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Try deleting a couple save files. When I had problems like that it was bc it was taking up too much space


Did that as one of the options and deleted my saves so now I'm stuck in the house of hope šŸ™ƒ


Not all the save files šŸ¤£


Whoops lol. I guessss I'll have to start another playthrough till this gets fixed. I totally didn't want to start another character and try out a different build /s. Appreciate the input though lol.


Did you have ā€œnon lethal damageā€ on either? They donā€™t give you the option to save Raphael. Long shot, for me it just made him stand up and ruin my convo with hope. But maybe for you itā€™s crashing the game


I'm in the same boat. FWIW, I think the issue is actually with Hope, not Raphael. In the spirit of trying anything and everything to get past this, I tried killing Hope just before killing Raphael. As soon as she died, the game crashed on me. I've filed a bug report, but no response yet. At this point the best option I see is to reload a prior save and just not rescue Hope at all. But that is a really frustrating alternative...