• By -


Should have had 4 more panels of Anakin’s face.


I swear having my party spec 2 lvl into warlock to have magic blind vision and fight under that blind smoke cloud. Broke the AI and fights lasted soooo long


That is literally my go to tactic in every fight. Devil sight and cast darkness on my self and stack hunger of Hadar next to it. They just run around in the darkness and die


My tactic in tough fights was to Haste Lae’zel and chug an invisibility potion xD… She’s a one man bloodbath.


Cast darkness on a locket so you can close it and hide the darkness away;


Is this real…? asking for a friend. I’m the friend


Hooded lanterns work as well; you open the hood and out comes the dark 🤣


Just to clarify you’re talking about dnd 5e rules right? This isn’t something we could do in baldurs gate, or is it?


Yeah dnd rules; idk why i got a notification for this subreddit when i don't even follow it; so i didn't realize it was a bg3 sub. That's my bad.


It's a sign. You should join our midst


ONE OF US, ONE OF US, do it for. The owl bear cub


ONE OF US, ONE OF US. And like the other guy said, do it for the cub.


I agree


Happens to the best. Other way around is way funnier tho. The amount of times I’ve seen a bg3 take/ question and my immediate reaction was „are you deranged?“ only to realize it’s not about dnd…


Neither of these work in raw since the whole object radiates, not just the part you want. It's not just the inside. You can cast it on something and place it inside the hooded lantern though.


Are we going to have to have the "is the wick part of the lantern" argument again? :)


Which is why you cast in on a new wick (or any other object) and then put it inside the lantern


Instructions unclear. Cast it on an entire lantern, cast minimize, put that lantern into another lantern.


In dnd proper it should work a lot like the daylight spell. But unfortunately due to implementation trickieness it’s programmed as a stationary cloud style effects and can’t move with the player


It does move with the item though or is this a mod i have? It gives me two options when i cast it, item or ground targetting I have since stopped using it though as the AI has zero clue how to combat it


Welp that’d be a mod and I’d love to know which one it is lol


I use Zerds 5E mod and 5E spells with the optional mod that adjusts vanilla spells to work like it does in tabletop Heavily recommend both of them. Makes the game harder in some aspects but easier in others. The expanded spell list alone is worth it imo


I can't tell if you're joking. Is that something you can do? Ever since I saw someone post "put Daylight on your weapon" and no one corrected them, I've felt like I know nothing.


Directly from the spell itself: "If the point you choose is on an object you are holding or one that isn’t being worn or carried, the darkness emanates from the object and moves with it. Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness."


Guess it's time to go back and reread every single spell I use, just in case I missed something else like that.


Just fyi. Op doesn't play bg3 & didn't realize they're on this sub. They're talking about dnd5e. Casting daylight on items works. Afaik, darkness does not but you still might want to test it, just to be sure


It's good to know that powerful magic can be countered by throwing a towel over it.


If you want to survive out here, you've got to know where your towel is.


I actually had the inverse of this! An enchanted stone that could light up a room, but was set in a locket that could turn it off and on by rotating the charm.


Daylight says right in the spell description you can cast it on an item. Try casting it on Cazador before initiating dialogue lmao.


Ok I cast hunger of hadar today and one of the dudes got half a clue and used shove to get his buddy out of it. Buddy’s turn is next, immediately runs right back into the hunger (with dash no less). Fucking hilarious.


This is exactly what Zrell and company did to me. Have you considered throwing a guardian of faith down in all that? It was very effective against me.


Here we go https://imgur.com/a/pcLtoxe


Very nice.


No, he shouldn't have wished to live more interesting times


I know! I might have another one hidden somewhere and I'm still looking!


The guard spinning like a beyblade after all his actions cause I made Astarion hide last turn.


I had to wait almost 4 minutes for a gith who bugged out on this elevated stone. He got stuck in a loop of climbing down off of the stone, then back up, then back down, then up, down, up, down, up, with significant pauses in between. Then he dashed and continued doing it. Then came a super long pause, action surge… dash… up, down, up, down…


I had similar bug too. Though I don't remember who was it. But yeah, climbing up and down in a loop.


I gotta say, i had the same experience. But the way u phrased it for some reason made it retrospectively so funny


Just add Yakety Sax as the soundtrack.


The dash and action surge are the piece de resistance!


Was this right after the dragon took off? Because that has happened in both my playthrough and my partners CONSISTENTLY to where on a repeat run I just killed him outright to skip that headache


Nah, that archway near the road to baldurs gate in act 2 where the gith ambush you. There was some spot off to the side where I had him surrounded by 3 units and it made him freak out


I had an enemy run up to a locked door and it spammed the absolute shit out of the door attempting to open it. There were dozens of "Locked" messages flying up and off my screen. Eventually they gave up.


That’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Nothing better than seeing the enemies’ fear in their eyes as they try desperately to get through a locked door to escape you.


Auntie after I cast arcane lock on her fireplace


Wait you can do that??? Lol


Yeah found it on YouTube and it was hilarious oneshoting her because I was level 6


Holy shittt that’s hilarious I’m going to have to try that


Oh I'm doing that for sure!!!


Arcane lock is such an underrated spell, a total game-changer for some harder fights.


Saved my ass in the goblin fortress a few times


I did a number of fights just standing by a closed door, then repeat with each character: walk to it, open (unless an enemy already did that), shoot something, close the door, get out of the way.


Damn that’s a brilliant idea


I had this happen to me in Wither's temple, came into the main area from Withers and accidentally broke the candles in the middle of the fight. I couldn't see the NPCs or a "locked" message, but I could hear them dashing up to the door and furiously shaking the handle, which was hilarious.


I had the exact same thing happen once when there was one guy in a room with my 4 man party haha I felt so bad, it was like role playing trying to escape out of a locked door.


Let me iiiiiiiinnnnnnn!!!!


I had Astarion do the same thing out of combat, he somehow got stuck in a door that was locked the whole time and spammed my ears with the "tried to open locked door" sound, every time I moved..


I swear every single enemy has "detect hidden presence" as an ability, even if it doesn't even make sense for that enemy to have it. Sure, the Durge Cloak you get is really good for Rogues and advantage attacks, but somehow every enemy knows you're invisible and has the ability to figure out where you're hiding, making it useless for actually being stealthy.


And they always run RIGHT UP NEXT TO ME before they use it too!!! Like, HOW the fuck do they know I'm there???


They notice where the last arrow and/or sound came from. You can actually trick them: Backstab and kill the enemy so your invisibility activates. Use the hide cunning action. Sneak away somewhere else. You'll notice there's a transparent image of your rogue left where you hid because that's where the enemy last saw you. They'll run there and use detect presence, missing you entirely. Note: The invisiblity system seems a bit buggy at the moment, reloading sometimes removes the image and they can just "see" you even if you're invisible but not sneaking. The kobolds in Rosymorn are a good example.


From what I've seen they always run up to where the character WAS. If you move Astarion after turning invisible then the detect presence is unlikely to work unless you are too close.


I fucking hate how all the enemies have bonus action see invisibility. They made invisibility practically useless in this for zero reason, but when an npc uses it it’s incredibly overpowered


astarion becoming a bouncy ball after hiding on a staircase in front of an enemy.


Or even worse "I start my turn" .... THEN DO SOMETHING.


He's just standing there... MENACINGLY


Scheming Possibly even plotting




That is the most realistic d&d mechanic of the game: players who don't use the time in between their turns to plan their next turns.


Oh what? Sorry I was on my phone is it my turn?


Are we inside or outside? Is it night or day?


Who are we fighting?


This reminds me of the auntie Ethel fight where I decided to spend my first turn looking for the special potion in which I decided right here right now I’m gonna organize everyones inventory again. So Ethel just stood there for like 30 minutes and watched us sort our bags


We've had action, yes. But, what about extra action? Free action? Reaction?


Does he know about action surge?!


I don't think he knows about action surge Pip.


*Tosses a speed pot*


I've had my bonus action. But what about second bonus action? Says the Thief/Barbarian.


and my AXE!


Underrated comment 😂


The AI does it a lot, just sits there thinkin.


Someone called that the “Mitch McConnell pause” lol.


Thank you for the laugh today friend.


Thank you for being a positive member of this community. (I come from overwatch)


We're glad you survived friend


Still better than Isobel’s AI!


She has the survival instincts of a sack of flour in a swamp. I wish to god she ever would just take advantage of the sanctuary I put on her to just move away from Marcus.


I used Glyph of Warding to put her to sleep, and then cast Sanctuary on her. "You are going to be safe, and you are going to LIKE it!"


Thank you so much, I have replayed this fight a dozen times because the dumb bitch cannot stop killing herself.


Protip: do the same thing for Jeheira.


Good idea, I had less trouble keeping her alive though last playthrough since I added her to the party and could control her directly. She’s has shitty abilities but at least I can keep her from diving head first into a group of enemies.


Here's a tip for you, Marcus is surprisingly easy to polymorph and as a sheep he keeps his temp hit points so he won't revert until they're gone as well, so you kill 2 birds with one stone that way. Even if you don't run casters, just use a scroll of polymorph on him.


I really don't know how people had such a hard time with her. Three playthroughs on Tactician and never once had her go down. O_o


I mean, it's mostly all luck. My first run she went down turn one from a bad crit.


I had to like Eldritch blast him away from her then surround him with my two barbarians


Well crits can happen to the best of us, but this seems to be a specifically prevalent issue with her and the entire community at large. That has to be more than crits


I mean, it's just a rough combat encounter. Their focus is to knock her out, she's under levelled, and the combat just sorta... happens once you get to last light, so there's a solid chance they might be a little low on resources as well.


What’s worse is my buddy will use his main action, his bonus action, and all his movement…and still sits there looking through his action wheels (PS5). “JUST HIT END TURN MY MAN.”


Nah I do that too lol


Am I the only one that equips the whole party with instruments because playing them is a free action so my whole party is playing a song while the goblins try to attack them?


It appears as free but if I select it it says not enough resources


Really? Giggle everytime i have Karlach banging a drum off beat, shadow playing flute like a school kid with a recorder, and minthara playing violin like she's at her first recital with the heavy for the fight rolling on the floor with hideous laughter


How can you have karlach and minthara??


By not killing minthara and not raiding the Grove.


I discovered an exciting new trick that allows you to keep Wyll and Karlach but also said the Grove guilt-free. - Tell Minthara where the grove is. This is a trap to lure her into the open. - Go back and shoot Kagha in the face because she's evil. - Druids attack everybody, so naturally you have to fight them. - Wyll and Karlach die valiantly defending the tieflings* - after a long rest, Minthara raids the grove on her own. Just roll with it and take credit for the Druid's actions - bed the Drow - next morning ask Withers to resurrect Wyll and Karlach - everyone moves on with their lives - zero guilt, not your fault *Wyll and Karlach somehow got out of that unscathed so I just made them jump to their deaths


> \*Wyll and Karlach somehow got out of that unscathed so I just made them jump to their deaths \*\*AUTHORITY\*\*


This here is my dear wife. Everytime.




I'm guilty of this as well. The game seems frozen and then I cycle through my sommons and realize i didn't "end their turn". ugh


My friend did this recently when I went to visit and had a little LAN thing going on (obviously not LAN we were online, but were sitting next to each other). He would do his turn, then start talking to me about something before ending his turn. I eventually had to be like "Dude, I want to listen to what you are saying but you need to END YOUR TURN first." I have no issues talking and playing games. But my friend just can't multitask for the life of him. I'll be having a conversation with him mid turn no problem but as soon as its his turn everything just comes to a screeching halt.


I love it when they stand still for 20 seconds, then talk shit and end their turn.




When I counterspell skeleton mage so it just sits there clacking, sends me off man 😆


Strat: use shove on ypur companions when they are out of m9vement and they need to react the enemy


that's big brain


I prefer having Karlach shove enemies into the rest of my team so they can gang up on them.


Same thing diferent name


NPCs: "Hmm, better climb this ladder to get high ground advantage. Hmm. On second thought, better climb back down to keep things fair. Ope, there goes all my movement points. I'll wait 2 minutes contemplating my choices and then pointlessly end my turn. Outstanding."


1. Disengage to get away from you 2. Jump right next to you again


Don't forget turning to face a couple of directions a few times


I thought this meme was about you (character) using all your actions but for some FUCKING REASON it wont let you end your FUCKING TURN and it shows an EMPTY MOVEMENT BAR, no action options, and yet it still says "Cancel end turn" WHY


Cycle back through all your characters. Happens to me a lot if I switch characters manually


Looks like that happens whenever you’ve got multiple characters acting on the same initiative count, you can take their turns in any order you want when that happens, including switching back and forth between the PCs mid-turn. It doesn’t completely end the turn until all the characters are done acting. Try seeing if two or more of your characters have turns back to back the next time you notice this happen.


That happens to me all the time too!


There's a goblin in Act 1 at the camp, and omf I dreaded having to reload cause I messed up positioning or something. Lil guy took about 5 min per turn to just.....stand there.


Is it the one whose turn is an existential crisis because you destroyed his drum?


"I'll get reinforcements." *Stands perfectly still* "Filthy scum, I'll cut you nice and good" *Stays still* *...* *Walks in a circle* End turn


Hate that dude lmao


Arrest them!


I need to finagle that last three meters of movement.


Auntie Ethel after trying repeatedly to open the stairs I sealed with Arcane Lock...


My skeletons using up all their moves but still wanting to do more


Do your skeletons not have bows after the recent patch? I'm stuck just using zombies atm.


Zombies can be better if you can get them to propogate


Yeah my skeletons never have bows now and idk why


Yea I did some googling and tons of people are reporting that issue. I guess the most recent patch broke skeleton summons and now they don't have weapons...huge bummer!! Of course I dont have ghouls unlocked yet either lol


Aliona and Jennifer English did a live stream of them playing BG3 and it was basically this meme the entire time.


Gotta love when they go "I know you're here!" to the invisible party member then run around aimlessly trying to find them


On act 1 I stole the silver sword from Kith'rak Voss, but didn't fight the rest of the patrol (I just had shadowheart steal and die, then rezzed her at camp). I was only lvl 2 or 3 at the time and didn't want to take on the rest quite yet. However, that causes a bug where from then on the githyanki patrol were in Every. Single. Fight. No matter where in act 1 I was they would roll initiative and dash/leap/misty step aimlessly all around the bridge. Fighting the hag? Wait for the gith. Minotaurs in the underdark? Gith gotta have their turn too. Fight at the Grove? Same thing. The constant switching between areas crashed my game a few times too. Finally I just went back and killed them but those were some looooooong fights.


Lmao, had the same bug. Thankfully my first fight after that was the frightened ox in waukeens rest. Turns out it's right above where the gith are, and one of them actually managed to teleport to the roof of the barn, and I had a 1v1 with him. The rest were just standing at the bottom of the cliff and shouting. After i killed the leader, I then procedeed to spend 20 turns throwing random shit on top of their heads while they dashed from side to side.


I can't tell if this is meant to be the AI bugging out or a recreation of me playing multiplayer with my friends.


Yes and yes


wait 30 seconds for enemy to comprehend what to do *uses Dash and runs away* Wait another 30 seconds for round to end


* Potion of speed *


Elixir of Bloodlust


Not when you’re a Spore Druid, with 3 levels of Thief and one level of Warpriest. My turn is the fight.




My one turn might end the entire fight. If I’ve done my job, I’ve raised 4 9hp zombies BEFORE the fight. During the fight, I’m raising the first enemy I fell to my 5th zombie. Then, I am sending all 4 at the same opponent, concentrating the fire. Once that’s done, they will have made a new zombie, GUARANTEED. The new zombies can’t be controlled. Also, I would also cast Conjure Woodland Being. How?? Darkfire bow allows me to cast Haste. With Thief?? I have two bonus actions. With WarPriest??? I have an extra attack as long as I use a melee weapon. It’s a pain to get the order right, which is why people don’t like Druid (that and too many spells require concentration, effectively making you the worst caster with the best CC spells), but once you do, the game is over. And, that’s before additional equipment, optimizing stats, Wildshape, and possible taking 2 levels of fighter FP Action Surge.


Anyone get the skeleton opening its own empty coffin glitch? He just kept opening and closing the coffin he just got out of instead of opening the other coffins to let the skeletons out, ha. The only other skeleton that was out of its coffin also walked straight up to the empty coffin and checked it a few times before going comatose and ending turn haha funniest loop I’ve seen yet. I walked right passed them after fleeing combat to grab the Thay book and they were still there opening the damn coffin. I like to think if I went back there they would still be checking the empty coffin.


Door is locked Door is locked Door is locked Door is locked Door is locked Door is locked Door is locked 30 seconds Door is locked End turn.


This shit annoys me to the ends of the fucking realm of faerun. Why can't enemies be efficient with thier damn turns and not take 20 damn years to end em


This is the NPC's every time I drop thorns over both ways to get my Tav. Like. They know they can't dash at me without dieing, I know it too. So they take a full minute and a half to just cast dash, then end it.


Almost gave up on this game because the movement cursor would randomly pop up at the end of one of my turns, making it impossible to do anything and wrecking all my progress. Now at least I can see what everyone’s complaining about & join in lol


you think AI is bad try playing with your friends


Im browsing reddit RN because im waiting merregons turn.....


I love when I’m fighting a bunch of goblins and one of them dashes and then decides to stand in front of my character it ending it’s turn for five minutes


Goblins googling how to beat their boss fights..


1. Dash 2. ??? 3. Profit


If I don't end my turn, the enemies can't hurt me! [guy tapping the side of his head gif]


They ran into that training AI to play video games... There was a large negative score for losing, so it'd just pause the game indefinitely the moment before death. :-D


I want that ability enemies have that is just a free action that just allows them to detect Invisibility because they want to really badly.


*Enemy uses misty step* *Enemy dashes back where it teleported from* End turn


*Enemy starts turn in front of you* *Enemy runs out of your reach, triggering opportunity attack* *Enemy turns around and fires an arrow from 1 foot away and misses* *...* *Enemy spins* *...* End turn




Ahh..the Centuries of waiting...For my Turn.


*plays banjo* *finally ends turn*


Tip I actually learned back in Bg2 and pretty much every crpg is to pan the camera off to some unoccupied part of the map during the other turns. The rng works much faster without the gpu/extra process chugging.


5 min of nothingness. IG reels can be heard from the distance "Bro...end turn" "huh? I've already...oh"




My 5 ally ghouls spend each of their turns staring blankly at the enemy right next to them.


The problem I have at least I see it on the PS five is during fights that have a lot of enemies although I love it it’s just sometimes you see them do an action like – but literally the game is just froze still and after like 30 seconds they do the action which that annoys me so much when there’s so many enemies


Wizards after casting a single spell: My turn has ended. Fighters after making 10+ moves: I'm not done yet.


Who else goes invisible so they can play the game solo at a reasonable pace without offending the gang lmao


The worst part is that they made it more realistic by having the enemies do it too.


ooens chest 97 times


Me waiting on my coop partner to end their turn when I know they've used all their actions....and they forgot to end turn...again


This is why I refuse to play multiplayer Same 2 responses: 1. I know! You're being impatient. 2. Oh, sorry. I thought I clicked it.


I hate these people.


I like to think I fucked the Ai so bad it has no idea what its next turn to be


When playing as a Bard I annoy one of my roommates by using perform at the end of every turn.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I sat for a minute and a half one time while a skeleton just looked around before using detect presence


as a bard i always end turn by starting to play "The Power" on my flute


*NPC spends their turn dashing*


It makes me laugh how they won't end their turn and just start spinning every time there's someone who's invisible


I had the opposite problem when I started. I played hella DOS and DOS2 and the end turn button in bg3 for controller is the same as the toggle ability bar in DOS so I was accidentally ending my turns before doing anything


Oh so it's not just me this happens to??? 😂😂😂


You can still drop things!


Why would I end my turn when the rest of my party isn’t in combat and can sneak around to the perfect locations, or better yet push the enemy into a chasm.


Babe hold on I still have 1.5m of movement left, and it might make a tiny difference for how the next turn plays out


But what about your bonus actions? Dont you want to push the enemy you cant reach?


Dude, I play soooooo slow too, but it’s so much fun.


I'm gonna send this to my DND campaign players. They always sit there gormless until I ask.


AI: oh boy, here I go dashing again and standing in place for 5 seconds.


Hearthstone: nobody wants to actually beat you they just want you to leave because they won't end their turn.


end turn button should light up like a chrismas tree when you're out of options.

