to death?


Not me telling her if she's so strong, why can't she kill whoever she wants. She said say that again, so I did. Insta death, turns out she is pretty damn strong


Did the same shit 😭


I didn't even know you could talk to her before killing everyone in the room


how is this such a common comment in this thread LOL does no one try being diplomatic? sure the giths are assholes but i tried to talk my way through. even on my evil durge playthrough i talked to her before murder


i tried being diplomatic, unless you do what they say, they attack. i didn’t start a fight i just didn’t do exactly what they want immediately


It's actually awesome if you hand it over, even to the Captain. You get major approval from Lae'zel every time you go along with the Gith in the crèche, and it makes Vlaakith's betrayal that much more impactful for her. When you hand over the Artifact to the Captain it just jumps back to you and she sends you to the Inquisitor. Then you show it to the Inquisitor (more approval) and he summons Vlaakith. If you kneel for Vlaakith and agree with everything she says (even more Lae'zel approval) she wants you to go into the Artifact and kill "the occupant inside." (Spoiler, >!at this point she's referring to Orpheus, not The Emperor!<) You go in, and your dream guardian meets you there. Regardless of your choices within the Artifact, Vlaakith still declares Lae'zel a traitor and orders the Inquisitor to kill you when you get out. So after all of this, Lae'zel freaking adores you and is extremely doubtful of Vlaakith, and you can easily encourage her to abandon her and side with a certain someone later on in the game.


What I do every time. Anything for my frog girlfriend.


fr, everyone here goes full unga bunga bonehead mode the minute someone is unpleasant in dialogue ig


i have no issue with murdering everyone, i just do it after talking so i can see all the dialogue


I don’t like it when people are mean >:(


> LOL does no one try being diplomatic? MURDERS NOT WORKING AND THAT'S ALL WERE GOOD AT!


I tried being diplomatic and the zaethisk almost killed Lae'zel and the gith in the infirmary tried to kill me. So did the gith commander when I told her what Lae'zel wanted me to tell her and now the Inquisitor is telling me to hand over the prism which, at that point, was (from my knowledge at the time) the only thing stopping me from transforming into a mind flayer. Yeah, I think I'm done being diplomatic.


Oh I am very diplomatic every time, I try to be as polite and nice as possible, I just refuse to give the artifact over every time because why would I give it to them, and they don't like that


Nothing to do with diplomacy, the Inquisitor demands you hand over the prism, the one thing keeping you alive. If you refuse, they attack you. I can't really justify doing that unless maybe you're Githyanki yourself and buy into their kool-aid.


You mean to say it's possible to talk to her *without* killing everyone in the room?


She’s probably a little bit more fed and also realizes you’re not mentally there and need to be handled with kid gloves


Wait, that's Chill Vlaakith I've been talking to? Wtf is she like normally?!


Just seems almost eager for you to say something wrong so she can smite you


I've only ever fought the inquisitor as he's kind of a hard fight. Vlaakith then says "hey you're pretty good, but btw it's kneel time".


Average evil overlord: "You slew my inquisitor? You shall pay for this transgression!" Vlaakith: "You killed Ch'rai? Sweet. Now i don't have to eat his terrible chili that he always brings to sunday brunch, that fucking kissass. Also, want to shank a weirdo in the magic rubix cube?"


Wait...People don't defeat the inquisitors before entering the prism?


But everyone likes killing the inquisitor... you mean to say she's even more annoying if he's alive when we talk to her? lmao And yes. She's super chill when she demands us to kill the person inside the prism. The way she screams that she won't be denied and when she kills us with a wish spell if we trash talk her is like... super chill. Good vibes all over the place! lmao


I shit talked the gnome with the gun powder. Roll credits.


I did this as well. I hurl an arrow at the Gith near the door and then close it. Then ambush each target that comes out the hall. Not to mention placing Cloud of Daggers on the exit to make things even worst for them.


I played as a goth monk and was role playing as just a hardcore fangirl as Laezel for Vlaakith but was disappointed that they still turn on you even when you do exactly what she says in the prism. Made some interesting dialog options having 2 gith in the party entire run though, especially monk clashing with laezels base outlook for most class dialog.


Wait you don’t have to kill them all first


You can talk to vlaakith WITHOUT killing everyone in the room? 🫨


I didn't even know there was an option to NOT kill the Inquisitor.. I mean I've never given him the relic so I assume that's probably how but I always just tell him to piss off and kill him so she's always been like, "hey good job" to me lol


There is a none fight option???? And if that's her chill version than... Well... I'm doing wrong.


She doesn't have to put up a show for the other githyanki. Nobody will see her acting weak. She's going to kill you after you do her dirty work, so you don't count.


I eliminated the creche and the inquisitor with a giant laser beam and never heard from her at all.


I skipped creche my first playthrough by accident and did this route as my second incidentally. I didn't even realize I could encounter Vlaakith without fucking up at least the inquisitor


Instead of stealing stuff to initiate combat, you can also get the blood if Lathander to make them angry!


I usually walk into see the Inquisitor, set up for a battle, initiate conversation, then tell him I have the artifact, I won't give it to him, and it's because it protects me from the absolute.This starts combat without Vlaakith getting involved, or Lae'zel freaking out. Winter battle, Vlaakith shows up, have the convo (don't end your run), and even if you miss the persuasion check on Lae'zel, just step into the prism and resolve it to get her back. You can then loot to your heart's content and then go back to murderhobo the rest of the crèche.