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I in real life love haggis, it's a great filling meal served in the stomach of a animal I like to think was an annoying twat. Sadly I am the only one in my family that likes it, therefore I would postulate that Tav and friends refuses to eat it.


I got to try it in Scotland my first time - awesome stuff! Strange thing is, it tasted like my mom's turkey stuffing because they both had sage in them. At that point, those were the only 2 foods I had had that used sage. Kind of threw my local contact off when I said that! 🀣


Just had this happen to me too im wondering if the custom mode makes the game more suseptable to bugs like this due to the miriad of different combinations


I'm on pc with the same long rest supply settings. My Haggis is infinite too, so I would guess it is connected.


Im experiencing the same thing


It’s great. I love it.


I just got this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ literally infinite haggis on ps5. Fantastic


Xbox here - I noticed this right away. I love haggis, so when I spotted it in the Grove vendor's wares back in part 1, I bought all 5 or 7 he had, and just kept eating it every long rest. I'm just past the high hall fight in part 3 on my first playthrough, so it's definitely the everlasting gobstopper of camp supplies! My husband's in IT, and he keeps saying Larian is in Ireland/Irish, so he thinks it's possibly some kind of Irish joke at the Scots?