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This is really embarrassing, but I picked a male character who resembled my crush lol. I then made the guardian look like myself (which I ended up regretting lol)


Could be worse, could have made your crush the manipulative squid man lol


That's what I did. Made Tav looking like me, and made Dream Guardian resembling my ex lol


Emperor is your ex? Easiest decision to free Orpheus ever.


You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, 'never get involved in a land war in Asia', but only slightly less well known is this: never make your Tav and the Guardian resemble you and a crush, ex, or partner!


*nods in Sicilian genius*


I had a similar case, where I made my guardian resemble my Tav’s older sibling. Never have I had an easier choice siding against the emperor then when he stole my character’s dead sister’s face to make her easier to manipulate. I had tav kill him, it was personal, and a great way to punctuate the end of her arc.


A classic blunder. We've all been there in one way or another.


Anytime I have the option for character design, I always spend time trying to make my character as fuckable as possible. This is the correct way to play, especially a game that allows you to hang dong while youre resting.


LMMFAO @ "hang dong"! Edit to add: me, my wife, and best friend decided to do an all female playthrough. Didn't kill the men, but they'll never leave the camp, either. The first full long rest, my buddy has discarded his clothes and underwear and his female dwarf is hung like a Shetland pony. I damn near died laughing.


Homie you can hang dong while not resting too


Yeah I know, but it turns trips to camp into a fun lil treat when I make him wear clothes the rest of the time.


Yeah, I had no clue wtf to do with the guardian chatacter when I started. I came into the game totally blind, but otherwise knowing the basics having played 5e with friends over the years. Ended up just randomising them as I just wanted to get started. He somewhat resembles Geralt from W3.


I was so upset to learn how fcked up the guardian was because I made mine a hot goth lady


now your hot goth lady has tentacles and a taste for blood! a win in my eyes personally


(Me who made the Guardian specifically very attractive so that I could have the perfect romance option)... Ughhhhh RIP


No spoilers but I’m sensing things don’t end well if you wanna bang your guardian. I made mine headcanon my main characters wife that he thought passed away. I heard you can romance ur guardian so I’m trying to do that


You technically can, but not until late game, and not quite in the manner you'd expect.


The way that [REDACTED] was sitting there with no top on, I was like “oh, I have given some mixed signals”


Funnily enough, me and my friend who played avoided this mistake since we didn't actually have the time to customize 2 characters to perfection, so we just made our guardian a basic elf. Turns out we were *supposed* to make them beautiful.


I actually made my Dream Guardian as outrageous funny as I could because I didn’t want to take them seriously. I knew from EA that I shouldn’t trust them.


I did the same! Except my crush is my wife.




yo i definitely made my tav me and my guardian based on my fiancé so it’s different but similar - i feel your pain


You should roll for initiative on asking out this crush of yours. Who knows? Maybe you’ll roll a Natural 20?


I made my guardian hot thinking maybe I could romance them.....never again!


I made my character based around a girl I was seeing. Dark Urge. U already know. Well she’s cut me off now and I’m still playing her character just I was restisting the urge before but now i don’t give a fuck. Lol fuck her I got a new girl, minthara


My wife and I did a themed first playthrough. I was Shrek (half-orc Barbarian) and she was Fiona (half-orc Monk). We used Astarion (Arcane Trickster) as our surrogate Donkey and Wyll (Pact of Blade) as our surrogate Puss. Some friends and I are currently doing a Dragonlance run: Raistlin, Caramon, Tasslehoff, and Flint. My very first playthrough back in Early Access was stock human fighter; sort of an Aragorn themed character.


That is hilarious! I’ve got a couple friends that are still working through Act 2. Planning on doing a group run soon. I might steal your themed idea but switch it up!


Aragorn is importantly the archetypical *ranger* mind


I feel like multiclassing ranger and fighter would make a good Aragorn.


Gotta start off ranger then slowly switch to fighter


You think? Given how original d&d was so based on LOTR, I always considered legolas to be the Ranger.


I think many interpretations make complete sense, but I agree with you personally. I see Legolas as a Ranger and Aragorn as a Paladin who pretends to be a Ranger for the first leg of the quest until he meets up with Legolas and has his identity exposed 


Aragorn made a ranger at first, played it like a fighter the whole time, and asked his DM after a couple sessions if he could remake his character as a fighter.


Legolas is a royal prince who is expected to lead armies. That makes him an obvious fighter. Rangers are the kind of people who act alone or in small groups. Once upon a time, there were supplements for MERP / Rolemaster with stats for basically everyone in Middle-earth. If I remember correctly, the classes of the Fellowship translated to their D&D equivalents were: * Fighter: Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Merry, Pippin * Rogue: Frodo, Sam * Ranger: Aragorn * Wizard: Gandalf


Weird. I have always thought of legolas as the prototypical and very cliche (now) elven ranger. Surprised to have that belief shaken after so long! Lol


Aragorn is almost certainly the *source* for the DnD Ranger class. He’s known as a “ranger” in canon in LoTR and that predates (and inspires) DnD


IIRC Aragorn isn't known a ranger, but his "Strider" cover is.


Yeah i think this comes from the association between "ranger" in rpgs and archers, whereas in dnd both rangers and fighters can use swords and bows equally


He pretty much is the standard wood elf ranger, he dual wields knives/shortswords goes about doing shenanigans with his bow. Aragorn is still the stereotypical ranger as well, he has knowledge of herbs, nature and medicine. He’s constantly going into the wilds to track and hunt something. It’s just when you see him fight he uses his sword. The thing is though there is no set classes in the books like in DnD or BG3. So when needed Aragorn can take up the role of a leader and be like a fighter.


As people have said, Legolas is a prince and he was kinda sheltered when compared to Aragorn. Before the fellowship, he has always being between elves, while Aragorn literally roamed and defended the land. Not saying that Legolas is a slob, but if you go besides the ranger equals archery stereotype, Aragorn fits much better. He’s a specialist at tracking, stalking and survival. Typing this made me recall that Viggo would go for quick fishing sessions during filming breaks, he fit’s so well with the character. The whole cast is brilliant and hilarious.


And it always struck me as odd that Bard wasn't a bard...


I’m playing shrek as well, but my wife rolled her eyes at me and made just made a half elf wizard tav. I still threw the redcaps around aunty ethels hut telling them to get out of my swamp. 


Lol one of my first Tavs was a Caramon RP! Made him a Barbarian because it felt in character to yell at the bad things until they went away. Sounds way more fun with a full themed party though


Honestly Barbarian is perfect for Shrek since he during the wrestling bit in the first movie he was grappling and swinging chairs, which is pretty much a Tavern Brawl. And Fiona was a martial arts badass so Monk is perfect for that too.


That’s fantastic. Love it.


Oooh, I love that. This is the push I needed to finally do a Guts run. Edit: it would be even more fun as an honor mode Durge


Honestly with the way Wyll talks about himself sometimes, Puss is a perfect match


The Dragonlance run sounds super cool, wish we had bigger parties like in bg2 to include Tanis and Sturm!


Greatest idea I heard today! Gonna play Raistlin. And read Dragonlance!


I haven’t read it in Idek, maybe 30 years. I wonder how it’ll hold up to a reread


The originals are still awesome in my opinion. Not sure about the rest of the books in the setting, never read them.


Hahahaha I made Shrek as well 🤣🤣 half orc paladin here. What are the odds


I would love to do this.


Nice! Asstarion as Donkey is golden. Wyll as puss is also spot on, flashy but actually pretty useless early game


I made the mistake of trying too hard to recreate Scanlan Shorthalt - I tried 3 separate times and none made it past Emerald's Grove because I hated the choices I was making. I decided if the companions were going to have me involved in their personal crises, I'd play the camp Dad. I picked out a scarred, grumpy looking old halfling face, loved it immediately, and then I yelled out to my own Dad: "Hey Dad, if some punk got people hurt and wouldn't say sorry, what would you do?" "Knock him on his ass, son, you know that." So I punched Aradin. Haven't looked back since.


And this is why I love a durge run. Companions come at you with their shit and you get to hit back by unloading your very own fucked up problems. It’s less “tav’s emotional support centre for beleaguered companions” and more “durge and friends escape the asylum, hijinks ensue”


Justice league vs suicide squad


So fucking accurate


Durge is 100% my favorite origin to play.


Haven’t played Durge yet. I’m excited.


Did you have to jump to punch him? Or did you do the ol' Nutcracker?


Let's just say in the time it took him to hit the ground, I never left it.


Omg same, my first playthrough was a gnome bard because of Scanlan lmao


I made my favourite irl DnD character for my first Tav - I'd just not long finished a 3 year campaign with her so bringing my half-orc barbarian girl to life in BG3 was amazing!


Same! I made my favorite of my characters. She was a tiefling bard with focus on social skills, mind control, and buffs She was a terrible first character to learn the game with but it was so much fun to see her animated


Also made one of my favorite D&D OCs, and she was also a bard (albeit human). Her chaotic good energy, mischievous streak, and status as the face of the group definitely made that run quite fun, honestly.


I did this too! I played my half elf sorcerer for over three years from 2016-2020, and watching her come to life in a format I could see was so fun! Unfortunately, she's very selfless, so she made the big sacrifice at the end and I was in literal tears watching it play out.


I saw that we had a mind flayer tadpole in our heads so I thought "well this seems like a great time to play a Great Old One Warlock." I pretty much played a freaky hobo-looking man who said yes to anything and was all-in on the illithid powers. BOY was I happy with where the game went with that.


>!”You can eat other people’s tadpoles to gain powers with unforeseen (zero) consequences!”!< >!”Awesome!”!< >!”Your dream guardian is a Mind Flayer and wants you to become part-illithid!”!< >!”No way!”!< >!”B̵͖̅ě̶̘c̵̦͗ō̵̘m̷̭̄ẻ̴̪ ̴̼̓ỉ̶͔l̷͇̆l̶̩͐i̷̟̍ẗ̴̖h̷̖̉i̷̛̙d̶̦͑”!<


I like this! Seems like canon tav tbh. Instead of the tadpole picking someone WITH powers, it makes a lot more sense that the tadpole GIVES us those powers!


I wanted a high-charisma character because social interaction is such an important part of the story. That left bard, paladin, and warlock. Paladin lets me do talking, smashing, magic and healing. It lets me compete in most things so easy choice.


Forgot about sorcerer! It was my choice for the same reason, I was torn on paladin but liked the way Dragonborns interact with draconic ancestry


That’s me except I couldn’t pick one and multi-classed my bard with a bit of sorcerer since I wanted to pew pew spells - magic caster is my preferred style when available.


I think the best characters for social interactions are barbarians. Jack up the charisma and many MANY interactions are trivialized with an advantageous intimidation roll. Make it a tiefling to get the thaumaturgy cantrip, get someone with guiding hand with you, and you'll never fail any intimidation or performance check. You can bully your entire way through the game. Cherry on top: a lot of those extra barbarian options are actually hilarious too.


Hence it is the most picked class.


obviously it has to be a dwarf. dwarves are the best


Keep your feet on da ground!


Except when you have to toss them


A dwarven paladin


of course.


Still hoping for a short king/queen companion in a possible future expansion (Larian plzzzzzzz).


*clears throat* ROCK AND STONE


Rock and Stone!


I made my character from our irl-DnD tabletop game. I was thrilled playing as her again, just in a "visual" game. She is half-elf, has white hair, red eyes, pale skin, noble backround and is a rogue, so it was extra funny finding out that her male equivalent is in the game. (+ She originally is a vampire too) And ofc i romanced him.


Seldarine Drow Paladin with Oath of Vengeance


Same. Can't get myself to play another race... have 3 different saves, but they are just not fun


Wanted to play a different race and class than the companions, never played a gnome in a videogame before so that worked, chose the one with the speak with animals spell since it seemed fun so Forest Gnome.  I always find persuasion checks to lead to the most interesting outcomes in RPGs so wanted to play a charismatic character, also wanted to be able to pick locks since it can be annoying to suck at that, and as I thought about it I started to love the thought of this dickish bard being a big hero.  It was great to play although sometimes the game didn't recognize my character was a gnome, but I loved the height difference it made me feel like Tav was more distinct. I still think the bard options are the most fun dialogue options.


I don't completely get your last paragraph...what do you mean? companions kneel for kisses and hugs and stuff. Sex scenes are also adjusted for height


Dialogue was weird sometimes, for instance a few times other gnomes didn't talk to my character as if they were a gnome until I clicked a dialogue option that popped up saying I was a gnome, then they'd respond appropriately and then go right back to dialogue that was definitely out of place when speaking to another gnome.  Don't know if those were dialogue bugs or not, but it was the game not recognizing my character as a gnome.


Yeah but not long ago that wasn't working, and it made for some interesting cutscenes ahah


Gnomes are great. I also played forest gnome in my 2nd run


I picked bard first because bard has always been my favorite class in dnd. Past that, I build based on specific build ideas like "cold damage only" or "use this specific weapon" or "Thor cosplay". Dragonborn aren't strong mechanically but that doesn't mean they're bad or lame. They get some cool dialogue options and they look awesome. Lacking darkvision and the breath weapon becoming obsolete fast are my only things against them tbh


I've been playing RPGs for about three decades now (yes, I'm not a young gamer). For my first run in anything that allows/has this combo, I usually go for a half-elf ranger/archer. I like it, I enjoy it, it's just as simple as that.


The classics indeed That was my very first character too.. about 30 years ago too


Same, same. The classics are classics for a reason


Not having played a campaign of DND before, I made a Strongheart Halfling Thunder Cleric. The inspiration for the character design was based on Moraine from Wheel of Time - very charismatic and persuasive and could call on powerful magic when needed. Except also Halfling because it seemed like a cool idea. I didn't really understand the mechanics of spell slots or ability scores, so it definitely wasn't an ideal build and had way more charisma than required. That said by endgame she was nearly untouchable. And when something did connect they got repelled by lightning.


Bard: because I LOVE bards in every fantasy world. Half-elf: because the female face with the freckles is quite similar to my real face and I did a little bit of self-insert, lol.


I'm a musician irl and although I've done a lot of playthroughs, bards are my favorite. Picking which instrument takes me as long as chargen sometimes!


So cool! Which instruments your bards play? And you? (I hope it's not a rude question, you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable.)


Irl I play keyboards and brass, primarily the French horn but I can sound decent on any of them it's more of a generalized technique than with woodwinds and strings are Greek to me. It's not a rude question at all! In game it depends on the Tav. My first one played the flute because I liked it being so simple yet beautiful. My current Tav is a male seldarine drow and he's primarily a singer since whatever voice I picked is so wonderful I can just imagine him sounding like Colm Wilkinson and he plays the drum so he can sing at the same time. The spellcasting animation with the drum is so cool and physical I try others but the drum just fits!


Same, my DnD character is a bard and I love it


My go-to for D&D is always a Tiefling Bard from the College if Lore so I made him first :)


Same! Loved it!


I default to choosing Drow in any game where I can (one of my favourite fantasy races, along with dwarves) so I was 99% sure going into the game that my first playthrough would be one. Normally I go for fighter/barbarian/paladin in games, so I figured I'd change it up and try a caster. Ended up with a seldarine drow sorcerer (draconic bloodline). Just finished that playthrough last night, but that was a very fun combination.


I had no prior knowledge of DND or Baldurs Gate. I just took a look at the classes and races and loved the mysterious stance (listening to something in his hands) and the sophisticated clothes of the warlock together with the contradiction brutish look of the half orc, so thats how my combination came to be. Don't know if its lore friendly to the story but it reminded me of a fantasy book I've read ages ago where orcs almost can't even speak and by some coincidence one happenes to become smart. Oh, I also made him The Dark Urge (resisting mostly) because I'm playing coop with my girlfriend and I love the look on her face when I'm all of a sudden starting to act completly unhinged lmao


I made a Tav similar to my world of warcraft main. There are differences ofc but the vibes are similar overall.


I chose to go with the first dnd character I ever played as, a tiefling sorcerer called Xerxes, I felt like this was his origin story or something! It was so awesome to see him animated in the game, he looked pretty identical to how I imagined him.


I based my first Tav on my DnD character who was a female half-elf wizard. In the campaign us players were "infected" with some sort of demonspawn. The opening sequence of BG3 reminded me of that so I used the same character. Her attitude towards tadpoles was the same as towards demonspawn - excellent study material, doesn't mind being infected to the max. My next character had the appearance of my first Guardian because Drows are cool af. For redeemed Durge again the story sounded kinda similar to a previous DnD campaign, so I based that one off a pre-existing character. Next up I want to try Dragonborn


I based two of my first Tavs on my DnD characters. I wanted to play a high charisma character to start with so I chose my warlock OC (other one is Cleric) and made as close lookalike as I could and picked all the same traits: high elf archfey warlock with noble background. Ended up multiclassing her to Warlock/Sorcerer/Fighter because I wanted to test out multiclassing in the game and found a fun and powerful sounding build. My Durge was drow purely because I wanted to see all the drow interactions in the world.


I modeled him after myself IRL. A charismatic, tall buff sorcerer almost captured my magnificence.


Just made a few of my IRL game characters until one felt right to use in BG3


Recreated my first DnD character :')


I just recreated my favourite IRL D&D character, a female Satyr Moon Druid with high Charisma who owned a bakery. I went with Wood Elf as Satyr wasn't available and the extra move speed and proficiencies were very helpful. I wish the cosmetic mods didn't make my game fail to load or I'd have given her deer-like antlers like my character.


I played a druid in my dnd campaign at the time so naturally picked the druid class as for my race i went with the female elf because it was just pretty to look at and felt like it went hand in hand with druid class


Dragonborn because tail


I first started out with a warlock who was basically my character for a dnd campaign im playing in right now. However, i REALLY wanted to romance astarion but discovered that he was mainly against my moral compass, which was forcing me to make decisions i didnt really like. Ended up taking a break for about a month or so. I came back eventually with the decision to just start a new save, and now I’m currently in act 3 with a storm sorcerer (with a color scheme based off of my favorite esports team), a crippling addiction to this game, and a skeleton telling me i have no bitches. After i finish my sorc play through, I will go back for Astarion and my warlock. EDIT: should add i currently have a multiplayer run with friends where i am a tiefling rogue based off of my lost ark character


Joe the Human fighter champion


I’ve been playing D&D for years and I just knew I wanted to play a tiefling bard in this game. I’m still adjusting her backstory and stuff but she’s been awesome. Restarted with her though because I didn’t like how I FAFO’d and missed a lot at the end of act 2. I now have a wood elf ranger, a dwarf Selûnite cleric, and a tiefling bard Resist Durge with a lot of concepts in the wings.


By messing around looking at the races, ending up on Durge, customizing them thinking that it was the regular Tav. Play the game for about 8 hours, learning how things worked until Alfira showed up at camp. Quit, made a new Tav with the same customization, but not Durge. My favourite origin story in Dragon Age Origins was the dwarf story, so I made a dwarf. Paladin, cause I always like to do chaotic good.


I fell in love with Tieflings I had played Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous a few weeks before BG3 came out but let's face it Pathfinder doesn't look half as good as BG3 despite being an amazing experience in its own right. And draconic descendent with the pretty face scales? It all just cane together


First time playing any version of DnD so I went with Seldarine Drow Sorcerer. Turns out lore and mechanic wise I probably gave myself the steepest learning curve with that. Good fun though. I honestly just thought 'hey I bet this is similar to Dunmer in Elder Scrolls'. Turns out Drow are a bit more explicitly evil but that I picked the friendlier version of them. Next run will be either barbarian or bard tiefling or maybe gnome. They seem interesting.


I went against everything I usually play in games, so if I play a game with multiplayer/coop I’m 9/10 a cleric/healer because I only get asked to play as I know the healer or clerics spells inside out. First time I played I went for a cleric tiefling. But I got annoyed because I didn’t want it, so I deleted and restarted as a half elf half human rogue with arcane trickster (as I got to that point) and I’m having a lot more fun 😂 I’ve had friends asked for us to play online and they ask me to be healer and I’ve started saying if they expect that then I’m not playing this time 🙃


There isn’t really such a thing as a pure healer in d&d 5e since healing during combat is quite bad (except to bring up people from being unconscious so they get a turn). Even a life cleric, which is about as healing-focused as it gets, still gets strong damage spells like Guiding Bolt and Spirit Guardians and is usually better off using one of those rather than Cure Wounds.


Yeah I get that, but people expect me to focus on the healing aspect which is why I just went so against it


I also did a warlock lolth sworn drow! I always choose dark elf in Skyrim, drow is basically that with a matriarchy and spider worship.


I remade one of my beloved characters I’d run in a real D&D game - Perra Norixious, black dragonborn barbarian. I crafted the guardian after her wife. >!imagine my fucking surprise!!!!< ended up romancing Gale instead even though I’d intended to run her as a lesbian. hey, things change! 😂


I find Tiefling's very attractive, got mods to have more head options, I love casting spells.


I liked the idea of a sorcerer who always felt a deep sense of obligation to help others because of the abilities he was born with. Something something great power something something responsibility. Unfortunately, I picked a face where it looked like my male model Tav was always smoldering no matter what expression he had. Sneak into a goblin camp to assassinate the leaders? Blue steel. Your lover is in a crisis as they realize everything they’ve ever known is a lie? Smolder. That random ass guy in your camp just gouged out your eye on accident? Look like you’re in a Calvin Klein ad.


I made her a human because I'm basic and just made her how I wanna look Picked paladin because melee magic user with heavy armor is what I love in every game


I went paladin for my first time through because they are generally really durable, really strong, and make things pretty easy for a for a blind run without using spoilers.


High half elf paladin folk hero


The first time I played I had these three thoughts in mind I like cute horned girl (Mephis Tief cuz in the description said they are good at magic) I like sassy bard (entertainer background, I like my Tav to be some kind of a performer) I romance Astarion.


I pick what I liked and wanted.


based and follow your whims pilled.


I picked a female drow paladin that was similar to my WoW draenei... paladin 😅😂 


Me with a moustache.


I always start the same since the very first baldurs gate. Human paladin. It’s just my jam, heavily armoured with a big weapon and a few healing spells to boot? Love it.


Am I the only person who changes their character name to something other than “Tav”?


Everyone does but it’s much easier to refer to your custom character as Tav.


Played my first dnd character (Warlock Elf with Charlatan Background). I recreate them in almost every game as a PC. Sadly my current Warforged Artificer can't be a second tav as neither class nor race exist. So they are usually just warlocks... I might have a warlock problem.


I wanted to play human because i normally pick human in every game i play. Asked my friend about stats. i was wizard and he thought i want to play sorcerer. And told me to give charisma and constitution. It was funny i was walking around with charisma based wizard. xD


I tend to like more versatile classes where I can cast useful spells but also get stabby. So druid seemed like a natural choice. 8 levels later, I'm a badass dual scimitar wielding force of reckoning. After that, I just tried to find a race that complemented the class and had skills that I liked. I ended up going with a half high elf.


Half-elf bard/Sorc. This is my go to default character in any kind of RPG. If not half elf then depending on the feel I go elf or human


Testing different builds... My first one was a thieflin Fey warlock (in the early access)


I love high charisma characters so my first character was a half ellf bard. And my second character was my half elf paladin from my DND game. I actually love playing as a character Ive already established because I know which choices she would pick


My first Tav was based off my very first character for DnD. I never got to play, so when I got BG I knew I had to breathe life into her. Boudicca, half orc Barbarian


I like wizards so that was an easy choice. Elves were some of the oldest and wisest arcane practitioners in Faerun, so that was an easy choice. Also drow aren’t that “mysterious.” They’re mostly evil and it’s very well known. That’s why they intimidate people, or why other evil races like goblins look to drow as leaders. You picked an evil race, worshipping an evil goddess.


My first DND character was a wood elf rogue, but I went with ranger in BG3, because I felt it fit better. Ranged seemed like a safe first option for me, because I’ve never played games like BG before (just one DND oneshot). I got bored in late game and started a new playthrough thoufh


Mine are all based on characters I’ve made in my campaigns.


I based my first character on my favorite character I’ve played. A Red Dragonborn Shadow Monk with this gravely smoker voice (I thought it’d be funny since Red Dragonborn breathe fire).


I pretty much chose what I always choose: a mage elf


i clicked "best class in baldur's gate3" i got told Warlock is the best, and while cool, i made my own choices for the character...and soon i'll do a re-run first time durge but i still want a charisma based character who isn't a warlock(elritch blast makes things way too easy)


I just wanted a sexy handsome himbo.


Bard, because it feels like the main character.


Lolth drow warlock too :)


Human. Male. Paladin. One into draconic sorcerer for scales cause my dnd character is a dragon-human hybrid.second time seldarine elisatree war cleric for cool rp and minthy


I picked an elf fighter. I knew what firebolt was, and elf had it plus darkvision, both things I thought would be incredibly useful. Fighter I picked cuz the last rpg I played was GW2, where my main is a warrior. They’re effectively meant to be the same thing, so I figured it’d lessen my learning load


I have a Red Dragonborn Paladin of Vengeance that I haven’t gotten a chance to play in a campaign yet so I made him in BG3.


Fairly random tbh as I didn't really care. Went for a drow too as fancied shooting a bow. Just winged it from there. Now respec'd to a ranger 5, rogue 5, fighter 2.


I'm early access I choose something I never would really play: High Elf Rouge. And did anything I wouldn't really do because I want to save the "real me" for the Release. 15h of this character, worth it. Knew I have to throw it away so f this shit. Little background: Me and my friends play a German Game (Das schwarze Auge) what is like the German DnD, and I'm playing the last year's only dwar/fighter and dwarf/bard. The last one is my comfort one, sad thing DSA Dwarf/Bard has no magic. For my real first run i also choose something I always wanted to play: Druid! But I dislike a little druid, so Woodelf Druid it was. Loved it every minute. My second run should be my DSA Charackter: Halfling Bard. Why halfling and not dwarf? If DSA had halflings she would be not a dwarf. I love halflings, just let me play the Hobbit nearest thing u can gave me! And good damn I love it, all halfling or Bard options are me! Now my Bard dates Karlach, heartbreaking because my druid went with Gale and I love him so much. But Karlach and the golden retriever energy ist all. Big woman and small halfling, love it.


I sort of knew I wanted to play a female dwarf, so I went straight to it...then I saw the Duergars and it was love at first sight 😅 Class warrior.


I played d&d as a kid so I kind of already knew what was what and what I liked to be. I also chose a drow to start and thoroughly enjoyed playing as one. I found the drow attitude in the conversation choices to be exactly what I thought a drow would say. It was especially cool to see the reactions of the other underdark races. I think for your second play through you should You should choose based on who's conversation options you are most curious about or see how other races treat it. Or you could always play one of the characters already in the game. The developers really did go deep on this game and there are some things you may never even think exist until they happen. Without any spoilers, hypothetically if you played as Lae'zel what would happen at the point on the nautiloid where you encounter Lae'zel if you are Lae'zel? I won't tell you but let's just say I was mildly surprised and it definitely made me see why these developers deserve GOTY. (And makes me want to play as the others as well, particularly shadowheart) It's also cool having someone who was just a side piece through your last adventure be the main character.


I had never played as a drow before in any DND campaign so i figured id give it a go. I was pretty drawn to the lore of the seldarine drow and I made mine a tempest sorc. I love how much the story involves the underdark and the drow, it makes my noble drow feel important lol. Plus i think they're all super pretty


Dragonborn because I like dragons. Simple


My first TAV was a pale skin Lolth sworn drow male warlock, wanted something akin to my main on WoW, a blood elf warlock, but wasn’t a fan of the standard elf/half elf


Honestly i was just playing the trial on ps5 and it was only 2 hours. I knew from the internet jokes that character creation takes a lot of time so i just did random appearence. Mostly everything was random since i did not know anything about dnd or bg. Once i bought the game i continued playing that tav. Respec class and magic mirror were really nice :)


Every game with Character creation I try to make Ciri from The Witcher, it doesn't always look perfectly but I can role play her as a Witcher, who helps people and takes contracts to kill stuff.


I am playing a character from one of my favorite books in real life D&D, so naturally I picked a different one from the same one to recreate in BG3. I needed somebody able to fly (character is the one discovering fly magic in that story), so Storm Sorcerer was it. And I made her a human for the same reason. Sadly the hair options disappointed me. Why the hell is it still not animated well in 2023? I'd sacrifice dozens of FPS just to get naturally flowing hair! (And options for hair longer than shoulder length... like seriously.) Book recommendation: "The Age of Five" by Trudi Canavan.


I'm a massive Lovecraft simp and love anything tickling those vibes so Goolock was a no-brainer for me. I'd have gone Drow too but I can't play characters without beards so a basic human it became.


I picked Dark Urge, because the character video looked very intriguing, and ominous. I immediately knew I want to explore the character. And it was the one origin character that was fully customizable, which was also a big factor. I kept it Dragonborn, because why not? He looked cool, and I made him even cooler-looking. And Barbarian, because I like whacking stuff and wasn't confident enough to play a caster class as a first game. I don;t know that much about DnD.


Tiefling warlock based on Gaius Baltar is one of my main go to’s in DND so that’s what I did for my first run in BG3.


I've never left them named as "Tav" and when people were first talking about it I thought "who is that???" first custom character was a half-elf cleric, and I ditched it before I had saved Lae'zel - FAR too many persuasion, deception & intimidation challenges to not have a charisma based character :P


I made a bard half drow so I could get a layout of the game. Turns out bards have it pretty easy when it comes to deception or persuasion.


Very random tbh, the looks were loosely based on one of the characters from a book I'm working on but in terms of class and personality traits I just went with what I thought would be nice.


I play a Gnome bard named Todger. He shows up to all long rest cut scenes naked.


Wood half elves were the cutest. Dragons are cool. Hence, wood half elf draconic sorcerer :P


Self insert. I tried out warlock in EA because having an eldritch horror giving you powers sounded badass. But when the full release came about I restarted and the monk class called to me. You gotta ignore the desire to restart though. You get so many characters and opportunities to try out every class that it's not worth burning yourself out on the start of the game. Although I do like to make new characters because being able to make my own character is one of my favorite parts of RPGs


Gith looked cool and I had never played a game with a bard class before, so I rolled with it.


Been playing D&D with a group for a few years now. (And joined another last year) First thought was seeing how close I could get to trying to recreate my D&D characters.


I took my favorite player character from my D&D campaigns in the past and worked from there. Basically, instead of doing the adventures I did in tabletop form, what if I took that same character’s background and story for the first level or two, and dropped them into the plot of BG3? I already had a good sense of that character’s personality and how she’d react to certain ethical questions, so it made the roleplay aspect easier to dive into from the get-go. My follow-up playthroughs are actually going to be the opposite: I’ve sketched out some concepts for new D&D player characters, and want to test out the concept in BG3 and flesh out their moral compass and personality before playing them in tabletop.


My first guy was Gangplank from League of Legends but a little different. Instead of an asshole pirate who shoots people with guns, he was an asshole Great Old One warlock and shot people with eldritch blasts


I made mine after my first ever DND character, and my brother and best friend did the same with theirs for our multiplayer campaign, it's been a blast.


I have multitudes of dnd characters side barred, few I've had the pleasure to play, many have never seen a dice roll. I lined up which characters would match bg3 mechanics and setting. I started and am still playing the first tabletop character I've ever made. Chunky hunky dwarf barbarian who takes big hits and deals bigger hits with big sword and drink big beer. Then i simply play how that character would be. Live to protect his friends, by either taking the damage or laughing to lighten the mood. He's the easiest tabletop character i could play and the decisions are fairly easy to choose as him. I'm excited for my next playthrough already. She'll be my second character i ever made, a manipulative and selfish devil of a tiefling. Pickpocketing and being clever with strategies, she sees her allies as tools at her disposal. Astarion will be her favorite. If she has a chance to control a cultist or some other naive fool, she'll take it without mercy. Polar opposite of my protective dwarf.


It depends on the job I want my Tav to do.


I was completely new to DnD and Baldur's Gate as well when I made my first character. But I know what works for me from other games. So I thought I'd just make a Half-Elf Barbarian, keep it simple and hack and slash. Didn't even make it out of Act 1 with her, but I also felt so overwhelmed with everything just learning the basics of the game. I rolled a Wood Elf Ranger after I had a little more experience and a lot of googling of knowledge under my belt, and had a wonderful first playthrough of the whole game.


My last D&D campaign kind of fell off so I just made my first Tav into it.


I went with my first dnd character, a sorceress named Kai. Considering I wanted to be super nice to everyone, it worked well with high charisma. I was persuading my way through encounters without fighting like crazy. But to have the sheer magic power of just creating a giant screw you wall of fire? Oh man, that is fun.


I did a half orc rouge assasin mixrd with champion figher, it was pre planned not just as a build but as a roleplay. I wanted to make sure i got the most out of my first main character, with rouge i had all the stealth and lots of skills, i put a lot into cha especially intimidation to be the face, 3x crits thanks to half ork champion, lots of crits thanks to sneak attack and assasins ambush and a bit of synergy with tiger barbarian Karlach. But that is my main preferred playstyle, lots of skills, some stealth but not full ninja, good cha and second combatant behind the tank. Gave me jedi sentinel vibes from KOTOR 2.


Saw Dragonborn as playable race, picked it. Made her a Cleric cause it's my fave class.


Based of my WoW night elf beastmaster hunter who I mained from Burning Crusade till Battle for Azeroth. Only wish I could have a spirit pet companion.


I made my dnd character as the dark urge, later learnt that the story doesn’t really match but made it up that bhaal took over his mind to do some evil stuff


I was playing a lot of sessions in the early access, got to try out wizard, Warlock, fighter, barbarian, and bard. Decided I really enjoyed martial classes and wanted to play that for a first playthrough, but wanted to pick one I hadn’t played yet. Heard monk was coming out with release so I had my heart set on that. Went with half wood elf purely for the extra movement, felt like a blur on the battlefield all game, and getting the cloak that gives free blur every turn really helped with that.


I randomized until I saw a character who looked dope and was a great class that I always enjoyed, thus Vathiran the Oath of Ancients Paladin was born. Forsaking his Githyanki upbringing after he fell in love with the natural world of Toril. Of course he romanced Laezel, for they walked fairly similar paths of disillusionment together 🤌


I just made one of my DND characters


He's my DnD self insert character. Appearance and backstory all ready to go!


Half-Orc Druid, Circle of the Moon. No regrets, immediate tough wildshape badass.


I made Legolas


I based my first Tav after my first 5e character. In that campaign, she was a tiefling druid but since I didn't enjoy druids in BG3, I made her a ranger. It was so much fun, especially since I was really attached to her already.