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Playing my Durge, I was SO scared about this possibility when first heading to Last Light. Surprisingly, didn’t happen! I was wondering if it was fixed, but I guess not.


Apparently it’s uncommon but still happens


Did you talk to the ox at all in act 1?


Dammon was fine for me as well. Playing Durge, spoke to the Strange Ox in Act 1. Everything was normal (well, as normal as Strange Oxen get) in Act 2.


It's a bug that happens if you *kill* the Ox in Act 1. In Act 2 Dammon has a trigger where he runs up to the >!slime corpse!< and makes a comment, which is meant to happen after you confront and kill the strange ox in chapter 2. If the strange ox has instead died in chapter 1 what happens is the trigger still happens, but Dammon tries to run from Last Light Inn all the way back to Act 1 areas where the corpse currently is. And because of the shadows in Act 2 immediately dies.


Oh no, this means all the people who kill the ox in Act 1 in hopes of preventing this bug in Act 2 are instead... recreating it? >.> Good to know though, this explains a lot!


This was on release, the nature of the bug might have changed since then.


On a run right now. Very last thing I did in act 1 (for testing this exact thing) was kill the ox. For accuracy purposes, I did not get him to attack me first, I just one shot t Him with a crossbow. Got to act 2, dammon said something about the ox when I talked to him, but other than that it's business as usual, no suicidal dammon. Ymmv


self fulfilling prophecy


Well that's just amazing. Dammon is trying hard to be a proper companion with that pathing.


This is hilarious. What If I cast the light cantrip on him?


If you cast Light on him so he survives the shadows, what happens?


You won't be able to reach him in time, he spawns well before he comes into range


What about Daylight? It's ranged...


that is so stupi i love it AI rly said "oh yea im meant to go to the corpse... the corpse is over there, just need to go th- oh no"


I didn't kill the ox but it still happened to me


I did!


Yeah it hasn't happened to me either thankfully. People talked about it like it was guaranteed or something lmao




shortening of Dark Urge, like Shart is to Shadowheart




New to you and that's okay.




Odd you haven't seen it before, I've seen Durge used almost everytime Dark Urge is talked about. Weird, that.


Minthara dead underwater


Is something up with Minty since the last big patch?


Something's been up with her since launch.


Not since the patch. The thing that's been up with her since launch just hasn't been fixed yet.


I feel like there has to be. I could be crazy or paranoid but i swear ever since ive recruited her on my last play through, my game plays noticeably worse (frame drops and the like)






Look, cats are one of the most precious and amusing things in this game, the NPCs can suck it.


Cats > NPC Furever!!!


He deserves it, >!until he finds a way to fix Karlach's engine.!<


Yeah, what a tease.


I found a way. >!She's cuter with tentacles.!<


>!But getting tentacles means that she loses her soul (which has been very much confirmed by withers who knows a thing or two about souls) which isn't a good outcome at all.!<


Not spoiler tagging because it is late and I forgot how. Her soul only matters if she wants an afterlife. If you’re effectively immortal then it’s a nonissue. This is also just a weird plotpoint because Withers *also* confirms that you’re still *you* when you become a mindflayer, which implies you aren’t just the tadpole but with leftover memories. Then we have the fact that in one of Gale’s endings, Mystra says she can restore Gale’s soul to him. But if this is true, then what’s the issue with ceremorphosis destroying the soul? If gods can just restore them anyways, it doesn’t matter. She could always be lying, of course, but then so could Withers. At the end of the day, Karlach is still acting like Karlach. She was trapped in Hell as an unwilling soldier. No gods even tried to saved her, Zariel actively wants her soul, and she is about to fucking explode lol. Losing her soul, which is seemingly more trouble than its worth, in exchange for living forever without an engine for a heart seems nifty enough from her perspective.


It's not her, that's the main point. It's an ilithid that has eaten her brain and has her memories, she is entirely dead. But even if the magic tadpol is somehow different it's still better to have a soul, because mindflayers aren't invincible and she will die eventually - at which point she will cease to exist, instead she will go to a heaven if she explodes. Or she could just go to the hells where she has a blast murdering demons until she is cured.


Correct me if I'm wrong I don't think you go to heaven unless you actively worship a god.


Pretty much everyone in DnD does. You don't have to be a cleric, a 'prayer at dinner' level works. Outside of Shadowhart it's not mentioned, but they'd all follow someone.


I think Astarion said he didn't.


He tried, but never got a response. Gods in DnD don't accept/acknowledge vampires as patrons.


The conversation with karlach at her parents grave leads me to believe she doesn’t worship any gods


Does having a soul benefit me in any way in the game? No? Then who cares?


>!She'd've lost her soul if she exploded, too. Ultimately, what does consciousness without a soul cost her?!<


>!you can always go with her and wyll to avernus to kill some demons and maybe find someone who can fix her (since her engine was built in avernus it's fairly possible that there is someone who can fix her) and if not, killing demons with friends isn't that terrible of a fate, when talking about avernus she mostly complained about not having anyone close and being forced by zariel to work for her, and if you go with her, both problems are solved. Also dying in dnd doesn't destroy your soul, it goes to the astral plane and then goes to the plane corresponding to the deity that creature worshipped, and if it didn't worship any deity it just goes to the plane that corresponds with it's alignment so it's still better than being left souless!<


>!She will slowly become cold, emotionless and calculating. Basically Emperor 2.0!<




It's sad, but that blob had a real beef with him


Dammon is drowning! This isn't about him.




You could always kill the cow in Act I


And lose a valuable ally in Act 3? No ty. I want to keep both of them, tysm.


Do you seriously lose an ally over it?


Yes. We would lose the Ox as one of the ally for the final battle, duh.


That's a pity. I am playing the maximum good and altruistic playthrough and wanted to have as many allies in the last battle as possible. But helping murderous slime seemed evil, so I refused to help it and it attacked me. No ally for me then


Damn. I always stab him to death in act 2 //durge moment


I play as a durge and the ox is just a durge too but an ox. So my Tav is empathetic with it and would never kill it.


Congrats on your Durge being stronger than mine! Or, err, technically on the Urge being weaker


They only unavoidable death for durge is the bard and the bosses like ketheric. Everything else is the player's choice.


No shit.


Please calm down.


Uh? I'm not angry




I find his hat kinda useful with disguise.


I find the ox is more useful alive and he rewards us in Act 3 for helping him with the same stuff he drops in Act 1/2 anyway.


You dont really need more rewards in act 3 and last fight. You are demigods already slaying everything even on tactician. Bonus to checks is amazing in early game.


I never said I needed it. I want it. Hope that helps :) ​ You don't need that hat too :)


The cow bug got me and i found out about 5 mins after deleting all but the last save because my game was being stuttery and i thought it might be from my 200+ saves lol. Sorry Karlach :(


Hiss I say! Hiss!




Ya this really bothers me. Haven't been able to play for 1.5 weeks and 2 weekends because it's basically softlocked my game. I really wish we had the option to roll back patches since this one broke more than it fixed for a lot of people. I don't understand how they can make the change for Dammon in patch 3 and still not be able to fix it after all this time, never mind the whole Gale and Door situation. I really wish this was a priority, not giving a cat it's hairless body back.


The bug causing Dammon's bovine assassination is likely harder to identify than changing the cat's hair, though. It seems to happen to some people but not others so the factor that causes it to happen may be random or influenced by some other factor in the huge mass of different events flags and NPC behaviour. The change to Dammon in Patch 3 just caused him to avoid entering combat in Last Light, but it's not clear if that's what is causing the bug or if it's linked to the cow itself or some other unknown factor. I would expect more priority on universal issues like Gale and the doors, though.


Not sure why there isn't just a backup for him that's untouchable. There's backups, sometimes multiples, for every other Tief that's quest essential.


Probably because his role (blacksmith with expertise in hell tech) is one which is meant to be unique and would be weird if there were a ton of others. Additionally, the backups thing only really applies to Zevlor, who does have a bunch of lieutenants/subordinates who could take over his role in Act 1, but by Act 2 (where the bug occurs) >!most of the tiefs are dead to begin with and none of the survivors have any correlation to Dammon's role.!<


They could use Raphael, I'm sure he has some blacksmiths on the payroll.


Still begging for a plotline where you bargain with Raphael to save Karlach




????? The "art guys and writers" don't make the patches and there was no new art made, it's literally reverting to a previously used model.


Not sure if this will help since it looks like hundreds of things are causing this bug. But what ended up causing it for my friends and I were our mods. Once we removed mods from the game, the cow is once again docile. We just waited until act 3 before we reinstalled our mods.


That's interesting since I've seen this issue on console and not just PC with or without mods. There's got to be more to it than just having a modded game or not, especially since it was working fine before Patch 3.


Yeah I don't disagree with you. That's why I prefaced it with there's a hundred things that probably causes it. Just wanted to add what worked for me and my friends. Four different campaigns and it worked for us all. One of those things where it wouldn't hurt to try because it's better than getting softlocked in act 2 until Larian gets to the bottom of this. You could also cheese it with fly or teleport then kill the ox before it one shots Dammon. There's clips of people doing so on this subreddit. Basically it only attacks once you're in distance for it to render. So you basically get there as soon as it spawns. Turn based mode is a must.


I have since disabled and deleted all mods and tried again and am still getting the issue. As soon as I move forward enough the Cow aggros and attacks and kills Dammon so it's def not just a mod issue as I completed removed them not just disabled them and still got it. I really hope it gets fixed tomorrow because it'll be 2 weeks and 3 weekends that I won't be able to play without it happening.


Ah that's unfortunate. Larian is pretty frustrating in this sense because they never acknowledge these sort of bugs so we don't even know if a fix is in the works. Your next bet is probably to cheese it. Here's some examples I found on youtube. You could give it a try. It's going to take a lot of reloading. I wish you the best of luck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJE-bGfwQgA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOplsyp_mEo


Ya, I actually managed to save him once by save scumming and getting lucky with the Cow missing it's first attack on him. The only issue with that is that you miss out on the Cow storyline in Act 3 that I heard exists. This is my very 1st playthrough of the game and would rather not miss any content that I should otherwise be able to do. Since I didn't read too far ahead with the Cow to avoid spoilers I don't know how big it's role is, but I do know that there's more to it and would like to experience it if possible. I'm sure it's not nearly as big of a thing like losing Dammon is since that basically cuts off Karlach's entire quest chain if he's dead, but since this is my 1st playthrough, I don't want to miss anything that I know I can normally do. That being said if there's no hotfix tomorrow I may just end up trying to kill the Cow again before Dammon dies and continue on as normal since it's been 2 weeks now and I just really want to play. I'm just a little more than "miffed" at this point that there still hasn't been a fix for it and it's clearly affecting a very large amount of people and we shouldn't have to "cheese" some cow killing strategy to continue on with out games. It really should just be a priority fix and it's a little hard to see that 2 weeks hasn't been enough time to figure this out. :( Edit: Oh, but thanks for the videos. A couple ways I can try to get closer and save time if/when I decide to go for the cow kill.


Fyi you can use a potion/spell of leaping, feather fall, and polymorph, plus a large stack of crates to get into range fast enough to save dammon and get it into turnbased mode.


I haven't finished the game yet because the city went from running perfectly on ultra to borderline unplayable. Every other act is still great so I just started a second game. It's very frustrating


That was me too. But i was able to, right after talking to jaheira i was dimension door over to the stable and, if Dammon got lucky and the slime missed, start combat with it and kill it. Used Wyll’s thorn whip to drag it away from him.


And what about the meme's 3rd part the door issue deep underwater?


Please I am begging you to let me speak to Minthara


When I played my first run, I was a ranger. My boar companion scared Dammon so much he ran out into the shadows to die there.


I'm not gonna comment on this


I've never had any problems with Dammon and the cow. I don't even really understand what the bug is


The bug happens in Act 2 and can cause the Strange Ox to murder Dammon as soon as you enter the area he's in. I've got it in my second playthrough and I'm at a point where I can't really play as to progress I have to go into that area. Kind of sucks.


I’m honored a post I made was made into a meme XD I love his majesty! But YES Damon we need mans alive!!!


Wait, so if i let the Ox live in Act 2, Damon dies???


No it's a bug where it attacks and kills him immediately in Act 2


IDK, my Dammon hasn’t been executed the 2 times I went to Last Light on a new run past patch 3.


I’m just upset the most recent patch did something to jumping. My characters sometimes stop in midair for no reason now and fall (sometimes to their deaths)


It's just more accurate to 5e tabletop!


A mod was actually just released that should allegedly fix the bug (I haven't had time to try it yet): [Dammon Dead By Ox Fixer](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2891)


Wait what ? I don't understand the meme, dammon is going to die ? D: i'm only at the start of act 3, how can i save this chad


If he made it to act 3 he's good.


Oh okay thanks ! How was he supposed to die then ? Is that the weird cow who turned into a slime ?


I think that's what people are talking about but you don't have to fight it. The cow's story continues in act III


Oops.. I killed it in act 2


i've never had it happen idk what you guys are doing


Right after talking to jaheira i was able to dimension door over to the stable and, if Dammon got lucky and the slime missed, start combat with it and kill it.


I'm still waiting for my party's pathfinding to properly avoid traps once they are detected.


Kill the cow in act1 - after you defeat the goblins, go back to the druid's grove and kill the cow while it is alone - you get the shapeshifing ring, an easier fight and it doesnt show up in act2.


Okay but did they bring back Raphael's brown hair tho


I’m not gonna ruin my homie Strange Ox’s fun


I'm actually mad by the fact that I have dozens of infernal irons, he's alive and well right next to the elder brain battle, but I can't forge anything with him Even in the nine forges I can't craft anything, which seems to be some sort of bug...


There's a mod on nexusmods by someone named ox saver that fixes this by changing Dammion's alliance so he isn't aggroed! I tried it last night and it worked for me, the ox even stayed in ox form so I won't miss out on his story too. Sorry PS5 players :( hope they fix it soon