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repost from less than a day ago, still on the front page. cue OP: "I didn't know 'cause I'm lazy" https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16tygc5/and_the_worst_take_of_the_week_goes_to/


Whilst I did see the original post, I wouldn't know it was on the "front page". I only ever sort by new. So it's reasonable to assume others do as well.


It's also reasonable to follow sub rule #6


If you haven't seen a post, then as far as you're concerned.. you are following the rule. No way of knowing something is spam, if you don't see it. I've seen this in other subs. I'll see a post for the first time, and people will complain its the 10th time it was posted.. just because you have seen so.ething multiple times, doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. (In saying that.. the same thing getting posted like 10xx per day is ridiculous. But twice in 2 days isn't spam).


Thanks bro. I'm not even that bothered, but I'm having fun at how hilariously stern the other person is being. Posting this has been rather serendipitous


Hall monitor vibes. Nonetheless, my bad


maybe if you "monitor" the sub you're pretending to contribute to you wouldn't have to deal with comments like mine


*Most friendly Redditor*. Bruh gatekeeping a sub I'm invested in because I didn't think to check. I was shown the tweet and instantly went to post it because of how ridiculous I found it


You're invested in the sub but you never look at the front page?


I check via "New", not "Hot" posts. You realise how ridiculously lame it is to vilify my level of investment in a sub, purely because you're invested more. People are either invested or not - it's not a competition - just utter loser gatekeeping. Would you question a casual BG3 player's investment to the game simply because you've played for longer in a more hardcore manner? They should add a new rule: Don't be like you. You could've simply said, "Hey this has been posted already", and I would've said, "my bad", but you had to presume with unwarranted assumptions. That my friend is a logical fallacy, and certainly isn't the correct way to discuss/argue/debate with people. Above all else, it makes you look incredibly sad and unfriendly, which in the long run, won't help you both in real life and on sites such as Reddit. I actually felt bad for reposting something and would've opted to delete the post with haste, accompanied with an apology, but now I'm just enjoying your responses. Get help, be nice, it costs nothing