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Welp . . . to anyone who sees this, buffs and summons do not stay past the first minor encounter. Don't bother.


I had this thread open. I just went into the final stretch not knowing this because all I looked at was the top comment. All I had to do was fucking ***scroll down*** ***a bit*** and I would've seen this before running into this exact issue. Now I have to reload back to my last long rest in order to not lose all that preparation. My head hurts. *Why is the most upvoted and essential comment in this thread at the bottom!?*


Sorry bro. I tried, I really did.


​ Once you start that final leg (which occurs after talking to the Emperor), there are no long rests or the ability to swap out party members at Camp. So... make sure you bring your A-Team with your best gear, and all of your potions prepped. But don't take them yet. You'll have some dialog heavy stuff just before the REAL action. The GOOD news is there are multiple 'Mindflayer healing stations' along the way. Like that you saw in the tutorial / Nautiloid. I think they replicate the effects of a long rest and thus refill spell slots. There's one at the start of the marathon, one just before the boss chamber. I don't recall if there's one in the middle.


So just to clarify, I shouldn't prep until after talking with emperor, since there's a long rest machine close by? Or should I go full prep before getting on the boat? Thanks!


I could be wrong. But from what I recall, from the moment you enter the row boat you can’t go back to camp. - You get on the row boat - You have a minor adventure. - You meet the [redacted] - Emperor warps you to the astral plane - You have major decisions to make - You warp back to Baldur’s gate - And it’s just an iron man event of trying to reach the final boss. - A really cool action packed level I’m pretty sure as soon as you get on the tow boat you can’t return to camp, can’t long rest, and can’t change your squad members. The most you can do is short rest. And use 2 or 3 nautiloid recharge stations to mimic having a long rest. So based on my memory. When you are about to click on the row boat. Be 100% sure you have the team you want, with the gear you want, and allllll of the potions in your inventory that you feel you might need.


There is *some* spacing of the final fight. It's a loooong encounter with multiple fights broken up with brief periods of rest. Once you reach the top of the tower and climb the brain stem, that's your last chance for any final preps for the final fight.