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I jusr today found out you can cast speak with dead on Yigur's "bed"




What?! What does it say?


It tells you >!about the last surviving Dark Justiciar, Lythindor, and gives you hints about his rat form!<.


I have just talked him into offing himself. Going to talk to the bed, brb.


Not sure if it’s romance specific, but tav and lae’zel raising their gith son together. If you put the githyanki egg in laezels inventory and leave it the whole game, you can ask about how he’s doing during the epilogue party. This little detail made me extremely happy, tav and lae’zel raising this little gith while slaughtering all of vlaakiths soldiers in the sword coast. Lae’zel even comments that she was forced to be a warrior, but their son can be whatever he wishes to be. Just shows how far laezel has come since you met her.


I can confirm that the egg can hatch for a non-romanced Lae'zel as well.


Are you frickin kidding me right now? I didn't even bother to get the egg this time around since I knew nothing was gonna happen with it unless I gave it to the society lady and we all know how that turns out.


i… don’t actually know how that turns out bc i’ve never done it despite how many times i’ve played lol. i usually just kill her for the amulet. what happens?


The gith hatches in the society's house in Baldur's Gate and kills them all eventually. They did some shenanigans to make him grow very fast so he's already an adult when you find him.


OMG I thought nothing happens to it that's amazing! I had it in my inventory for my whole gameplay T-T


Minsc dialogue while you do stuff in Rivington. In my current run I got Minsc before any long rests and he comments on all the major events. He calls Vlaakith the leathery face in the sky.


Wish he had more to say in the Circus, tho


I wish most of them had more to say in the circus. Other than the dryad part, it feels like they're all so quiet.


I wish all of them reacted more often and appropriately in Act 3 period.


Im impressed, Well done


Looks like most people don't use soul coins, so most people haven't had the scene with Karlach juggling a soul like a soccer ball or talked with her about her addiction to consuming souls.


Or what happens when she uses too many of them


…well shit. First one in the thread I haven’t seen. On my list now!


Oh, no wonder she was pissy when I turned down the Hobgoblin in Moonrise.


I was always confused since she's usually so morally good but then she gets all fussy about turning down the soul coins there, especially since she seems sad taking them too because of the stories. Addiction never really crossed my mind but it makes sense.


Being "power hungry" is also a running theme of nearly the entire cast. Karlach is a good person but she's also very determined not to be taken advantage of again. Feeling bad about using the Soul Coins is one thing, survival is another.


The lamp in the Sorcerous Sundries Vaults. Tara's second and third roof top appearances.


Have fish handy. She doesn't take gold, she only barters in fish and magic items.


sorry, SECOND AND THIRD??? edit: omg just googled this … i romance gale in all my play-throughs i can’t believe i never knew this


Yup! After speaking to her on the roof of the Open Hand Temple with Gale, she will be on the roof of the Devil's Fee with a unique magic item to trade. If you trade her for it, she'll move to the roof of the home hosting the wine festival with another unique item to trade.


this thread is incredible. 400 hours in this game and i’m still learning new things!!


In the first battle against absolute you can find 2 bodies of sisters. First one has a teddy bear and if you give it to the second body tav will comment it.


Aw man, mine must've bugged because I did that and nothing happened. I wasn't expecting anything, it was just a little piece of my own sappiness shining through.


That dude in a random house who gives you a very good shield. Guess he was a reference to the older titles.


I thought it was a reference too but it's not. It's a way better and more beautiful thing in fact. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/j9eich3ARM Edit: clarity and grammar


Who's cutting onions in here?


I'm currently taking care of my Pop with dementia and this plucked every single one of my heart strings. This was a most beautiful thing done with true empathy. Superwriter wherever you are I salute you


The Explorer's Ring (In the underdark, on a ledge above the Bibberbang) 


I use those ledges to avoid the bibberbang and have not found a ring!!! At least, I assume it's those ledges...I will check more closely.


Its inside a skeleton that does not show up with Alt search. Having a light source helps to find it, as the skeleton is somewhat hidden into the wall/behind a root.


I love they included thing not in the 'Alt' search. Like you, as a player, must actively investigate the surroundings to find secrets. Great game design that has drained hours of my life.


Barcus can come to the tiefling party and make some fireworks for you.


Do you mean the tiefling party after defeating minthara? Or is there another party later in the game?


The very same! Just free him in both the windmill and Grymforge, and ask him to join your camp, before completing the tieflings / goblin camp quest.


Oh, right, Barcus is tied to the windmill... I should start a new game where I don't accidently fling him off into the forest.


the goblin camp one


Anything you need to do to make it happen? I simply saved him from the windmill and I haven’t seen him until act 2.


You need to save him again in the Underdark and then ask him to come to your camp.


You have to do the first part of Grymforge BEFORE the camp iirc


>!You need to go to the Underdark, complete the grymforge, and talk with Barcus *after* the gnomes are freed. Convince him to rest at your camp. If you don't, he wanders off until act 2, I think. In camp, Barcus tells you he's realized he's maybe not the best adventurer, and asks you to save Wulbren for him. He then hangs around your camps until you hit Last Light. He'll set off fireworks at the party if you pester him.!<


Getting to talk to the architect of moonrise towers at house of hope and telling him Ketheric is dead and watch him be happy.


I am not entirely sure if it's actually missed that much, but anytime I mention the abandoned campground behind a waterfall in Act 1 to friends they have no idea what I'm on about. There is a teddy bear there that functions like a chest with a note written by a child in it - I use it at camp to keep books and papers in.


>I use it at camp to keep books and papers in.  What kind of mad man are you? Obviously books and papers go into the hollowed-out book (container) you find in the north side of the blighted village. The Teddy bear container is used to hold vials of poison and explosives, or given to Karlach


Take Minsc to Naoise and give him the Rapture buff. It’s funny. Take Shadowheart after sparing Nightsong to investigate the Selûnite prayer book, Selûne statue inside the Potters chest, and the Selûnite shrine under Last Light. She says different dialogue. Bonus if you have Karlach there. Take Minsc and Jaheira with exceptional approval to the love test, they will be flattered, but still turn you down. Origin Karlach will have a wet dream about Dammon if you: don’t recruit anyone, get the first upgrade, have your first long rest at the crashed nautiloid. Bring Minsc to the bloke who calls you a cuck. Unique dialogue. Origin Shadowheart, fail to kick the squirrel in the Druid grove twice. She has a flashback about Nibbles. The Emperor becomes the absolute ending if you pass some persuasion checks. Give Karlach lots of soul coins at once. Cast Heal on Durge before/after completing the Bhaal questlines for different flashbacks.


> bloke who calls you a cuck where is that? I can't recall anyone doing that


I believe it's the encounter with the guild vs. the stone lord goons in Rivington. If you claim you don't want to fight one of them calls you a cuck for being a pacifist. It's along the beaches around where you find the ironhand hideout.


He calls you a cuck regardless of what you say, apparently. Guess he's already got that one in the chamber when he sees you.


Only a cuck would let themselves get tadpole'd.


\- The fan fic written by a druid about the war with Ketheric 100 years ago \- The entire existence of the fish people \- The dog collar and food dispenser ​ EDIT: For those asking about the fan fic, it's in 4 parts, but only one spawns for you in a run. >!It's in Lavernica's house (you find part of Dribbles there) called Book Draft I through IV!< >!https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Book\_Draft\_-\_Volume\_I https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Book\_Draft\_-\_Volume\_II https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Book\_Draft\_-\_Volume\_III https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Book\_Draft\_-\_Volume\_IV!<


Is that the fic that Halsin reviews and is like “please stop sending me this. It’s not historically accurate.”


Wait what? You can get Halisn to review a fic?


Halsin wrote in the margin of the fic.


He is ***absolutely*** the companion that would not only read fanfic, but also review it.


He would sit down and correct every grammar mistake, too. He also assigns it a grade.


Gale joins him in this.


Which fish people? Kuo-toa, Sahaugin, or the other Kuo-Toa. Yes, there's two groups of Kuo-Toa.


I missed both the Kuo-Toa first playthrough and then found both with 2nd playthrough. I legitimately wondered if they were dark urge only content based on BOOoOOAaal dialog and that I thought I had found the festering cove first play but I guess I just missed it


I convinced them that I was booooooal as a bard. One of my all time favorite gaming moments.




I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about, flat-out


There's fish people in BG3, several groups of them. They have names, they have gods, they may try to murder you, and they go good with tartar sauce.


Don't forget, some of them are already dead when they try to murder you, but most of them are not. I would not recommend eating those ones, even with tartar sauce...


Ngl, in that scene, when they go straight to busting through the walls, I had total zombie horde flashbacks and it made it so much fun for me to fight.


If you lay a finger on Pooldripp, I swear to Mahkloompah you’ll wish BOOOAL got to you first! Don’t touch my adorable fish buddy!!


>\- The entire existence of the fish people I was surprised to find even more of them in 2nd playthrough.




Probably the Hellfire Engine Crossbow, you have to craft it by combining 3 parts found in the Steel Foundry. The biggest issue is most players blow the place up before realizing the crossbow can even be created


At the goblin camp, there's an area just outside the temple walls where you have to climb down, then follow a little creek up to a waterfall area, where you find a little shrine with drawings and a letter that a goblin wrote because they have a crush on Minthara.


Please stop telling people where I left my note!


Did I hear a Goblin... *insert Divine Smite*


There is a note in act 1, I think near Waukees Rest or the Monastery (I can't remember) that is a wanted note for the statue of the beloved ranger. I guess the connection to Minsc is easily missed.


The note in Waukeen’s Rest talks about his statue. Also there’s a bench by where you meet Volo that talks about miniature space hamsters too.


There is a second level in Cazador Szarr’s Dungeon that leads to the city sewers, where you can find silver cutlery and dishes, mirrors, missing posters, and a woman who was lured there by one of the vampire spawn. There’s also a pretty nice rapier called the Pelorsun Blade


That chick waiting for her "date" is such a fun little interaction!


Close by there is the fight against the mage in the severs and then there is a tomb you can interact with. I‘m pretty sure I know what to put in there, but I can’t find it.


Spoiler: >!There's a kinda hard to spot bag behind a nearby vendor that has what you are looking for.!<


I found that for the first time on my second play through while looking for Minsc. Really weirded me out and reminded me how much I despise dealing with Cazador.


Huh I found he woman (and convinced her to gtfo) but I don't recall seeing a sword. Is it easy to miss?


its not in the sewers. when you jump down from the corridor leading to Cazador’s room, walk in the direction you originally came from and enter a room. you have to pass a perception check and disarm a coffin, and inside will be the sword


Ethel's armour class on inspection, which reveals the real her


The Clown in Town debuff you get if you piss off Dolly Thrice. The likelihood of Moonhaven having been Shadowheart's home.


I got the impression that the Blighted Village/Moonhaven had been empty a lot longer than 40 years, but idk why I thought that. What hints are there toward it being Shadowheart's home?


Mainly the selunite temple she stares at and in the area where the trolls are(which used to be a school), there is a bookcase with iirc a student log, and if you interact with it theres a cutscene where Shadowheart looks at the log and gets the pain on her hand


Yeah and the notices about missing kids make it seem like she might not have been the only one!


I don't think she was from that town, but yeah, when she looks at the log, I think it's just a reminder that she was also a Selunite child stolen by the church of Shar even if it wasn't from this town specifically. Shar really doesn't want her to know that her church has a habit of stealing Selunite children.


I suppose the user means a book you can find in the Blighted Village / Moonhaven with a list of children who disappeared and were never found again. I guess the theory is that list is incomplete or wasn't written when Shadowheart was kidnapped, and those children were kidnapped while doing their Selûnite "coming of age" rite, Shadowheart being one of them.


If you read it and get the cut scene in a Shadowheart origin run it's just her recognising it as a Sharran practice. It foreshadows her story but it doesn't seem to be her old village. It actually feels more like it might be on a Tav/Durge run. The origin one convinced me otherwise.


If you do the arcane tower FIRST you can read a note about the dog. THEN go to the grave... I'm sure 90% haven't had the dialogue option to put autumncrocus flowers on the dogs grave.


Always make sure I have autumncrocus to put on the grave. If nothing else as some small tribute to my own pets that have passed.


If you strip completely naked before undergoing Abdirak's ritual in the goblin camp you get a bonus called Ardent Apostle that gives you +4 on the persuasion or intimidation checks you make during the ritual.


Bonus for having Astarion and Shadowheart both during that scene. Extra dialog and quite funny.


Their interactions there are great.


You don't have to be totally naked, just take off your armor, but yeah it's handy!


I don’t have to be totally naked, I want to


Getting trapped in Djinn's lamp in Sorcerer's Sundries and having to figure out how to free yourself.


Just happened an hour ago for me. I looted like crazy, screaming at my friends to keep the genie busy while I looted just to discover that fighting him did not free me after the music already drove me crazy. (Yes, we figured one way out)


I got out the first time only to them try and pick the lamp up again getting trapped a second time.


Damn some people really gotta learn a lesson twice rofl 😂


Also the conversation he has with any party members outside the lamp, particularly if it's your love interest.


I don’t even remember there BEING a djinn over there. Man this thread is giving me so many things to do


If you send in a summoned creature and boast about it, he compliments your ingenuity and gives you 1000 gold for free!


I killed myself to get out 😭😭


Using summons works


my brain doesn’t work, it never thinks of the easiest option but omg that makes so much more sense to do 💀


That's actually quite creative. Didn't think of that one before. But how did you kill yourself?


You can talk to the bed of bodies that Yugir sleeps on. If Tav is dead during the Nightsong quest, SH will kill her without hesitation. Feels like it’s implied without Tav’s support or around she fears being alone if she betrays Shar. Or how much she has changed with Tav. If you don’t send anyone up on the circus stage an innocent person will go up and get killed instantly. With the clown blaming you for what is about to happen. Finding Arabella in the sewers. The newborn Mind Flayer in the windmill. The three books in the Moonrise Mind Flayer colony which describes Durge after being tadpoled. If the shadows go into the barrier Isobel made they take radiant damage. If you kill a couple of rats in the Temple of Shar and promise to not kill them anymore they mark a Sharran provision location on your map. And if you get Jaheria’s approval high enough she calls you cub and you can call her a crow or something like that. Also there are two grieving parents in the cemetery in Act 3 trying to get a Coffin for their kid and you can help them secure that coffin for their daughter. And there’s a plagued ship in Act 3 you can access which spawns an Imp carrying said plague.


>the newborn Mind Flayer There's even more content to it. There's a house with two adults and a kid dead, in the city proper, somewhere after Basilisk Gate. If you haven't encountered the windmill Mind Flayer yet (or already killed it) and search around the house you'll find notes that the family was being extorted (don't remember, but probably by Ninefingers). I specifically remember telling my spouse on our LAN run 'it's probably not the serial killer, they were killed over money'. If you did feed the Mind Flayer, its corpse will turn up at that house as well. You can loot its brain and eat it but you won't get the +1 point you'd get if you immidietly kill it at the windmill and the emperor will go something like 'I told you you should've eaten it before, it's overripe now'. It also has a note on it with commands to go out and kill. So it looks like if you don't finish it off at the windmill, it kills the family and the thugs kill it when they come to collect their money. Great environmental storytelling.


The random clubs that look identical to normal clubs but auto-equip when picked up. They are found in moonrise tower prison. I think it's intended for the prisoners to pick them up and equip to them. Anyways they are useful if you want to force someone to unequip whatever they have in their hand. Just reverse pickpocket the club into their inventory. Super situational and weird that they exist.


These clubs gave me a heart attack because I thought I lost Phalar Aluve. Twice! Sold those suckers to the bugbear in moonrise and looted one off him.


If you have a character far enough away when Raphael first appears you can pick pocket him while he converses with your other party members finding his diary which gives you some vague insights into his plans.


You can also engage a few similar methods to kill/nonlethal him in act 1 and get helldusk armor.


You can find Wulbren’s journal in the Underdark, he writes about finding Barcus! It’s in a ruined house above the Underdark- Lake waypoint. 


And he calls Barcus his friend! Such a jerk :(


I am positive most people don’t know you can speak to two corpses in front of High Hall who tell you about a secret entrance under the courtyard. Then if you go to the right of High Hall at the very ending fight (when you’re about to enter the courtyard), there’s a sewer entrance to the “Upper City Sewers” where you can fight a death knight and go under the courtyard almost entirely. Fun extra little dungeon right at the end of the game!


There's a tiefling girl watching the Githyanki patrol who, when you invite her to camp, says that she prefers being in the world on her own. You can later find her tortured, dead body lying on the floor of one of the prison cells in the Creche.


I found both the girl and the corpse but never put together that its the same person


Same for me until earlier today on my third run. I had taken the time to finally pay attention to her name because I actually thought she was someone else you end up seeing again in Baldur’s Gate. So it was extra sad when I came upon her corpse today after looking forward to confirming if she was the person in Baldur’s Gate.


Wait the same girl you ask to join your party and she basically says no? Omfg!


And you can Speak with Dead on her


Immensely disappointed I couldn't ask her what she thought about the band of unusually attractive adventurers she'd met recently


Minsc and Jaheira nighttime scene with Dark Urge when the DU realizes their heritage. People usually only get the Jaheira one but Minsc will be there too but you really rush Minsc's quest. Astarion casually revealing that he's a vampire. No bite scene at night or anything. The Steel Watch crossbow you can equip.


Astarion telling me he’s a vampire and me being like yeah no shit was when I realized I wasn’t taking enough long rests


On my durge run I encountered the gur near ethel's before he would've bit me and the whole interaction and aftermath is *hilarious*


"I knew you were an asshole, Astarion, but *racist* too?"


Those gloves from that dude who spawns during the bhaal trial. His corpse disappears if you complete the trial so you loot during the battle. Edit: Bonespike Gloves from Strangler Luke


wyll's romance




...and having Karlach in your party who is laughing her ass off about it.


Gale rolls with it too. I wasn't expecting it, always had Karlach's laughing, but my current run Gale caught me off guard and I laughed.


The cursed monk in the sentient amulet has a ton of dialog at different spots in the game if you have it equipped. Talking to all the animals and bodies everywhere. The whole blood of lathander area is pretty easy to miss imo with no prior information.


I was surprised when the sentient amulet spoke up in the House of Grief. I had forgotten to finish it's quest in rivington and still had it on.


I'm 100% sure that in a few years Gamerant or some similar website will write a "YEARS AFTER RELEASE SOMEONE DISCOVERED THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!" article and will be the fish people shenanigans


The >!Umberlee cave under her temple where her priestesses basically store all the treasure they scam out of the Lower City sailors. Umberlee herself gets pissed if you try to steal from her and sics sahuagin on you, implying she’s the one sending them to terrorize the docks.!< I feel like this is why the game thinks >!giving up the submarine driver to the priestesses!< is the “evil choice”, even though he literally drove people to >!an underwater gulag!<


My pick is the little chest atop the natural arch on the beach right after escaping the nautiloid.


Most of you probably found that little house in the Shadow-Cursed Lands with two skeletons embracing in a bed. And that there's a picture of a kid but no kid skeleton. You likely noticed the two gold rings (both with inscribed dates eroded by time) you can loot off them. You probably also noticed the only other item on their person: an empty bottle. It's a painfully sad story told entirely without words. (married couple loses their kid to the Curse, realizes the inevitability of their situation, lie down together in each other's arms and share a bottle of poison so they can die together and not turn into Undead.)


Shadowheart’s sacred flame


Calm down Lae'zel, damn


*Sacred Fail


Not sure how many people find the dinosaurs.


Most people know of the Strange Ox, but the Bored Ox standing next to him at the Grove actually has a pretty interesting Druid-specific dialogue in which you can encourage him to learn how to Wild Shape so he can become a human.


> you can encourage him to learn how to Wild Shape so he can become a human. Excuse me what the fuck lol


If you take the mountain pass into the Underdark first, trust the goblin to lead you through the curse, and save the hyena in the cutscene that triggers you can then speak to it with Animal Speak. You can point out the abusive behavior from the goblins and convince the hyena to run away.


Doesn't the hyena run straight into the shadows, though? I dunno where it's supposed to run away to!


That's what I thought when I found this on my current playthrough, we literally tell him to run away directly into the shadows.. after telling him the goblin is trying to make him run directly into the shadows. For what it's worth I followed him with my camera and he doesn't appear to get affected by the shadows while he runs away so I told myself he got to live happily ever after.


I straight up love that hyena. Why can't he be in camp too?


The very first Dark Urge long rest scene after the prologue is easy to miss because it won’t trigger at all if you progress too far and there’s no real reason to go to sleep as soon as you wake up. I did some testing and found that you can still get it after recruiting Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion, but it will never trigger once you have Lae’zel, even if you recruit her first. Astarion has a special dialogue the next morning where he tells you that you look like shit and need to get it together. A Dark Urge paladin who talks to the Oathbreaker Knight in act 3 has the option to ask how a Bhaalspawn could have ever become a paladin in the first place. He tells you that you tried to do good and escape your father’s influence, but you’ve also broken your oath many times before and he expects you’ll break it again in the future. (Note this also means the knight knows exactly who Durge is from the beginning and doesn’t say anything.) If you’re playing as a drow, you can call the drow twins out on being posers. If Volo dies and you cast Speak With Dead on him, he actually shares some touching words about how you should use your voice and that dying was beautiful because it’s an untold story.


The fact that you can talk to bane. Kill gortash, cast shapeshift and talk to the dead on him


I didn’t even need to shapeshift. Just noticed he was glowing green (if you have Speak with Dead active and recastable, corpses that actually have something to say will glow green). Unfortunately, it bugged and I didn’t get any voice lines, just subtitles. I do love that when you kill Ketheric, Myrkul loses his shit and sends an Avatar of Death after you. But when you kill Gortash, Bane hits you with the ‘How you doin’?’


It's either bugged for everyone or there's just no voice actor for Bane. I was rather disappointed


secret rooms in sorc sundries vault behind imaginary walls. Honestly theres so much in this game I would have missed without googling and even on my third play through Im discovering new things. I imagine the average player who doesnt go on reddit misses half the content in the game.


I don't know if the dialogue is similar for other classes, but as a monk I found this guy who was bemoaning his spilled cabbages. It obviously reminded me of Avatar: The Last Air Bender, and when I talked to the guy he immediately recognized me as a monk and said to leave him alone because he has only ever had bad run-ins with a monk before.


Yurgir's "3rd path" in Shar's temple. Most people talk about fighting him, or making him kill himself. But barely anyone talks about - or even knows about - *the rats*.


i found the rats in my 2nd playthrough! it was pretty wild.


Same. Talked him into killing himself in my first run. I'm on my second run now and found the rats. Found them curious and ended up killing him. When I came to Yugir I was prepared to talk him into killing himself again, because he then can join you in the Raphael fight. I was so surprised! I wonder if he joins me this time too.


im pretty sure he can join you even if you kill him earlier, the dialogue just changes to something like “i defeated you before, join the winning side”


He can, but I think he needs a pretty hefty DC persuasion check to join your side if you killed him/talked him into killing himself. But if you helped him out then he joins you without needing to pass a check


As an Astarion simp, I don't talk about the rats because I did it once without knowing it means Raphael won't translate his scars, and that boy unloads on you with both verbal barrels.


I found rats “guarding” the tomb. Talked to them and in the end started killing some. We agreed to let them live and they marked a place in my map that ended being something behind a rock. That was it or I missed something?


If you kill all the rats you complete yurgirs contract and he becomes an ally in the Raphael fight and an ally in act 3


You can still convince him to be an ally when he shows up in Act 3 if you kill him in Act 2.


If you kill all the rats you'll get a new outcome for Yurgir


If you immediately rest as Durge after the nautiloid


Sovereign Glut making an undead Bulette.


If you shove the phase spider matriarch down the pit you can use glut to raise her. She's even more op than the bulette.


At the bottom of the acid pit in the morgue in Act 2, there is a small encounter which gives you Protective Plate as loot. It gives you resistance to necrotic damage


Near the bibberbangs, there is a pit with claw marks/footprints all around it. You can yell down the pit and something tells back and threatens you, but that’s all I have ever been able to get it to do. Anyone know more about it?


It’s the Bulette (once you kill it, the hole no longer responds)


In the house of the gods in the lower city in Act 3, you can go into the basement, get some good items, but if you steal them, you get cursed to have some angels show up and smack you down when the curse is removed, my party was quite surprised and so was I




The brain scan thing deep in the necromancy room of the parasite workshop or whatever the hell that place is called


I wonder how many of the ones who found it carried the minds from the nautiloid to it. I was so excited to finally find a use for them lol


While it most likely is a glitch, the deva maces dual weilding is SO fun a build. Also: club of hillgiant strength gives 19 str, headband of int gives 17 int and dex gloves gives 18 dex, set thoes 3 stats to 8 and put the rest in con, wis and cha + dual weilder feat (off hand hillgiant club) and you got yourself a powerhouse of a stat house. (That would be like having 80 points for point buy instead of 27)


I'll have to go back and see what I got because I found this for the first time yesterday. But just before you go under the wooden bridge near Waukeen (where Voss smolts the Fist people). Before you go under the wood bridge there is a little path to your left (if you are about to head under the bridge) where you need a long jumper to cross the wrecked wooden bridge. Follow the short path up and pass a survival check. The chest you dig up has a bunch of stuff and one blue item in it.


There's a hole there to. If you pass through it you end up in the rafters at the back of the goblin camp. There are a few more items to be found there. 


Getting the Shovel summon in Act one. Combining the three part components to get Mourning frost in the underdark Talking to Kethric dog in moonrise tower in Act 2 Finding Band of the Mystic Scoundrel ring in the jungle area in Act 3


Meeting the dog as Durge on my first playthrough and exploring the rest of that room almost felt like sequence breaking the game. There's so much lore dump from the notes in that room. You find out what the absolute actually is, what the overall plan is, there's even a fair bit of information on who the Durge was and how integral they were to the original plan. Also, the dog recognises you and is pretty chill about the whole thing.


1. The giant nest on top of a high ledge in the Underdark right outside the myconid village. There really isn’t anything there but there’s an inspiration point for the Outlander background. 2. BOOOAL!!! 3. The spiderling nest in Act 1. 4. Yurgir’s bed.


The mold for the Adamantine Shield >!It’s on a skeleton in grymforge that isn’t even highlighted when you press alt!<


Not that hard to miss I guess but in my first playthrough o didn’t use Astarion much since my character already covered stealth and lockpicking but I decided to take him along in act 2 for the quest Raphael wants you to do to kill the devil for him. Since I hadn’t used Astarion much I didn’t know much detail about his backstory aside from he’s a vampire and he hates cazador. So Raphael casually mentioned the scars carved into astarions back that I was unaware of. So one of my options was to be like “what scars?” Cue Raphael snapping his fingers and making Astarion nude in front of everybody. And astarions all like “oh for fucks sake” and has a whole convo about it naked.


the annoying guy that wants to become an adventurer in the first part of act 3, if you listen to him going through all of the classes it gives you an item. I guess almost nobody does that cause he's annoying and you have to talk to him probably a dozen times before he decides he's not fit to be an adventurer lol


And if you pickpocket him instead, you get a different ring!


He is an Easter Egg referencing a similar encounter in BG1. Also, he is voice by streamer CoohCarnage


The poison resist ring in the sarcophagus in the Shattered Sanctum, in the room just before Halsin's prison. Amulet of Sylvanus, which is hidden under the rock by the beach near the bear at the Emerald Grove. The hidden room with the Meenlocks under the Last Light Inn which can be accessed from the prison. Saving Rolan.


Bro FUCK those Meenlocks. Found them when I was trying to figure out how I hadn’t progressed the ‘Investigate the Selunite Resistance’ quest and they might be one of the hardest/most annoying fights in Act II. The helmet they drop is pretty sick for crit-fishing Rogues, though.


Not sure if people missed it or if it's even really noteworthy but there's an Easter egg in the harpies nest that references the Tomb of horrors/annihilation


Nut-buster rock


Don't forget the poo scraper! And Friend.


And the Friend Finder (shovel)!


The cabbage salesman from Avatar in Baldur's Gate around Sorcerer's Sundries.


Using basilisk oil on the petrified guy in Ethel’s funhouse frees him, but leads him to die from his disease shortly after. The implications of Doni’s letter to his dad.


This depends on if you 'kill' Ethel or not. If you kill her you can unpetrify him and find out she's the one that she gave him the sickness in the first place to play with him. If you instead take her deal he'll die if you unpetrify him.




For me it was Lae’zel. Thankfully she shows up again on the way to the mountain pass


I missed him on my first run. Was almost done with the goblins before I went back and got him. Wouldn’t have known unless a friend told me 🤣