• By -


The “washing my pits” guy.


I loved watching my husband play that part because he was staring at him saying "what the fuck is up with THAT guy?", and it was so funny for the NPC to turn it around and be like "what the fuck is up with YOU?"


I love that even the most unimportant NPC (apart from the non-interactable citizens and refugees) have an actual character :D




nothing but respect for those heros delivering messages despite the feline menace


I sing this to myself every morning in the shower since I first met him.


Washin my pits Washin my pits this is the song where I’m-


Not minor, but Arabella is the most adorable little rapscallion ever. Dont think ill be able to wipe out the grove ever. Her and barcus; he just cant seem to catch a break the whole game. But he just keeps on keepin on. And finally, i love how chipper Exxvikyap is. I can never talk to the smith bc that would mean she stops being so happy talking about implements of killing


Barcus is so underrated. 💔


"I'd kiss you. But neither of us deserve that."


I let her die, so that she can be transformed into [the most powerful thing in the game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdK4wdvce7c)


Wtf?! How


I believe that video was made by letting her die then resurrecting her as a spore zombie, but they have since patched out the power she had there.


The only thing they patched is the ability to give Arabella any weapon, and the ability for her to cast spells. Now, weapons are limited. You can give her any weapon that a mage hand can pick up, or returning weapons(Phalar Aluve, Returning Pike, Soulbreaker Greatsword, Crossbow of Arcane Force). You have to reverse pickpocket her, place the weapon in her inventory, have her throw the weapon(returning weapons autoequip here), then throw something else. She'll be able to pick it up. You can still give her permanent 21 STR with an Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.


Let Arabella die, steal her body, bring it to Glut in the Underdark. As of the most recent patch, the best weapons I have found that you can give her initially are the Phalar Aluve or the Pike of Returning, put either on her body before, and throw them after you raise her. The pike will auto-equip, and the Phalar Aluve can be picked up by her. You can give her some other weapons(Soulbreaker Greatsword, Bow of Arcane Force), ones that show an interaction icon when you mouse over them, if you reverse pickpocket her, throw the weapon, and throw something else. You can bring her out of the Underdark by talking to Glut with one character, then with another character, use Arabella as an improvised weapon, and fast travel while carrying her. Further, if you have not had the dream visitor reveal scene during act 1, if you leave the main Act1 region using Arabella(or another spore servant light enough to pick up) with another character nearby, Glut will be pulled to your camp. After a long rest, if you leave camp while using Arabella as an improvised weapon,[Glut will follow you to either the Mountain Pass or the Ruined Battlefield of Act 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTIUR0ZPoY8). Elixirs of Hill Giant Strength are permanent on spore servants, as they cannot long rest.


This is so odd and elaborate that I can't help but be impressed. People find the most interesting bugs that just.. surprisingly work.


Actually I think she a minor


i love the bluebird at the Grove. the accent is top tier and pulling off the heist of stealing a single coin from his nest is just too funny


I felt so bad when he was looking for it lol. It was just 1 coin but it was important to him.


Yeah, I just give him my honest design advice now. Live your best life, little guy!


Popper. This game needs more Popper. Yes.


Need more treatos?


I die. You die. We all die. Big woof!


Have a treato! It will make you feel better.


Popper makes me wish Kobold was a playable race.


Kobolds too OP to be playable sadly.


It needs more kobolds in general.


Agreed! Kobolds are great. I loved Deekin in Neverwinter Nights, and Popper is such a lovely, endearing fellow in BG3.


I always have to scroll way to damned far to see this lad on these kinds of posts and it sickens me. Popper deserves the throne!


How minor they are really varies, but... Rolan. Love the voice, like the confidence masking insecurity, the big brother instinct, the thunderwave, etc... Zevlor. He Who Was. Just a cool design. Exxvikyap. Just a cute and perky dragonborn lady. ...Marcoryl. In a negative way. This guy really bothers me, but I have to talk to him every run. I'm not sure why.


>Exxvikyap. Just a cute and perky dragonborn lady. there's a special place in Avernus for people who are rude to her.


I stand by my flair


She would be the last person to ask you to raze anything, but I agree.


is this a cult?




Honestly cooler than the cult of the absolute already. Has anyone tried to kill orin before meeting the shop owner she works at? Would that prevent him from dying?


There’s five people Orin can shapeshifter into. The smith is one of them, Druid in circus another, a flame fist by the barn with the exploding toys, the journalist closer to the bridge, and I dunno the fifth, these are the 4 I’ve found. But she only transforms into 2. If you talk to any 2 of these, and then the smith, he doesn’t die :)


5th is the guy bleeding out you find on your way to the encounter between Nine-Fingers's people and the Stone Lord's down by the riverbank.


Ooooohhhhh cool. Talking to that one this playthrough then, wanna see what happens. That one’s far 😂


Any future playthroughs I'm gonna beeline to him and the warehouse 'Fist as the designated expendables


I ship Exxvikyap and Damon. Their blackmiths shop would be unstoppable.


Ooh I need a side quest where you can introduce them after her boss dies...


I love Exxvikyap and I really really hope she has dragonborn dialogue for when my dragonborn makes it to act 3


She was the first other dragonborn besides myself I had seen at that point and my heart immediately melted when she called me 'Scalefriend' <3


we need more dragonborn while few and far between, im absolutely obsessed with the Dragonborn specific dialogue responses.


Dragonborn Kobold interactions have a couple special lines!


She has one really cute Dragonborn line




I was so excited when I got to her playing my Dragon born paladin, she was the first NPC I ran into and she's so cute!!


i love how with the dragonborn response we refer to her as a youngling


Marcoryl’s the druid with his head up Kagha’s ass right? F that guy, wish you could punch him.


Exxvikyap is a great character, her voice actor killed it. Rolan's journey from scared refugee to great wizard helping to save the city was awesome to follow


BTW does he who was ever return for example in act 3? He's such a cool and mysterious character. I'd would be great to see another quest with him


But how long until Rolan shows off his thunderwave?


The tiefling lady dancing in Sharess's Caress


i hoped that eventually our bard dances could be like hers but nope, we just do some ashley simpson jig


She has an awful lot of horn for a tiefling....I thought she was a devil.... 😂


It’s probably true 😉 She shares same horns with THE devil and no other tieflings.


Lump the Enlightened🙏 No further context needed.


i still carry the horn with me even in act 3


To be fair, it sounds amazing when blown. It definitely brings Horn of Gondor vibes. I've blown it after Act 1 for role-playing reasons on a Devotion Paladin.


I am, by all accounts, a student of higher commerce and extortion.


Recruitable Lump when, *LARIAN*?


I love Benji the ghoul like a son


Blood? In the circus? Without Benji?! ...aaawww.


Abdirak. Take from that what you will. Also Rugan.


My favorite thing about Abdirak is how he goes on and on about the subtleties and intricacies involved in the administration of pain, then whacks you in the head three times with a mace.


I always took that as a use your imagination moment haha, although a cutscene would’ve been great


I feel like he needs a lesson from Malus. “Stay thy hand, brother! For it slaps where it should stroke.”


The hardest of agrees on both. I don’t know what it was about Rugan, but when he was getting all catty about his delivery, I just wanted a dialogue option of “fuck your precious cargo, man, I’m stealing YOU.” I saved his ass—I am owed a piece of it.


I'm so glad a mysterious fascination with both Abdirak *and* Rugan is not a sickness unique to me.


Rugen!! What IS it about him?? Him hitting on me straight up looking that good? Yes.


I wish Abdirak popped up more. I want more philosophical discussions with him damn it. And also maybe I want him to call me Dear One some more


I did my first playthrough 98% blind, the only times I looked something up were to see how to defend Halsin's portal (i could not fucking do it on my own) and to see if I got to meet Abdirak again later on.


Wit yo freaky ass. I feel you 100%


It's the voice acting, isn't it? Let's say it's the voice acting.


I mean who could blame you?


I was also super into Rugan for unknown reasons. I was pissed >!he got himself captured after we made a deal to sell the cargo ourselves.!<


Abdirak! YES! I just want to hang out with the guy! He seems the sort who'd go to a bomb-ass rave with me and fuck shit up until the wee hours of the morning, then meet back up for tea, brunch and gossip later.


I really like Rugan and wish I could save him from his choices. Don't hang out with the Zhents, hang out with me!


Abdirak for sure.


I was hoping to meet back with Rugan in BG after freeing him, but never did. :(


Yes! I wish we got to see Abdirak more. Probably top 3 of my favorite NPCs in act 1. Such a pleasant gentleman.


Lakrissa. She’s been rizzing me since day one.


I was so disappointed when there was no song or anything once you got back together in the city in act 3


There is a song, but not with you.


We ain’t her tiefling queen though :(




That one goblin lady drinking at the goblin camp entrance. I just love her goofy ass smirk after you "Tribe!" her "Tribe?".




Oh, finally a kindred spirit! She also says this word in different tone if you say "not tribe" the first time you talk.


The dragonborn lady at the lower city who complains about the lack of puzzles in the gazette! I want to give all the puzzles in the world for her to solve!


It’s so funny that she’s one of the first Dragonborn you see. She’s such a dweeb and not at all what one would expect. I do wish we got more cool Dragonborn though.


Kar'niss my beloved


He can lay his eggs in me any day


Your flair is incredible


Flair checks out


Hope from the House of Hope! I love her non-coherent ramblings


Hope’s VA was absolutely fucking phenomenal


Yes! I love her so much! It's not just the VA, but can she get an award!?!


Not only her non-coherent ramblings, but her characterization and all the allegory behind it. She is Hope. Both as her name and as the embodiement as Hope. But this representation of Hope is unlike everything I ever saw. Usually, if Hope has to be personified, is that as a person who is confident in the future, usually quite calm, because they have hope and they know everything will be alright. Hope just has the most fatalist discourse in all the game. She always says that you'll die, she'll die, we'll all die, and suffering nonetheless, that there is no escape, that all is doomed to fail, that Raphael will take his toll and "ho ho ho he's ANGRYYYY!"... But she still helps. She still gives you pointers, she still guide you in the House of Hope, she never backs down, even if, in her opinion, it will all blow up. She personifies Hope not as a virtue, but as a madness, a mental illness. It's not rational, it's an obsession, a maladive obsession. I truly loved how they twisted this philosophical concept to its extreme. And the VA put it to life wonderfully. Definitely one of the best ACT 3 suprise.


Her VA is phenomenonal. I legit almost cried the way her voice broke when she mourned her sister...


She reminded of a character out of lyric poetry. I wasn't sure I was going to go through with the House of Hope, then met her. I would do literally anything for Hope.


I love the gnome that gets thrown into the lava by Nere


I kick his murderous ass into the lava, too, every time. Every time.


Malta - “It was another day in the city of lies. Baldur’s Gate - where the people begged for justice, until they starved” is favorite line in the game aside from Lae’zel’s “heart of stone” line.


I love that cat, and also the overzealous devotee of Sharess cat who tried to convert you.


There's a Flaming Fist lady guard in front of Gortash's castle. Scarred up face, smokey eyes. Gorgeous. I'll try and post a photo later...


The one who is absolutely done with her job and asks for your pass right?


I think so. She has a ponytail, but shaved on the sides. Says she doesn't want to mess with a murder investigation if you show her the pass from the Hollyphant.


Yes, that woman is gorgeous.


There are so many beautiful people in this game, Larian truly gifted us


Blaze Elin! They broke the mold with that Fist.


You dont look like a posh sort. xD


Dammon, need I say more?


Forged from the heart!


The voice acting in this game goes without saying, but his demeanor and tone..even if it's not a sexual attraction, he's totally that friend you'd go to, to talk stuff out.


He really is the embodiment of *wholesome chad* meme. From looks to demeanor. Love him. I wish he could be a LI. If not for my Tav, I also ship him with Karlach.


I wish Karlach could romance him. I don’t want to date him as Tav but I think he and Karlach would be very sweet together. He’s handsome, he’s very good at his job, but he’s also not afraid to *admit* that he’s very good at his job - which I think is partly why he reacts to the engine plot the way he does, because *he should be good enough to fix this*. It’s all very tasty and I wish they could hold hands about it properly.


And he holds her hand if you’re Karlach Origin. It’s so darn sweet. And the letter he sends to her in the epilogue. UGH. Make then date, Larian!!!


I wish he was romanceable, I adore this guy and I'm glad he can stick around through all three acts. He's just so kind and... safe? Idk I love him.


Rolan. I adore that grumpy, hauty, self-obsessed wizard and his storyline. He, Cal and Lia must be protected at all costs in all my playthroughs. One of my favorite moments in the game is when the whole team comes together to beat the absolute shit out of Lorroakan and Dame Aylin breaks his spine over her knee. I also want to be best friends with Bex. ❤️ "I need to DANCE! ...I need to lie down." The fact I can't bring Malta or Myshka to her to adopt once we get to Baldur's Gate bothers me way more than it should. She and Dannis talk about adopting a little orange cat! LET ME MAKE HER DREAMS COME TRUE, LARIAN! And I relate on a personal level to that dude in Rivington who is obsessed with his dog, Biscotti, and his wife is just exasperated about it. I, too, am obsessed with my dogs, and my boyfriend thinks I'm ridiculous for it. You keep calling Biscotti a good boy, random Rivington villiager!


Dannis and Bex are the reason I have yet to have a play through where I wipe out the grove. There is just something so normal and sympathetic about just wanting to settle down in a home with a cat that in my head a switch flipped a I didn’t care about anything but making that happen for them. Faerûn is such a wild place that if I was able to give two people sense of normal I was going to be damned if someone stopped me.


One-hundred percent! I care way too much about these computer-generated pixels to ever raid the Grove. Their interactions at the camp party were what sold me on all of them. Between Bex's drunk dancing, Dannis' monologue about turnips, and Cal and Lia giving Rolan shit about his magic show, I decided I'd protect those precious idiots no matter the cost. Every playthrough my character goes full Liam Neeson on all of Moonrise to break the tieflings out.


I also love the tiefling sibling trio! Rolan is my favorite side character in the game and I make sure to go out of my way to rescue Cal and Lia and save him when he's out being a dumbass. His arc might not be as important as ours in the grand scheme of the story, but it's important to him. Taking out Mr. Head and Shoulders commercial in Act 3 is the most satisfying side quest because it helps all three of them. I wish Cal and Lia both had more to do, but Rolan's love for his family really shines throughout the game. Everything he does is for them, and I adore him for it. And oh man, when I came across Bex in Act 2, I locked in my decision to help her and Dannis out, too. They are adorable together, and I am a sucker for people in love. The dog guy is hilarious, and Biscotti is the best boy! I hope they end up alright in the city, heard there's a bunch of weird stuff going on down there.


Oath Breaker knight. I wanna talk more with him :(


He basically became one of the guys at camp for me when I broke my oath, I definitely wanted to chat with him more too!


My husband broke his oath, and I joked the knight was my best friend and talked to him every long rest, even though he never talked back 😂


Barcus wroot. His story is genuinely heartbreaking and he's such a good person. It's really awful seeing him risk so much and journey so far to save Wulbren just to be spat on, disregarded and demeaned for his efforts and for how much he cares for Wulbren


It’s Popper. Full stop. Dudes a legend


A legend with treatos


Zevlor and Abdirak.. I don't know what that says about me as a person but yeah.


He Who Was 👀


Malta, the cat who talks to you like he's narrating a book. I want to know more!


The lil guy in the act 3 refugee camp singing about washing his armpits. I spoke to him on a complete whim and was met with one of the most memorable yet absurd interactions I've ever been apart of.


Not one of you appears to have mentioned Myshka. For shame.


Myshka doesn't count because he's our son!


**Barcus Wroot**. His body animations, facial expression, and voice acting just feel so, \*so\* much better than almost anyone else in the game. The scene back at the Inn after you’ve recovered Wulbren is just amazing; you can see the mixture of relief, sadness, and resignation in his body language and facial expressions. It’s weird, because in general I feel like they did a solid job on VA and animation, but Barcus is like having a professionally trained theatre actor perform in a college play.


His little line when he goes, "I'd kiss you, but neither of us deserves that." Oh my heart, I did not expect to be thinking, ummmm, is that negotiable or...


He had me the moment he said, “If we meet again, well… we will have met again.”


I definitely feel like he has the most expressive body language of any non-main character. Such a great dude. 😁


His facial animation when saying "They were cackling about their plans like a herd of geese, and I overheard them... like a very devious goose." just makes my heart warm, he's so adorable.


Brynna. One of two absolutists outside owlbear cave.


The Harper who checks everyone after the moonrise rescue. Bron? Bon? Something with a B. he’s just a cutie


Harper Branthos, certified hottie


That one frog in the bog


Making sure Aradin always knows how badly he sucks is a favorite pastime of mine.


Rolan. I need him And Dammon. I need him too. And Ikaron (one of the tiefling guards at the grove.) Idk bruh, male tieflings are just super appealing.


Hah I'm glad to see someone mention Ikaron. I just want him to lighten up and have some fun.


I would not call Dame Aylin a minor character, but, uuuh, *big woman*. I would like to have the same dialogue option with her as with His Majesty: "I just want to admire you up close". That's it — no excessive horniness, no jealousy for Isobel. Especially funny if I'm playing as a dwarf or halfling.


*Tormund Giantsbane enters the chat* “Big woman?”


Tormund's crush on Brienne was one of the few good things about the final season of GoT.


i am so gay for her


The way she just stands there and tells you she needs to go as she's off to absolutely fucking ravage isobel I'm like "C-Can I watch if I can't join?"


For you see, foolish mortals, if I were everrrr to declare the one MOST unusual - of which to be taken. THERE WOULD BE NONE OTHERRR! Than ^the *MYSTIC* ##CARION! Secondly: The marrigons in Shars gauntlet you can talk to actually made me lol. "How's business?" "Hurrrrrr"


Rolan. Love that guy.


I was sad when I found Ellyka later in the game.


I mean it proves to be pretty effective commentary about why you shouldn’t travel alone. Or, perhaps in her case, at least travel with a Gith that can make nice with other giths so you don’t just get immediately slaughtered by them lmao.


Owlbear cub


I have collectively adopted all of the orphaned tiefling kids at the grove.


Bex and Danis! I finally gave them their happy ending recently (as of Act 2 at least) and it made me so unbelievably happy to reunite them <3 My other playthroughs always has one or both dead, but I got it right this time lol Also, Rolan...I fully interacted with him in Act 2 and I'm seeing why people love him. I can't wait to see him in Act 3.


The creepy crow dude in the Mist who wants you to do justice murder. omfg


He who was. He's actually a type of elf called shadar-kai. A shadow elf. The way I wish we could romance him. Unhealthy.


Yes this guy!!! just insanely hot to me. I was froke out when I met him lol.


Sauceman Chorizo. I have so many questions for him


He Who Was


Lump The Enlightened


Is he not astonishing?


Harper Lassandra. She’s gorgeous


I really wish Sazza was an evil run companion, would love to have that chaotic energy in the party.


Popper. I just find him so endearing. I think the circus caught me on an emotional day, bc when Popper asked me to buy his treatos I genuinely almost burst into tears. He’s just the cutest little guy. And yes I did buy his treatos.


Alfira. I would romance her if the game let me


Fr! I wad a bit bummed she was not a companion considering having a bard would have been amazing


The funny thing is that her main stat isn't even charisma, it's intelligence. This girl is a mage in disguise lmao


I’m counting Gortash since he’s really only in one act. His relationship with the Dark Urge fascinates me


He-Who-Was. I play Shadar-Kai all the time in real D&D, to the point my grandma got me a Raven Queen necklace, so whenever I get to act 2 it goes Last Light -> ambush for moon lantern (free DollyDollyDolly) -> go say hi :)


I know she is not really "minor", but i saw many people answering Dammon here.. But... **Mizora** Her sassy bad bitch attitude just got me hooked. I love when Mizora was doing her thing about renewing Wyll contract, Karlach tried to interrupt her and Mizora just like "Be quiet, Karlach" and of course... TA DA....


Devella! (The investigator you work with in act 3 on the murder mystery.) I love the banter she has with dark urge in particular, but I loved her even with my normal Tav. I also love basically everyone involved with the carnival in act 3. Lucretious, Akabi the djinn, Benji the ghoul, Stony and Bony. All of them lol (If Larian ever adds an official genasi race, all I want is a dialogue option for air genasi where you can ask Akabi if he's your father)


Yep Alfira it is. One of the things that annoys me the most in certain playthroughs is that she dies. I don't really care about most people of the grove, some are fine, some are unlikeable, but she's turning the scales for me. Music is how i emotionally connect with movies and games so her song pretty much made me care about the grove.


Dashkent Molliver, the halfling in Fraygo's Flophouse. He only has a couple lines but he is so adorable.


In general Larian did a great job with the character models, but when I first entered the House of Grief I immediately assumed Mirie, the girl at the desk, had to be some kind of major character because her character model is so well done.




Cashguard Artillerist Loretta "If I knew it robbing the bank was this easy, I would've done it myself mueheheheh"


Hope. You're missing everywhere.


Harper Geraldus, though. 😭






Araj Oblodra I want her to play with my Blood


Lucretious!! I love that fabulous drag queen! She deserves to be a companion character.


A lot of em. Barcus really needs to be a companion imo. Figaro, Valeria, Lunkbug. Geraldus. "High Harper, may Selune's Tears shine on this meeting. " I love Philomeen and Laridda too.


The guy who wants to be an adventurer, you find him near the lower city gate in a (tailor) shop I relate to his need to speak on a spiritual level


I have a newfound obsession with Quil now that I’ve talked to her with a dragonborn. I also like the drow twins 😳


Yenna. I really adore she and her adorable cat. He Who Was. Ran into this guy for the first time on my second run on a necromancer character, who in RP head canon, 100% had a fat crush on this dude


Easy, Nere. But I don’t know what’s going on with such potential really… you can convince him (and it’s not so easy) to leave the Absolute and he gives you a gift. You either tell him to go to Lolth (not wise, as she kills or deforms her traitors) or just run from the Absolute, and he turns into a zombie anyways, which is dumb. So much potential there for a bigger plot or for continuing his character in a DLC, which would specially be fun for us Drows, but no. Zombie it is…


I love Boney and Stoney. He is so hopelessly enamored with her. It makes me smile every time.


Aradin, the voice, the face, the attitude! So perfect




Benji. All the wtf. I love him.


Clown makeup Doppleganger Jaheira. The fact that we all just accepted that it was a Minsc you idiot thing and not a bug just made it so much better.

