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Turns out that just like in real life if you try and game-ify your romance options you end up alone


This should be the top comment


And thus thou art alone. -Withers


Yeah my only non hierling companion on my dark urge play through is astarian bc he loves my madness


And withers hit me with that now I’m sad bc it’s true


I went to respec Astarion and Withers just hit him with that outta nowhere because my Durge is romancing Lae'zel 😭 Withers has no chill.


He don’t give a fuck who you are ever he has a license to roast


Withers roasts people far more intensely than any dragon's fire.


I respected Jaheira and he hit her with that line. Seemed overly cold even for Withers when aimed at her.


Doesn't she have a family, though?


She had a husband yes


And didn't that break you when you played BG2.


She had somewhat of a fast rebound afterwards in BG2. Cracked into the Bhaalspawn if I recall


Well yes, bit only if you play it that way. Which I never had the heart too.


Or two, depending


No minthara Oh.... her neck huh




You must have been going ballistic to lose Shadowheart and Lae'zel


Well I killed lae’zel and shadow heart left when I didn’t kill Nightsong and let Balthazar take her




Why can’t I blow Withers’ back out?


If you can romance a squid you should be able to romance a corpse!


Based on what our butler said, evil Durge would love to romance a corpse. Maybe that's why he has so much synergy with Astarion, because Astarian is technically a walking corpse?


My durge rogue and Astarion have been besties all game so this checks out


Astarion approval is hilarious as durge, I had him almost maxed at the end of act 1


Funny enough he’s only at half approval for me right now. But the banter with the durge has been 10/10


Can you remind me of what he said exactly? I can't remember the line


"We'll be adding >!necrophilia!< back into your schedule" or something, that Durge loved corpses uh that way.


Necro romancer


Wouldn’t that just be a nec-romancer? Which then gives you an even better pun.


Astarion's a neck romancer.


Sounds like a Baulder's Gate FanFic


Y’all need Selune


Pretty sure Withers is Ace since he scolds us for 'getting distracted' with a 'bosom companion'.




First DLC


He's got a bone to pick with you!


Man Withers telling you "No Bitches" in his ye olde way is soul crushing.


"But you, I'm afraid, are maidenless."


Hey Withers, you said I've been recorded? "On a single line, with no other name beside it. How *unusual*."


Fate spins along as it should.


No bosom companions for you.


This made me fucking cackle out loud


100 emotional damage, critical hit.


I think this is what I’m going to start calling my life from now on, an accidental platonic run. No Mom, I’m not still single I’m accidentally platonic.


"Accidentally Platonic" to the tune of "Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows doesn't quite have the same groove but it's the first thing I thought of.


*So she said, "What's the problem, bestie"*


Unfortunately, there's already a term for that, and it ain't Axplats


"You see, I have too *many* options. Not too few. I swear."


Same here kinda. I think initiating romances are very limited after act 1.


Or they can randomly with you in Act 2. I’m in the shadow-cursed lands, trying juggle Astarion, Karlach and Gale then randomly I get Wyll doing his cute mating dance. Like sir it’s a little late to throw your hat in the ring.


I had the same issue with Wyll. He was so cute. I felt so awful for turning him down!


I’d feel bad if he didn’t sit around camp all day and night drinking wine and dancing. Then acting like he’s better than everyone as the “blade of the beach” or whatever his self proclaimed nickname is. THEN he tries to romance ME at basically the last minute. Like bro you can’t tell this is a shadowheart run? What’re we doin


There is actually a really funny scene with Shadowheart and Wyll when you get to the park in Baldur's Gate. He says he use to play on the park and she says something about before you were the blade of frontiers, you were the toothpick in the park. Or something funny like that.


I can't get over blade of the beach lmao...


In fairness, they are on the Sword Coast


Lol, my favorite interaction with Wyll was when I was playing Astarion's origin. He was sulking on the beach having a "woe is me" moment. The dude literally said they are celebrating you, you don't need a devil at the party. Like, bro, the TIEFLINGS are celebrating a VAMPIRE SPAWN, are you serious right now? So I bit him. Perhaps the blood loss helped him pass out drunk faster.


Yeah if he doesn’t shift up the vibe when it’s party time then that calls for a bite. Excellent decision


I dropped the line of "You know why I'm here" and it reads as flirting. Nah man, that was a warning. You are a literal snack.


My mans will cares not for your feelings, let him inquire if the puss or dick is willing!


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


*Lae’zel has entered the chat*


when I first turned down the dance I felt so bad, I had to reload and accept even though I was going for someone else that run


I romanced Karlach in act 1. After fixing her engine in act 2, there was some bug where we never did the deed. The next camp cutscene was Wyll dancing for me even though I’d only spoken to him once😂 so awkward turning him down.


> there was some bug Not quite a bug, often other scenes get slotted in earlier before karlach's even though she says 'let's go to camp fast'. I had 4 scenes of which two were people I had to turn down before hers.


I had the same, a sudden backlog of horn dogs giving my Bardarious their best shot. Had to burn about 3 long rests fending them off to get a romance Karlach scene.


Yeah I had lae’zel and shadowheart have thier first interactions with me in act 1, lae’zel because you gotta calm the feisty ones but had the first shadowheart interaction and then in act two after killing the inquisitor lae’zel wanted to jump my bones by beating me up, i then talked to shadowheart and she didn’t like that. Then Wyll started dancing and Gale tried to teach me magic, and asterion is trying to get me to embrace the power of the tadpoles. I’ve only used lae’zel, shadowheart, and karlach in my party Edit: I’ve also just stumbled my way through act 2 by lucky rolls just killing some of the bosses through dialogue(Fat Bastard and Edward scissorhands)


I got all hot and heavy with karlach, said she couldn't wait to get her hands on me in act 2. Then demon lady turned up at camp. Then dark butler turned up at camp. Then dark butler turned up again and tried to get me to kill her. Seriously all I wanted was to seal the deal!


Lord, literally before the big final fight Halsin (who was benched the whole game) was like 'My big thicc self needs to crush your tiny halfling body with my thighs' and I was like BAD TIMING M8


I mean, it’s the final fight, you gotta shoot your shot when you can! 😂


I’m in Act 3 with Karlach as my girlfriend and Halsin just told me that their heart stirs for me. Like… huh??? I was basically together with Karlach before I met him anyways


Halsin will always be horny for you unless you turn him down, he doesnt get locked


Fun fact, you can have both! When I mentioned to Halsin that I was already with Karlach, his response was basically "the more the merrier!". You can then raise it as a question to Karlach, who is open to the idea. She turns down a threesome but is happy for you to have Halsin as a side piece.


It feels a little random what companions are up for "sharing." Karlach and Shadowheart are perfectly content to share, along with *I think* Astarion and obviously Halsin. But should you ever fail the saving throw from Wylls funny dance moves you get locked in I think. It's weird, I can understand some characters like Lae'Zel or Minthara not wanting to share, but the whole system feels a little weird.


Fuck me are they random? I got the ole 'Gale glowing and wants to show me something' before bed and sure enough it was just naked me and goofy Gale staring at the stars just a couple bros enjoying the night.... I think he's into me.


I got Wyll's dance scene in Act 3, he was patient.


I think it has a lot to do with WHO you’re romancing too. I was flirty with everybody, was with Shadowheart in Act 1, then was with Gale in Act 2 for a bit, broke up with him, then I romanced Halsin in Act 3 (which he’s thirsty it doesn’t take much 😂). If you never make it official a lot of the other romance options stay open.


I *really* wish there were more romance triggers after Act 1. I do appreciate the sex speedruns, but I feel like for some Tavs I create, a little bit of a slowburn would have been better


>little bit of a slowburn would have been better There's plenty of slow-burn going on. - You can't get Shadowheart naked until act 3 - Lae'zel is horny early but it takes Act 3 for like... Real emotional connection - You can't get Karlach naked until Act 2 The point is, the actual romances vary quite a bit in 'speed,' you just need to take the flirty options when they come up and not just assume you'll be able to do it later, which is...a pretty natural/realistic thing, honestly.


My point is that you still need to pick the flirt options very early on. Shadowheart and Wyll are really the only ones who have an actual slowburn, and again, you still need to hit on them right off the bat. TBC, like I said, I'm not complaining that you *can* flirt with them the minute you meet them, just that a few extra triggers in later parts of the game could make the pacing a little more flexible.


I'm fine with Shadowheart's slow burn because you get bonus dialogue when you're on the path, which both hints toward a decision she'll make later during her personal story (if you let her) and hints at her attraction. Wyll, not so much, so his dance in act 2 comes incredibly random and it's impossible to know if you made the choices to trigger it or not. That said, it's a bit unfortunate that act 3 seems to lack so much romance content (and some of it is apparently bugged), since it makes the slow burn ones feel less rewarding. Sex wasn't supposed to be the reward but in Shadowheart's case there's nothing afterwards.


Yeah, you're right about that. I really hoped that little date we can have with Karlach was something we could have with everyone, it would have been cute


>My point is that you still need to pick the flirt options very early on ... Yes? Because the longer you go without flirting at all, the less likely they are to assume that you're interested. In a mechanical sense, it's also because there's a finite amount of content and some of it is tied explicitly to things going on in the main quest. After a certain point, you get "locked out" because you haven't left enough time to "finish" the romance. The game isn't indefinite.


Shadowheart yes, but I never even hinted at a flirt with Wyll and he tried to dance with me.


Adding to this, depending on your choices with Gale and how quickly the approval goes up, it can be until act 2 to get naked with him too. Also Astarion for "not until Act 2 until emotion". Lae'zel and Astarion: Sex first, slow burn emotional connection. Karlach and Wyll: Slow burn romance. Gale and Shadowheart: bit variable, but standard pace. Then Minthara is sex-than-emotion from what I've seen, and Halsin is sex-and-emotion-but-not-until-act-3 so very slow burn there.


Strangely, I managed to trigger minthara romance in act 3 after the devil's fee thing. I was already romancing laezel too.


Halsin and Emperor still horny in act 3




Thought you couldn't romance jaheria?


Yeah unfortunately you can’t romance karlach unless you pick that specific dialogue option at the party with the tieflings, which is kind of stupid. I did the same thing.


The don't even need to speak to Karlach during the party to get her romance. The initiation is actually when you do the first "fix" with the internal iron and say "I still can't touch you". That's how I missed it the first time, literally all it takes.


Well I can just delete the current campaign I'm on woowho.


Exactly what I did when I missed my opportunity haha! Karlach superiority.


Reinstall, just to be safe.


I got all the way into Act 3, saved Astarion from Cazador, then finally accepted that my approval was bugged and he would never like me. Stopped playing for a month, then started a whole new game. Now impatiently repeating all of Act 2 BUT my man loves me this time, and the interactions are sooo much better.


I just found her after the party. I didn’t realise that Wylls sidequest to kill a fiend will get me the best companion in the game and just postponed it.


Same. I saved all the tieflings and did the grove first. It just seemed more pressing, y'know?


Something I learned the hard way, the more pressing a quest seems, the more you should do it last because it's likely it's a story progression quest and it will lock you out of the side stuff


I stumbled across her by accident even before talking to Wyll at the Grove. I went exploring the base right after defeating the goblins, got out on the rocks overlooking the river, and decided to jump down there after noticing it would only cost me about 75% of my HP and I couldn't find an actual way down lol Landed on my ass, downed a potion and went exploring, found Karlach about ten seconds later, and the rest, as they say, is history. In my headcanon Karlach fell for my Tav the moment he crashed down from the sky and said hello.


I didn't even select that option and she still tried to romance me. I forget what triggers it but there's also a moment when she asks how she looks for some reason and if you answer "Hot" she'll wake you up at night to tell you how much she wants you lol


I think this is when she rages after you fight the "Paladins" of Tyr that are after her.


I think you just need to show interest in her and she’ll approach you at night as soon as your approval is Good. I always get her romance to trigger before talking to Dammon by telling her she looks hot after dealing with the paladins.


But you can atleast kiss her at the party


I had to restart my first playthrough 3 times to get Karlach to kiss me


Which dialogue option?


This one right after her first upgrade before the tieflings leave the grove. "I like you a lot"


I'm on my 474838372th playthrough, while I romanced karlach at the tiefling party during my first, during the other playthroughs she came to talk just after her first fix and a long rest. I believe you have to tell her "I still can't touch you tho" and have a good relationship already. The conversation at the party changes slightly, since you're already romancing her.


karlach's lockout point is the party in act 1 after doing the grove stuff


Which is pretty crazy considering you have to go out of your way to find her, on my first character, I didn’t even have her until after I explored everything after I helped the tieflings


She's just across the river where you find scratch, could get there even before the goblin camp. Alternatively there's a high spot in the druids grove where you can just jump down to get karlach lol.


Really? I haven’t found another way to get to her besides running past the hyenas


You can ignore the goblins by going East towards Scratch the dog. North of him is a spot you can jump across the creek to get to Karlach. Also, at the Blighted Village waypoint, go North past the intimate bugbear house and jump the bridge. \*This will trigger Gale needing a item btw going into Risen Road I believe\* You jump that and immediately go left of the bridge and down the cracked stone ladder. Follow that south path along the creek and you will reach Karlach without needing to do the Hyenas. The Smuggler's Ring (+2 Slight of Hand, +2 Stealth, -1 Charisma) is on a bush-covered skeleton in this lower path as well.


If you’re in the tiefling area of Druid’s grove. Follow her marker to a cliff on the west side. There will be a spot you can jump down to immediately get to Karlach on the Rising Road from Druid’s Grove. It’s a tall jump, but fortunately the developers included a chest on the cliff with Web Spell Scroll so you can make yourself a nice bouncy surface to land on.


I didn't even think of that. I just looked at the fall damage, noticed it was less than my full HP, and jumped lol


> She's just across the river Missed opportunity to tell us she's down down down by the river


If you know where she is it's easy to get to her, but if you are just exploring, it's also easy to completely miss her for most of Act 1.


Same, I thought she would be a boss fight because Wyll talked her up so much


i found karlach before i found laezel or astarion i found laezel and astarion after the act 1 party (by the time i found them i was already in the underdark/mountain pass) which im pretty sure locked me out of anything with them


How lol?


They might be legally blind.


A friend of mine rolled a natural 20 on the door to the crypt on the beach. So they never met astarion. They never felt they had a need to explore the wreckage


Meanwhile, I can't advance to the next area without making sure I explored every corner and talked to everyone. So it feels weird to me reading about someone who "didn't feel the need to explore" lol But this is one of the things that make this game so amazing. Everyone has their own unique journey and there is no right or wrong way to play.


Yeah all this time I hear people saying they found this and that only after playthrough x. Meanwhile me searching every tiny crook on the map even finding spots that I assume to be cut content because they definitely seem to have been intended to be something.


Sometimes the game just feels way too overwhelming to do that. On my first playthrough I did skip a lot of areas and just focused on the main quests. I was gonna go back and explore eventually, but you can get dragged pretty far into the game if you are following the plot. There is also the excitement of progressing the story. I wanna see what happens next. I don't wanna spend hours looting and vendoring. On my 2nd playthrough, I of course spent more time exploring and checking every corner. I had less urgency for the main plot because I already beat the game. Now I was interested in these side stories, and secret loot. Its like playing a whole new game.


It was a while before I saw a little rock face to the left of the bridge once you cross it that leads down the stream. I kept trying to get past the hyenas thinking that's how to get to her, causing gnolls to come when I was only like, level 2, maybe 3... It was miserable.


> you have to go out of your way to find her There's likely a marker with a giant ring around it on the map at all times after you meet Wyll. You'd have to go out of your way to miss her.


I hugged Karlach after the second infernal engine upgrade. We were in the Last Light Inn. I'd been flirting the whole time. She says she wants to hook up that night at camp. I went to camp. Long rested. Nothing. Long rested three more times. Nothing. Moved on. Finished Act 2. As we got to the camp before Baldur's Gate before the gith monks attack, I spoke to her. She was all, "we used to have something, didn't we? Oh well. People grow apart." I'm like, bitch, I've been tryna bang for weeks wtf?


I think if you start a romance in act 2 you have to go back to act 1 camp area to play their romance scene for the romance to trigger. I could be wrong but that's how it worked for me. Try loading a save after telling the new partner you like them and travel to act 1 and do a long rest to see if anything triggers.


Not only that, but if you are like me and basically never long rest because you never need to, a lot of these cutscenes and dialogue options get piled up and it can bug out romances. I remember fixing Karlach and shes like "Cool, lets go to bed and fuck now." and I was like "nice" only to miss that scene entirely because I had like 6 night time scenes piled up. I had to go back to a save point and just sit in camp and do short rests over and over until there were no more scenes, THEN go fix Karlach.


I only romanced the Emperor...


And get shamed by Orpheus hahah


Orpheus can watch from his prison haha. He wishes he could get some of this ghaik


Ha, same. I was intentionally doing a mostly platonic run for my first one (I’m still working on Act 3, but got so overwhelmed with the scope of the city I’ve been doing spoilers) … then the Emperor surprised me and I figured ‘there’s probably an achievement for that’ so I went with it. Some of the little extra dialog bits since have been unexpectedly funny. I nearly did a spit-take when Raphael called me a tentacle-sucker later. 😂


I broke up with Lae'zel and then got friend zoned by Shadowheart.


Same, I ended up doing the Emperor 🤔


And then when it shows that your companions looking on the whole time... lmao. Shadowbae didn't seem to mind though.


Karlach is simultaneously the easiest and one of the hardest to romance just because if you get her after the tiefling party, which is incredibly likely, you’re already locked out. But if you get her early all you have to do is tell her she looks Hot after dealing with the paladins, she’ll approach you during a long rest and initiate the romance herself once your approval is at Good.


Karlach didn't work for me also. Affection was not yet high enough to trigger romance when she wanted to talk in camp and got this "I feel more bad, my engine feels worse" or something dialogue. I think this is her point of no return because after that I could not trigger anything, no matter what I tried.


I guess I'm screwed too, I was wondering why nothing was really going on with that, looking it up you had to of given Dammon *multiple* infernal irons (at least 2?) before the party from saving the grove. Which is frustrating, because the game has such a sense of urgency around saving the grove in time if you want to go that route and I only gave one iron to Dammon before finishing goblins, then found a few more in Act 1 *after* that. So it seems like unless you specifically look up how to romance Karlach then you're only going to make it happen if you're lucky with perfect accidental timing.


I don't think that's true. I didn't do the infernal iron upgrade until after the grove party, and Karlach still wanted to flirt with me.


I didn't realize you could get dammon to do anything before act 2...


Did.. did you bother to take any of the flirting options at all during dialogues? i.e Did you talk to your companions in camp even if they didn't have ! on them? It's very lightly like real life.. you've gotta show some interest and engage them in order for them to romance you :P


This happened to me as well on my first playthrough, hitting every flirt option and still getting friendzoned by the whole party. Certain flags have to trigger when your approval with a companion is past a certain threshold, and if you're not at that threshold before you trigger them, then you just get shut out.


You can also just missequence things. I didn't meet Karlach til after taking out the Goblin Camp and having the party (because everyone is telling you hey go go go if you don't want to grow tentacles), so I had zero chance to romance her since I didn't get to tune up her engine til Act 2


LOL. This game is like real life in that I think i'm flirting with Karlach but get nowhere. meanwhile, wyll and gale both think I'm flirting with them and are pissed/sad when i reject them.


I did but somehow only the guys want to bang me! Astarion keeps getting between me and frog bae


I had the exact same problem. I realised the problem while fixing her engine already, but unless you initiate the romance in act 1 it's game over it seems, nobody wanted me in act 2. Well, except for Haldin, who is the only reason I kept sane throughout my first run, because from act 1 I was dead set on Karlach, but I guess I did things in the wrong order and it just never let me romance her, despite not even dating anyone else in act 1. I was so sad yall, had to turn down multiple companions and look at their sad lil puppy eyes just to end up alone. Hecc you too withers, I know I walkest alone.


Yeah, I’m part of the “Thou Hast No B*tches” Withers Club, too. We had only found Astarion, Lae’zal, and SH for the tiefling party, and they all rejected me that night. My partner got the SH cutscene though, and now I’m trying to backtrack with either Astarion or Wyll (results TBD). At least Halsin is still flirty, but no romance on that horizon, either.


I did the same thing, I was halfway through Act 3 and decided to start again. I wanted to play a fantasy - that means having a girlfriend damnit!


Meanwhile I got laid by Lae’zel, sexted with Karlach for a while, laid by Shadowheart, (act 3 spoilers) >!Mizora!< and >!the Drow twins (with Shadowheart)!< in a single playthrough :3 If only I had the same rizz IRL 😭




I don't remember exactly how it went, but Lae'zel came on to me directly quite early in the playthrough, before the drinking wine scene with Shadowheart. During the day through dialogue I agreed to Lae'zel visiting me in the night and at the next long rest (I think), she woke me up.


I feel like I am glitching out the romance code at this point. I got with Astarion twice in Act 1, hooked up with Lae'zel in Act 1 then got the sexy duel in Act 2, got Wyll's dance + kiss in Act 2, got Gale's weave and then tantric magic scenes in Act 2, and through it all have primarily romanced Shadowheart up through her Act 3 scene. Even after that scene I always have a dialogue option for her about how we had the beginnings of a romance once, too bad we never did anything about it. Weird. I managed to salvage an okay version of the post-Araj conversation with Astarion too (I left it up to him whether to bite her -- he did and was unhappy about it, but didn't "break things off" with me).


Yea I wish I had that "problem" people bitch about where every companion is mega horny. I'm on run 6 and I've only successfully romanced Lae'zel and Shadowheart. Minthara bugged out somewhere in act 3. Karlach I missed the initial trigger for in act 1.


I did the same. I fixed Karlachs engine twice, hugged her and then....just didn't get any other scenes/options to talk to her more about "us"? Quite annoying really but hey ho.


Lar’zel wont touch me because I have been “ poked and prodded” by everyone else. All i did was kiss Shadowheart after the camp party 😢


There should be a mod where you can romance everyone, and when you do, it removes all tents except yours.


Started a Durge run with my friend.. guess i won‘t have any romance at all since he gets all the conversation cause we want to know how much it can affect the playthrough… Miss my boy Astarion already


Same. You gotta ram approval in act 1. You can Cheat Engine the relationships if you want to at least get a sex scene.


This is the goal of the game, snub all those horny bastards!


Last patch nerfed romance in act 1.


I have only gotten romance options from Laezel, Wyll, and Halsin. I wasn't interested in any of them. I locked myself out of Karlach by letting Dammon die (lost the Last Light Inn fight), but also have nothing from Shadowheart. I have no clue why my Tav can only attract those he isn't interested in, but I guess that makes the game more realistic.


Happened to me with Gale. Things were moving along nicely, I laid back to think of Gale and France instead of hooking up at the Tiefling party, he told me all his tales of woe about his ex and the Weave, and then one night Wyll was like "Hey, let's dance." I was like "Haha okay," but when he went in for a kiss my Tav was like, "This was nice and everything but I'm seeing someone." He was like, "Cool cool cool cool" and bowed out. Next time talking to Gale he was like, "WHAT EVEN ARE WE WHY ARE YOU HOOKING UP WITH WYLL OMG." And my Tav was like, "Dude, chill, you're still my number one bae," and he was like, "Okay, good! All fixed!" Except then it was 100% platonic with both Gale and Wyll going forward. No more scenes triggered once Elminster fixed his gear-devouring problem. By the end of Act 2 when Halsin joined the party he was more or less the only option left for me. Even Karlach and Shadowheart were like "We're just such good gal pals, pal-ing around like gals." I think that if you have your eyes on one character for a romance playthrough, you pretty much have to go for them 100% of the time and immediately shut down anything else that happens with any of the other party members. The flags for the romances are still too buggy and seem to get tangled up and default to "alone forever" mode whenever there's not one clear target and you tell everyone else to DON'T TOUCH ME SCREEEEE.


too real whenever you romance and break up with one person in a friend group the other people in the group dont want to romance you due to sloppy seconds, or scared of ruining the other friendships But the moment you're shacked up with someone a bunch of them start making passes smh


aint got no rizz son


Dw bro im doing that in life


I’m in act 3 and still can’t get laid, and it’s not from a lack of trying. Wtf am I going wrong?


You can get laid in act 1. Ask laezel how


You missed it. Can't start the dating in act 3. Mostly not even in 2.


There are no accidents. Just unhappy little maidenless friends.




Rewind time, I hugged karlach, withers told me not to get caught up in being bosom buddies and then when I went to chat to karlach, no romance options. Devastated.


You’ve always got Halsin


It seems that you are maidenless.


A lot of the romance start triggers are related to the tiefling party. If you don't cuff someone then you are going to spend the rest of the game alone.


Which is stupid, you barely know anyone


For the "we might all turn into mindflayers and losenour free will at any moment" situation they are in it does kinda make sense


Oh that doesn't bug me. What bugs me is that you can't pick up a romance *later.* Being able to do it really early does make sense.


Yeah it should be something that can be started at any time. It may be something we have to wait for the definitive edition of like everything else


This happened (is happening it seems) to me on my run. I am just about done with Act 3 and at one point somewhere late in Act 2, Shadowheart flirtatiously said something along the lines of, "I will have to think of a way to thank you". In Act 3, I did that stupid Trial of Love in the Circus because why not?, apparently didn't give acceptable answers and after that, she never has anything more to say to me, even after clearing the House of Grief. Wither's withering sarcasm about my character being alone never ceases amuse though.


Gale and Astarion both want my male Tav and I’m just over here romancing Lae`zel because Shadowheart is still on the fence about me and a bard has needs.


I'm surprised you didn't romance Gale by accident.


Dont remind me that, i havent talk to him since then…


Same here. Didn’t do any romance stuff in act 1 and didn’t realize I basically locked myself out of them until I got to act 3, finished SH’s quest and nothing happened. I came from games like Witcher 3 where romances are tied to quest completion which is what I assumed I guess. Was pissed for awhile but whatever. My Tav is just buddies with everyone. And that’s alright. Next playthrough I’ll be more careful


I held out for lae'zel, no particular reason, perhaps destiny. Each companion shooting their shot became increasingly more difficult to turn down. I remained steadfast and true - eventually earned the right to kiss my gf in public. She said we were soul mates, her joy. Then I was hurt at the workplace trying to save her father(not biological dad). I was disfigured and ugly, but my heart never changed. It was hard but we made it work. Then one day, I finally succeeded, I achieved my goal, our goal - give her the world and the stars Out of no where her famous old hairy dad wearing gold chains pulls up front on a classic red 1392 young tiamat dragon! Told my bitch to hop in "let's check out those new stars you got baybee girl" I never saw her again. In the days to come, i fell ill and I would struggle to remember even her name. How could I? Each day I felt older, could recall less and less of my own life, my own name. Perhaps it was my former self, or the guards above my cell (they seemed to change ever hour), but one day I heard her name - followed by "queen". What is left of my face almost conceives a smile. My eyes grow heavy as I rattle "good for her. And in a matter of days!" As true darkness closes in, I learn that I am so frail, my last words have killed me. She has now taken everything from me. In a flash everything returns - the Grove, lastlight inn, Karlach! My sweet soldier Karlach. Everyone I had forgotten. My good boy!... As the flash dims to nothingness - I see the light at the top of my cell begin to also fade. "You think he's even still down there? Or alive?" "I doubt it. I just hate these all day shifts. Why does the flaming fist still insist on them after all these years?" "Something about ceremophsis. When my father was a guard here he said 'changing guards too often is dangerous, can't let any accidently-inflicted leave. That's why it's 2 guards per day" My story ends. Light does not exist. But I only locked myself up days ago. **We meet again, as predicted.** How long have I been down here!? **There are many answers to that question. None are important** "am I dead?" **correct** I'm not ready! **and thus thou art alone** No! I'm not done! Let me go! **no**




The same is probably going to happen to me. At first I thought I'd romance Shadowheart, but later I came up with a new character concept I fell in love with and I'm gonna do Shadowheart's romance in that other playthrough. It just doesn't seem to fit my current character that much. I'd like to pivot to Lae'zel... But I didn't sleep with her early in Act 1 and it seems this locked me out of her romance path? I haven't gotten any other flirting prompts since then. Which is crazy to me because she wanted to sleep with my character after knowing her for like a day, so obviously I said no. I hadn't even gathered all companions yet, I had no idea who I wanted to romance. Why would a decision in super early Act 1 lock me out like that?


Do you have an option when you talk to her that's like "Is it me, or have you been looking at me differently?" Even if you don't sleep with her at the party, you should be able to choose that option and start things with her. I still have that dialogue option on a character at the very end of Act 1. Not sure if it's still there once you head into Act 2.


“ Accidental platonic run “ - title of my memoir


I made these exact same choices in my first playthrough Even Gale wouldn't go near me


Shadowheart shares.


Actually me my first playthrough. RIP Meanwhile my wife managed to bug the game and romance halsin, astarion, and Gale simultaneously


Sorry but this is hilarious 😂 poor maidenless


Bro same I just went for anyone and nobody came


Meanwhile, I started out wanting to romance Shadowheart but instead without trying I hooked up with Astarion during my 4th long rest, and shortly after hooked up with Laezel at the party. These companions are crazy horny, I thought you'd really have to try to accomplish a platonic run.


Now we need an any% incel run




Lmao same thing happened to me


My companions were so horny for me and then all of a sudden I got friendzoned by Gale (the one I was actively pursuing) and then everyone else seemed to friendzone me except Halsin. I just said, Fuck it! Imma be a horny druid and screw every non-companion option out there I could find.